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1  Other / Meta / Re: Suggestion to add a new link in the « Profile Info » section on: April 07, 2024, 04:02:56 PM
Here is the link to every topic started by you and it's in your profile showing like this;
Show the last topics started by this person.
The only difference is the name, instead of "My Topics" as you called it, the forum chose to use: Show the last topics started by this person.
Thanks. Great suggestion! That is exactly what I am referring to. Problem is I do not see this link.
"Show the last topics started by this person"
Where is this link ?
2  Other / Meta / [SOLVED] Suggestion to add a new link in the « Profile Info » section on: April 07, 2024, 03:10:52 PM
So far I’ve posted several questions on BitcoinTalk
I see that when I click Profile I can get a quick access to all my previous posts,
by clicking on “Show Posts”.

I would find quite handy to be able to see a list of all my Topics that I initiated
It would be easier to refer back to a particular question,
instead of having to scroll through all the posts of all the topics I have touched.

So here is my suggestion:
                                          Add a link to “Profile Info” called My Topics.

Any thoughts ?
3  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / [SOLVED] What is the difference between an HD wallet and a Descriptor Wallet on: March 25, 2024, 03:44:42 PM
My suspicion is they are two different ways of expressing the same concept but I struggle to find confirmation to it.

I found this definition on the web from
Which IMO is a comprehensive explanation.
I also found this definition of the Descriptor Wallet from :,private%20keys%20to%20generate%20addresses.
Which is a bit too advanced for my modest brain size  Smiley

Can anylone pls post a simple description of the difference between those two concepts ?
4  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / [SOLVED] How can one make a Paper Wallet from a Descriptor Wallet ? on: March 08, 2024, 12:03:50 AM
I used to have a Public/Private paper wallet that I was printing from an offline html.
From the site I downloaded the html file and ran it on an offline computer.
From that computer I was able to generate Public/Private Bitcoin addresses
and print them on a sheet of paper that could fold in a convenient size.
That printed paper showed QR code for each the private and public key.
A very convenient tool.

Now that the new standard became Descriptor Wallet, the Private Key functionality is no longer easely available.
Now I have to find another convenient way to keep a paper backup Descriptor Wallet, idealy with QR code, as was previously available.

When one creates a new wallet from Bitcoin Core V26,
Is it possible to build a QR code of the actual wallet/private key/ as a solid backup paper wallet ?
How can I make a paper wallet from a Descriptor Wallet ?

5  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Is a newly migrated Wallet contain the same private key for re-funding ? on: March 07, 2024, 09:35:28 PM
How about the dumpprivkey?
.... unless your wallet is encrypted with passphrase you will need to use the command below to unlock it first before you dump the private key
walletpassphrase "my passphrase" 60
If this does not work maybe you did disable the private key during wallet creation? or this is a descriptor wallet?

This is so weird!
Here is how I proceeded.
1- I launched Bitcoin Core V22
2- Closed all wallets (there was only one)
3- Created a new blank wallet call OutletWallet
4- Launched from Console: importprivkey "Thelongkeywithnumbersandletters" "" false   -   Worked fine
5- Launched from Console: rescanblockchain             -     Was long but worked fine
           ---  At this point I am on V22 and I have a legacy wallet ---
6- Updated to V26 by simply copying all apps from the V26/bin folder
7- Launched Bitcoin Core V26    -    the OutletWallet loaded properly and showed proper amount of Sats.
8- Launched the Menu/File/Migrate Wallet     -    Worked fine
9- Launched the Menu/Settings/Encrypt Wallet. With a passphrase that I wrote down  -  Worked fine
           ---  At this point I am on V26 and I have an encrypted descriptor wallet because I Migrated it ---
10- Launched from Console: dumpprivkey. Got:  "Only legacy wallets are supported by this command (code -4)"
11- Launched from Console: dumpwallet "OutletWallet".   Got:  "Only legacy wallets are supported by this command (code -4)"

           ---  Following your instructions  ---
12 - Launched from Console: walletpassphrase "myPassPhrase" 60.  
Got "Error: running with an unencrypted wallet, but walletpassphrase was called. (code -15)"
Even though I did encrypt the wallet while on V26 !

So, the OutletWallet is not encrypted and dumpwallet still does not work.
An I can confirm that OutletWallet is a descriptor wallet for the "Menu/File/Migrate Wallet" is grayed/not available.

What I've I done wrong ?

Is it possible that while you are on Version 26, perhaps your wallet is a legacy wallet ?
In this case it could explain why you can dumpprivkey while I cannot.

6  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Is a newly migrated Wallet contain the same private key for re-funding ? on: March 07, 2024, 07:42:35 PM
I think to backup a wallet copying the wallet.dat file should be enough but if you want to backup the
private key or the master private key you can use dumpwallet command sample command below
dumpwallet "yourwalletsname"
For a single private key, you can use this command below.
dumpprivkey "bc1sampleBTCaddress"

These two commands do not work on the newer wallet version.
Both commands are stricktly functional on a legacy wallet
as per the Console feedback error code -4
7  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / [SOLVED] Is a newly migrated Wallet contain the same private key for re-funding on: March 07, 2024, 05:58:40 PM
I read this Subject from OP digital_mine:

And now I am running Bitcoin Core V26 with a wallet created on V22. Let's call it OutletWallet.
Everytime I open OutletWallet I get a warning message:
the legacy wallet type is being deprecated...migrate...
So, I proceeded with Migrate Wallet so that I can function with an uptodate Wallet on V26.

I still have my Paper Wallet with Public/Private key and QR code printed way back when I printed that sheet.

Will the new migrated OutletWallet still receive funds when I will utilize my QR code paper wallet to fund again ?

If I want a new paper document to backup my new OutletWallet, what informations should be printed so that I can retreive my funds in case of possible problems with computer or else ?  Is there a function in the Console that I can utilize to show such information ?
8  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Issue importing wallet from private key on bitcoin core version 25 on: March 07, 2024, 05:03:45 PM
It's your wallet.dat. You can't use importprivkey on a descriptor wallet which is the default wallet type in v26.0.
OK. I need to clearly understand this.

Yesterday I did an experiment. I installed Bitcoin Core V22 fully synced.
I was able to importprivkey and succesfully run rescanblockchain.
I could see my Sats. Then I updated to V26, just by updating the bin folder. I relaunched Bitcoin Core.
The wallet oppened and the amount of Sats were OK.

So, here is my comprehension, pls correct me if needed:
* Starting at V23, creating a wallet would not allow the importprivkey command.
* If a blank wallet is created with V22 and importprivkey, this wallet can, subsequently be opened with V23 and up.
* It is not the Bitcoin Core version that prevent importprivkey, but the type of wallet created from the appropriate version.

So then, if "it's in the wallet" Does that mean that if a wallet is importprivkey compatible, then a user could importprivkey in V26.
In other words: Is importprivkey functionality stricktly dependent on the kind of wallet and not the Bicoin Core version ?

9  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Issue importing wallet from private key on bitcoin core version 25 on: March 06, 2024, 03:52:17 PM
Back in January 2023 I created a Private/Public keys paper wallet with an Wallet Generator
website that has been copied to a local folder on an offline laptop (security oblige).
Lately (Jan 2024) I used this Paper Wallet to purchase a little bit of Bitcoin from a vendor machine.
I was eager to import the private key into an updated Bitcoin Core V25, as I’ve done this many times in the past for others, and myself.
The import procedure went smoothly.
Importprivkey “My1KeyWithLots494Of Upper5CaseAndNumbersAndLowerCase” “” false
Later, I encountered some issues with my Linux PC HDD and decided to scrap the whole
installation and re-installed Bitcoin Core (this time Version 26) with a freshly downloaded complete blockchain .
I was surprised to find out that I could no longer import my private key,
as I was getting the exact same error as digital_mine, OP.

Suffice to say, after reading this whole subject, I was quite surprised because just about 1 month ago,
I was successfully importing my private key without any issues, with Version 25.
After encountering this problem and read this whole post, I figured,
“let just install a previous version of Bitcoin Core, say V23” just to load my private key, as
I just did a month ago with V25. Nope! Didn’t work! Same error message.
The Questions:
Why did it work fine, last month ?
What was done such that I was able to load my private key ?

Is it possible that the original version of Bitcoin Core was V22 (being prior to V23) and compatible with importing private key, is the cause of the possible import?  I mean, the import in January 2024 was done with an upgraded version 25 from V22. V22 perhaps left some indications toward compatibility with the importprivkey and upgrading it to V25 didn't implement the restriction?  Following a complete HDD rebuild with a brand new V26 installation, got rit of the V22 possible import ?
10  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Is there a quick solution to Blockchain Rescan Failed ? on: March 04, 2024, 06:14:09 PM
The corruption in the sampled file above is probably due to a bad upload on Google Drive. Cause when I see it directly from the Fedora computer, the file is clean.
Anyway, I decided to completely erase the HDD and perform thorough test on it and reformat.
I want to be sure that this HDD is healthy before I spend more time adding data to it.
Thanks to all for your valuable inputs.
11  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Is there a quick solution to Blockchain Rescan Failed ? on: March 03, 2024, 06:01:29 PM
Did you experience any crashes of your system that might have corrupted your presumably external data drive?
If you perform a filesystem check, what's the result of that?
The PC is a Dell with an SSD 240GB and HDD 4TB. Both partitions DataD and DataE are on the HDD, 2TB each.
Bitcoin is on DataE with the whole blockchain.
Last week, after a request from Fedora 38, I proceeded with a system update.
The Fedora update went well and rebooted my machine. Now Fedora 39.
Right after the reboot the whole 4TB drive, both partition were invisible.
After some search I found the linux tool TestDisk.
I ran TestDisk and it found my drive back and performed some commands which brought back everything.
After that Fedora 39 could read the drive as before and Bitcoin was working, seemingly, fine.
Except, of course, the rescanblockchain error, which is most probably due to this drive lost after Fedora update.

I ran fsck, following your suggestion, with instructions found online.
I'm not proficient in linux commands, let alone deep understanding.
What I got is an error stating "Bad magic number in super-block" and a suggestion to run e2fsck - b 8193 or other sizes.
I remember when running TestDisk, it was found that the drive was of NTFS type.
Which correspond with the initialization when the drive was first installed two year ago.
So now I'm hesitant to run any transformation on that drive,
with my limited knowledge and potential negative consequences.
I definitely need guidance in that direction, if anything could bring the drive back to normal.

PS: will not accept more than 512k. No good for this debug.log file
Unless there is a way to grab the whole file as a single link, which I could not find.
12  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Is there a quick solution to Blockchain Rescan Failed ? on: March 03, 2024, 04:29:41 PM
Upload it to a file sharing service and post the link here.
I deleted the previous debug.log and re-started Bitcoin.
Then I performed a rescanblockchain. This is the debug.log file that came out.
It's a 20000 lines file with a Lot of "ERROR: ReadBlockFromDisk"
Strangely, Bicoin start OK and shows proper wallet balance.
Even more strange is the fact that in Menu/Help/AboutBitcoinCore, the version listed is 26 (cause I updated it)
Yet, the debug.log show version 25 ?
I'm eager to read you comments on this. thanks
13  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / [SOLVED] What is the proper procedure to update the Bitcoin Wallet ? on: March 02, 2024, 07:01:39 PM
Bitcoin-qt 25.0.0 with complete up-to-date blockchain has been running fine for a while now on a Linux Fedora PC.
I want to update to version 26.
When I go to I can download the Bitcoin-26-x86…tar.gz and verify that the file is genuine.
I proceed to uncompress the file and a folder emerge, containing 6 items.
4 subfolders are /bin, /include, /lib,  /share. As well as 2 files Bitcoin.conf and
These, I assume, are the complete package necessary to have a functional Bitcoin wallet.
Yet, Upgrade instructions on are as follow:,%2Dqt%20(on%20Linux).
How to Upgrade
If you are running an older version, shut it down.
Wait until it has completely shut down …,
then …just copy over …bitcoind/bitcoin-qt (on Linux).

Reading these instructions require a download, uncompress and
strictly copy one only file, the bitcoin-qt over the existing bitcoin-qt version 25.
At least, that is what I comprehend.

The Questions:
What about all the other files and folders from the download ?
Aren’t these important to complete the upgrade of my Bitcoin wallet installation ?
What is the proper procedure to update the Bitcoin wallet to version 26 ?
14  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Is there a quick solution to Blockchain Rescan Failed ? on: March 02, 2024, 06:53:18 PM
Please post the contents of your debug.log file.
I assume you want to see the debug.log file in the bitcoin folder ?
That file is relatively huge:  10 MB that's a lot of lines ! 61166 lines, to be specific.
Probably due to a "rescanblockchain" from yesterday.

Is there a way I can attach a file on this post ?
15  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Is there a quick solution to Blockchain Rescan Failed ? on: March 02, 2024, 06:12:30 PM
run Bitcoin core with "-rescan"? It won't take too long to rescan depending on your unit specs.
I tried to call from Terminal : "bitcoin-qt -rescan" , but I guess this is not the correct method for
I am getting a "command not found" error.
Then it is offered to Install a package "bitcoin-core-desktop", which I answered No, for fear of breaking something.
Can you pls indicate how to properly call "bitcoin-qt -rescan" ?  Thanks
16  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / [SOLVED] Is there a quick solution to Blockchain Rescan Failed ? on: March 02, 2024, 05:46:44 PM
Bitcoin-qt 25.0.0 with complete up-to-date blockchain as been running fine for a while now on a Linux Fedora PC.
I closed the wallet and created another one, just to contain some funds from a paper wallet.
After "importprivkey" the wallet started to rescan the whole blockchain, which took quite a long time.
In the morning a "Rescan failed" error was on the screen.
Although, the funds where available. After a second attempt, same error.
Then, I closed that new wallet and re-openned the original wallet. Repeated the "rescanblockchain" and the same error popped-up again.

It appear the error is not dependent on the wallet, since both wallets do the same thing.
Error message:

I search this forum for potential solutions but none came out.

The Questions:
1- Is there something I can do to remedy the situation other than download the whole blockchain again ?
2- Could that error have an impact on further transactions ?

I'd like to avoid having to download the whole Blockchain again, that will take a long time.
17  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: myNode support on Telegram. Is it awful ? on: March 02, 2024, 01:22:59 PM
That telegram link isn't mentioned on, so it's fake support.
Actually, it is mentioned. See image:

That is one more argument to make me doubtful. If the official web support page mention this Telegram link, then one more reason to believe it should be legitimate.   Oh! furthermore, I now remember that the suspicious guy who ask to enter my the details about my wallet, his name was listed on the right panel on the Telegram app. where, supposedly all officials of the myNode channel support team have their name listed. That is really weird.

I haven't conducted my second attempt yet. But I will post the results here when done.

As for the other problem with BTC_RPC_Explorer, well, no it is not solved yet. I'm working on it, but I'm getting out of ideas at this point. I've tried all you guys suggestions with no success so far. The main issue seems to be that upon restart of the RPC, the edited .env file gets rewritten back to original.

As far as setting up everything by myself, the basic reason I wanted to go with myNode is because I've read so many good things about it. But with such poor support resources I now reconsidering. myNode look so good when running. I have the OS installed and I must say, there as been a lot of effort in this program. It looks very swell and well thought.
They do offer a paid version for which it is said to have priority support. $99 is not the end of the world but if that support is done via Telegram on that channel, I cannot consider giving them my money.
18  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: myNode support on Telegram. Is it awful ? on: March 01, 2024, 11:08:10 PM
Is it the representative or just another person who joined the same telegram channel?
I have to bring some precision to the story.

One, when that happened I was a bit shocked and my immediate answer was to question him about who could be stupid enough to transmit such details... And then I deleted the whole contact and un-installed the Telegram app from my Windows7 PC. Which means I cannot go back and verify who that was.

Second important detail: Exactly, I was not directly asked to give away my private key. Here is what happened:
I was asked to navigate to this site:
Then, I was supposed to click the "Connect Wallet" link button
From that page I was supposed to choose a "Wallet". I chose the Bitcoin Wallet.
At this stage I immediately became very suspicious.
Particularly when the web page is requesting your seed phrase.
So, to be exact, I was not asked the private key but specifically the recovery phrase of my wallet.
Which IMO is exactly the same. With the recovery phrase anyone can get access to my funds !

So that is the story.
I am tempted to repeat the process with a fake id and fake wallet with $5 , as you suggested.

Here, a screenshot
19  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: myNode support on Telegram. Is it awful ? on: March 01, 2024, 08:38:47 PM
Is this the telegram you have ask for support?.
That is the Telegram channel in question. Surprisingly it looks so legitimate. I'm not sure what to think anymore.
Perhaps some dude registered on that channel and tried some shenanigans.
The thing is, more that one attempt to get support lead me to become suspicious.
What is your opinion of the channel at first look? Try them out with some questions perhaps.
20  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: myNode support on telegram. Is is awful ? on: March 01, 2024, 07:00:47 PM
I've had my own node for a while now.
I am trying to get myNode ( the OS ) to run properly.
myNode is a Bitcoin full node and Lightning network implementation with many other apps including an Electrum server and BTC_RPC_Explorer, among others.
After installing myNode OS on my mini PC, I'm having some technical difficulties starting some of those apps.

And yes, of course, I will never give my private key to anyone. Especially one who insist the "procedure is safe" after arguing with him such a silly thing to do.

This Telegram channel myNode is supposed to be the support channel for myNode.
But I am forced to conclude it is a big scam.
Thanks for the chat mate.
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