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101  Economy / Economics / Re: Money addiction on: May 27, 2024, 05:33:40 AM
A fact. From a better point of view, many people are just aware of how high the market price of marketable goods have increased and being addicted to "make money" became their coping mechanism. Many people by now are even having two to four jobs at the same time. Well, if it works for you then that's good but you should also be checking your health on a daily basis 'coz it might be taxed with that drive, if you're one of these people.

Many people are also becoming innovative and embracing the risk of starting up business and investment plans, to again generate a bigger source of income. Addiction on earning more money might sound good to some people but limitations should be always considered. Keep in mind that anything which is too much is bad. Addiction in any form should be conditioned or regulated by the one who's becoming problematic.

Yes, that's right, bro, excessive actions are not good, because anything that is done excessively will produce bad results, for example, excessive nights out and taking excessive drugs will also harm ourselves, because if we are addicted to excessive money, it will make us miserable, because there is nothing about money, all actions must be related to money, this is all the beginning of our own harm, look for enough money according to our needs, don't let everything about our social life disappear because we are addicted to money, money will also make us we will be in trouble, a lot of money will also make us uncomfortable with our condition, the most important thing is our health is the most important thing, it's useless to have a lot of money but if we are sick, over time the money will run out because we can no longer make money because our bodies are weak pain.
102  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Looking to buy huge Bitcoin on: May 27, 2024, 05:12:52 AM
Why are you here looking for someone who will sell $5–10 million worth of bitcoin to you? Do you even think anyone will trust you or take you seriously? Why can’t you just visit any reputable exchange of your choice and buy any amount of bitcoin you want to buy from there? If you want to accumulate so much bitcoin, then you should already have a proper knowledge of bitcoin, so you will know the appropriate exchange to make use, and other things to do.  Your account was created today, and you decide to make this post today and you think anyone will even trust you.

Yes, that's right, bro, there's no such thing as buying bitcoin at such a cheap price. Believe it or not, today's price is soaring, if you really want bitcoin at a cheap price, just wait until the price of bitcoin really goes down, don't ask other people for that price, it's not there. who believe in what you say, because if you are just a beginner it is better for you to learn first what you want, first learn what you mean, because for us who are just beginners we both have to learn what we want to learn and we know.
103  Economy / Gambling / Re: House Edge on: May 27, 2024, 04:54:43 AM
Just a small correction, a provably fair game hasn't to be open source as you suggested. All you need to know as player to verify the fairness of a game is how the outcome is determined and the variables used to determine this outcome.
Also, you can verify all the results at any time you want. So, it will be easy to know when the casino start manipulating the results.

Yes, bro, talking about casinos, in my opinion, it's a matter of luck and we can be clever so we don't get cheated, sometimes there are also those who jump into casinos with high passion and have a lot of capital and the way of playing can't be mastered carefully so they can easily be cheated. casino games because not only do they benefit us because casino games in my opinion are already high level games for senior gamblers with enough experience and are not easy to trick, because they also usually have a backing at the back so they can't be cheated by them, that way it will make him profit and cannot be cheated by mere trickery.
104  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: [Merit] Share your best local board posts/topics on: May 21, 2024, 02:43:32 PM
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105  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Apakah konflik di Palestina tidak dikatagorikan sebagai pelanggaran HAM berat,? on: May 21, 2024, 02:31:05 PM
Mungkin karena masyarakat kita melihat cara tersebut tidak efektif menghentikan Israel. Walaupun dalam beberapa media menjelaskan adanya pengaruh pada ekonomi Israel tapi nyatanya mereka tetap terus berperang. Bahkan semakin hari, mereka semakin massif menyerang Palestina. Bukan hanya di Gaza, Israel juga melakukan invansi ke wilayah Palestina yang lain. Perlu dukungan dari pemerintah kalau mau masyarakat kita ini tetap meneruskan boikot.

iya gan, sungguh sangat kejam mereka itu yang tidak memiliki hati nurani dan tidak berperi kemanusiaan  karna mereka itu dengan sengaja ngebom bangunan rumah sakit, rumah sekolah, dan juga menembak anak kecil yang tidak berdosa, sungguh tidak berperi kemanusiaan, mereka juga melaporkan kepada pbb bahwa sanya palestina yang bersalah, padahal jelas-jelas mereka yang telah merebut tanah dan wilayah palestina, seolah-olah tidak merasa bersalah, saya sangat setuju dengan adanya anjuran dan himbauan untuk boikot semua produk yang bekerja sama dengan israel, jika kita tidak bisa membela mereka langsung ke sana setidaknya kita bantu mereka dengan tidak lagi membeli produk merek dan yang bekerja sama dengan nyan.
106  Local / Trading dan Spekulasi / Re: [Untuk Newbie] Alasan Untuk Tidak Trading Uang Pinjam on: May 21, 2024, 02:19:51 PM
Saya juga sering merasakan hal ini Om. Karena keasyikan berdagang sampai lupa untuk memutuskan kapan waktunya beristirahat. Hasilnya yah harga koin-koinnya pada berjatuhan dan terpaksa harus menahan untuk jangkan waktu lama. Tapi alhamdulillah, penantian selama beberapa tahun itu memberikan keuntungan yang besar karena untungnya, saya menahan koin-koin yang bisa balik arah dan naik tinggi.

Dari situ, saya mencoba untuk belajar lebih banyak. Kalau sudah dapat keuntungan yang memuaskan, saya belajar untuk berhenti dulu sambil mengamati kondisi pasar. Kondisi pasar tidak selamanya akan naik tinggi tapi akan ada saatnya kondisi pasar berada di posisi bawah. Itu akan menyakitkan kalau kita membeli koinnya di harga tinggi. Intinya jangan terlalu serakah mengejar keuntungan karena pasar pasti berbalik arah dan jangan berdagang menggunakan uang pinjaman karena resikonya besar.

iya gan, resiko dari uang hasil pinjaman untung trading sangat tinggi, lebih baik memakai uang seadanya tetapi pasti dan tidak ada resiko ketika harga mulai turun, dan yang paling utama adalah kita trading dengan pengetahuan bukan dengan ikut-ikutan yang nantinya kita rugi dan membuat stres sendiri akibat kecerobohan sendiri, beda dengan kita yang memiliki banyak modal ketika harga mulai turun kita ambil jalur jangka panjang sehingga kita tidak rugi dari segi materi cuma rugi dari segi waktu karna harus menunggu terlalu lama, dan trading juga harus dengan konsisten, setiap hari kita harus memantau pergerakan grafiknya jangan sampai setelah kita trading lalu kita abaikan begitu saja.
107  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [HELP]Bantuan untuk menaikkan Rank (Newbie s.d Hero) V.2 [UPDATE] on: May 21, 2024, 12:16:34 PM
Salam silaturahmi dan salam sejahtera bagi kita semua.
Semoga selalu sehat wal'afiat dan selalu diberikan kelancaran dalam melaksanakan aktivitas sehar-hari.

Pada kesempatan kali ini ijinkan saya untuk mengajukan beberapa postingan untuk di review oleh rekan-rekan SFI.

Mohon arahan dan bimbingan dari rekan-rekan semua!

108  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: [Merit] Share your best posts/threads with Fillippone to be merit assessed on: May 21, 2024, 09:02:51 AM
Round 1

Re: Risks to take in marriage
Category: Opinion
Board     : Politics & Society

Re: Education and the development of skills
Category: Opinion
Board     : Politics & Society

Re: Politicians and false humility
Category: Opinion
Board     : Politics & Society

Re: Do we really plant trees?
Category: Opinion
Board     : Politics & Society

Re: Newbie traders, work on yourself.
Category: Opinion
Board     : Trading Discussion
109  Local / Trading dan Spekulasi / Re: Mentalitas yang kuat juga diperlukan dalam trading jangka panjang on: May 21, 2024, 08:18:16 AM
Ya mentalitas yang kuat merupakan salah satu aspek yang mesti dimiliki oleh seorang trader sebab ini akan sangat berpengaruh kepada keputusan yang mungkin akan diambil ketika memiliki suatu kondisi pasar yang terkadang tak menentu. Selain itu hal yang membuat mentalitas seseorang menjadi baik juga disebabkan oleh kecukupan modal yang memadai artinya ketika seseorang terjun ke pasar trading maka ia tidak akan terlalu gugup dan bisa saja mampu melewati situasi yang menegangkan sehingga mampu bertahan hingga pasar kembali normal dan bahkan mampu mendapatkan keuntungan.

iya bener gan, mental yang kuat adalah kunci utama untuk kita yang melakukan trading dengan masa panjang, mental menentukan seperapa kuat kah kita untuk menghadapi semua rintangan karna tidak mudah kita lewati kalau kita ambil jangka panjang, akan terbesit didalam hati kita apakah akan untung atau rugi, disaat harga sedikit turun kalau kita tidak kuat mental pasti kita akan mengambil tindakan dengan gegabah sehingga kita rugi, kita panik dengan turun harga sebuah koin padahal kedepannya akan naik jauh lebih tinggi, kita juga harus konsisten menjalani itu semua karna dengan kita konsisten kita akan menikmati itu semua jangan pernah kita ikut-ikutan kalau tidak bener-bener paham akan trading lebih baik jangan memulai dulu, lebih paik sebelum memulai pelajari dulu tentang itu semua agar minim kerugian.
110  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: Token meme ada masa depan?, layak di beli? on: May 21, 2024, 08:08:06 AM
Tidak ada jaminan toke meme menjadi ada masa depan yang cerah seperti coin lain,coin meme sangat fluktuaktif setiap saat mereka bersinar saat hype terjadi setelah itu lansung dump.
Untuk menyimpan banyak coin meme dalam waktu jangka panjang harus berpikir lagi karena tidak ada jaminan suatu meme coin akan tetap bertahan pada harga yang lagi hype.
Jika merasa layak untuk mencari profit dalam jangka pendek silahkan pilih satu satu yang memiliki prospek yang baik.

iya gan, kalau di coin meme memang tidak menjamin untuk kita beli dengan jangka panjang, kadangkala harganya turun drastis dan tidak naik-naik lagi, yang ujung-ujungnya rugi, kalau memang mau ambil yang jangka panjang bisa beli di bitcoin walaupun harganya sangat tinggi, tetapi koin itu jelas naiknya dan layak untuk kita beli dengan jangka panjang, ambil yang pasti-pasti saja, meme dengan koin doge sebenarnya untung, tetapi itu untung-untungan juga, dikala kita beli dengan harga standar kita berharap naik tetapi turun bukanya naik, dan doge pun agak lama kalau dia naik dengan harga tinggi, tidak bisa kita prediksi kapan dia akan beneran naik.
111  Local / Topik Lainnya / Re: Kita harus mencintai dan menikmati proses on: May 20, 2024, 10:39:40 AM
Betul tuh gan begitu,memang dua-dua nya juga patut kita banggakan dan syukuri karena semua nya juga memakai proses,yang orang tuanya sudah kaya raya serba kecukupan juga kan mereka juga untuk mempertahankan kekayaan nya itu perlu pondasi yang kuat supaya tidak goyah apalagi sampai menghilang.
Intinya setiap perjuangan dan proses menuju kesuksesan itu perlu tekad yang kuat dan berpikiran positif, insyaallah apa yang kita perjuangkan tidak akan sia-sia dan akan mendapatkan hal yang kita inginkan, supaya cita-cita semuanya tercapai dan terpenuhi.

iya gan, tetapi biasanya pekerjaan anak itu ada pengaruhnya dengan pekerjaan ayahnya, misalnya kalau orang tuanya dari kalangan ASN pasti orang tuanya mendorong anaknya menjadi ASN dan di kuliahkan dibagian pemerintah dan sejenisnya, kalau orang tuanya pengusaha atau pembisnis otomatis anaknya juga di dorong kedalam dunia pengusaha dan sudah di ajarkan ilmu pengusaha sejak mereka masih duduk di bangku Sekolah karna biar ada penerus usaha milik orang tuanya kedepan, tetapi tidak semua kayak gitu, tapi kebanyak seperti itu, karna semuanya itu sudah terbiasa dari kalangan keluarga merek, dari kecil mereka sering jumpa sama rekan-rekan kerja orang tuanya masing-masing jadi ilmu itu menyerap kepada si anak kedepannya.
112  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Newbie traders, work on yourself. on: May 20, 2024, 10:27:10 AM
It's better if we don't have to follow their recommendations, the steps we take are better if we take their knowledge, Before jumping into trading on the market, what techniques do they use and then we learn or shop for ourselves autodidactically, don't just rely on 1 person to learn the techniques, look for other sources of information such as YouTube. If we are confident in the knowledge we have, then you can start and we need to remember that we must know that the risks are very big. Successful traders will definitely go through their difficult times to survive and make a profit.

It's best if we don't really understand or are proficient with what we want to do, it's better to take definite steps, don't let our carelessness make us lose for unclear reasons, understand first before starting because it's better for us to trade when we already understand what it means. what we have to do and what action we have to take when the coin price starts to decline, don't let us take action rashly, it will result in us going broke, aka losing in vain because of our carelessness because we don't understand how it works, trading is not as easy as we imagine, The risk of loss is very high, so don't take the wrong action so that it makes us emotional when prices start to fall.
113  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: How to become a successful trader on: May 20, 2024, 06:21:36 AM
Focusing on the process is very important likewise focusing on the profit you are making in the process. The profit you make in the process determine how good the process is going and how long you should adopt the process because if the process is not given any profit, then you should consider changing another process that will give you more profit because the benefit of every trader is to make profit irrespective of the process.

On focusing on the process, you need to invest little amount or any amount you can afford to lose while monitoring the process.

Every job, whatever it is, has its own risks, it depends on what we want, so in the process we must first understand what we are doing and what we are working on, so that it doesn't make us fail in the process because we don't know what to do. what we are doing, because we don't really understand what we are doing, so understand it first before making a decision to reduce risks that we don't want, in trading what we have to apply is to be consistent in developing our business which we have worked hard to start from the ground up. to become what it is now, and the most important thing is our financial management, don't let us underestimate financial management which will result in bankruptcy.
114  Economy / Economics / Re: Insurance is important on: May 20, 2024, 06:09:54 AM
Indeed, insurance is very important because we don't know what will happen to our bodies in the future. for developing countries, where there are more middle to lower economic groups, therefore many have difficulty paying premiums, but the government is trying to find options to ease the burden on its people, many systems are being implemented to provide health services to remote villages

Yes, it's true, we all need life insurance, because with insurance we are more or less helped when we experience a disaster, we don't know when the disaster will come to us. With insurance, at least we have guaranteed costs for medical treatment and for our lives, but What is unfortunate is that families from middle to lower economic levels are quite burdened with their installments, because they have difficulty with their daily living expenses, their income is less so it is quite difficult for them to pay their own monthly contributions.
115  Economy / Economics / Re: If you want to be wealthy you need action on: May 20, 2024, 05:55:59 AM

Success belongs to those who always try even though they often fail. In the process, failure becomes something that will definitely be achieved, while success is only a possibility, depending on the efforts made. If it turns out that just one failure has made you give up, then don't ever hope that success will come. Because we never know when success will come, therefore create and take advantage of every opportunity that comes, no matter how small.

We need to remember that great surfers are not born from small waves, but from big waves. and I never imagined that to be able to make big and high waves, I would have to fall and be swept away many times. Likewise, when we are trying, in the process we often encounter failures, problems and difficulties, but believe that failures, problems and difficulties will make us more mature and stronger. "The bigger the dream we want to achieve, the bigger the difficulties we will face, and be prepared for that."

Yes, bro, because achieving success is not easy, each has its own process, we have to be willing to go through it all to achieve success, success is not just about money, success can come from wherever we want to achieve it, success in achieving wealth with be more active in working and opening a business or business consistently and not following other people, it must be with our own stance, because no matter how we live, other people judge us, we just have to try as hard as possible without having to listen to other people who judge us. don't like us, just take the good side and throw away the bad, the more successful people are, the more obstacles and challenges there are, because the longer a tree is, the stronger the wind it hits, and the same goes for our lives.
116  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: No risk no gain on: May 19, 2024, 11:34:17 AM
Well, it is very important they know what they are doing because choosing to invest won't just lose our money but also our efforts. So many people invest in Bitcoin but badly end up losing their money and become scam victims because they even don't know what is the right thing to do. We know they are taking risks but their approach is wrong which still makes them suffer losses instead of making a profit.
A lack of knowledge and self-preparation are factors that affect our investment journey as we can't hide the fact committing mistakes will send us to unbearing scenarios that we can't forget.

Yes, bro, because in every job we do there is a risk, each of us must be ready to accept that risk, in the process there are also risks, but we have to learn from the mistakes and failures that we have received so far, in this way we have to be stronger in what we have to do. we will get through the future because investing is not as easy as we imagine, everything has its own risks, we just have to be able to not accept the risks ourselves, investing is not just about profits, there are losses too, so don't ever be rash in taking action before we really do it. understand what investment is.
117  Economy / Economics / Re: This Will make you rich on: May 19, 2024, 11:21:13 AM
yes I am in support of your theory getting rich is something of hardworking because if you are not hard working I don't think that there is any password that you can get rich getting Riches based on strategies based on thinkings and also based on plan reschedule so that is the only element that will make you to make money in life is when you are Focus when you are innovative when you are strategist

Yes, bro, success has a process, every achievement we achieve has a process, the process is not easy, everything has its own obstacles, never dream of becoming rich, if we are lazy to try to become and achieve it, it's because of a The process will not betray the results, each result must have its own process, so if we really want our lives to be better than now, from now on we can prepare to achieve it.
118  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: What ways can a trader raise money? on: May 19, 2024, 11:07:40 AM
It is not easy to become a reliable trader, they definitely go through a process that is not easy, this choice all depends on each person's style which they prefer in investing to get optimal profits. Of course, I personally prefer a long term for investing. For Op, if they are not sure about their knowledge about trading, they are advised not to play there, let alone ask someone you know to give them some of the money you have to play there. Even if someone you know is good at trading, the possibility of being lost is very high, think again. No matter how skilled a trader is, they cannot control the market, even though they are equipped with the knowledge or indicator techniques they use in trading.

I agree with your opinion, everyone predicts but not necessarily they can control market prices, because market prices keep changing in an instant, if you are confident in trading it means you are ready to accept all the risks, both profit and loss because every time you take action Of course we have to be prepared for the future risks that we have to accept too, trading is not as easy as what we think, but if you have started trading, the most important thing is to be consistent in carrying it out, don't take action rashly which will make yourself the worse make a loss.
119  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: What should newbies do in trading? on: May 18, 2024, 11:07:45 PM
Controlling emotions when trading is of course very important in order to be able to analyze the market well and be able to make profitable decisions on the trades we make. Those who cannot trade without emotions will of course find it difficult to get good results from the trades they make. and we often see those who cannot control their emotions when trading, of course they will lose more in the trades they make, when someone has decided to trade in crypto, of course they must be able to accept the risks they will incur when they make mistakes that are detrimental to themselves.

Yes, that's right, bro, because we, as beginners who want to trade, must first learn the knowledge about trading, don't be careless, we are the ones who lose, not other people, learn about the ups and downs of charts and learn to gain knowledge from friends who are hero members or the like, because if we Once we understand the trading procedures, everything will be made easier and we also understand future predictions, so don't be careless in taking action, you still have to be knowledgeable and consistent.
120  Economy / Economics / Re: How safe is it to keep your money and gold underground? on: May 18, 2024, 07:11:42 PM

This is not a guaranteed way to pass down wealth from the old generation to the new. Several gold stashes have been discovered not by their kino of which some are only discovered when the new owner of the house tried renovating.

The older generation are also very careful in giving away their gold stash to their sons and daughters because they have not taught them well about money. Or they're just not trusting people.

Yes, bro, in my opinion it is also not effective if we have quite large assets and we store them underground, it is better to store our assets in a large bank and if there is a deposit route, it is better to just put them in deposits because in a few years our money will continue to grow in yield. from bank interest sharing, because it is clear and profitable there, instead of having to plant it in the ground and later it will disappear by itself, if we have that kind of price, why do we have to keep it in the ground? It's better to take the path where our assets are safe and have a stable price, rather than planting it in the ground the price will not increase in value, that's why we should never plant our wealth in the ground, it's better to take a profitable path rather than a path that has no benefits.
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