I would like to know your opinions on the most promising ICOs ending on 28. February the latest. But i want really constructive conversation, not just: "ABC is the best, because they cost only 0,05$ and supply is only 10M so they are bound to rise." No, that is not a constructive communication. So i am setting up some rules. Please share your opinions in this form:
Name of the ICO: Project field: (for example travel, games, etc.) ICO start/end: ICO price:
Now under those basic information, please first write brief summary. What does the project offer? Do they bring something revolutionary? What is it about?
And then, in second paragraph, write your opinion. Why did you get in the ICO? Why should anyone else?
Lastly, please don't post things like:"I expect 20000% by the end of the month." No, you don't, you just want others to pump the price and you wil lget out much sooner.
At least you also ask to include the link of bounty ANN or ICO thread, I'm also looking for references to the next bounty in this thread.
What would be your strategy to get from 30k to 1ml? Do you think its possible?
Of course it is possible, with 30k of yours you can start investing for some kind of coin that has the potential price to go up by the time you want to take your investment back. With a note you need a guide to start it if you're a beginner
Winter is the best time to buy. Right now all the markets are going down, and crypto especially, as the Chinese New Year is coming soon.
I think this year, Chinese new year will not affect the price of crypto. the news China is in crisis policy of crypto money. but I dont know if on the day of celebration, the crisis can dampen.
soon many will legitimize cryptocurrency, do not worry about it. many countries forbid taking it as a threat to the value of their own currencies, but not for the residents who have felt better since pursue the world of cryptocurrencies
Sangat susah gan, emang betul2 perlu berpikir keras untuk membuat topik atau balasan yang termasuk konstruktif dan memiliki nilai informatif.
Have a good fight. A little advice, I think it takes a better handling of the marketing department. Like hiring experienced people or teams, who can then create the right strategy to improve marketing problems.
you're right, marketing strategy is very important to think about. And dont hesitate or afraid to recruit people who master this field. Because they also have a reputation that must be at stake while working and will do the maximum. I think it will have a good effect on companies in the end if wanna recruit them.
Ether could easily hit $1000 mark before 2018. The way alt coin price jumping up.. you never know..
Not any coin can jump easily. All coin need more demand to grow more like bitcoin did. In 2017 end, etherium will probably hit $800. It is being so hard since the demand is stuck so the price just hit $700 and correction again. Now is 2018, the price of ETH has reached more than $ 1000. this also has experienced several times the price reduction.
Dear members I have some coins: BTC, LTC, NEO, DBC. I am now wondering with this dumping market. What should I do now? hold, buy more or sell? Pls give me an advice : Maybe you just hold two of them, BTC and LTC. for the other two I think it has a bit of potential to be difficult to rise in price in one year. you better sell them.
mungkin dari segi positifnya merit sih kita jadi berusaha untuk selalu membuat posting yang berkualitas dan bermanfaat untuk orang lain. tapi kalo dari segi negatif menurut saya sih meskipun kita sudah membuat postingan yang bermanfaat tetep sulit untuk mendapatkan merit. saya berharap sih ada tim khusus yang nantinya akan memberi merit untuk orang yang membuat postingan berkualitas.
Semoga tidak hanya postingan milik Member keatas saja yang dilirik, adik2 kita Jr. dan newbie juga tidak luput dari perhatian. yang mana mereka membutuhkan merit2 itu, tentunya yang memiliki postingan berkualitas. tidak asal memberi sMerit
Akhir-akhir ini saya sering memikirkan bagaimana jika dengan waktu yang sangat singkat tiba-tiba bitcoin tidak bernilai lagi bahkan tidak berlaku lagi/hilang, dan yang jelas aset ratusan juta para user bitcoin lenyap. Apakah anda pernah berfikir seperti ini?, apakah anda akan terima dengan lapang dada jika terjadi hal seperti ini?
Nah, itulah mengapa pelajaran mengenai crypto yang harus dipelajari adalah cara kerja sistem. Disini yang dibahas adalah sirkulasi dari bitcoin yang mana didalamnya termasuk penyimpanan coin secara online. ini semua bertujuan menyiapkan sejak awal apabila coin2 itu tiba-tiba lenyap. Yang mana penyebab semua itu sebagian besar dari masalah penyimpanannya/wallet. Bisa karena akun di retas, situs diretas, dll. Banyak para investor yang hanya mendengarkan keuntungan dari investasi bitcoin, dan mereka berinvestasi secara besar-besaran tanpa memahami secara menyeluruh tentang kerja sistem tadi. Akibatnya, mereka tidak menerima kenyataan saat investasinya lenyap secara tiba-tiba.
Ya sudah gan, kita tinggal mewujudkan itu. Melihat komen2 member di thread ini mayoritas menerima dengan baik gagasan itu. Kita perlu membuat forum atau paling tidak sebuah grup Medsos untuk mengatur semuanya. Mulai dari pengumpulan data partisipan, struktur keorganisasian, perijinan, dll.
Inilah yang saya khawatirkan gan, kepercayaan yang diberikan theymos kepada sumber Merit akan disalahgunakan untuk kepentigan bisnis dan tidak murni lagi memberi kepada member yang benar2 berpotensi dalam memberikan kontribusi diforum ini.
Munculnya berbagai jenis coin baru nampaknya tidak bisa terbendung gan, ya emang setiap hari rata-rata ada ICO baru yang menawarkan coin baru. Membuat situs Exchange menumpuk dengan Kode simbol coin2 baru tersebut. sebenarnya tidak akan begitu berpengaruh menurut saya gan meskipun jumlah meningkat, investor pasti memilih coin/token yang baik bagi mereka dan tidak akan meniggalkan jenis coin lama yang paling menguntungkan.
Pasca pelarangan Bitcoin di Negara Cina, kini pangsa Pasar Moneycrypto makin tumbuh subur di negeri "Sakura" dan langkah cina sepertinya akan sia sia karena bitcoin diprediksikan tidak dapat di bendung. dibelahan Eropa misalnya,masyarakat mulai beralih ke Moneycurrency dan mulai meninggalkan Money Konversional, ini terjadi di Swedia. di Canada dan America telah lebih dulu menerapkan moneycurrency, hal ini terlihat dari beberapa perusahaan asal kedua negara tersebut menerima Bitcoin sebagai alat transaksi. Berita terlengkap di : https://blog.bitcoin.co.id/mata-uang-virtual-diprediksi-berkembang-pesat-langkah-cina-dinilai-sia-sia/Bagaimana dengan Indonesia? Sama halnya dengan Indonesia gan, Bitcoin tidak akan bisa dibendung meskipun kebijakan pemerintah telah melarangnya. Sudah banyak bitcoiner dari Indonesia yang mana mereka akan mempertahankan bitcoin mereka karena melihat harganya yang memiliki potensi banyak keuntungan..
Bitcoin is very slow transaction and fee is rediculus then why people bother buying it or considering it. I have £130 of bitcoin and I want to move it and it is asking for £28 network fee. Why should people bother having it. I can't wait to get rid of it when the fee is low.
This will make bitcoin no longer the king of crypto, the owner will hold a certain amount of his possession for quite a long time because of considering the purchase price and the cost of withdrawal is quite expensive.
I prefer a consistent strategy. I mean, I rarely add my trading value until I really have more money to trade. I sell 100% of my total trades when the price goes up 2 times the purchase price and uses half of the proceeds for my needs and the rest I use trading on the other day when the price matches is to do the lowest average for one month...
I still do not understand and still wonder how the new feature "merit" works. how will each member get 1 merit? I see some members who have status Jr. start their merit amount from number 10. I need an explanation.
The white paper from the coin website will really help you, there is a lot of information about ICO and coins being offered, you should be careful in reading it, especially when you will start trading or investing.
I also don't know what the purpose of this KYC procedure is, does this really want to improve their service to ICO participants, or select certain people through the KYC process, or to discriminate against certain people as you say? If even I as a privileged German citizen am being rejected: How will new projects and their KYC-partners ensure that everybody gets a fair chance? I don't want to see people being rejected just because they wear a beard (Sikhs, muslims) or because they live in the wrong country (sorry though for USA and China)!
Usually not so! developers take % from the sold tokens but not from all (sold and unsold) if this is not so the development team may be scammers. I would not invest in such a project
Yes, in this case they would be more risk-taking tokens burned and letting those sold rather than sacrificing their customers to investors. so that in the future they can hold ICO again with a more attractive offer