اريد ان اشكرك على هذا الترجمة انا ارى ان مشاركتك هذه مفيدة لنا جميعا وبالاخص للاخوة المبتدئين بالنسبة لي انا اقوم بأستخدام TorProject متصفح اغلب الاحيان فهو يوفر لنا ميزة اخفاء الهوية والعديد من الميزات الاخرة المهمة والمفيدة وانا اقوم احيانا بأستخدام اداة Secure Password Generator عندما اريد انشاء الايميلات المهمة
Frankly, I think that what you are thinking is very bad and completely wrong because it is bad to store the money that you want to spend the next day inside the paper wallets. The paper wallets are good for storing money for long periods, so if you want to use and spend your currencies on a daily basis, it would be better to use the Internet-related wallets like the Blockchain wallet
Welcome to us being new here, it is better for you to return to the rules of the forum and read and understand them well so that you do not have problems and that you are in need of alternative currencies you can use the sections of your interest and I am sure it will be useful to you and will help you
As far as I am concerned, I believe and believe in the loneliness of ghosts, but I have not encountered or seen any of them before now. As for their shapes, they are different.
Masks differ from one country to another and from every health center and another, and there are no better masks than the other, but there are masks that can be used for only a few hours, and after that we will throw them and there are masks that can be used throughout the day and after completion we wash them and use them again and the prices of masks range from half $ Or one dollar
We live in a time when we were able to see many inventions that no one expected, and if this happens it will be very wonderful, but I will not be able to believe it until I see it with my own eyes.
I agree to all instructions that I have mentioned It has been many months since the virus has spread and has infected and killed large numbers of the world’s population. Fortunately, inks have been banned over the population, but this matter is not enough, as we must also follow some zakat rules, such as the one I mentioned, and that the most important rules for me is to wear a mask Durable and keep away from crowds and places delicate
As for me, I recommend buying the oneplus8pro device, which is a device that has great capabilities and a very powerful Snapdragon processor in addition to a large battery capacity and many cameras that have great beats and that its operating system is 10
I get money from the internet by subscribing to the signature campaigns located inside the forum, in addition to getting some money from my YouTube channel and from survey sites
For me, I never use a computer to store my currencies, but I rely on storing my currencies in different places where I store some inside the wallets. Connected to the internet and inside cold wallets that are not connected to the Internet like paper wallets.
The two versions are very beautiful and I play both together most of the time, but pes has graphics accuracy and plays better than fifi and in the end everyone has a different opinion
عيد اضحى مبارك وكل علم وجميع الامة الاسلامية وجميع الاخوة العرب الموجودين داخل هذا القسم بألف خير تقبل الله منا ومنكم صالح الأعمال اتمنى التوفيق للجميع واتمنى دوام الصحة والعافية دائما لجميع الاخوة
اولا اريد ان اشكرك على تقديم.هذه المعلومات الجيدة والمفرحة بصراحة ان منصة Binance قامت بانجاز العديد من الخطوات والامور الهامة خلال هذا العام ومن المفرح جدا ان نتمكن من ايجاد عملة عربية داخل هذه المنصة بالاضافة الى انني اعتقد ان هذه المنصة هي المنصة الوحيدة التي تدعم عملات عربية وانا متاكد اننا سنشهد العديد من الاضافات للمنصة في المستقبل وفي النهاية وكما قال الاخ يحيى اريد ايضا ان اشكرك على نشاطك المستمر داخل المنتدى
بصراحة نحنا الييوم عم نواجه مشكلة كبيرة كتير بسوريا وهيي الوسطاء وانو ما بنقدر نبيع او نشتري اي عملة بدون الاتصال بوسيج ومع الاسف خلال هذه الفترة توقف اغلب الوسطاء عن بيع وشراء العملات وهذا الامر سبب مشكلة كبيرة لجميع حاملي العملات بالاضافة الى انه اصبح العديد من الوسطاء يقومون بطلب نسب كبيرة جدا قد تصل لاكثر من ١٠% وبالاخص خلال هذه الفترة حيث يتم استغلال الجميع بشكل كبير مثال: بتجي بتتواصل مع احد الوسطاء لحتا تبيع البعض من عملاتك ببلش يستغلك بالنسبة الي بيطلبا باباضافة الى انو ما بيبعت اي شي لبعد اسبوع ويمكن اكتر ومع الاسف انه اذا كان الشخص بحاجة مصاري رح يوافق ع ها الشروط ورح يخسر كتير بالاضافة الى انه اصبح يوجد في الفترة الاخيرة عدد كبير جدا من الوسطاء المحتالين الي لازم ناخد حذرنا منن لهك اذا تعرض اي شخص لوسيط محتال بتمنا يشاركنا ويخبرنا عنو كرمال ما نتعرضلو شي مرة وبالاخر بتمنا يرجع ملشي متل ما كان وبتمنا التوفيق لجميع الاخوة الموجودين داخل قسم العربية
My favorite games that I play permanently and continuously are mystery games, war games, sports, and strategy. Among these are gta game, general game, and fifi2018 game.
I do not have 5,000 friends Hatta at this time and the actual number of friends in my account is 2147 and I need a few months, so I can get and add 5001 friends
I never trust magic, and I see that all conversations about magic are just many myths and hoaxes that some of the professional people who train for long periods of time perform.
I eliminate boredom during this period by playing various video games in addition to watching movies and playing the guitar instrument, in addition to that I draw some paintings sometimes
For me, I love and prefer to use the Bitdefender program, it is very reliable and safe and it was established since 1997 and has a great and strong protection force and I advise everyone to use it