I am going with Arsenal - Tottenham over 3 for today i am All in Arsenal Total Goal 3 Goals or More @1.75 Good luck
Congrats mate keep posting your superb pick im always following you
Moenchengladbach +0
Let consider this odds.
Put all my winning bet from Ghana to this good luck to us mate Congrats , looks like that was a win. Any more tips for today ? no mate it is lost Gladbach lose score 0-1
todays my picks...
Middlesbrough Norwich city Watford Wolves
Handicap or 1x2 or total goal please share
Dear users,
I am not native english speaker, just wondering about some texts in the web:
What's better "earning" or "collecting" when you are receiving dividends?
Button "payout" or better "withdraw"?
If you think any text on the web should be improbed, let me know! Thanks!
earning would be better for receiving dividends... withdraw is better because they are clicking a button to request for withdrawal agreed with this change payout button to withdraw more better and more easy to understand how about change earning to running ?
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Pool nya CT lagi lancar banget eh malah WD nya yg bermasalah dasar keong racun CT
Udah hampir 3 hari WD Doge ga mendarat mendarat kayaknya si CT udah mulai kering koceknya untuk bayar user
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Atlético Madrid 2 v 3 Real Madrid
so who is the winner of this giveway ?
Done filled form sir thanks for the giveaway
I want to win with odds parlay great You have it? parlay is very risky but it gave in a lot more to gain so its only worth to try if you got some sure to win bet, otherwise it will be like burning your own coins slowly Agreed..I lose soo much on parlay that..its unbelievable..sometimes even the most sure shot bets lose..n that happens mostly when I bet on them.! parlay is only for fun bro its hard to win parlay even it only 2 match
congrats mate you are the best
Im sorry guys..I might not be posting picks for a few days..I lost my roll...1/4th on cavs parlay.. n the rest on dice..! I will be back in 3 to 4 days..
sorry about your lost mate waiting you to comeback
Cmon guys make some investment no new investor
agan2 yang udah lama ikut sig camp nanya dong ini secondtrade kalo kita banyakan posting di sf indonesia bakal diitung ngak yah postnya mau posting di inggris, cuma inggris masih blepotan
sekarang semua cloudmining sepertinya sudah mulai pikir-pkir lagi..., soalnya semakin tinggi peminat, semakin tinggi diff, dan semakin tinggi pula tagihan ( listrik server dll... ) tapi menurun profitnya..., entah nanti kalau tidak ada yang ingin mining maka bisa di pastikan coin bakal mati, karena gak ada yang mau mengkonfirmasi kiriman btc/lainnya... Menurut prediksi agan BTC kira2 bertahan ndak 5 tahun lagi ?
the minimum investment for DOGE is 10k ? wow