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10481  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Kompletan hrvatski prijevod Satoshijevog preglednog rada (whitepaper) on: November 21, 2019, 03:26:11 PM
danas, tražeći neki info sa primjetio sam da nema HR prijevoda, i sjetim se da ga je jedan naš član lokanog foruma preveo

Kako možemo taj prijevod staviti na popis sa ostalim prijevodima da bude "službeno" dostupan?

Ajde raspitati ću se malo kada ulovim vremena, radio sam neke prijevode za njih preko nekog sajta specijalizarnog za prevođenje. Čak su me stavili i za nekakvog admina da mogu odobrit hrvatske prijevode. To je sve bilo za samu web stranicu koliko znam ali možda je povezano.

ako vidiš ovu poruku volio bi čuti tvoje mišljenje kao i dobiti dozvolu da ti/ja ili neko drugi objavi tvoj rad u nepromijenjenom obliku ili ako bude trebalo napraviti neke sitnije modifikacije (nisam pročitao prevedeni dokument pa ne znam koliko je kvalitetno preveden). U slučaju da se slažeš reci pod kojim imenom želiš da ti se napiše zasluga za prijevod.
10482  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Tennis League All Thread on: November 21, 2019, 12:40:50 PM
Nobody watching & betting on new Davis Cup? Was a bit surprised that I didn't see a single post on this topic. Russia started very nice, they are missing Medvedev but Khacanov and Rublev are still a solid force. They won all 3 matches against my Croatia but I sort of expected it and managed to cash in nicely on those games. Croatia is playing without Cilic and Coric was also sick before tournament so he isn't on 100%. Add to that some internal struggles and firing of the coach one day before we traveled to Spain and the result is more than realistic.

Russia has also won their first match against Spain but Nadal should make that 1:1 (playing at the moment) and then we will have a decider in pairs.

I'm Smiley

I'm not a big fan of small odds, but today I will make an exception for Davis cup.

Djokovic is always playing strong for Serbia and even @ 1.069 is a good bet on it. Paire is no a weak player at all, but cannot compare to Djokovic at all.

Paire B. (Fra) vs Djokovic N. (Srb) @ 1.069

Still considering the option for 0:2 on Djokovic @ 1.328

Your opinion?

That odds are way to small. When I get odds that small on favourite I either play handicap on his opponent or skip the game. For this particular match I would rather skip it since Paire is very unpredictable.
10483  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: FOOTBATTLE - Besplatna AI nogometna igra (menađer) na Ethereum mreži! on: November 21, 2019, 10:36:33 AM
Kad smo vec kod postava koliko je tesko isprogramirati postave da kad je jednom odaberes ostane takva dok ju ne promijenis. Tu mislim na ono automatsko bjezanje igraca. Ja moram bar jednom mjesecno popraviti lijevi dio moje ekipe jer stalno bjeze prema autu. Svaki dan pol milimetra  Huh Kako uopce se tako nesto moze dogoditi? Bavio sam se nesto programirenjem i ne vidim kako to moze biti slucajna greska, a ako nije onda pobogu cemu sluzi?
10484  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re:'s English Premier League Football Pool Discussion Thread on: November 20, 2019, 04:33:38 PM
But having Mou back should be fun.  Lolol.  

Edit:  Hah!  Yes!  VAR OUT!!!

I can't wait to hear his after match antics. He was often a bit condescending and judgemental towards his colleagues in top clubs when they complained against VAR and other stuff. Now he will change the record first time some decision goes even remotely against his new club. Interesting time awaits us for sure.
10485  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: FOOTBATTLE - Besplatna AI nogometna igra (menađer) na Ethereum mreži! on: November 20, 2019, 04:25:43 PM
Ti si među njima, samo šamaraj mrtvog magarca.. Ja čekam samo da kupiš Playstation ko pravi gejmer pa da ti pokažem kako se igra nogomet Grin

Mislim da bi bilo pametnije natjerat EA Sports da omogući igranje među platformama budući da je neću nikada kupiti konzolu osim ako mi mala to ne poželi jednog dana kad malo naraste pa si poklonim pa joj poklonim plejku za božić. Baš bi ti pokazao kako Oršić trpa, stvarno ne znam šta su mislili s njegovom IF karticom, pa ima bolje ocjene od skoro svih igrača Smiley

Sorry ljudi na off topicu, to je vezano za Fifu 20 i neku našu prijašnju konverzaciju.

Nisam zbrajao i množio, ali ne kontam kako Kerka ima 1385 OVR sa onoliko legendi i elite igrača i 600 mil fanova. Ne sjećam sse tko je bio, ali neki dan sam negdje snimio lika ima skoro 1700 OVR.

to ti je trenutni OVR, mozda mu nije bio prvi tim trenutno u igri, ja rotiram timove (sistem rotacije, koji je uveo Aleks Ferguson u Mancesteru Smiley), pa mi cesto stoji OVR ispod 1000, a prvi tim je 1400
Kerka ima sigurno 1600+, nisam pratio, ali kad mu vidim tim nema sanse da je manje

da, kontao sam da bi moglo biti to, ali par puta je uvijek ista cifra bila, pa me to zbunjivalo.

Ima Kerka tu negdje OVR baš oko 1600, nema više ali njegova prava snaga leži u debilnoj formaciji i odličnim traitovima. Čak i kada igra u gostima redovito mu svi igrači imaju +10 ili više. Zato ga nitko ne može dobiti.
10486  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: FOOTBATTLE - Besplatna AI nogometna igra (menađer) na Ethereum mreži! on: November 20, 2019, 11:21:31 AM
Neki razumni veći overall (200+ recimo) morao bi biti garancija pobjede u 99% situacija jer je to u igri na visokom overallu ogromna razlika u rijetkosti igrača u momčadi.

slazem se sa ovim, za 99% slucajeva, opet uvek moze da se desi, desava se i u pravom fudbalu, samo uvek razmisljam - a zasto uvek meni Smiley
cini mi se da se to cesce desava u world campaign, u Ligi nisam primetio da se to desi ikada

Vidis meni obrnuto. Ja uvijek treniram igrace na onom world campaignu koji nosi oko 14 F. Ekipa mi ima Ovr od 900 do 1100 ovisno o tome koliko je novih igraca i pobijedjujem uvijek. U 99 posto slucajeva i sa vise od 2 razlike.

U ligi mi se pak kiks moze potkrasti vrlo lako, a pogotovo protiv nekih ekipa. Imam osjecaj da necu nikada pobijediti Kerku ili Tanulka dok recimo cryptofrku rjesim gotovo svaki put. Rijeka mi isto radi probleme recimo. To su sve slicne ekipe, ok Kerka ima najbolje traitove ali ovr je unutar 100 pa bi mogao i izgubit koju tekmu.

Trenutno imam niz od jedno 10 pobjeda od 1:0 protiv jacih ekipa pa se nadam nastavku i protiv Kerke sutra ujutro.
10487  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Premier League Prediction Thread (EPL) on: November 20, 2019, 06:51:36 AM
There is something seriously wrong in Spurs dressing room. There was some rumours but only players know the real truth. I seriously doubt that the problem was manager but you can't sack half of your players while you can change the manager.

Anyway, I am not worried about Pochettino, he made a name for himself and he will be able to chose his next destination. In his place I wouldn't go to Arsenal for sure. They have a squad of limited talents and losing mentality. More importantly, supporters would never forgive him.
10488  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re:'s English Premier League Football Pool Discussion Thread on: November 19, 2019, 09:43:49 PM
Breaking news - Pochetino has been sacked! I've never been big fan of him, so I think it's right time to do it, despite some positive signs in Spurs matches in Champions league.
Main questions now who will replace him and where Poch will go?

Really? I always thought that he is one of most underestimated coaches and that he did absolutely brilliant job with the Spurs. I also thought that although he is somewhat overlooked when most of the people are talking about top coaches he is actually very liked and I don't remember hearing anybody having something bad to say about him.

So please share, I always like to hear different opinions, especially if they make me change my way of looking at the things.
Yeah, my opinion about Pochetino goes against the majority. I can't deny fact that Spurs had great achievements in these years. But they haven't won any trophies in all these seasons. Anything. And I lost count how many times they choked in key matches in EPL, Champions/Europa league or FA Cup. Probably only last Champions league campaign and matches against City and Ajax is the only exception.
On the other hand, Poch didn't as much opportunities as other top clubs, because he simply didn't got money to buy players.
I can't say that I'm hating him, it's more like mixed feelings. It will be interesting to see him in other club with bigger transfer budget. And ofcourse, it will be interesting to see in what direction Spurs will go.

Fair point, especially about chocking in the important matches. But I still feel that he has done immense job to just get Spurs to play those important matches. With the amount of the money he had at his disposition and the squad available he got absolute maximum. From this moment on, I see Spurs only going down towards the middle of Premier League, something like Everton last few seasons.
10489  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re:'s English Premier League Football Pool Discussion Thread on: November 19, 2019, 09:07:09 PM
Breaking news - Pochetino has been sacked! I've never been big fan of him, so I think it's right time to do it, despite some positive signs in Spurs matches in Champions league.
Main questions now who will replace him and where Poch will go?

Really? I always thought that he is one of most underestimated coaches and that he did absolutely brilliant job with the Spurs. I also thought that although he is somewhat overlooked when most of the people are talking about top coaches he is actually very liked and I don't remember hearing anybody having something bad to say about him.

So please share, I always like to hear different opinions, especially if they make me change my way of looking at the things.
10490  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Tennis League All Thread on: November 19, 2019, 09:00:24 PM
Nobody watching & betting on new Davis Cup? Was a bit surprised that I didn't see a single post on this topic. Russia started very nice, they are missing Medvedev but Khacanov and Rublev are still a solid force. They won all 3 matches against my Croatia but I sort of expected it and managed to cash in nicely on those games. Croatia is playing without Cilic and Coric was also sick before tournament so he isn't on 100%. Add to that some internal struggles and firing of the coach one day before we traveled to Spain and the result is more than realistic.

Russia has also won their first match against Spain but Nadal should make that 1:1 (playing at the moment) and then we will have a decider in pairs.
10491  Economy / Gambling / Re: 🚀 - Main Club Partner of Watford FC ⚽ Fun. 🏀 Fast. 🎾 Fair. 🏆 on: November 19, 2019, 02:21:48 PM
Fouls I can understand. That market is similar to yellow cards and I camln see the appeal. There are teams that make lot's of fouls and there is local derby games....

Throw ins? That is probably pure luck. You can just as easily place your money on any 50:50 game of luck. Like, let's say black colour in roulette. Please correct me if I am wrong.
10492  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Different odds for a same bet on: November 18, 2019, 06:32:33 AM
The main reason is because different outcomes will often have different margins. The most popular ones (ML, Spread, O/U) usually have low margins as they are generally more accurate and have more volume, while more "exotic" bets have higher margins. The backend raw probability should be very similar if not identical between each option.

I actually believe that there is more to this. I just started tracking these differences so I could be wrong but two games I checked out had bigger differences in odds as the kick off was coming nearer.

My working theory is that odds start with small difference due to different margins. Than users start betting on more popular markets causing them to drop more on favourite side. It seems that odds adjusting algorithm doesen't track wages across all same markets. Instead it works only on individual odds.

Now as I write this I realised that if my theory is correct the odds for favourite and underdog should be moving in different directions.

*In my post when you see word favourite it actually means market outcome that is getting more money, not the team which is more probable to win. Vice versa for underdog. Maybe there are better terms to use but it is still very early in my part of the world and my brain still needs some time and coffeine to hit working temperature.
10493  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions on: November 17, 2019, 09:44:37 PM
The thing is that what if he's just another 'one hit wonder'? He might regret not choosing Man Utd when they came calling for him 'cause he may not have another sensational season like this one. Look at what Jovic or Frenkie de Jong did, they didn't hesitate to accept the offer from the top teams because they know it's a once in a lifetime opportunity, you just never know what's gonna happen in the future (injury or poor form).

True, but I am big fan of the theory that you have to invest in yourself while you are young and than reap rewards in the mature years. Footballers have short careers so I would maybe put a limit on let's say 24 years before I would start looking at the best paid/glamours opportunities. Before that I would look for a club which would give me best conditions to improve my game. It could be guaranteed first team football, working with a great coach (Pep, Klopp), or combination of great facilities and world class trainers. Definitely not sitting on a bench in the club where the fans would start to boo me after first few sub par games.

I am quite sure Jovic would have been much happier if he went somewhere else. Unless, he is just in this for the money and bragging rights Smiley De Jong seems to have adapted well to Barca style but it was easier for him since he came from Ajax which sort of plays similar game.

Also, i don't think he's guaranteed a first team spot in a top tier club from one of the top 5 leagues in Europe, mainly because he's coming from a extremely low-tier football league, he'll need time (maybe a year or something, unless he's actually really good) to adapt to competitive football.

He also proved his worth in CL matches and that is what brought all this interest. That being said he is definitely not worth the money Salzburg will get for him. Same way I think Jovic and Felix were massively overpaid in last transfer window. It is always a big gamble with young players, which is fine if you paid 20M for them but for 100M they need to show results immediately.
10494  Economy / Gambling / Re: 🚀 - Main Club Partner of Watford FC ⚽ Fun. 🏀 Fast. 🎾 Fair. �� on: November 17, 2019, 09:30:57 PM
Thanks to SyGambler and DarkStar_ for Asian handicaps explanations. This was more than enough for me to get grasp on them.

This information that Asian 0 is equal to draw no bet could be very profitable. From the example mentioned above I have a feeling that the odds are much better than what fiat betting sites usually offer for draw no bet markets. Draw no bet is usually just a little bit higher than double chance which was always a nonsense for me since that doesn't offer any value.

I'll make a comparison on the next interesting game to see how big of a difference it actually is and if it is worth to include this market in my "favorite list".
10495  Economy / Gambling / Re: 🚀 - Main Club Partner of Watford FC ⚽ Fun. 🏀 Fast. 🎾 Fair. �� on: November 17, 2019, 06:13:40 PM
Generally yes, but Sportsbet today Asian handicap for Ukraine (-0) is 2.75 whereas moneyline is 3.75 (huge difference). But for under 0.5 goals it is 11.00 and for 0-0 score it is 9.40. This is on sportsbet.

That is not the same bet. I believe that Asisan handicap 0 means that you put half of your stake towards win and half towards draw, so you would get something back even if Ukraine doesn't win. Generally whole number Asian handicaps mean something more and you should check exactly what you are playing. You are safe to play .5 handicaps they work same as regular ones so less confusion there.

My understanding of Asian handicap that you're talking about is is +0.25, where half is 0 and half is +0.5, so is this what Sportsbet does with -0?

So okay, now I know -0 in Sportsbet means +0.25?

I am not sure either, we should definitely check that. Maybe Steve will come along and shed some light on this. That was my "educated guess" based on the odds difference and knowing about splitting the stake when using some Asian handicaps.

For now it is enough that I know what .5 handicaps stand for and I am using them often since they provide better odds than double chance.
10496  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: UEFA EURO 2020 Discussion Thread | Current Phase: Qualifying on: November 17, 2019, 04:18:45 PM
@Trofo After reading your post I felt the need to put a few mbtc in a multi with Sterling + Ronaldo as Anytime Goalscorers  Cheesy But I already made my picks:

Serbia vs Ukraine - BTTS / Czech Republic ML / Kosovo vs England O2.5 -- @4.80

No big risks on this one, a bit boring tbh, I wanted to pick Kosovo ML at 6/1 odds, but let's be real, the current trend is that the favorite team will win so...

Well, Ronaldo did his part, he waited for the match to almost end before scoring to make it a close call Smiley

I was thinking of playing that myself but decided against it after seeing the odds. Ronaldo to score was something like 1.35 which is way to small for anytime goalscorer bet. Player can always get injured or just not have his day.
10497  Economy / Gambling / Re: 🚀 - Main Club Partner of Watford FC ⚽ Fun. 🏀 Fast. 🎾 Fair. �� on: November 17, 2019, 03:20:06 PM
Generally yes, but Sportsbet today Asian handicap for Ukraine (-0) is 2.75 whereas moneyline is 3.75 (huge difference). But for under 0.5 goals it is 11.00 and for 0-0 score it is 9.40. This is on sportsbet.

That is not the same bet. I believe that Asisan handicap 0 means that you put half of your stake towards win and half towards draw, so you would get something back even if Ukraine doesn't win. Generally whole number Asian handicaps mean something more and you should check exactly what you are playing. You are safe to play .5 handicaps they work same as regular ones so less confusion there.
10498  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: UEFA EURO 2020 Discussion Thread | Current Phase: Qualifying on: November 17, 2019, 01:54:59 PM
England will maybe rest some players but I heard Sterling will be coming into the team and he probably has something to prove. I am going with both to score for this match. Kosovo managed to score 3 goals away from home against England so they will hopefully be able to score at least one goal today.

Ronaldo will force his luck tonight since he is only 2 goals away from reaching 100 goals for Portugal. Therefore, I am expecting a lot of goals in this one and maybe another brace or even more for Ronaldo.
10499  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions on: November 17, 2019, 01:49:02 PM
i doubt he would fancy sacrificing champion's league football in order to play for the now collapsed empire of Manchester United.
No matter how bad things are going over the Man Utd headquarters, it's still Manchester United, Red Bull Zalsburg are 100 million light years behind the Red Devils. If this kid declines a move to Man Utd, either he's mentally ill or his agent is mentally ill...Just saying  Cheesy

If it was his only option I would agree with you 100% but as the things stand now he will be able to choose his next club. I seriously doubt Man Utd will be a best fit for him. If I was in his place I would chose a top tier club from good league, a club that will fight for CL spot, play attacking football and almost guarantee a first team spot. Why not their sister club RB Leipzig for instance? Great league and much less pressure. Then after 2 seasons of high level football maybe it would be time to go for real big hitters. I include Man Utd in this group because of their history and fan expectations even tough they are far away from that status at the moment.
10500  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: UEFA EURO 2020 Discussion Thread | Current Phase: Qualifying on: November 16, 2019, 10:29:11 PM
Great win for Croatia! 3:1 is final score.
Red card for Slovakia crushed them in second half and it was great game for live betting.

Well before the sending off the score already was 2 - 1 for Croatia so they were already losing the match. I did not watch the first half but watched the 2nd half around for 30 minutes and they deserved the goals and the win possibly.
Good football from Croatia.

I watched the game and it was well deserved win for sure.

I am really impressed with our young talent Nikola Vlasic. Every time I see him play he scores very important goal. Funny thing all that goals look sort of same. It is always an effort from about 20 meters out in the bottom corner, not the hardest shot you'll see but very accurate.

I am hoping those Everton guys are now pulling their hair out when they see the level of his performances in national team and for his club CSKA Moscow. If I remember correctly he was very good in Everton as well but they changed coach shortly after he was signed and after that he didn't get any more minutes to prove his value. Seeing how Everton looks this season maybe this worked out even better for him  Grin
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