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101  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is taxation theft? on: January 06, 2017, 03:50:02 PM
Taxes are necessary always and everywhere. With regard to Africa if she's so rich as you write then why are there so bad people live? Why Russia produces a lot of oil, and the people living in poverty while in Saudi Arabia the rich in the same oil.

The people in Russia are rich, when compared to those living in the neighboring nations (such as Ukraine and Moldova). Russia and Saudi Arabia produces almost the same amount of oil. But the difference is that, the profits in Russia must be divided among 145 million people, while there are only around 20 million citizens in Saudi Arabia.

And there are only about 40 million inhabitants of Siberia, which is a gigantic Russian land, full of natural resources, covering about 9% of the earth, over 5 million square miles -

The U.S., with nearly 330 million people, has less than 3.8 million square miles.

Siberia is only one part of Russia. Then there is Russia, herself.

[/qIn the far East, Russia has already hosted Chinese. They are just waiting for their chance and immediately bite site itself. In the Urals Tatars are waiting in the wings, the Caucasus, too, will not remain on the sidelines. So in Russia all is not well.uote]
102  Local / Политика / Re: Лётчики отказались бомбить Сирию on: December 24, 2016, 01:37:02 PM
Русские получили бы еще в Крыму, но увы не было команды. Согласен,что Крым слили специально. Надеюсь это была политическая игра с целью развалить Россию. Посмотрим. Смеется тот кто смеется последним.

Иловайский и Дебальцевский котлы тоже специально слили? В любой ситуации делай вид, что так и было задумано, да?
Флот, авиацию и танки отдали без боя - чтобы развалить Россию. Многоходовочка!

Великие уркаинские стратеги....
Похоже, что не украинские, а американские. Мне кажется это их заморочки. Что же касается многоходовочек, то Россия на такое не способна. От этого и страдает. С каждым годом жизнь в России становится хуже.
103  Local / Политика / Re: Украина on: December 24, 2016, 01:33:59 PM
Лучше бы ты написал стихи посвященные любимой женщине, чем дуракам. Или ты хочешь его перевоспитать? Не получится. Если ума нет, то вкладывать знания некуда.
Привет, как твои кружевные трусики из ес?
Привет! К сожалению очень дорогие, но красивые зараза! Сочувствую тебе, что ты в России лишен возможности видеть такую красоту. Милая, хорошая, родная женщина с отбойным молотком! Это идеал для народа, а Кабаева ничего.
Жаль, что украинские женщины не могут их себе позволить. Приезжайте в Москву, заводите кавалеров, уверен вам их купят.
Хорош кадрить хохлушек! Тебе что русских баб мало? Или они все заняты отловом коней и разбрелись по горящим избам? Как оно созерцать гром-бабу в панталонах? Наверное очень эротично!
Не ревнуй, хохольчик. Возможно, смешанные браки с русскими, последняя надежда украины от вырождения.
Открою тебе тайну, почти все тряпки, шьются в китае и потом разьезжаются по миру, в том числе дорогие и брендовые. Так что, дефицита нет, а у вас с ес, что то не складывается.
Не дай бог такие гены. Вы что хотите, чтобы украинцы тоже травились боярышником. Нет нам такое не надо. К тому же на сколько я помню у вас в правительстве полно украинских фамилий. Еще не известно кто кому гены улучшает.
104  Local / Политика / Re: О коррупции Порошенко известно в США. on: December 24, 2016, 01:29:58 PM
Ну если Грузия выдержала атаку "Искандером" то  Украина и подавно выдержит. Мне кажется, что у вас мания величия. Я посмотрю когда как ты запоешь, когда тебя в армию отправлять будут. А то на диване ты герой!
105  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Berlin: at least nine dead after truck crashes into Christmas market on: December 23, 2016, 07:14:49 PM
^^^ If you are a "refugee", or act as one, then it is extremely easy to gain entry to the European Union. There is no vetting at all. Just need to pay a small amount to the people smugglers in Tunisia and Libya, who will put you in a fishing boat destined towards the EU.
That's the problem. You need to shoot the boat in EU territorial waters and then refugees will not. All crimes committed solely because of the fact that there is no proper punishment. The violence in this case is justified.

Are you saying that the migrant boats should be sunk by the coalition navy?! I like that idea! it will keep them from trying and smugglers from smuggling.
The idea is good but it is not feasible. Unfortunately in the modern world is ruled by a false democratic principles. Muslim freaks destroying the state, and they can not shoot because they are unarmed. Would be better if they had weapons.So much for democracy!
106  Other / Politics & Society / Re: How Donald Trump's Economic Plans Will Lead the Fed to Reverse Course on Policy on: December 23, 2016, 07:08:53 PM

The Trump is what is tougher and more resolute than Obama.

Obama was just a puppet. He didn't had the authority to take any decision on his own. A few powerful people, such as Joe Biden, Soros, Al-Waleed bin Talal, Clinton crime family.etc were controlling him. He was made the president, so that the African Americans will vote for him. Once he was elected, his purpose was done.
I pretty much concur.  Except that they had goals, and purposes for the USA and it's direction.  They wanted to continue that with Clinton.

I'm not American and don't know the situation in America, but I do know that Trump for me is a stupid clown. He hasn't been President, and already has the respect in the world. I think that his election was a big mistake of the Americans.
107  Other / Politics & Society / Re: A beautiful disaster for the Philippines on: December 23, 2016, 07:03:36 PM
It seems to me that the problem of drug addiction lies in corruption. It is not possible to sell drugs secretly. You need not to be greedy and set a monetary award for information on any dealer or manufacturer of drugs. The people themselves will find them.

The root cause of drug addiction is poverty, and not corruption. I agree that corruption is one of the factors which tend to amplify the drug menace. But corruption itself is a byproduct of poverty.
I do not agree. Corruption begets power. You can not know that the corruption you have in Russia is not associated with poverty. Just poverty deprives people of dignity. Here Russian and put up with this phenomenon. You do a very similar situation with the Philippines.
108  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is US election really get hacked? on: December 23, 2016, 06:58:20 PM
And how can you trace how people voted. Know why Russia always vote for thieves and tyrants? Because there is no control on the elections and the people vote for money. You want to this situation was in America?

The votes can be traced, as they leave a paper trail every time someone cast their choice. These paper-trails can be matched with the actual results, to check whether any hacking has occurred.
In Russia it is always Putin to win the elections using ballot box stuffing. How can you prove it? Same thing in America. Such elections had never been. The Americans were not ready.

There is no evidence of a compromised election by Russia. All that was seen was massive voter fraud with dead people and illegals voting for Hillary, stop fear-mongering.
I am sure that you voted for Trump. So you say. If you see such violations necessarily would remove it on the phone and complained. Don't lie! The violations were from all sides and I think it's bad. Had to withdraw from the election both candidates.
109  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Which would you rather have, feminism or cancer? on: December 23, 2016, 06:52:51 PM
I believe Feminism seems to be a good idea, but not everything has been fine. Advantage are as follows: Equality with man. Women were able to participate in elections. Able to speak in public. Ability to demand their rights. Some of its disadvantage are as follows: Some women think that a man and a woman should be equal in everything. Some women have preferred to live with a lesbian and forget the men. I still prefer feminism than Cancer.

Cancer kills its host, and feminism does not kill. It helps women to be convinced of the fallacy of their views, or Vice versa. Because women are different. For lesbians it's quite normal.
110  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you believe in god? on: December 21, 2016, 02:47:32 PM
I believe in god. Where we come from? From apes. Where did apes come from? evolution? Who'd evolution start? from the waters of the earth. How'd the earth start. It's one of the dust of the big bang. How did the big bang happen? Wellllll... hydrogen and some elements collided and boom it exploded. How did those element start? well... I don't know maybe God made it. Shit stop asking.
Why don't you think what on Earth were suitable for the climate and some sort of meteorite was brought to the ocean cells which began to multiply mutate and formed life. What does God do? Or do you believe in a piece of clay from which he made Adam? Nonsense!
111  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you hate muslems? on: December 21, 2016, 02:43:40 PM
I think it is not correct to compare the numbers. With the increasing development of science improved the weapons and methods of destruction. So the numbers are constantly growing. But the goals of the Inquisition and terrorists are different. They hate Muslims.

That is simply not true.  Most non-Muslims hate Muslims.

You guys are all responsible for what your radicals are doing.  Your book is responsible, your Muhammad is responsible, your fucking Allah is responsible.  So stop playing innocent, peaceful Muslim.  Deep down you hate Western way of life and you want to establish Sharia Law everywhere.  So stop pretending. Both non-Muslims and ex-Muslims everywhere know your game plan.

You probably have not understood correctly. I, too, hate Muslims. I just wanted to say that statistics are not correct. I don't like any religion but Islam to me is the most aggressive religion and she has no right to exist.
112  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: December 21, 2016, 02:38:44 PM
Atheists do not hate religion. It's like a doctor in a mental hospital does not hate her patient and tries to cure him. And atheists trying to explain to believers that their faith in God is a mistake.

The way that a lot of atheďsts tell people they're wrong according to them, and the lengths they go to to tell them has akind of... religious vibe to it. Same with the metaphors used, which are, in alot of cases quite degrading.

C'mon, sometimes you have to confront the bullshit head on.  When someone tells you that Earth is 6000 years old, or that universe was made in 6 days, or that people lived 900 years, that winged horses existed in the 6th century Palestine, that you have to kill children that
do not obey their parents, that you have to kill gays, when someone tells you God created men from dirt, and women from man's rib bone,
you have to confront this.

There is no argument about God itself.  He/she/it does not exist because there is absolutely no physical evidence.  So there is nothing to argue about.  What you should be offended by is the religious dogmas that preach so much vile bullshit that is just impossible to listen to it with an open mind.

You cannot possibly agree to the bullshit in the Bible?

If you do, you are not well.
All religions were created a long time ago. Then people were ignorant and admit that I might believe, but what drives people nowadays to believe in such nonsense, I don't understand! It seems to me that religion is the phenomenon of deception.

113  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Berlin: at least nine dead after truck crashes into Christmas market on: December 21, 2016, 02:27:16 PM
I really hate those terrorists who spread fear and death to innocent civilians. Hope justice be given to the families of the victims and that they may rest in peace.

Berlin should strengthen and tighten  and they  will not be attacked again by terrorists. Thy should do this as soon as possible
Unfortunately from terrorists is not possible to defend. They are waging a treacherous war. Enemy can win if he openly attacks. How can you foresee what an ordinary man will decide to commit a crime?

Remove or change the ideology that drives them to do these things.  Otherwise, you have to remove the followers of Islam from your country.  And that will not happen.  Germany suffers from post-Nazism syndrome.  They are afraid to go down that path.

People are imprisoned for even criticizing minorities. They have very strong hate laws now. The problem is the government is afraid to use the law when it comes to Muslims.

It's really a problem. They did not need initially to start up on the territory of Europe. Now if hard will not fight with them, the government will begin the riots and this will lead to a resurgence of fascist ideology.
114  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you hate muslems? on: December 21, 2016, 02:23:51 PM
I think it is not correct to compare the numbers. With the increasing development of science improved the weapons and methods of destruction. So the numbers are constantly growing. But the goals of the Inquisition and terrorists are different. They hate Muslims.
115  Local / Политика / Re: Российская империя в итогах олимпиады ил on: December 10, 2016, 04:29:43 PM

Более 1000 атлетов РФ могли быть вовлечены в манипуляции с положительными допинг-пробами

Подробнее на ТАСС:

 Как тут не вспомнить о путинской фразе "мочить в унитазе". Выходит Путин в каждых сложностях не забывает о моче, это, можно сказать, новый русский скреп.
Алик, ебанько, у тебя в любой теме Путин. Ты его самый пылкий поклонник, куда там каклам.  Grin Grin Grin Кстате, он не говорил "мочить в унитазе"

 Простите, запамятовал, что В России сортир может быть и без унитаза.

  Кстати, вспомнился анекдот. Приходит один в магазин, спрашивает чешский унитаз. Ему в ответ - чешского нет, есть только сибирский. Приносит коробку. Там два кола.
- а как им пользоваться?
Продавец: "очень просто. Забиваешь один кол и на него вешаешь свой тулуп, а другим колом во время процесса медведя отгоняешь."
 Думается, что когда Путин говорил мочить в сортире, то он также имел ввиду весь земной шар, который он мечтает превратить в один большой сортир с сибирским унитазом, используя заместо кольев ракеты.
Пути не может построить собственную страну, а перевернуть весь мир тем более. Сейчас мир очень продажный и все считают деньги. Боязнь убытков толкает страны договариваться с Путиным.
116  Local / Политика / Re: Один язык – одна Родина on: December 10, 2016, 04:16:55 PM
 Понятно то, что вам русским не понять. В силу чего объяснять вам напрасно. Всё равно в ответ услышишь только бранные слова.

Вот видешь, на вопросы ответить не можешь, как вести с тобой диалог.

А теперь, переведу, чтоб чурбанка поняла, бранными словами.  Wink

Еблан ты тупой, тебе поставили простые вопросы, так ты обезьяна затупила и сразу заднюю врубила.
Классика! Чурка хулэ с него взять.
Загадочная русская душа. Общаться по-русски не могут. Знают исключительно матерный язык.

 Так это и есть истинно русский язык, на котором они общаются, разве это не демонстрируется на форуме.
Получается, что украинцы знают русский язык лучше чем сами русские, но при этом русские защищают русский язык в Украине. Бред какой-то! Действительно загадочная русская душа.
117  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What do you think of fashion tv? on: December 09, 2016, 02:36:46 PM
Fashion tv is a great tool to keep your people "dumb". give them pointless things to worry about and discuss, and you've got yourself a lot of passive, obedient citizens. Same goes for the majority of the tv-programs you see these days. It's all fast-paced, lots of colours and flashing things to keep the attention span of the watchers as short as possible, great conditioning done there. Even scientific programs fell victim to the "infotainment" trend, in which you receive information, but in such a way that you probably won't even remember a thing from the progrgam you watched a few days ago aside from the big explosions.
Television is a system of indoctrination of the population. With it, citizens are told the necessary thoughts, and is forced to spend money on something that they don't need. The whole industry runs on fooling people.
118  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: December 09, 2016, 02:32:24 PM
I'm not an Atheist myself. I have friends who are, and they said to me that they think religion is a waste of time, thinks have happened in their life and they question where was god when I needed help the most.

Remind your friends that atheism is a religion. Search the Internet for people and websites who explain why and how.

Atheism cannot be a religion. On the contrary it is the denial of all religions. Atheists don't believe in fairytales and require proof for any judgment. While there is no evidence and there is no God.
119  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Foxconn Factory in USA. on: December 09, 2016, 02:24:55 PM

I don't understand what the dispute. Living standards in the United States is several times higher than in Russia.

WOW, here is topic about Foxconn in USA.

Who and why have started to talk about Russia, i have no idea.

Read carefully the correspondence. About Russia started to talk because you are with Russia. The essence of the theme was such that to criticize America can the state in which the conditions of work and life is not worse than in America. All know what you have in Russia at times conditions worse. How can you criticize?
120  Other / Politics & Society / Re: British tourist 'gang-raped' in Dubai faces jail for having sex outside marriage on: December 09, 2016, 02:20:12 PM
What is shocking is that due to the destruction of western values, men are searching for a goal in life, something they can live by. since islam is the hip new thing we see more and more converted people. These jailed tourists are not the last ones I'm afraid
The Islamic state is not intended for tourism. Terrible manners and customs. Why go there? I think it's time for an adequate response to any manifestation of the violent nature of Islamists.
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