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1141  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: CARA UNTUK KIRIM TOKEN ERC 20 TANPA MENGGUNAKAN CONTRACT ADDRESS? on: January 06, 2018, 10:52:18 AM
Ngeh bukannya token itu harus mempunyai kontrak address, kalau tidak ada kontrak address tokennya juga tidak ada. Jadi kalau mau mengirim token tanpa kontrak address itu saya rasa tidak bisa.
1142  Economy / Economics / Re: Can we Manipulate Bitcoin price? on: January 06, 2018, 10:31:02 AM
Bitcoin price is controlling by people who use Bitcoin so you are can manipulate Bitcoin price. But you must have enough funds to do so because manipulating Bitcoin prices is not easy because people who use Bitcoin are so much, but if you have a few percent of Bitcoin total or have a lot of funds you can do that.
1143  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: McDonalds to accept Bitcoin by 2018 on: December 26, 2017, 03:01:25 PM
That's good news i think as we know McDonlads has several outlets around the world and much people are interested. So do not be surprised if there will be some places like McDonalds that will accept Bitcoin as payment. Because it's really helpfull for Bitcoin users it's so much easier to pay it. But maybe the problem is only the fee when sending Bitcoin.
1144  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: 1 ETH - should buy alt or hold on to it on: December 26, 2017, 02:21:25 PM
I will guess you to keep holding because ethereum is the best profitable investment as i know than any altcoins. I also know Ethereum have potential to rise in the future although the value of ethereum can be considered as under value since a few months ago hit 0.1 Bitcoin.
1145  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: [ANN] Bob's Repair ICO endorsed by John McAfee on: December 26, 2017, 01:48:30 PM
apakah agan2 ada yang dapat free 100 BOBP di mew? soalnya temen ane katanya dapat,, apakah dari project ini ya?

Bagaimana ceritanya itu gan? Kok bisa dapat 100 koin gratis dari Project ini apakah Project ini ada membuka airdrop atau giveaway soalnya ane tidak bergabung dalam Project ini gan.

beberapa hari yang lalu ada pendaftaran airdrop gan, pengumumannya ada di telegram sama twitter.
terbatas buat 3300 peserta, tiap peserta dapet 100 BOBP, ane juga dapet tuh

Wah hebat juga ya Project pak jamal bisa langsung membuka program airdrop di masa Ico yang lagi berjalan, kalau boleh tahu itu koin bisa kita exchange di market mana ya gan?
Kalau soal market mungkin belum direncakan sama devnya akan masuk kemana. Karena penjualan tokennya aja belum di mulai meskipun sudah banyak yang mendapatkan token ini dari Airdrop tapi rata-rata untuk proyek yang melakukan penjualan harus menyelesaikan penjualannya baru bisa mendaftarkan token tersebut ke market".
1146  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: Will alts crash again ? on: December 26, 2017, 01:03:18 PM
Will altcoins crash again ?
It possibly can crash again, nothing imposible on crypto world. Altcoin price is also volatile like Bitcoin no one can predict the value is going. But if says the Altcoin go crash or not it possibly happen. And i think it almost altcoin experiencing the same thing.
1147  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: ANN [CAS] Cashaa: The Next Generation Banking Platform for the Next Billion on: December 23, 2017, 11:24:36 PM

tinggal menunggu harga di market nanti semoga bagus setidaknya mencapai $1 sudah sangat bagus.. untuk harga iconya berapa ya gan ?
kalau bisa masuk market besar dan dev nya mau bayar mahal sih mencapai $1 itu sangat mudah
ku cek di WPnya harga iconya hanya $0.1, jauh dari $1, tapi saya uga berharap sih kalo harganya bisa segitu, tapi musti tahan dalam waktu yang sangat lama banget mungkin hehehe

kalau masuk di exchanger besar seperti poloniex atau bittrex ya bisa
tapi kalau ga ya butuh waktu lama untuk bisa mencapai 1 dollar harga nya
omong2 dev nya sudah punya plan belum casha mau listing di exchanger mana
nantinya semoga bisa masuk exchange besar gan biar cepat naik ratenya dan bounty hunternya bahagia Grin
kayaknya belum ada informasi exchangenya gan,dipantau aja entar juga bakal ada pengumuman.
Mau masuk exchanger besar atau kecil ratenya pasti akan susah menyentuh $1 kecuali ada sisa sisa koin yang di bakar dan demand yg tinggi. Saya pikir ratenye akan seperti harga ICO atau lebih tidak jauh dari angka $0.1
1148  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Why is ETH and LTC dropping in price while BTC is soaring? on: December 19, 2017, 09:58:13 PM
I think that's natural this is not only happen on ETH and LTC there is still a lot of altcoin who get the impact. But there are some coins when Bitcoin soar altcoin prices were also up it does not always happen depending on the market.
1149  Economy / Economics / Re: Is bitcoin now the strongest currency in the world? on: December 19, 2017, 03:11:36 PM
As we can see now Bitcoin is being popular from day to day and also beat many other currencies or cryptocurrencies including gold. No wonder if Bitcoin will become the strongest currency in the world. And can be used for anything like payment, investment and others. That is different from other currencies in the world.
1150  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: [ANN][BOS] 🔹🔹  BOScoin 🔹🔹 Evolusi diri pada Platform Cryptocurrency🔹🔹 on: December 19, 2017, 03:02:17 PM
BOScoin udah menang vote di Kucoin tapi saya lihat disana koin ini belum terdaftar. Ada yang tahu kapan tepatnya BOScoin ini akan listed disana?
1151  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: How Do You Avoid High Fees When Exchanging Currency? on: December 19, 2017, 02:18:33 PM
One way is to find exchange that has a low fee. And the other alternative is swap coin that wants to be withdraw into altcoin. Altcoin is probably one of the best ways to avoid high fees. Most altcoin has a low fee than Bitcoin.
1152  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: ETH price going crazy on: December 19, 2017, 01:31:11 PM
I don't think that Ethereum price going crazy but it still undervalued. It's just because Bitcoin soaring to $18k that make Ethereum following rise.
1153  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Think fast,buy or sell? on: December 19, 2017, 11:11:15 AM
Im just wanna know opinion some people about bitcoin price in the end of 2017.if see price of bitcoin now and prediction trader,are you scare to buy or sell bitcoin?or  Precisely you dare for buy and sell bitcoin?
Although the value of Bitcoin right now looks good to sell but the value will inrcreasing slowly later. I will prefer to buy and then hold for another chance when the price more than right now.
1154  Economy / Economics / Re: could bitcoin be replachttps://bitcointalk.orged by another crypto currency? on: December 19, 2017, 01:35:29 AM
It's difficult i think if we see the popularity of Bitcoin, this currency ncreasingly known by people around the world and people are interested in using Bitcoin as an investment or another. The value is bigger than any cryptocurrency, no doubt that Bitcoin can not be replaced although many issues are facing this currency.
1155  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: [ANN][ICO ENDED] | EDO | EIDOO Wallet - Exchange Hybrid | 80K ETH TERKUMPUL | on: December 18, 2017, 10:16:25 PM
Apakah yang complain bakalan dapat email balasan atau engga?

Seharusnya sih dapet balesan gan dan di suruh komplain via email jadi seharusnya di bales via email juga gan, mungkin kan bounty managernya ingin tahu juga detailnya tentang apa yang di komplainkan gitu
berarti nanti akan ada perubahan atau update terbaru untuk sphreadsheet eidoo pada tanggal 21 desember, jadi bisa di bilang reward yang di dapatkan peserta masih bisa berubah. Saya penasaran bagaimana perubahan sphreadsheet ini akan di lakukan, mengingat pasti banyak peserta yang memiliki masalah.
Untuk komplain emailnya pasti dapat balasan gan, saya saja waktu itu komplain tentang post yang kurang sama masalah twitter dan facebook saya tidak mendapatkan bagian padahal saya join jga. Tapi semua udah fix, tinggal tunggu final sheetnya hari kamis nanti dan kemungkinan itu reward yang didapatkan berubah.
1156  Economy / Economics / Re: Still Buying Bitcoin at $100K? on: December 18, 2017, 02:07:02 AM
Just made this topic for the future. Let's get back to it in few months when we get there.
Yes, however if Bitcoin value hit $100k later no doubt i will buy it. This coin have good future to use many things like another currency for the economy of world as long as many people trust Bitcoin.
1157  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: [ANN][SUKSES][MicroMoney] The New Global Crypto Economy on: December 17, 2017, 07:13:06 AM
kelihatannya distribusi AMM token sudah selesai ya untuk Hunter dan langsung drop harganya di hitbtc hehe, tapi kenapa ya gan dengan supply sebanyak itu volume di kebanyakan market masih sangat kecil. apakah ada rencana marketing khusus yang hanya investor yang tahu?
Sepertinya begitu gan, wajar sih kalau reward udah dibagiin ratenya langsung down. Mengingat juga harga Bitcoin sekarang sangat fantastis. Dan mungkin masih banyak orang-orang yang menghold token AMM ini dikarenakan rate berada dibawah rata" juga masih terdaftar di market yang dimana masih sepi peminat.
1158  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: [BOUNTY][ICO LIVE] |EIDOO Wallet - Hybrid Exchange | 2M EDO REWARD| OVER 4M$| on: December 16, 2017, 01:21:55 AM
Sorry for delay in answering.
We are waiting for other eidoo’s team members to discuss the community complain about stake count system

We will be right back as soon a decision has been taken
Please stop posting your complaint here
Send pm or mail to for any other question

Dissapointing? Yes. It's really make us dissapointed about the result. On the spreadsheet i've completely get stake in 5 week but i'm not qualify to get reward. Also i participate in Twitter and Facebook campaign but i do not see my name on the list and Active report my task every week.

Hopefully the team can give us best solution for this issue. Will waiting for that.
1159  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: Ethereum at $1000 in Jan 2018? on: December 12, 2017, 09:29:13 PM
I think Ethereum price up in USD because the value of Bitcoin is increasing. I do not know if it is worth saying that Ethereum has risen or not. But I think ETH is still undervalued.
1160  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: [ANN][SUKSES][MicroMoney] The New Global Crypto Economy on: December 12, 2017, 03:51:21 PM
iya nih peserta yang tidak verifikasi akan dilaksanakan sebentar lagi tinggal menunggu aja, tidak usah repot" menghitung waktu nya nantikalau terlambat malah pada protes mending ditunggu dengan santai aja sambil memantau thread nya agar tidak ketinggalan berita. Wink
iya gan lebih baik jgn di itung2 atau di tunggu2 nanti jga gajian mah pasti dateng sendiri ke wallet , saya jga lgi nunggu harganya tinggi dlu baru tk jual entah kapan ini bisa naik lgi
Bener gan kalau ditunggu tunggu malah berasa lama gan hehehe,
mudah mudahan sih bisa secepatnya gajian gan wkwkwk
santai aja nyatanya yang verif orderbook berjalan dengan lancar tuh jadi sabar aja sembari fokus ngerjain project saat ini gan, nanti pasti bakalan landing sendiri kok . Wink
Tidak perlu dibesar"kan saya rasa, jika dilihat orang-orang yang sudah dapat itu telah memverifikasi akun orderbooknya. Dan devnya sudah memberikan arahan bagi orang-orang yang bermasalah ketika memverifikasi ada jalan lain yaitu mengisi form. Disini dev nya mengutamakan orang-orang yg sudah terverifikasi dan nantinya pasti bakal didistribusikan untuk orang" yang belum memverifikasi akunnya.
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