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10021  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: UEFA Champions League Discussion Thread on: February 24, 2020, 05:05:03 PM
So, Bayern are going to visit Stamford Bridge tomorrow. Interesting how 'Chelsea to WIN' is @4.xx odds in the bookies.

I've seen Bayern in the Bundesliga a lot and i honestly think people are overestimating them. They barely won 3-2 last Friday vs bottom-of-the-league Padderborn. If Chelsea can stop Lewa from scoring, that's pretty much 80% of the job done. If Lewa's in god mode, then it's very likely that he'll abuse Chelsea's defence and scores a perfect poker (left foot, right foot, header, pen/free kick). Thoughts?

Well, Chelsea didn't stop anybody from scoring against them in last 6 games. That games included among others Hull City and Newcastle. In the last 5 games against Bayern Chelsea conceded 16 goals.

I wouldn't put a nickel on Chelsea keeping a clean sheet tomorrow. I'll probably bet on both to score or Bayern to score 2 or more.
10022  Economy / Services / Re: [ENDED] EARNBET SIGNATURE CAMPAIGN | SENIOR, HERO & LEGENDARY MEMBER | on: February 24, 2020, 04:58:44 PM
Too bad the campaign is over, it was pleasure working with you.

Thanks for everything.
10023  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: February 24, 2020, 03:56:23 PM
Ja bi uradio jedan eksperiment i poslao ga na put do Amerike, Afrike i Australije pa i šire, ali samo sa hrpom domaćeg papirnatog novca i s'malo bitcoina.
Pitam se da li bi i koliko dugo ostao živ...

Ili bi ga poslao u budućnost ili prošlost (ali nemam vremeplov)

Mi smo jednom liku s nogometa koji nas poprilično nervira sredili jednosmjernu kartu do Wuhana, let kreće iz Venecije i pustili mu je u kafani. Na žalost do daljnejeg ne želi više igrati s nama. Ne znam zašto se naljutio, čujem da je baš u zadnje vrijeme tamo mirno a kako pati s živcima mislili smo da bi mu to moglo pomoći Smiley

Naravno photoshop, nismo ludi istresti tolike novce za zezanciju.
10024  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: 🍀🍀 Bounty kampanje Altcoin – Signature, Telegram 🍀🍀 on: February 24, 2020, 01:12:41 PM
Da, vidio sam tu kampanju ali ne prihvaćaju lokalne postove. Ali ne razumijem zašto se ekipa prijavljuje za kampanje kad sami vide da primaju 8 članova, a ekipa se prijavljuje i nakon što se 50 ljudi prijavilo.

Pa BTC kampanje ne funkcioniraju po sistemu tko se prvi prijavi Grin

Recimo, ovdje je vjerojatno teško upasti jer Sr. Member ide u isti koš kao i Hero i Legendary.

Recimo da ne bi trebale tako funkcionirati, ali ipak se cesto dogodi sa manager da prednost ranijim prijavama. Nece prvih 8 dobiti posao, ali ce vrlo vjerojatno manager odabrati vec nakon pola dana ili jedan dan. Rijetko kada ce priliku za upasti imati netko tko se prijavi nakon dan ili dva od otvaranja prijava. Iznimka su CM i ova moja kampanja recimo.

Edit: Evo cim sam rekao da sam zadovoljan s kampanjom, završila je. Trebao sam šutiti još neko vrijeme Smiley
10025  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: 🍀🍀 Bounty kampanje Altcoin – Signature, Telegram 🍀🍀 on: February 24, 2020, 12:26:22 PM

Ja sam par puta bas iz tog razloga napisao nesto u stilu.
Applying for the campaign, currently on mobile, will fill out rest of the info as I manage or latest tomorrow morning. Onda bi editirao svoj post i dodao jos par informacija.

Mislim da je to bolje od samo reserved. Po meni reserved trebas popunit unutar pol sata recimo.
10026  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: February 23, 2020, 10:02:09 PM
Da li ste čuli za najnoviji SIM hack?
Ukradeno je kako kažu ukupno oko $45.000.000 BTC i Bcash-a

Uf, ovo je brutalno. Ali ono što meni kod ovakvih stvari nikako nije jasno je to kako netko toliko love može držati na jednom walletu??
Ono, podijeli na 45 adresa, stavi nešto na paper wallete i bubni u sef. Stvarno ne razumijem kako netko može biti toliko neoprezan.

Kako znas da nije? Mozda je njemu to ekvivalent ko da meni maznu tjednu zaradu od sig kampanje. Ja recimo to drzim na walletu na mobu koji cak nema ni password. Istina haker bi morao biti brz buduci da mi rijetko kad taj btc potraje dulje od par dana.
10027  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: FOOTBATTLE - Besplatna AI nogometna igra (menađer) na Ethereum mreži! on: February 23, 2020, 09:56:38 PM
Ja sam vidio da se ne puni kup s AI momcadima pa se nisam htio prijaviti. Da znam da ce se igrati u vrijeme kad ne spavam s gustom bi se ukljucio. Mozda jos stignem ujutro prije posla.
10028  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: 🍀🍀 Bounty kampanje Altcoin – Signature, Telegram 🍀🍀 on: February 23, 2020, 09:53:46 PM
Mislim da nikad nije bilo ovako malo signature bounty kampanja na forumu.
Čim se pojavi neka nova kampanja svi pohrle tamo

Jep, zato se ja ne dam iz BitVesta iako me još uvijek plaćaju kao Full Membera. Jednostavno mi ne paše da jedan tjedan zaradim kao 5 tjedana ovdje a onda sljedeći mjesec provedem prijavljujući se svakih par dana na nešto drugo.
U BitVestu sam sad opet prvi na redu za promaknuće, bilo bi super kad bi mi to uletilo.

Nisam siguran sta je pametnije. Ja sam recimo sad super zadovoljan mojom kampanjom. Ako uzmemo da je BTC 10k placen sam tocno 1 dolar po postu sta je stvarno pristojno. Tu sam u 5 tjedana zaradio ko sta bi tamo u 4 do 5 mjeseci. Tako da mi se vec isplatilo a nadam se da ce potrajati jos neko vrijeme.
10029  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: FOOTBATTLE - Besplatna AI nogometna igra (menađer) na Ethereum mreži! on: February 23, 2020, 03:43:06 PM
Mislim da nije bitna pozicija vec ocjena koju igrac dobije. Najbolje ocjenjeni igraci gube vise energije. To u praksi barem meni ispadne u 95 posto slucajeva jedini napadac. A u onih preostalih 5 posto krilo ili centar. Obrambeni se najmanje trose i imaju redovito najgore ocjene.
10030  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Premier League Prediction Thread (EPL) on: February 23, 2020, 12:32:19 PM
Reassuring him that his performance is ALWAYS stable and he can do it Tongue
BTW the worst thing that can happens is that your substitute score the only goal just minutes after you are out. Too bad!

It's still unclear why Guardiola still gives him permission to take penalties. It's obvious that Aguero is no longer at his prime and should be replaced in some matches. Man city is one of the few teams that have a great squad with talented players that are on and off the field. I would've preferred a City draw though. It would've meant Liverpool would have less games to win.

Wtf are you talking about past his prime?  Lol.  He's the second highest goal scorer in the league (with Vardy just leading by one goal).

Not just that, if you had to pick a guy from your club to find himself in goal scoring chance from whole premier league, who would you pick? Aguero would be my first pick in every single season in the last 5-10 years. There just isn't a more complete and crafty forward in PL.

Granted, he is shit on penalties this year for whatever reason, but he would play every game for me and maybe take a break from penalties in the near future.
10031  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re:'s English Premier League Football Pool Discussion Thread on: February 23, 2020, 12:27:58 PM
Giroud is such an underrated and underappreciated player and it's criminal he never used to start much for either Chelsea or Arsenal. I've always called him a super sub as he often scored when he came on but he should be starting every week. Didn't Giroud have a goal disallowed last week as well? I hope he starts in the Bayern game on tuesday. I'll be watching that one either way.

I was never a big fan of Giroud game but I can definitely agree he is very underappreciated in Chelsea and before that in Arsenal. That same guy had his place cemented in France squad for world cup and played all matches there. Keep in mind that French aren't exactly lacking options in attack, to mention just few French attackers from the top of my head: Benzema (suspended because some off pitch blackmail stuff), Griezman, Dembele, Mbappe, Tolisso, Coman, Ben Yedder (I believe he was never invited to national team but great player for me). Granted most of those attackers are more wingers than ST but Chelsea has similar players and doesn't want to use Giroud as the target man which is a position he excels at.
10032  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions on: February 22, 2020, 08:13:26 PM
Barcelona recently made an emergency signing of Martin Braithwaite and even unveiled him. The transfer window has been long closed. Was the deal an exception or La Liga has different rules that can allow making signings outside transfer window?

It was a special circumstances exception granted to Barcelona. Should not have been allowed if you ask me.
Here is some more info and opinions in my post from the other day.

Board of Barcelona is a big joke. They have signed Martin Braithwaite from Leganes for €18 million. Ok, is something understandable, Barca urgently needed forward. But he signed contract for 4.5 years with €300 million release clause. Are they f**king serious? Especially when Barca had their own players like Carles Perez, Abel Ruiz or Rafinha, but sent them on loan. They are probably isn't worse than Braithwaite. I'm not even talking about other wasted academy talents like Adama Traore who didn't got chances in Barcelona.
And last time I thought that transfer of K.P. Boateng is something strange...
I'm only sad for Leganes in this situation. They last their main player and didn't got chance to sign someone in place of him.

I am casual Barca supporter and their behaviour in the last months makes me quite sad. That is not how one of biggest clubs in the world should behave. This is just last incident from club leadership that totally lost control.

They invoked some legal technicality and took one of the most important Leganes players while Leganes is struggling to fight for their place in La Liga next season. I am quite unsure how this was allowed in the first place. That sort of opportunity to grant clubs ability to sign players outside of transfer window should be granted only in dire circumstances like when that Brazilian club lost almost their whole team in plane crash. Certainly not when 2 attackers get injured in top club. That is just bad transfer policy. Dembele is almost always injured and Suarez has quite a few years under his belt, surly serious club can guess they will miss some matches.

As you already pointed out, Barca has some quality jung alternatives as well. What sort of message this sends to them. Go away and find some club which will believe in you, if you ask me.
10033  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: 🍀🍀 Bounty kampanje Altcoin – Signature, Telegram 🍀🍀 on: February 22, 2020, 09:25:09 AM
Evo vam jedna nova kampanja ali pročitajte uvjete, mislim da je 20 postova tjedno ali 7 u ALT Crypto sekciji što vjerojatno većini vas ne odgovara. Samo za Full i Senior članove.

Payouts & Positions:
3x Full Members - $15 BTC/Week
3x Senior Members - $25 BTC/Week
10034  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: FOOTBATTLE - Besplatna AI nogometna igra (menađer) na Ethereum mreži! on: February 22, 2020, 08:13:45 AM
lol, tek sam sad skontao da sad napadači i vezni gube po 7-9% energije po utakmici na intenseu, otkad su ove energy packove uveli. prije bilo 3-4.

Mislim da si u krivu, meni ja napadač na intensu oduvijek gubio u prosjeku 6,7 dok na balanced 3,4. U nekoj utakmici to može ispasti i više ili manje ali uglavnom mislim da nije bilo promjena u tom segmentu. Na kraju uvijek ispadne da napadač gubi najviše jer mislim da je to proporcionalno s ocjenom koju dobiju za utakmicu, a napadači su uglavnom uvijek najbolje ocjenjeni igrači.
10035  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: FOOTBATTLE - Besplatna AI nogometna igra (menađer) na Ethereum mreži! on: February 21, 2020, 09:59:16 PM
Ja sam Rijeku danas riješio bez problema i to u gostima. Baš mi je lijepo sjela pobjeda i 40+M navijača, ove promjene koje su uveli očito pašu mojoj ekipi. Još me je i ždrijeb počeo maziti i paziti, u hrvatskom kupu sam prošao u dio bez Kerke i Rijeke, u svjetskom također imam laganu skupinu.

10036  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: 🍀🍀 Bounty kampanje Altcoin – Signature, Telegram 🍀🍀 on: February 21, 2020, 11:06:38 AM
Samo moram naći koji mi je uopće user name za tu stranicu, to mi je ostalo na starom poslovnom kompu a ne da mi se to čudo paliti.
Dobio si vjerovatno obavještenje o registraciji na tu stranicu na mail koji koristiš za takve stvari.
Provjeri njega i napravi pretragu za riječ "bounty0x". Sigurno ti u potvrdi o registraciji piše i korisničko ime.

Malo me sram sto se toga nisam sam sjetio odmah jucer. Trebalo bi upaliti slazem se.
10037  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: La Liga (Spanish League) Prediction Thread 2019/20 on: February 21, 2020, 06:38:10 AM
Board of Barcelona is a big joke. They have signed Martin Braithwaite from Leganes for €18 million. Ok, is something understandable, Barca urgently needed forward. But he signed contract for 4.5 years with €300 million release clause. Are they f**king serious? Especially when Barca had their own players like Carles Perez, Abel Ruiz or Rafinha, but sent them on loan. They are probably isn't worse than Braithwaite. I'm not even talking about other wasted academy talents like Adama Traore who didn't got chances in Barcelona.
And last time I thought that transfer of K.P. Boateng is something strange...
I'm only sad for Leganes in this situation. They last their main player and didn't got chance to sign someone in place of him.

I am casual Barca supporter and their behaviour in the last months makes me quite sad. That is not how one of biggest clubs in the world should behave. This is just last incident from club leadership that totally lost control.

They invoked some legal technicality and took one of the most important Leganes players while Leganes is struggling to fight for their place in La Liga next season. I am quite unsure how this was allowed in the first place. That sort of opportunity to grant clubs ability to sign players outside of transfer window should be granted only in dire circumstances like when that Brazilian club lost almost their whole team in plane crash. Certainly not when 2 attackers get injured in top club. That is just bad transfer policy. Dembele is almost always injured and Suarez has quite a few years under his belt, surly serious club can guess they will miss some matches.

As you already pointed out, Barca has some quality jung alternatives as well. What sort of message this sends to them. Go away and find some club which will believe in you, if you ask me.
10038  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: 🍀🍀 Bounty kampanje Altcoin – Signature, Telegram 🍀🍀 on: February 20, 2020, 07:15:55 PM
Znam da je bilo riječi o Wono bountyju i bounty0x stranici, pa evo da prenesem novosti koje sam dobio na mail:

If you have received this email you have participated in the WONO bounty campaign. WONO tokens will not be minted as originally planned, but as an act of good faith WONO team members are offering hunters a small flat stablecoin reward. Most projects do not offer anything when this occurs, but WONO does not want hunters to feel left out and is doing this as a thank you.

Treba ispuniti neki obrazac (samo staviti bounty0x username) i valjda čekati to bogatstvo.

Dobio sam i ja isti Email, prvo sam mislio da je prevara ali ako traže samo bounty0x nickname neka mi ga slobodno ukradu, usrećit će se Smiley
Samo moram naći koji mi je uopće user name za tu stranicu, to mi je ostalo na starom poslovnom kompu a ne da mi se to čudo paliti.
10039  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: FOOTBATTLE - Besplatna AI nogometna igra (menađer) na Ethereum mreži! on: February 20, 2020, 05:15:49 PM
Danas imamo tri derbija s koliko bodova bis bio zadovoljan  Grin

Sad još da i tebi uzmem barem jednu pobjedu... To bi bilo idealno! Smiley

Niš od toga, više sreće drugi put. Moji prekaljeni jurišnici igraju doma ko Atletico Madrid, dvije pobjede od 1:0 a onda u gostima uzmu šta im se ponudi kada se protivnik otvori Smiley

Kupio sam inače onog skupog obrambenog za nekih 23k F coinsa. To je duplo više nego i jedna moja prijašnja legenda. Bolje mu je da opravda uloženo.
10040  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: UEFA Europa League Discussion Thread on: February 20, 2020, 06:37:43 AM
It's time to bump this topic. Europa league playoffs begins and we have 16 games today. I still haven't decided which games I'm going to watch. It's really difficult to pick, because there is plenty of interesting games which is hard to predict.
I'm only going to bet on Inter win. Other games looks tricky. Maybe I will look in some goals under/over markets.

I am thinking of betting only on over markets, there is too much question marks on starting line ups for most favourites. You mentioned Inter, they will play without Brozovic and Skriniar for sure since they stayed in Italy. There are also rumours that Lukaku, De vrilj and Barella should get bench duty.

Maybe I'll wait for actual line ups before betting today.
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