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10381  Local / Off-topic (Hrvatski) / Re: Svađaona on: December 31, 2019, 08:55:35 AM
Jel moguće da ste se vas dvojica do krvi posvađali oko nuklearnih reaktora?

Dajte ljudi, znam da je tema svađaona i sve al malo nas je tu. Be nice Grin

Ma mene su baš razvesili, to je poanta svađaone da se malo ispušemo u ovo blagdansko vrijeme kada moramo biti uljudni prema bližnjima.
Kad smo već kod toga za tebe imam dva citata jednog hrvatskog uglednika
Đubre! Mučko đubre! Prestani više lagati ovaj napaćeni narod. Ne znaš se ni oprati, zmazan si, prljav, smrdiš, neškolovan i lažeš! Proklet bio na Božić 2010.!

Tvoj je cilj napraviti predstavu, ti si mučki provokator.

da budem pošten ovo je dosta više nego sam mislio napisati Smiley, upisao sam u google "Mamic, mučko đubre, provakator" a to si zaslužio svojim osvrtom na moje patnje s sig kampanjama dotičnog menadžera kojeg neću spominjati da ga ne usmjerim na ovu temu.

Šta se tiče rasprave u nuklearnim reaktorima, meni je čak bila i poučna budući da nisam imao pojma o Thoriumu prije ovoga
10382  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: 🍀🍀 Bounty kampanje Altcoin – Signature, Telegram 🍀🍀 on: December 31, 2019, 08:39:43 AM
Nismo još ništa preživjeli, Trofo se žrtvovao i nije plaćen. Pravi test će biti ovaj tjedan.

Ja predlažem da mu uopće ne odgovaramo na pitanja i da ne ulazimo u rasprave s njim. Kad nešto napiše - samo ignore. Pobijedit ćemo mi njega! Grin

Ma hoćete vraga, evo ja napisao jedan post, vas 5 se odmah javilo sa bar jednim, dva i dodalo stranicu na ovoj temi. Ovaj tjedan vam je kasno, jučer sam imao vremena i već napisao poprilično postova 15 ću skupit gdje puklo da puklo, treba testirati teoriju.

Jedini način da me se rješite iz ove kampanje prije kraja tjedna je da me Darkstar prihvati u CM, a vjerojatno neće biti ni otvorene prijave prije kraja tjedna. Tako da vam savjetujem da trud prebacite na nagovaranje dotičnog gospidna. Cryptofrka je već dobro započeo, mogao bi iskoristiti njegov prijašni post
Grin Grin
Hvala ti na žrtvi, ti si ionako prekvalitetan poster za ovako slabo plaćenu kampanju.
Da ja pišem tako kvalitetno, sigurno bih tražio nešto bolje pa ti toplo preporučam da pogledaš što se još nudi!

Još par takvih i ja ih lijepo priložim uz prijavu i nadam se da google translate ne kuži sarkazam  Undecided

Za nezaposlene ->

Nova BTC kampanja

Neloša kampanja. Vidim da plaća za postove na svim jezicima. Zbog toga me jako podsjeća na Bitvest. Evo Trofo, navali da ne urekneš naše kampanje Grin

Da solidno izgleda, pogotovo za ove koji su bar Sr Member rank. Ja sam trenutno u Bitvestu placen 0.00003 BTC po postu, tako da mi dodje na isto. Doduse ja sam u tier C pa je onda meni jos ok.

Ja ne volim ove kampanje koje plaćaju po postu, ne pišem ni približno ko neki lokalni spameri  Grin pa se osjećam da propuštam dio zarade. Meni treba kampanja sa fiksnim brojem postova oko 20 ili 25 max a da je dobro plaćena. Za CM bi bio više nego voljan napraviti iznimku a ovaj bitvest mi je više placeholder dok se ne nađe neka prava i da se malo potrudim dignuti broj i kvalitetu postova. U zadnje vrijeme sam se stvarno bio uljenio.
10383  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions on: December 30, 2019, 01:10:00 PM
And also the price seems very cheap to my eyes for a young talent such as him.

Salzburg had no say about this because he had a clause in contract that he can go if somebody pays 20M to the club. I am bothered with the fact that his manager and father got more then the club. This shows how much influence "managers" have in modern football and I for one don't like it.
10384  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re:'s English Premier League Football Pool Discussion Thread on: December 30, 2019, 01:07:10 PM
The FA really needs to change its VAR rules.

Yesterday's game was massacred because of it and although I'm a Liverpool fan I think that the Wolves goal should have stood.
In situations in which you cannot be sure you need to let initial decision stand, or at least give the decision in the hands of the referee on the pitch.

We have seen many of these disallowed so far, I think disallowing a goal when unsure really is not the best thing you can do.
They must think about this and have to do something serious about this I was also thinking they need to give benefit to goal scorer.

Exactly, football is played for the goals and this VAR bullshit when they watch the the situation 20 times and triangulate lines to prove that tip of attacker shoulder is half a millimeter in front of the last defender are total nonsense. I am waiting for the situation where attacker hair is in offside resulting with most of the players having contract clause to have to shave their head bald.

It seems to me that VAR is working much better in other leagues and competitions that have implemented it. That is really big slap to FA face. With biggest budget they should be able to provide best experience and definitely not settle for this.
10385  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions on: December 30, 2019, 09:49:51 AM

There could be no other better move for him right now than this.
In Dortmund he will be assured of regular football alongside other bright prospects like Jordan Sancho  Wink after which he can then move to the bigger clubs.

Great decision by him IMO.

Yeah was the best decision for him right now, in the future he probably will go in a top team.

The sad part of this transaction was the costs, the managers got more money than his old team.

20M to Salisburgo (idk the english name for it)
15M to Raiola
10M to his father.

This is absurd.

Excellent decision, I already wrote about this before and mentioned that it would probably be best for him to chose Dortmund or Leipzig while transfers to Man Utd and especially Juve are probably a bit too much at this stage of his career.
10386  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Premier League Prediction Thread (EPL) on: December 30, 2019, 09:47:13 AM
Do you want to make a small bet regarding Lampard future in Chelsea since we have a difference of opinion regarding the matter?
I'm down! Wanna do it like this? my $20 (Lampard will get sacked before December 31st) for your $30 (Lampard will be Chelsea's manager on Wednesday, January 1st 2020, in the game Brighton vs Chelsea). Quote me and it's on (:

It is on. I did't check the game but the date and amounts are enough to make this bet work. The looser shall pay out BTC eqivalent of 20 or 30 USD as per rate on January 1st 2020 at the start of mentioned Brighton-Chelsea game  Grin

I will leave you neutral trust rating with reference for this post as a way to track the bet. I have few of them going on and it helps me keep track.
Great! Good luck, man  Wink
Doesn't look so good for you at the moment Smiley

Chelsea was doing so well for quite some time and I thought this bet is mine for sure. Then came few losses against week teams without scoring a goal and I started to worry a bit. Then came Arsenal game and Chelsea is playing like shit in first half and loosing 1:0. Here I thought, is it possible he will get sacked few days before our deadline. After turning that one over I am even confident enough to write this post and try to challenge my luck.
10387  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: 🍀🍀 Bounty kampanje Altcoin – Signature, Telegram 🍀🍀 on: December 30, 2019, 09:41:46 AM
Evo izgleda da ce ChipMixer uskoro imati par mjesta slobodno, pa vi sa visim rankovima budite spremni.

Možemo mi biti spremni ali teško da će netko dobiti poziciju. Na taj ChipMixer bude takva navala (s dobrim razlogom) da se uvijek nađe barem 10-15 odličnih postera od kojih njih par možda dobije mjesto. Ja sam probao jednom ili dvaput, nisam došao ni na shortlistu Smiley

10388  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: La Liga (Spanish League) Prediction Thread 2019/20 on: December 30, 2019, 09:36:43 AM
Real Madrid is not the same without Cristiano.The fact that they couldn’t beat Athletic Bilbao is a good indicator of that.The forwarders like Benzema and Bale are not performing like they did when Cristiano was playing.I think that Hazard needs a bit more time to feel comfortable with the way Real plays and then we will see a new Real Madrid.

Eden Hazard might need more adaptation to Real Madrid because his game was very different at the EPL when Hazard at Chelsea played better at Chelsea than at Real Madrid.
In my opinion, only Benzema is still contributing to the present despite the absence of Ronaldo's residence, and for Gareth Bale he is still unsure.

Of course Real is not the same without Cristiano, no club in the world can instantly find replacement for player like him.

Regarding Benzema I actually think that he is playing maybe the best football of his career. For me he is the one (maybe only one) who stepped up and filled part of the gap left by Cristiano shadow.

Bale is a different story, that guy obviously has some deeper issues with Real. He didn't make any effort to adjust to his new club and he is now in Real for about 6 years (maybe, didn't check). Still doesn't speak a word of Spanish. I just don't get that kind of not caring about your fellow players and supporters. That is not just being lazy to learn new language that is actively protesting to learn it. Hell, after few weeks in some county I already start speaking at least few simple sentences.
10389  Economy / Gambling / Re: 🚀 - Main Club Partner of Watford FC ⚽ Fun. 🏀 Fast. 🎾 Fair. �� on: December 30, 2019, 09:09:45 AM
the rule that i broke is one that I never knew about.

If the rule is stated in official document, that is just your mistake. Take time and read T&C for every gambling site you use. Don't count it as time lost but as a way you can even gain some advantage. For instance some gambling sites tennis forfeits count as void bet while other count it as regular win/loss. Some even count it as a regular after one set has been played. You just have to read trough such stuff before betting serious money.

Similar how you are guilty if you do something that is constituted felony in that country even if you didn't know that that particular thing is against low. Maybe good example for this would be if you are from the country where "soft" drugs are legal and in the most parts of the world it would be at least a money fine if not jail time.
10390  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: 🍀🍀 Bounty kampanje Altcoin – Signature, Telegram 🍀🍀 on: December 30, 2019, 08:18:00 AM
Evo,  i usprkos "trofinom" prokletstvu čini se da se konačno sve riješilo sa Bitvest kampanjom i sudeći po obavijesti od Hhampuza danas su svi dobili duplu isplatu,  i za prošli i ovaj tjedan.
Lijepi božićni poklon za sve 😁
Ionako se nije radilo o nekom velikom iznosu pa je problem vjerojatno bio u tome da je netko u Bitvestu,  zadužen za prosljeđivanje sredstava za kampanju  vjerojatno bio malo duže na praznicima 😁

To vam je prošlo samo zbog moje žrtve. Nisam pisao dva dana na forumu da ne bi napisao 15. post. Ovako meni ne ide lova pa sve funkcionira kako treba. Sad se osjećam prilično sigurno da ima love u novčaniku za koji tjedan pa mogu i ispuniti kvotu Smiley
10391  Local / Off-topic (Hrvatski) / Re: Politika u Hrvatskoj on: December 28, 2019, 06:32:06 PM
+1 i na ovo, kao i na ukidanje prava glasa svima koji ne plaćaju porez u Hrvatskoj.

S ovim se apsolutno slažem. To bi trebao biti prvi kriterij, koji k... ima pravo glasa netko tko ne plaća porez u toj državi? Tek nakon toga možemo pričati i ostalim stvarima.
10392  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re:'s English Premier League Football Pool Discussion Thread on: December 28, 2019, 06:25:48 PM
Have you guys seen first eleven from Leicester? Actually it would be more correct to call them reserve squad, there is maybe 2 or max 3 players from the first 11 fielded today. Vardy is not even on the bench. Have a feeling it would have been smarter to rest a player or two against Liverpoll, especially after they have seen what City did to them the week before and than have strongest 11 against weaker teams where they should get 3 points.

Edit: Match ended 2:1 for Leicester so this was an excellent decision from the manager. Have to admit I was a bit nervous when I saw line ups since I had Leicester to win on a big stake ticket.
10393  Economy / Gambling / Re: 🚀 - Main Club Partner of Watford FC ⚽ Fun. 🏀 Fast. 🎾 Fair. 🏆 on: December 27, 2019, 01:35:47 PM
Hi mates,

I have mark something lately. Promotion Price Boost actually boosted the odds very small in comparison with few days ago.

Can You check how system works for You, or it is only for my account?

Best wishes,

It depends on the odds, if you chose a small odd of 1.45 you will get maybe 1,47. But if you choose something like 2.6 you will get 2.8 easily.
10394  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re:'s English Premier League Football Pool Discussion Thread on: December 27, 2019, 08:38:09 AM
Forgot to make picks for this round Embarrassed

But what about that Liverpool performance yesterday? That was the clearest statement win I ever saw.
It was a game that basically decided whether the league title race will be over or not and what Liverpool did to Leicester was a stamp for all to see that Liverpool is not bottling this one.

It is now a 13 and 14 points gap with a game in hand and after yesterday's performance, I think nobody has any doubts anymore.

Truly one of the best teams in the history of football.

Really great performance from LFC against team which had the best home defensive record before this game. As you said LFC really made a statement with this game to show the rest of the league what they can expect.

I am a bit disappointed with Leicester, they played really good football this season and then they lost against City and Liverpool without even putting up a real fight. Now I am asking myself was this a bad spell in Leicester form or maybe just a realistic result which shows how much better LFC and City are from the rest of the league.
10395  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: 🍀🍀 Bounty kampanje Altcoin – Signature, Telegram 🍀🍀 on: December 27, 2019, 08:11:47 AM
Evo vec su krenuli problemi s kampanjom, kasni punjenje novcanika za isplatu a jos nisam ni jedan tjedan odradio  Grin Sorry decki

Ubojico svega dobroga! Još uvijek nam nije plaćeno, inače stigne točno na dan Grin Grin

Možda da se nas par skupi pa da mu plaćamo da ne nosi signature?

Ja sam za.

Moram priznati da sam već i sam počeo razmišljati da se javim svim sudionicima hhampuzovih kampanja i tražim 5% od svakoga za očuvanje kampanje u kojoj sudjeluju, ako više od recimo 70% sudionika ne plati, sljedi prijava i promtno gašenje Smiley

Ovo mi je sad već stvarno sumnjivo, ajde prošle kampanje su tek počinjale pa nije bilo baš ni za očeivati da će trajati ne znam koliko dugo ali ova traje godinu dana. Zanimljivo je i da mi se to ne događa s kampanjam drugih managera.

Zapravo imam još bolje rješenje, nagovorite Darkstara da me uzme u Chipmixer i obećajem da se ne mičem iz te kampanje dokle god traje Smiley
10396  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: FOOTBATTLE - Besplatna AI nogometna igra (menađer) na Ethereum mreži! on: December 26, 2019, 10:08:10 AM
Tko je Tanulko? Mrzim tog lika Grin Grin

Znam da je i HNK Rijeka na forumu - mislim da je user alfacro ili nešto slično.

Meni ni HNK Rijeka nije omiljena ekipa trenutno, jučer me isprašio u World Cupu sa 3:0 u prvoj utakmici nakon čega više nije bilo povratka. Ali dobro to spada u ono skriptiranje o kojem sam pričao jednom prije. Ja svaki World cup prođem skupinu kao prvi makar stavio C ekipu da igra i ispušim prvu sljedeću utakmicu. Mislim da je već bio 6. put za redom.
10397  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re:'s English Premier League Football Pool Discussion Thread on: December 26, 2019, 10:04:40 AM
This stinking Christmas rubbish is nearly over now.

Let’s get on with the real fun, all I want is 3 points for Jurgen’s boys tomorrow.


I had a bad case of football withdrawal symptoms yesterday. We should make them play at least a game or two during Christmas so our meetings with extended family can go a little bit smoother Smiley

Too bad I am not into basketball since it seems NBA league has some very good matches on Christmas. They consider it a privilege to play on that day.
10398  Economy / Gambling / Re: 🚀 - Main Club Partner of Watford FC ⚽ Fun. 🏀 Fast. 🎾 Fair. �� on: December 25, 2019, 06:15:37 PM
I am pretty sure it must be something like "if you bet on this game and lost you get free 2mbtc bet" or at the very least it must have been "if you bet on the same day" or something like that. It can't be "all accounts" that gets free 2mbtc bet because they must have thousands upon thousands of accounts on their website that are both active but also inactive as well which would make no sense to give money to accounts that are inactive for too long.

There must be some requirement to get it but I don't know what it is and I am pretty sure even the ones who got free mbtc should have some sort of rollover before they can withdraw. You can just give 10k+ (assumed) accounts 2mbtc to withdraw, that is just bad business, you can use that money much better and more efficiently.

It is a 2 mBTC free bet, meaning you can only use it to bet on sports and 2mBTC is taken back from your winnings, the rest you can withdraw immediately. There is no other requirements as far as I know. You can use it on single match or ticket with as many events as you like.

This was just a promo for us regulars here in the thread so I am guessing maybe 50 accounts max. Maybe there was something similar on their twitter or other social media but I am not following there so.....

All in all it shouldn't be a big dent in Sportsbet finances but sure was a nice early Christmas present for us here. Thanks Sportsbet and Steve.
10399  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: FOOTBATTLE - Besplatna AI nogometna igra (menađer) na Ethereum mreži! on: December 25, 2019, 07:30:18 AM
Prije par dana na marketu bilo pravo dobrih elite igrača, da sam imao 20 milja coinsa, sve bih ih s guštoom potrošio. Sad kad sam nešto skupio, katastrofa ponuda. Baš ono stihijski daju dobre i loše igrače. Ili je market pun dobrih igrača ili je pun loših.

To se bar lako rješi, skupljaj lovu i čekaj sljedeći val dobrih igrača Smiley Kako ti se ono zove ekipa? Veći gušt je kad znaš protiv koga igraš.
Ovo su ekipe za koje znam, ako još netko želi podijeliti dodam ovdje:

FC SLOTH - Trofo
LFCCRO - cryptofrka
FC CroEth - slackovic
FLUMEN - big_daddy
FC KOR - rkorade

Nije HRV liga:
CARLOS - casperBGD
10400  Local / Off-topic (Hrvatski) / Re: Sretan Božić on: December 25, 2019, 07:23:15 AM
Sretan Božić ekipa i sve najbolje u novoj godini.

Odmaknite se malo od blockfolia i trejdanja i posvetite bližnjima da napunite baterije i onda samo jako nakon blagdana Smiley
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