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101  Local / Market / Re: Vreau sa inchiriez sistem mining pentru ~1 h ! on: July 28, 2015, 05:58:32 PM
de unde esti ?
102  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Romanian Bitcoin Exchange on: July 26, 2015, 07:01:35 PM
noel dont be a ignorant and a hater.

romania is a wonderfull country with wonderfull people.

please restrain from doing more offtopic.
103  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Romanian Bitcoin Exchange on: July 25, 2015, 09:41:24 PM
Please proceed with caution.

Why so ?

because this is a scam . read my post above to see what szabari understands by the term bitcoin exchange.
104  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Care este cel mai rentabil exchange de bitecoin ? on: July 19, 2015, 07:47:13 PM
pentru ca la btce se poate retrage fiat doar prin third parties care au comisioane ceva de speriat.

105  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Sunt bitcoinii bani adevarati? on: July 17, 2015, 08:34:33 AM
acesta este tatal bitcoinului.

sper ca acum am clarificat ce fel de bani sunt bitcoinii.
106  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Ce facem cu ANAF-UL daca am investit sume mari in bitcoin si am cistigat ? on: July 15, 2015, 09:50:54 PM
daca nu vrei sa intelegi romaneste smon , du-te la avocat sa te stoarca ala de bani .

vad ca nu merge cu  explicatii logice si clare.

inca ceva nimeni nu iti garanteaza nimic aici , nu sunt un reprezentant al legii ci doar un simplu cetatean care are o parere personala si vorbeste dintr-o experienta vasta intr-un domeniu in care voi abia incepeti

sa pasiti.
107  Local / Discutii Servicii / Re: BitcoinXRomania.Com - Are cineva idee ce e cu ei. on: July 08, 2015, 06:01:45 PM


hai ca dau eu search-ul pentru tine
108  Local / Discutii Servicii / Re: BitcoinXRomania.Com - Are cineva idee ce e cu ei. on: July 08, 2015, 01:08:01 PM
da un search in forum . a facut italianul un thread in care pompeaza exchangeul lui in php. acolo am si eu un post in care explic cum sta treaba .
get to work.
109  Local / Market / Re: CUMPAR 5 BTC on: July 04, 2015, 12:26:33 PM
de ce ar fi ?
110  Local / Offtopic / Re: Afaceri imobiliare on: June 29, 2015, 08:06:21 AM
ti se pare ca ai facut o afacere buna ?

tu nu vezi ca timeshareul tau e in camp  si arata ca dracu ?
111  Local / Offtopic / Re: Afaceri imobiliare on: June 29, 2015, 07:41:45 AM
Șantierul Blaxy – 24.04.2015 . poza e de la sfarsitul lui aprilie , anul asta . daca vrei sa vezi ce afacere ai facut uita-te la americani . au ajuns saracii sa incerce sa scape de ele gratis ( si nu reusesc) la cat de

paguboase sunt .

Articol :

If you want a great piece of financial advice that will save you thousands of dollars, one of the best is to never purchase a timeshare. While timeshares sound quite appealing, especially when you are at the resort and listening to the timeshare sales agent, the reality is that they come with so many risks and hidden traps that you will rarely come out of owning a timeshare with even half the money you invested into it. Your best bet is simply to stay away from ever buying timeshare unit. Here are a few reasons why timeshares are nothing close to being the deal that they pretend to be:

New timeshares are always being built: one of the biggest risks with timeshares that people don’t understand is that they will age over time. As the timeshare ages, new timeshares will be built in the area. When the new timeshare is built, the maintenance fees for that timeshare are usually fairly low. As a timeshare grows older however, the maintenance fees for the timeshare increase. What ends up happening is that older timeshares usually have much higher maintenance fees than the newer timeshares. This is often where people find themselves in the timeshare trap and find it difficult to sell their timeshare. Who wants to pay more in maintenance fees for an old timeshare when there’s a brand-new timeshare with lower maintenance fees available?

If you must take a loan out to pay for your timeshare it is a terrible deal: Loans for timeshares come with some of the highest interest rates out there. If you don’t have the money to pay for the full cost of the timeshare, and are therefore forced to take a loan out for a timeshare, the timeshare immediately becomes a terrible deal. The interest costs for buying the timeshare will skyrocket the overall price while the timeshare is decreasing in value. Even if you have the cash upfront to pay a timeshare in full, it’s questionable whether a timeshare is really a good deal, but if you have to take out a loan it’s guaranteed to be a terrible deal.

Timeshares are a depreciating asset: If you ever hear anybody tell you that a timeshare is an investment, run away as fast as you can. Timeshares are depreciating assets, and you should never invest in a depreciating asset. That is to say, timeshares lose value each year that they are in existence. Even though timeshare sales representatives are not supposed to say that timeshares are investments these days, they still try to give the impression that purchasing a timeshare is a sound financial move. Timeshare sales representatives will often call a timeshare a “life-quality investment” which can confuse the issue. Timeshare sales agents will always try to make a timeshare sound as good as possible, but it’s important to remember that a timeshare is the farthest thing from a good investment.

You can find the exact same timeshare for over 50% off: It continues to be a buyers market in the timeshare industry. There are far more people wanting to get rid of their current timeshare then there are people who are looking to buy a timeshare. Timeshares can often be found on the secondhand market at well over 50% off the price that resorts charge for the exact same timeshare units. Doing a simple Internet search will produce a large number of timeshare owners that are looking to unload their timeshare at the resort you are interested in at huge discount. It is as simple as that.

You are going to lose money when you sell your timeshare: it isn’t hard to understand that if there are people who are willing to sell their current timeshares for 50% or more off what they paid for them, you are not going to be able to be able to sell your timeshare at the full value that you pay for it. It is extremely difficult to resell timeshares even in the best of times, and the difficulty is compounded under the current economic conditions.

These are just a few of the risks and dangers of owning a timeshare. The truth is that there are many more, and far more negatives than there are positives to owning a timeshare. If you ever have the inkling that you want to purchase a timeshare, do thorough research and see exactly what your getting yourself into before you commit to buying one. If you do the research, you’ll find that a timeshare is not nearly the deal that you once thought it was.

sursa :
112  Local / Offtopic / Re: Afaceri imobiliare on: June 28, 2015, 05:15:52 PM
daca chiar ai cumparat vreau sa te felicit pentru ca ai luat tzeapa .

tu ai vazut poze cu santierul blaxy si in ce stadiu e acum " complexul " ?

pe langa asta time share-urile sunt o idiotenie in romania . de ce zic asta ? pentru ca romanul se descurca .

vrea sa mearga la mare ? are un prieten care il cazeaza .

are nevoie de o masina 2 - 3 zile ? are un prieten care i-o imprumuta .

ce ma opreste sa imi iau casa / apartament  la mare cu 20 000 euro ? de ce naiba as da 7000 sau chiar 10000 euro sa stau o saptamana in sezon si o saptamana off season la mare ?

La o adica imi iau cortul si l-am infipt ori pe plaja ori in camping si stau la mare cat vreau eu . ma doare la basca . nu ma da nimeni afara dupa o saptamana .

si inca o chestie . nu se spune nimic despre costurile anuale de mentenanta ale imobilului , care vor trebui platite . adica : impozit , intretinere , reparatii si altele.

din toate aceste motive si inca altele pe care nu le voi mai expune aici , consider ca ideea cu time share urile nu va prinde la romani . aia care se vor baga vor fi intzepati in stil mare .

in final las o poza cu starea reala a santierului blaxxy :

voi decideti daca e bine sa faceti preorder avand in vedere ce se vede cat se poate de clar in imaginea de mai sus.

113  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: [Ajutor] Daca am 500 de bitcoin cum fac sai transform in bani on: June 26, 2015, 07:28:50 AM
salut . elise esti bun sa dai aici adresa publica in care ai 500 btc ?

te intreb deoarece am impresia ca cineva a jucat o farsa si ti-a bagat in blockchain wallet adresa altuia care are 500 btc si ti-a spus ca e a ta.

uite de exemplu eu pot sa iti pun adresa asta in walletul tau si sa zic ca este a ta :

in blockchain va aparea ca si cum tu ai banii astia dar de fapt nu ii ai . e watch only.

multumesc pentru intelegere.
114  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Ce facem cu ANAF-UL daca am investit sume mari in bitcoin si am cistigat ? on: June 17, 2015, 09:27:39 AM
Raspund rapid si la obiect.

Faci transfer SEPA catre contul tau din romania . la sume sub 15000 EUR nu cere nimeni nimic. Peste 15000 EUR trebuie sa dai declaratie de provenienta a banilor. Politica normala AML .

Cand vei dori sa retragi vei fi obligat sa completezi o fisa de transfer extern unde ti se va cere sa raspunzi de unde vin banii . Tu vei raspunde simplu : Cadou bitstamp.

Cel mai bine este totusi sa aduci in romania sume mai mici de 9900 EUR odata la 30 de zile .

Anaf-ul nu te va intreba nimic atat timp nu te apuci tu si declari ca ai facut profituri si altele asa cum fac toti care intra in rahat . Te-am invatat 2 cuvinte . Atat spui si nimic mai mult.

115  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Bictoin investing on: June 13, 2015, 04:19:45 PM
din punctul meu de vedere camataria este viitorul .
116  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: ce e pm on: May 06, 2015, 11:05:38 AM
PM in acest caz inseamna Private Message .
117  Local / Discutii Servicii / Re: unde se pot vinde BTC on: May 05, 2015, 09:49:02 PM
ai pm.
118  Local / Discutii Servicii / Re: Asociatia PITICOT accepta donatii in BITCOIN on: May 04, 2015, 07:42:04 PM
dorele cand mai revine btcxchange ?
119  Local / Market / Re: Cumpar 0,005 BTC on: April 07, 2015, 11:48:41 AM
ti-au dat oamenii donatii si tu i-ai bagat in luckybit .
clar nu meriti ce-ai primit.
120  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Unde mai schimbati BTC ? on: April 03, 2015, 02:44:23 PM
salut. ai pm .
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