this is good news for the development of blockchain technology especially in the field of digital currency. if korea really apply the technology, it will have good effect for the development of digital currency and make user of digital currency will increasingly. so that the era of digital commerce will be more excited.
ane mau tanyak. jika CPU diganti dengan laptop apa masih layak, dan hasil mining tersebut akan tersimpan ke mana? karena dalam script tersebut tidak mencantumkan wallet address kita. dan kalau bisa kasih ss hasil agan mining.
may be. the government can regulate the use of bitcoin and legality if the transaction uses digital currency as a substitute for fiat currency. so that all parties who use bitcoin will get the same rights to obtain trade legal protection.
Crypto price turnover in the trade market is very reasonable. if we become traders or investors, surely we will experience it so we do not worry about price movements but we must be a trader or an intelligent investor to be able to take advantage of any price movements.
t's one way to increase bitcoin users. it is better that we educate and provide the means of training or discussion forums, so that the public gets all knowledge about crypto. and the community can judge for themselves about crypto. and people can invest without being influenced by anyone
I will use when the price of all the coins has decreased as the last few months. I do not panic when the coins are experiencing negative sentiments and I will believe if the price will again improve. I will keep holding until I get a profit even in small amounts.
In my opinion. bitcoin has not been able to achieve its goal of becoming a legitimate fiat currency substitute. that is because, bitcoin value can not be stabilized and always change change. so bitcoin tends to be a stock for investors.
In my opinion. your uncle is afraid if you will lose money when investing in digital currency because of price movements and the risk of loss of assets is huge. different from the investment in the bank. all risk is guaranteed by the bank and investment in the bank is real will have a distinct advantage if investment in crypto.
In my opinion. it happens because the volume of altcoin trade increases and the amount of demand for altcoin increases so that altcoin prices will rise even though bitcoin prices are decreasing. at this time, altcoin prices could rise and fall without being affected by bitcoin price movements.
I do not think so. all coin movements go hand in hand because all altcoins are connected to the bitcoin movement. but the difference is the amount of trading coins because each coin has a different enthusiast and has a different quality. so coins that have good interest and quality will survive.
bitcoin values will continue to fluctuate because bitcoin does not have a fixed price value. and bitcoin differ from conventional currency. bitcoin has character like stock. so the bitcoin value will keep changing. you should understand the difference in bitcoin with conventional currency so you will know all the risks if you want to invest.
everyday economic conditions will continue to move. one of them currency conditions. the cash currency will not escape our lives even though there is now a digital currency. the government will not be able to eliminate the cash currency because the cash currency is the country's fundamentals.
for me. bitcoin brings benefits to overcome unemployment problems so that we can earn even though the amount is uncertain. but it is very useful for improving economic conditions and can survive. I keep looking for monthly income and will look for bitcoin to earn additional income.
I'm not interested to use any of it. everyone has their own predictions and ideas about the condition of the coin market. and everyone has a basis for predicting the condition of the coin market by any method. therefore, bitcoin can be predicted with multiple points of view.
very much. the most important is the legality of bitcoin because all countries have not issued policies and regulations about the use of bitcoin for all kinds of economic activities. so we are afraid to invest or just use bitcoin for financial transactions.
this is very good and profitable for coin traders. so the coin market will get crowded as the cost of coin trading is reduced. automatically the attraction to trade will increase and impact on the amount of coins traded increases and the price of coins will increase.
sangat sulit untuk memprediksi harga bitcoin yang sangat fluktuatif. akhir akhir ini harga terus mengalami penurunan sampai dititik level 80jt an dan saat ini masih berada dilevel 90jt an. ini menandakan saat ini sangat sulit untuk naik diatas 100jt an apalagi menyamai harga di akhir tahun 2017. menurut saya beberapa bulan kedepan harga akan masih sama di level 95 sampai 110jt an.
dampak positifnya, harga bitcoin dan altcoin berada dilevel terendah sehingga bisa kita manfaatkan untuk membeli dan investasi dalam jumlah yang banyak dengan harga yang murah. sehingga peluang mendapatkan keuntungan yang lebih besar. negatifnya jika modal kita pas pasan maka investor yang punya modal besar akan memanfaatkan momen ini untuk membeli dalam jumlah besar besaran.
menurut saya. butuh waktu jika GTO menerapkan bitcoin sebagai salah satu opsi pembayaran karena bitcoin masih awam untuk semua orang. dibutuhkan sosialisasi dan pelatihan bagaimana cara menggunakan bitcoin dan cara mendapatkannya. tetapi untuk masa depan akan sangat bagus jika bitcoin bisa diterapkan.
In my opinion. very vulnerable if cryptocurrency functioned like money. because digital currencies have a fluctuating value. digital currency is better used for long-term investments than to function as money for transactions.