Anda sengat benar gan, saya sudah mencobanya dan berhasil namun butuh kesabaran yang tinggi. Seringkali karena nafsu yang membuat kita gegabah dan pada akhirnya berakhir pada penyesalan.
The difference between physical money and electronic money is a form of physical money that can be seen directly while electronic money can not, electronic money is usually only value and data only. In my opinion, both money can still have the same function, it all depends on the government.
Terimakasih gan atas informasinya, untuk menjadi bounty hunter memang harus siap dengan yang namanya ico tidak tercapai dan scam, namun sebagai bounty hunter kita tidak hanya mengerjakan 1 proyek. Jadi pasti akan ada projek yang membayar kita.
Informasi yang bagus, kita harus menganalisa pasar dan sangat jarang koin naik secara drastis akan bertahan lama di harga tersebut. Pada intinya ada fase di mana koin akan turun (waktu yang tepat untuk membeli).
I want to make a small business, when my money is sufficient I will do cash out
Positive thinking is a wonderful thing, not everyone can do it, I am still learning to change my mindset so as not to always think bad
Yes, I buy a potent coin, by looking at the quantity and quality of the communities I dare to take the decision to buy, need more research in order to make a profit from altcoin
The protocol and cryptographic rules used by Bitcoin still work many years after it was first made, which is a good sign that the concept is well designed. However, security flaws have been found and improved over time with the application of various software. Like any other software, the security of Bitcoin software depends on the speed of finding and troubleshooting. The more problems found, the more Bitcoin reach maturity.
Saya rasa nanti Bitcoin akan naik namun dengan perlahan, tidak seperti di akhir tahun kemarin yg naik secara spontan dan ternyata turun secara spontan juga
At the end of the year is the peak, many are experiencing the same thing, make this the best lesson for you and me.
Terimakasih atas informasinya, jangan sampai tergiur dengan ponzi, memang di awal dan tengah akan menguntungkan namun di akhir akan banyak yang tertipu.
I chose ETH, because most of altcoin can be stored in ETH wallet so many people use ETH as money storage for ICO.
Ya, pergerakan koin memang agak berubah, dulu ketika Bitcoin turun maka altcoin naik dan sebaliknya, sekarang market lagi down dan semoga nanti kedepannya akan kembali seperti dulu.
Not all the future of altcoin will be bright, you must be observant in analyzing the vision and mission of an Altcoin.
It took a long time for Bitcoin to be like the gold that many kept by people because gold has existed from a bygone era. Bitcoin is a new breakthrough, hopefully in the future Bitcoin will be known all over the world and attract many people to invest
Yang terpenting kita tidak memberikan password maupun private key kepada pihak lain agar tidak terjadi hal yang tidak di inginkan dan satu lagi, tidak mungkin orang lain memberikan kita Bitcoin secara gratis tanpa mengerjakan apapun