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101  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: SWAP Token 2.0 on: April 01, 2018, 04:47:46 PM
There are many questions coming up about ICO and amount of funds to be collected, etc., Just to answer a few of these Questions..
We don't want to collect too much money.. See our initial funds raised and costing.. We are a low cost steady profit company which is here to stay for the long term. All Investors whether they are from Pre Sale or ICO are like our share holders.. See the calculations.. Suppose we sell 50 million out of 150 million in pre sale.. We will have 100 million for ICO.. in three phases.. 25 million at 1000:1, 25 Million at 500:1 and 50 million at 1:100
This works out to USD 25000 + USD 50000 + USD 500000 + USD 5000 (from Pre-sale).. Total of USD 580000.. Of this 30 % will be retained as cash reserves to provide the financial security to ensure that there will always be basic safety for the investors. This reserve will soon be raised to a level that will always cover the initial investment of all investors. The rest will be used to develop our forked coin with wallet and to list on 3 exchanges. Next more research and development and prototype testing of our Verified MacID Secured Payment and Mining Infrastructure based Pocket Miners and release for sale.. These will be sold on online webstores on a pre book basis.. thereby reducing our working capital requirements.. We don't need too much money. We need just the right amount of money for the project.The project will generate revenue and profits by itself. We have IOT (internet of things) coming up in 2019 by means of Embedded Software to include several appliances, automobiles etc.,.. all these are solid business ideas which will generate profits for the project. When mining starts we will have controlled emissions so that we have a steady and good profitable price for the Coin always. Any and every amount of USD generated as profit will be distributed regularly as air drops to investors like dividends. We are a unique project with minimum cost and long term regular profits like any good long standing business. Wealth creation for investors by price appreciation of the coin and profit generation by regular dividends through airdrops. We are here to stay the course. There are many who are suggesting we need good website designs and banners to promote our ICO. I am working on these too and these will come up in time. But websites play a role mainly to inform people. See this site. It is not flashy. But it gives solid and truthful information with open and transparent feedback. We need our website too to be similar to this. Mainly to inform and get feedback. I am sure our investors are really clever and intelligent enough to understand the uniqueness and long term sustainability and profitability of our project. The simple formula for a good and stable business is great and useful technology, minimum cost.. maximum revenue and transparent accounting.. We have all these in our project! We are sure to win!

Russian Translation done by heybeablack! Thanks!

Cyщecтвyeт мнoгo вoпpocoв o ICO и кoличecтвe coбиpaeмыx cpeдcтв и т.д. Пpocтo чтoбы oтвeтить нa нecкoлькo из этиx вoпpocoв.
Mы нe xoтим coбиpaть cлишкoм мнoгo дeнeг. Пocмoтpитe нaши пepвoнaчaльныe фoнд, coбpaнныe и cтoимocти. Mы являeмcя кoмпaниeй c низкoй cтoимocтью ycтoйчивoй пpибыли, кoтopaя здecь чтoбы ocтaтьcя нaдoлгo.Bce инвecтopы, бyдь тo из пpeдвapитeльнoй пpoдaжи или ICO, кaк нaшиx aкциoнepoв. Cмoтpитe pacчeты. Пpeдпoлoжим, мы пpoдaeм 50 миллиoнoв из 150 миллиoнoв в пpeдвapитeльнoй пpoдaжe. У нac бyдeт 100 миллиoнoв для ICO, в тpи этaпa: 25 миллиoнoв пpи 1000: 1, 25 миллиoнoв пpи 500: 1 и 50 миллиoнoв пpи 1: 100.
Этo cocтaвляeт 25 000 дoллapoв CШA + 50000 дoллapoв CШA + 500 000 дoллapoв CШA + 5000 дoллapoв CШA (из пpeдвapитeльнoй пpoдaжи). Bceгo  580000 дoллapoв CШA. Из этиx 30 пpoцeнтoв бyдyт coxpaнeны в кaчecтвe peзepвoв нaличныx cpeдcтв для oбecпeчeния финaнcoвoй бeзoпacнocти, чтoбы гapaнтиpoвaть, чтo вceгдa бyдeт быть бaзoвoй бeзoпacнocтью для инвecтopoв. Этoт peзepв cкopo бyдeт пoднят дo ypoвня, кoтopый вceгдa бyдeт пoкpывaть пepвoнaчaльныe инвecтиции вcex инвecтopoв. Ocтaльнoe бyдeт иcпoльзoвaнo для paзвивaть нaшeй paздвoeннoй мoнeты c кoшeлькoм и нa cпиcкe нa 3 биpжax. Дaльнeйшиe иccлeдoвaния и paзpaбoтки и тecтиpoвaниe пpoтoтипoв нaшиx пpoвepeнныx MacID бeзoпacнoй плaтeжнoй и мaйнинг инфpacтpyктypы
 (Verified Mac ID Secure Payment and Mining Infrastructure) нa бaзe Pocket Miners , выпyщeнныx для пpoдaжи. Oни бyдyт пpoдaвaтьcя в oнлaйн-мaгaзинax пo пpeдвapитeльнoмy зaкaзy. Taким oбpaзoм, мы coкpaтим нaши пoтpeбнocти в oбopoтнoм кaпитaлe. He нyжнo cлишкoм мнoгo дeнeг. Haм нyжeн тoлькo нyжный oбъeм дeнeг для пpoeктa. Пpoeкт бyдeт гeнepиpoвaть дoxoды и пpибыль caм пo ceбe. У нac ecть IOT (интepнeт вeщeй), кoтopый пoявитcя в 2019 гoдy c пoмoщью вcтpoeннoгo пpoгpaммнoгo oбecпeчeния, чтoбы включить в нeгo нecкoлькo пpибopoв, aвтoмoбилeй и т.д., Bce этo пpoчныe бизнec-идeи, кoтopыe пpинecyт пpибыль для пpoeктa. Кoгдa нaчнeтcя мaйнинг, мы бyдeм имeть кoнтpoлиpyeмыe выбpocы, чтoбы вceгдa имeть ycтoйчивyю и выгoднyю цeнy для мoнeт. Любoe кoличecтвo дoллapoв CШA, гeнepиpyeмaя в кaчecтвe пpибыли, бyдeт peгyляpнo pacпpeдeлятьcя пo мepe тoгo, кaк ''airdrops'' нa инвecтopoв, кaк дивидeнды. Mы являeмcя yникaльным пpoeктoм c минимaльными зaтpaтaми и дoлгocpoчными peгyляpными дoxoдaми, тaкими кaк любoй xopoший дoлгoвpeмeнный бизнec. Coздaниe бoгaтcтвa для инвecтopoв пyтeм пoвышeния цeн нa мoнeтy и пoлyчeниe пpибыли зa cчeт peгyляpныx дивидeндoв чepeз ''airdrops''. Mы здecь, чтoбы ocтaтьcя в кypce. Ecть мнoгo людeй, кoтopыe пpeдпoлaгaют, чтo нaм нyжны xopoшиe вeб-пpoeкты и бaннepы для пpoдвижeния нaшeгo ICO. Я тoжe paбoтaю нaд ними, и oни пpидyт вoвpeмя. Ho вeб-caйты игpaют вaжнyю poль, глaвным oбpaзoм, для инфopмиpoвaния людeй. Cмoтpитe этoт caйт. Этo нe кpичaщий. Ho oн дaeт вepнyю и дocтoвepнyю инфopмaцию c oткpытoй и пpoзpaчнoй oбpaтнoй cвязью. Haм тoжe нyжeн нaш caйт, чтoбы быть пoxoжим нa этo. B ocнoвнoм инфopмиpoвaть и пoлyчaть oтзывы. Я yвepeн, чтo нaши инвecтopы oчeнь yмны, чтoбы пoнять yникaльнocть и дoлгocpoчнyю ycтoйчивocть и peнтaбeльнocть нaшeгo пpoeктa. Пpocтaя фopмyлa для xopoшeгo и cтaбильнoгo бизнeca - oтличнaя и пoлeзнaя тexнoлoгия, минимaльнaя cтoимocть, мaкcимaльный дoxoд и пpoзpaчный yчeт. У нac ecть вce этo в нaшeм пpoeктe! Mы oбязaтeльнo пoбeдим!
102  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: SWAP Token 2.0 on: April 01, 2018, 03:05:04 PM
получаю токены +20% бонус без проблем,спасибо
Thanks for posting your good experience here!
103  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: SWAP Token 2.0 on: April 01, 2018, 12:52:32 PM
I correctly understood that you can change the TOKEN to SWTC in the ratio 1: 1? Write in detail how to do it
1 USD for 10000 SWTC till today. Tomorrow 1 USD for 1000 SWTC in ICO.. not 1:1 exchange for TOKEN and SWTC... Pre-sale getting over today.
104  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: SWAP Token 2.0 on: April 01, 2018, 12:07:25 PM
There are many questions coming up about ICO and amount of funds to be collected, etc., Just to answer a few of these Questions..
We don't want to collect too much money.. See our initial funds raised and costing.. We are a low cost steady profit company which is here to stay for the long term. All Investors whether they are from Pre Sale or ICO are like our share holders.. See the calculations.. Suppose we sell 50 million out of 150 million in pre sale.. We will have 100 million for ICO.. in three phases.. 25 million at 1000:1, 25 Million at 500:1 and 50 million at 1:100
This works out to USD 25000 + USD 50000 + USD 500000 + USD 5000 (from Pre-sale).. Total of USD 580000.. Of this 30 % will be retained as cash reserves to provide the financial security to ensure that there will always be basic safety for the investors. This reserve will soon be raised to a level that will always cover the initial investment of all investors. The rest will be used to develop our forked coin with wallet and to list on 3 exchanges. Next more research and development and prototype testing of our Verified MacID Secured Payment and Mining Infrastructure based Pocket Miners and release for sale.. These will be sold on online webstores on a pre book basis.. thereby reducing our working capital requirements.. We don't need too much money. We need just the right amount of money for the project.The project will generate revenue and profits by itself. We have IOT (internet of things) coming up in 2019 by means of Embedded Software to include several appliances, automobiles etc.,.. all these are solid business ideas which will generate profits for the project. When mining starts we will have controlled emissions so that we have a steady and good profitable price for the Coin always. Any and every amount of USD generated as profit will be distributed regularly as air drops to investors like dividends. We are a unique project with minimum cost and long term regular profits like any good long standing business. Wealth creation for investors by price appreciation of the coin and profit generation by regular dividends through airdrops. We are here to stay the course. There are many who are suggesting we need good website designs and banners to promote our ICO. I am working on these too and these will come up in time. But websites play a role mainly to inform people. See this site. It is not flashy. But it gives solid and truthful information with open and transparent feedback. We need our website too to be similar to this. Mainly to inform and get feedback. I am sure our investors are really clever and intelligent enough to understand the uniqueness and long term sustainability and profitability of our project. The simple formula for a good and stable business is great and useful technology, minimum cost.. maximum revenue and transparent accounting.. We have all these in our project! We are sure to win!
105  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: SWAP Token 2.0 on: April 01, 2018, 11:32:19 AM
There are many good souls who have offered their help in translating messages and in promoting SWTC in Russia, Korea, Indonesia and Vietnam.. Truly amazed by the kind of response and support the project has got. I am posting some translations i have received now. If there are small error people who can read these languages can point out these by means of their response.
106  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: SWAP Token 2.0 on: April 01, 2018, 09:08:13 AM
We have crossed 42 million SWTC in pre-sale now! Thanks everyone! Just like the pre-sale success, We have to make the ICO a Great Success!

Thank you for your efforts.
I do not want you to think that the SWTC is much publicized.
The 42,000,000 SWTC is based on pre-sale price (10000: 1USD), which is just $ 4,200.
Only 4,464,600 won for the money from the Republic of Korea.
More publicity is likely to be needed.
New designs of banners and homepages are needed.
So I will work hard to promote.
Korea has many people who want to invest in cryptography.
Think of December 2017 and January 2018 ~~ investments popularity of virtual currency of the Republic of Korea

I appreciate your efforts and welcome your suggestions and advice. Will send mail to you regarding this.
107  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: SWAP Token 2.0 on: April 01, 2018, 06:25:07 AM
We have crossed 42 million SWTC in pre-sale now! Thanks everyone! Just like the pre-sale success, We have to make the ICO a Great Success!
108  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: SWAP Token 2.0 on: March 31, 2018, 06:58:27 PM
Very confusing project, and sorry, your "new" website does not look good. And once again, can't understand the project. I can recommend you a good design agency if you want. They can do the branding within few weeks or so.
Good luck anyway with the project!
Thank you for your feedback. Will re do the design and try to make the content easier to understand. The unique aspect of the project is that POW mining of the coin can be done only using Pocket Miners (mining hardware designed and sold by us). Profits from hardware sales will be airdropped to Coin holders every quarter. Thank you for your wishes!
109  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: SWAP Token 2.0 on: March 31, 2018, 06:32:21 PM

We have crossed 30 million SWTC in the pre-sale as of now.. Thanks to the support of all the SWTC investors. Since the coin is being traded already, the only advice is not to sell low on WAVES Client or Wallet. Hold for at least six months. When all events mentioned in the road map get executed as per schedule you will see that the price of the coin will steadily increase.

Here is an announcement for Investors holding less than USD 2 worth of TOKEN! Now everyone can send payments with USD YOBIT Code of Value 1.99 USD upto 0.11 USD or DOGE YOBIT CODE from 700 DOGE to 35 DOGE till 2nd April 2018 12 Noon GMT. Will exchange at the same rate of USD 1 for 10000 SWTC. Please don't send TOKEN Yobit CODE. Send only USD or DOGE Yobit Codes along with your WAVES WALLET ADDRESS not the old ETH Address.

On 2 April 2018 at 12 noon GMT First phase of ICO on the WAVES Wallet Platform will be launched at the rate of 1 USD for 1000 SWTC. Request all the investors to keep away from the trading on WAVES Client or Wallet for the entire period of the ICO till 29 April 2018 10 PM GMT. (Phase 2 will be 1 USD for 500 SWTC and Phase 3 will be for 1 USD for 100 SWTC). Maximum SWTC coins issued will be 150 Million.

Please promote this Unique ICO that is being launched on a tradeable platform from day one, which has never happened earlier with other ICOs, in various investor forums, chatboxes and among other fellow investors. Let us make this ICO a grand success! This will create increased value for our coin with in the very first month.

By the time we swap the SWTC coin for the new forked coin and list it on 3 exchanges during the second half of this year the price of our coin should be in the range of USD 0.5 to USD 1.5. The moment we start prototype testing and selling the Pocket mining Devices the price should go up to USD 4.00. When we give our first quarterly Profits on the 1st of Jan 2019 we should be in the price range of 6 to 7 USD. If we all work together we can surely make this happen. Everything depends on the success of the ICO. Good luck everyone!

If there is some one who can translate this message for the Russian Investors, Korean Investors and for the Indonesian Investors a bounty of 100000 SWTC for each language is on offer. Those who are interested can mail me at
110  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: SWAP Token 2.0 on: March 31, 2018, 04:29:59 PM
Привет,получил токены SWTC + 20% бонус,спасибо

You are welcome!
111  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: SWAP Token 2.0 on: March 31, 2018, 04:27:59 PM

It's a very interesting project, wish good luck!

Thank you for your support!
112  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: SWAP Token 2.0 on: March 31, 2018, 08:52:08 AM
Wallet Upgrade and Issue of SWTC

The first 24 hours of our Swap Token Coin Sale has been truly amazing! We have sold more than 17 million STC coins in the first day. Thank you for the amazing response Investors! There have been some issues with the Ropsten Tesnet blockchain from this morning. Resynch with node is in progress now. As a result, some of the recent transfers have been delayed. Also, several investors have found it a bit difficult to use MetaMask in adding the new TOKEN and subsequently checking their STC balances.

Taking into consideration these problems it has been decided to upgrade our operations to a much safer and stable platform with regular downloadable wallet and a web wallet which is on the Mainnet and not a Testnet – The Waves Platform.

STC 2.0 is now SWTC. The new SWTC token has been created on the Waves Platform and is now ready for issue. For those who have bought STC yesterday, new SWTC will be issued on a 1:1 basis today. We hope to complete this process in the next 24 hours.

Please send the new Waves Wallet Address as a reply to the confirmation mail that you have received yesterday which has the original Yobit Code, ETH Address and the number of STC issued with bonus message in it. Mention your new Waves Wallet Address in the Subject Line.

New investors kindly use the new Waves Wallet Address along with the Yobit Code instead of the MetaMask ETH address from now on.

It is never too early to upgrade to a more secure and stable platform!

You can download your Windows, Mac or Linuc Wallet from here. ( Or you can use the WEB client here. ( Please download your wallet, secure it and get your Waves Wallet Address and send it back at the earliest.

Waves doesn't support ERC20 tokens, are you sure we don't lose our coins?

Surely Not.. Every single investor has got equivalent amoint of SWTC coin on the Waves Wallet already. If any one has missed out no problem, please send your new Waves Wallet Address to the Admin's mail id with your earlier confirmation mail and get your new SWTC instantly.
113  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: SWAP Token 2.0 on: March 31, 2018, 12:31:02 AM
First Trade!

First few small trades of SWTC have been executed on the Waves Client today.! SWTC can be bought and sold against Waves (SWTC/WAVES) now on the Waves Platform. First trial buy of SWTC has gone through at a price of 1-1.37 Waves! So at the moment the valuation of one SWTC is approximately USD 4.01! Though these are just trial orders the truth is you can trade SWTC/WAVES now! There are a just a few sell orders now. Don't sell your SWTC low. Just hold for a few months. I am sure you will get a very good price for your coins! There has never been a coin listed for trading in such a short period! There are many more good things to come soon!
114  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: SWAP Token 2.0 on: March 31, 2018, 12:14:55 AM
I correctly understood that you can change the TOKEN to SWTC in the ratio 1: 1? Write in detail how to do it

TOKEN as a SWTC 1: 1 exchange that?
no. There is no such information.
The developers are asking to buy a new SWTC whether they are selling the existing TOKEN or the USD.
If you do not have a USD in your yobit now, you have to sell your existing TOKEN and make a minimum investment of $ 2 to $ 200.

Thanks Freecoin1 for the explanation. Appreciate your interest in the project.
115  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: SWAP Token 2.0 on: March 30, 2018, 09:41:13 AM
Wallet Upgrade and Issue of SWTC

The first 24 hours of our Swap Token Coin Sale has been truly amazing! We have sold more than 17 million STC coins in the first day. Thank you for the amazing response Investors! There have been some issues with the Ropsten Tesnet blockchain from this morning. Resynch with node is in progress now. As a result, some of the recent transfers have been delayed. Also, several investors have found it a bit difficult to use MetaMask in adding the new TOKEN and subsequently checking their STC balances.

Taking into consideration these problems it has been decided to upgrade our operations to a much safer and stable platform with regular downloadable wallet and a web wallet which is on the Mainnet and not a Testnet – The Waves Platform.

STC 2.0 is now SWTC. The new SWTC token has been created on the Waves Platform and is now ready for issue. For those who have bought STC yesterday, new SWTC will be issued on a 1:1 basis today. We hope to complete this process in the next 24 hours.

Please send the new Waves Wallet Address as a reply to the confirmation mail that you have received yesterday which has the original Yobit Code, ETH Address and the number of STC issued with bonus message in it. Mention your new Waves Wallet Address in the Subject Line.

New investors kindly use the new Waves Wallet Address along with the Yobit Code instead of the MetaMask ETH address from now on.

It is never too early to upgrade to a more secure and stable platform!

You can download your Windows, Mac or Linuc Wallet from here. ( Or you can use the WEB client here. ( Please download your wallet, secure it and get your Waves Wallet Address and send it back at the earliest.
116  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: SWAP Token 2.0 on: March 30, 2018, 07:48:47 AM
and yet, when you drive in the address field 0x1804b4652aa5a039e5d1058c07ec11e6b0ab9bdf, the other two boxes remain empty? or as
also, is it possible to transfer the token as $?

On top of MetaMask change from Mainnet to ROSTON Testnet. you need to sell token for USD and then create USD Yobit Code and send the code without activating it.
117  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: SWAP Token 2.0 on: March 29, 2018, 07:18:07 PM
won't let me create code.

Do you have USD balance? You need to have USD balance first and fill in the required amount and then press create new code.
118  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: SWAP Token 2.0 on: March 29, 2018, 03:53:20 PM
Place your cursor on top of your username on the top right hand side of Yobit account. You will get a drop down menu. Press Yobit Codes button. You will reach the Yobit Codes page. In the create new code box choose USD and enter suitable value of USD and then create new code.. If you dont have USD Balance you have to sell the required quantity of USD first. Once you have created the Yobit USD Code read this process..
Create Yobit Code for 2 USD (as an example) like this below.
Add MetaMask Wallet Extension on Chrome
( This is an ETH Wallet. You can receive your STC here and store it.
After adding the extension of Chrome and entering the wallet with the set password click on the three dots near the Account Name and copy your wallet address like this
Now combine your Yobit Code and your wallet address with a + sign between the two as shown below.
Send this to the email ID with the following message in the subject
STC COIN Pre-Sale – Yobit Code
In the body of the message just give the combined code and your Yobit id as follows.
Once the Yobit code is activated and the payment is received you will receive your 20000 STC (for 2 USD as an example)  with a confirmation mail.
To see your balance you have to click on MetaMask extension press the Tokens button in MetaMask and press add token button and paste the following contract address in the Token Contract Address Box and add the token STC.
Your balance will show up immediately. This way you can get the coins without any transaction fees on your part even though the financial value might be as low as 2 USD.
119  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: SWAP Token 2.0 on: March 29, 2018, 07:48:27 AM
Already started getting Payments! Thank you for your support! Will keep updating..
120  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: SWAP Token 2.0 on: March 29, 2018, 06:57:41 AM
Update: We have shifted to the WAVES platform now. Please download your WAVES Wallet from the WAVES Platform and send me the new WAVES Address..
ERC20-TOKEN with the name SWAP TOKEN COIN created yesterday Under the ETH Platform Ropsten Testnet ( Live Now. Coin Sale Started.

Process for this Phase

Create Yobit Code for 2 USD (as an example) like this below.
Add MetaMask Wallet Extension on Chrome
( This is an ETH Wallet. You can receive your STC here and store it.
After adding the extension of Chrome and entering the wallet with the set password click on the three dots near the Account Name and copy your wallet address like this
Now combine your Yobit Code and your wallet address with a + sign between the two as shown below.
Send this to the email ID with the following message in the subject
STC COIN Pre-Sale – Yobit Code
In the body of the message just give the combined code and your Yobit id as follows.
Once the Yobit code is activated and the payment is received you will receive your 20000 STC (for 2 USD as an example)  with a confirmation mail.
To see your balance you have to click on MetaMask extension press the Tokens button in MetaMask and press add token button and paste the following contract address in the Token Contract Address Box and add the token STC.
Your balance will show up immediately. This way you can get the coins without any transaction fees on your part even though the financial value might be as low as 2 USD.
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