bitcoin can change one's economy because bitcoin can be obtained without having to spend capital. so that many unemployed take advantage of this situation, so that the impact on the economy in a country and can change a person's economy to be better.
we all know about the soaring bitcoin prices at the end of last year. in my opinion, many are interested in bitcoin because bitcoin prices are very seductive and can make investors earn big profits. although bitcoin prices are hard to predict and can be manipulated by a group of people but do not make bitcoin losing its appeal to be hunted.
yang paling sederhana yaitu jaga user id dan password anda dari orang lain gan, jangan sampai lupa dengan user dan password anda terutama privet address wallet jika lupa atau hilang maka aset anda tidak akan kembali. dan segala hal yang berhubungan dengan internet pasti ada kelemahan yang bisa diretas tetapi anda jangan terlalu hawatir karena keamanan itu yang paling utama datang dari kita sendiri. bagamana cara kita menjaga aset-aset kita.
this is one of the advancements in the country of india. they have dared to legalize and inaugurate the bitcoin to use. and they've legalized the bitcoin exchange. this news will boost the value of bitcoin slowly and bitcoin investors will increase.
In my opinion. the most basic thing to improve a bitcoin community or bitcoin users is the basic knowledge of technology in the field of economy and digital currency. In general, many people do not know about it. so, many people say if bitcoin is a fraud. so in their minds already embedded negative issues about bitcoin. so we should be able to educate about this technology and its benefits for the development, progress of the digital economy in a country.
wajar saja gan kalau menurut ane. mayoritas ico yang dibuat oleh perusahaan bekerja sama dengan etherium. sehingga membuat etherium semakin banyak penggunanya. setiap ico akan yang dirilis ke market hanya bisa kita jual ke bentuk eth dan baru bisa dirubah ke mata uang masing-masing pengguna. dengan begitu pemilik altcoin pasti akan merubah koinnya ke eth. dan biasanya akan di hold dalam jangka waktu yang lama. dan harga eth juga jauh lebih murah dari pada bitcoin.
In my opinion. if we are already rich because we can use bitcoin. we should open up new ventures to create job opportunities for unemployment so that we can help countries to reduce and solve unemployment problems. and we can create bitcoin communities so we can educate about the usefulness of digital currency.
everyone hopes and has predictions about bitcoin prices. many people predict bitcoin prices by the end of this year will exceed 20,000 usd. and everyone expects it to happen. but, for now bitcoin prices are much better than 2 or 3 years ago. first bitcoin prices below $ 1000. so now bitcoin is much more rapidly growing and we should be able to take advantage of this bitcoin price.
most importantly affecting the coin in the global market is the demand for increased coins. other than that the value of confidence in the coin also affects. and global economic conditions also affect the price of coins in the trading market. other than that the value of the dollar against the currency in each country is also influential.
In my opinion. everybody can create their own coins and that's legal. currently many coins are circulating because many companies are creating their own coins to start a new business in the field of digital money trading. so if you want to create your own coins, it is perfectly permissible and you must have an organizational structure.
In my opinion. the number of people who mined bitcoin is unlimited. but the amount of bitcoin we can mine is limited to about 21 million bitcoins. so now there are many altcoins that arise from the development of bitcoin itself.
In my opinion. it could be bitcoin into the currency of a country. but for taxes generated from the income of every people will surely be enforced. and taxes can also be taken from vehicles owned by every people. so it is highly unlikely that a country does not impose a tax on its people.
maybe bitcoin will be banned in the Philippines for a while until the fraud problem can be solved and the victims get their rights back. with the fraud we can learn to not easily believe in less reliable investment and validity.
In my opinion. if you want to follow ico or investment in ico then choose a coin that is really reliable, corporate identity is clear and have good management level. so that ico to be released really has a high selling value when it entered the actual coin market.
all situations can happen. do not panic even if the price of bitcoin or altcoin goes down. if the bitcoin price drops so deeply we should use the moment to buy bitcoin or altcoin with the right calculations and strategies. and I believe the bitcoin price will rise again by the end of 2018.
good news for bitcoin users residing in Canada. bitcoin trade will grow faster if there is already a store or supermarket that receives bitcoin as a means of payment. with this news bitcoin users will be more free to use bitcoin in all countries.
we should be able to take advantage of all the opportunities that can make us richer. one of the investments in bitcoin or altcoin. bitcoin will last for a long time but nothing lasts. but we should be able to take advantage of this moment to achieve a better future.
yes. I agree with you. we should stop listening to false news about bitcoin and altcoin. from the past a lot of bad news about the digital currency is troubling all users. causing panic and many are fooled by the news.
no one knows, whether bitcoin is a future coin ??. because currently there are many coins in circulation besides bitcoin. indeed today bitcoin be a reference for altcoin. but every day there will be developments of all coins to be the best coin in the world. so it allows for altcoin to be a reference to bitcoin.
I would not wait because it will be wasted time. I will continue my work to get the coins and I can trade. and I will focus on achieving dreams. if I succeed, then those who do not trust the digital currency will see the results I get from trading coins and investments.