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11861  Economy / Exchanges / Re: What's your best exchanger? on: February 07, 2020, 08:25:12 AM
You first need to know what it is that you want to trade, then check if that coin/token is listed on the exchange you are interested in. You can use Coinmarketcap to see which exchanges have listed which coins/tokens.
All those NeuroticFish mentioned are good exchanges.

But if you are dealing with ERC-20 tokens, bounties, stuff like that, you could look at ForkDelta, Idex or other decentralized options, like Bisq.
11862  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Wondering why account are hack or stolen? HTTP VS HTTPS on: February 07, 2020, 08:13:33 AM
First is accounts are being hack and leads to hacking of other accounts that is register to that email
That is why it is so important to use different passwords for each site you visit and several emails for different purposes.
It has been mentioned many times before but you should never merge all your interests to one email.

Keep your financials and banking data on email 1.
Work related info on email 2.
Family, friends, socializing, on email 3.
Bitcointalk on email 4.
Private Crypto related info (exchanges, trading) on email 5.
Airdrops, bounties, newsletters, applications, giveaways, on email 6.

You can create even more of these sub groups and don't associate them in any way. That way even if you get hacked or lose access, only a part of your activities will be lost.
11863  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: 🍀🍀 Bounty kampanje Altcoin – Signature, Telegram 🍀🍀 on: February 07, 2020, 07:57:37 AM
Uskoro bi trebala početi odlično plaćena signature kampanja, plaćaju 0.025 BTC tjedno.
Super zarada. Na taj način ova nova kampanja postaje druga najbolja plaćena signature kampanja na Bitcointalku poslje ChipMixera. Puno se mora pisati ali zato brojevi štimaju. Kome ne predstavlja preveliki problem pisati o gambling temema svakako neka pokuša. Sretno!
11864  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Kutak za početnike on: February 07, 2020, 07:53:41 AM
...samo ću spomenuti nekoliko promjena (moguće da imaš stariju verziju Electrum walleta):
Ne koristim toliko često Electrum pa se ne sječam tačno svih koraka ali drago mi je da si shvatio o čemu pričam.

EDIT: Jel mogu konsolidaciju napraviti tako da BTC primim na istu adresu s koje šaljem? Znam da to nije preporučljivo, ali imam jednu BTC adresu na koju dobivam BTC za sig. kampanju pa bi htio znati koliko sam ukupno zaradio u kampanji. To mi je najlakše ako sav zarađeni BTC držim na jednoj adresi.
Nisam nikada na istu adresu na kojoj već imam Bitcoin radio konsolidaciju ali ne bi trebalo biti problema. To je svakako adresa koja je dio tvog walleta, privatni ključevi su ti na uređaju a seed imaš sigurno spremljen. Bila ona nova ili već korištena, nema razlike osim u privatnosti. Ali samom konsolidacijom se gubi na privatnosti jer se različiti inputi spajaju i samim time pokazuješ da su te adrese/inputi tvoji.

A možeš npr da svoj wallet u Ledgeru nazoveš po kampanji, tipa smart mixer sig kampanja. Druge walete zoveš po nečemu drugom, kockanje, itd.
Sve što ti je od sig kampanje šalješ na novu adresu u prvom walletu, zaradu od kockanja u drugi...itd
11865  Other / Meta / Re: Send shady merits on: February 06, 2020, 03:41:17 PM
Being a non native and understanding me gets you a merit dude!
Tonight I shall drink in your name.
11866  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Kutak za početnike on: February 06, 2020, 03:39:32 PM
To što želiš uraditi je konsolidiranje inputa. Ja to radim preko Electrum walleta >

Skineš verziju za svoj operativni sustav i provjeriš signature. To je preporučljivo i svi će ti reć da treba to da uradiš da budeš siguran da softver koji si preuzeo potiče od Electrum developera ThomasV-a. Evo kako to možeš uraditi:

Ako već imaš stariju verziju Electruma instaliranu od prije, NI SLUČAJNO NE KLIKAJ NA PROZORČIĆE KOJI TI NUDE UPDATE. Verzije prije 3.3.3 su imale problema sa phishing porukama. Unistall pa instaliraj novu verziju.

Kad budeš siguran da je sve OK, instaliraj Electrum i poveži ga sa svojim Ledger wallet-om. Ovdje možeš vidjeti kako, nije ništa komplikovano >
U biti, privatni ključevi ti nikad ne napuštaju Ledger uređaj, ne upisuješ nigdje seed ili bilo šta tako da bez brige.

Par savjeta u vezi Electruma.
Poslje instaliranja otiđi u opcije i promjeni kako ti Electrum pokazuje saldo računa sa mBTC na BTC. Aktiviraj RBF (replace-by-fee) opciju. Kada ti je RBF aktivan imaš mogućnost da povečaš naknadu ako ti transakcija ne bude potvrđena u vremenu kad tebi odgovara.

Aktiviraj show coins/addresses opciju. Zapravo ne znam da li su ove opcije aktivirane ali kao da se sjećam da sam morao nešto od toga sam aktivirati.

Ne možeš koristiti Ledger Live i Electrum u isto vrijeme sa svojim Ledger Walletom. Dok ti jedan softver aktiviran, zatvori drugi.

U vezi konsolidiranja.
Ja koristim da provjerim koja je trenutno preporučljiva naknada, Sat/Byte. Trenutno je 15 Sat/Byte. Vikendom naknade obično budu manje, pogotovo nedeljom. Ja konsolidiranje radim sa 1 Sat/vByte i obično vikendom jer cilj je da što manje potrošiš na naknade.

U electrumu klikneš na Coins tab i odabereš inpute koje želiš spojiti (konsolidirati). Drži CTRL ili SHIFT da izabereš više njih od jednom. Kad završiš desni klik i izaberi spend from. Ubaci novu adresu i to je to. Adresu možeš preuzeti ili iz Electruma ili prethodno generirati novu u Ledger Live pa je prekopirati u Electrum. Provjeri naravno jel adresa uredu.
Imačeš osječaj da računar ledi i blokira, pogotovo ako je u pitanju mnoštvo inputa. To je normalno, pusti ga da radi svoje dok ne završi

Ako gdje budeš zapeo ili nešto ti ne bude jasno, viči da pomažemo... 
11867  Other / Meta / Re: Send shady merits on: February 06, 2020, 01:46:33 PM
seldom used slang for tickle my balls!
Yeah, I understood that. It just reminded me of Rick James and the Murphy brothers for some reason.
11868  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Newbies attention. Don't get trap yourself with greed. on: February 06, 2020, 01:43:08 PM
This has been going on in many different shapes and forms. It is always a brand new site and it always involves that the victim has to deposit money for some activation/verification purposes. I have taken part in legit gambling promotions where I received free coins and there is no need to deposit any money to make a withdrawal. A rollover requirement can exist but nothing else.
11869  Other / Meta / Re: Send shady merits on: February 06, 2020, 01:07:42 PM
anyone who wants to moan about it can touch my furniture.
Here is what I think about your furniture  Grin

11870  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions on: February 06, 2020, 10:19:30 AM
Leroy Sane is worth a lot more than €20 Million. He has been sidelined for a long time with a serious ligament injury and many players have come back not looking like themselves in the past after difficult ligament injuries. We need to see in what shape he will be once he comes back. Not just physically but also mentally. You can recover your physical strength but the fear of contact and pain is a whole different story. He is young and physically he will be back. Lets see how he handles it mentally. 
11871  Economy / Gambling / Re: FORTUNEJACK.COM |Deposit 777 play with 1777 mBTC |Live Casino, Slots, Betting on: February 06, 2020, 10:08:34 AM
OP, are you aware of the claims that are being made about a major glitch being found in See this thread about this supposed glitch :
Who knows what the OPs intentions are. Another member pointed out that he made a similar claim back in June and was unsuccessful. Before creating this new thread he deleted his posts from his earlier claim but the posts were quoted so he couldn't get rid of everything. He was asked several times to explain why he deleted his posts before creating another similar thread but he refuses to do so.   
11872  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions on: February 05, 2020, 10:13:13 AM
Matuidi can now sign for a new team for free.
I doubt that will happen. I have read reports saying talks will soon start for a contract extension  Roll Eyes
Some media report that a summer move of Mbappe to Real Madrid is long done. The teams are not going to comment on that during this season.

Thoughts anyone?
11873  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: [PSA] Fake Trezor wallet website on: February 05, 2020, 09:54:49 AM
I am going to send them a seed later on. 24 beautifully thought-out words that describe these low-lives and their mothers. I suggest we all do it. We can even have a contest who creates the best seed while the site is still up. 
11874  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: post image not working on: February 05, 2020, 09:45:36 AM
Create an account and upload the image on Imgur. Imgur allows you to resize the image in their settings. Of course, you need to purchase a Copper membership or become Jr. Member before.

You can also use this code:
[img width=100]image link here[/img]
Instead of 100, you can add 200, 300 or any number you like.

tbct_mt2 explains it in more details here >
11875  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: How Bitcoin Addresses are generated? Understand the Math behind Bitcoin on: February 05, 2020, 09:27:39 AM
This is one of the best threads I have seen in a while. Thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed overview. This deserves to be shared and translated in multiple languages so that it reaches as many people as possible. When I have some more time, I will try to do my part in sharing it. Excellent work!
11876  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Kutak za početnike on: February 05, 2020, 09:13:52 AM
OK, sinoć sam malo bolje proučio o čemu se radi ovdje.
Dobar post.
Drago mi je da si saznao u čemu je riječ. Mislim da čak ne bi bilo loše ni otvoriti zasebnu temu gdje bi ovaj post mogao prebaciti i možda i detaljnije objasniti jer može dobro da posluži članovima zajednice koji su možda u istoj situaciji. Napisati par riječi i u Altcoin sekcija foruma ne bi bilo loše.
11877  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Kutak za početnike on: February 04, 2020, 03:16:11 PM
Pronašao sam obe tvoje ETH adrese, i transakciju koju si slao, džaba ih kriješ, sve znam Wink

Ti si imao 18.8 nekadašnjih Havven tokena. Da li si nekad radio bounty ili dobio airdrop u HAV, Havven tokenima?

Havven je promjenio ime u Synthetix. Moguće da su ti neki swap uradili. Dalje bi morao da vidiš sa Synthetix-om. Možda su u međuvremenu prešli na mainnet i više ne korsite ETH blockchain. Moguće da je to razlog ovih problema.

11878  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Kutak za početnike on: February 04, 2020, 12:04:44 PM
@slackovic Da li si pokušao kliknuti na Holders tab na etherscanu i preuzeti excel verziju svih vlasnika tokena? Kad klikneš na Holders tab na dnu stranice imaš Download CSV Export. Otvori u excelu i vidi možeš li pronaći svoju adresu u listi.

Pretpostavljam da je ovaj token u pitanju

Kad ubaciš svoju adresu u etherscan i klikneš na Erc20 Token Txns tu nema ništa o tom tokenu?
11879  Economy / Gambling / Re: FORTUNEJACK.COM |Deposit 777 play with 1777 mBTC |Live Casino, Slots, Betting on: February 04, 2020, 10:28:47 AM
"Remember me" would be a good function but at this day and age usually chrome saves your username and password as well so when I get logged out my credientials are usually already there thanks to chrome saving that and allowing me to just simply click log in.
This is a bit off topic but I am not sure if you are just giving an example of how it looks when a browser saves your passwords or if you are using this feature yourself!? If you are, you should seriously reconsider saving your passwords with Chrome or other browsers. Especially passwords related to your financials or private info. It is not that hard to extract the data.
11880  Bitcoin / Hardware wallets / Re: Kraken Security Labs just 15 minutes to hack both of trezor's crypto hardware on: February 04, 2020, 10:13:59 AM
I wear my Trezor around my neck.
If I did that I would find my self checking constantly if it is still there, if it didn't get caught into something and fell off.

I assume an attack like this is not possible on a Ledger device. Seems that only Trezor users without passphrases have reasons to worry.
I would be interested in finding out how hard security experts have tried to break Ledger wallets as well.
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