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12441  Economy / Services / Re: [CFNP] | 🔥 Signature Campaign 🔥 | 96% SegWit | on: January 28, 2018, 08:00:12 AM
As previously mentioned, I've re-evaluted the payment rates. Should the Bitcoin price be above $13 500, they will be returned to the old ones. They have been changed only for the current bi-week, and are as follows:
Member: 0.004 BTC -> 0.007 BTC.
Full Member: 0.008 BTC -> 0.012 BTC.
Senior Member: 0.02 BTC -> 0.028 BTC.
Hero/Legendary Member: 0.03 BTC -> 0.04 BTC.

You can view these changes in the spreadsheet for the current bi-week.

Thanks Lauda, it is nice to see that campaign manager is willing to increase the payment and not just decrease.
I didn't see the changes in spreadsheet but I am looking from my smartphone and it is much more difficult to use google spreadsheets on it than on computer.

The campaign will be 100% SegWit (a forum first) after this round.

Great incentive, let's hope other campaigns will get there as well. Whole community should be doing their best towards clearing backlog of BTC transactions whenever possible. That way it will be much easier to casual/new users to mass adopt BTC in the future.
12442  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Merit Bodovi I Dizanje Ranka on: January 28, 2018, 07:43:43 AM
Ja mislim da je sustav merita dosta dobro osmišljen. Pogotovo mi se sviđa dio gdje za svaki merit bod koji dobijemo automatski dobijemo i pola smerita. Smerit onome koji ga ima ne služi ničemu tako da smo na neki način potaknuti da ih dijelimo dalje. Primjer za slučaj da nekome nije jasno: ako dobijem 20 merit bodova automatski sam dobio i 10 smerit bodova koje mogu dati drugom korisniku.

Naravno da postoji dosta prostora za zloupotrebu merit sistema. Čitajući malo teme čini mi se da pogotovo ruski i kineski subforumi prednjače sa međusobnim dogovorima za pumpanje merita. Ali s druge strane istovremeno nastaju i teme gdje se prijavljuje te korisnike pa ćemo vidjeti što će ispasti na kraju. Ovaj sistem postoji tek nekoliko dana te treba vidjeti kakvi će biti rezultati za koji mjesec kad se potroši količina smerita koju su korisnici dobili generiranu po ranku.

Meni osobno se čini da je merit sistem super za ovaj forum. Ako ništa drugo u zadnjih 3 dana pročitao sam puno više kvalitetnih postova od newbie korisnika nego ikad prije. Tako da vjerujem da će ukupna kvaliteta postova dosta porasti. Pogotovo kad signature kampanje počnu zahtjevati ljude sa određenim brojem merita. Već sam čuo da je yahoo pokrenuo signature kampanju koja isplaćuje bonuse za dobar merit score ali je nisam osobno proučio za sad pa ne znam detalje.

Pročitao si postove visoke kvalitete, a jesi li i svakom dao po merit? Smiley Mislim da su ovo napravili kako bi usporili rast foruma (koji je zbilja počeo rasti u posljednje vrijeme), a ne zbog kvalitete postova. Sad je sustav napredovanja postao sustav merita, a ne broja postova - promijenili su, dakle, cijelu filozofiju foruma. Čini mi se i da će ovi meriti biti kao i sa svaka druga stvar koju "vlast" promijeni - elita će postati samo još veća elita, a siroti će biti samo još sirotiji. Sad će se svi još više lizat s tim bogovima merita koji ih mogu dodjeljivati kako žele (i kome žele), Kinezi i Indonežani će početi hvatati na masu i davati jedni drugima merite za "kvalitetne" postove tipa "Good sir, when airdrop?", a oni normalni koji se sada priključe mogu samo sanjati o visokim rankovima. Evo: ja bih ti sad dodijelio merit za tvoj post, ali nemam ih više :-) Morat ćemo svi na lizanje kod nekog "boga merita" Smiley

Sve što si napisao je točno ali uz to poboljšala se i kvaliteta postova. Mislim da trebamo dati mjesec dva da vidimo kako će se stvari razvijati. Nadam se da će ovi koji se međusobno pumpaju na "Good sir, when airdrop?" biti kažnjeni, a "bogovi merita" pošteni. Ima nekih naznaka da se radi tome pa ćemo vidjeti.

Posebno da se osvrnem na ovo boldano. Nisam dao svakome po merit iz jednostavnog razloga što ih imam puno premalo a ti newbie korisnici ipak nisu napisali ništa novo ili što bi meni koristilo. Uglavnom su sistematizirali sve što se već piše i što sam već vidio. S druge strane postovi su bili na dobrom engleskom i dobro strukturirani ali su također već i dobili dovoljno merita od drugih korisnika.

Ja sam za početak odlučio da ću davati merit bazirano na tome koliko informacija u postu meni osobno znači, ali mislim da ću to malo korigirati pogotovo ako budem skupio nešto smerit bodova da više favoriziram niže rangove. Viši rangovi imaju prednost kako god okreneš ali ne možeš negirati da velik dio legendary/hero korisnika stvarno ima i znanje/iskustvo puno veće od "nas normalnih" koji smo se priključili zadnje godine. Da ih nema ne bi ni znao koliko toga još ne znam Smiley
12443  Other / Meta / Re: (Infographic) Merit & new rank requirements on: January 27, 2018, 10:40:00 PM
Also it would nice if you add some FAQ and a differentiation between Merits and sMerits, many people still seem confused about that

What is the difference here, looks like now I'm onf of the confused ones??

For every merit point you are awarded you receive half of a smerit point. If you receive 10 merits it means you will automatically have 5 smerits as well. Smerits are the points which you are able to award to other users (give merit). This is actually the best part of merit system in my opinion because it gives you an incentive to pass merit to deserving posters since smerits don't have any value for holder.
12444  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Merit Bodovi I Dizanje Ranka on: January 27, 2018, 10:21:31 PM
Ja mislim da je sustav merita dosta dobro osmišljen. Pogotovo mi se sviđa dio gdje za svaki merit bod koji dobijemo automatski dobijemo i pola smerita. Smerit onome koji ga ima ne služi ničemu tako da smo na neki način potaknuti da ih dijelimo dalje. Primjer za slučaj da nekome nije jasno: ako dobijem 20 merit bodova automatski sam dobio i 10 smerit bodova koje mogu dati drugom korisniku.

Naravno da postoji dosta prostora za zloupotrebu merit sistema. Čitajući malo teme čini mi se da pogotovo ruski i kineski subforumi prednjače sa međusobnim dogovorima za pumpanje merita. Ali s druge strane istovremeno nastaju i teme gdje se prijavljuje te korisnike pa ćemo vidjeti što će ispasti na kraju. Ovaj sistem postoji tek nekoliko dana te treba vidjeti kakvi će biti rezultati za koji mjesec kad se potroši količina smerita koju su korisnici dobili generiranu po ranku.

Meni osobno se čini da je merit sistem super za ovaj forum. Ako ništa drugo u zadnjih 3 dana pročitao sam puno više kvalitetnih postova od newbie korisnika nego ikad prije. Tako da vjerujem da će ukupna kvaliteta postova dosta porasti. Pogotovo kad signature kampanje počnu zahtjevati ljude sa određenim brojem merita. Već sam čuo da je yahoo pokrenuo signature kampanju koja isplaćuje bonuse za dobar merit score ali je nisam osobno proučio za sad pa ne znam detalje.

@I.Grozni nisam siguran da se resetiraju svaki mjesec u uvodnom postu theymosa nisam to pročitao, a i čitao sam malo dalje tu temu no nisam vidio da se spominje reset merit bodova. Koliko sam ja shvatio osim inicijalnih merit bodova dalje ćeš merit bodove dobivati samo ako ti ih netko udijeli za tvoj kvalitetni post pa pola možeš dijeliti dalje. Merit sourceri će biti oni koji će kroz mjesec dana dobiti nešto merit bodova za podijeliti.

Merit bodovi se ne resetiraju svaki mjesec. I bolje da je tako jer bi ih inače bilo puno previše u opticaju.

Kao i svaka novina, netko joj se veseli a nekoga nezgodno pogodi ili čak zakine no vremenom se ljudi priviknu. Definitivno su inicijalne merit bodove mogli bolje raspodijeliti. Jer netko je npr. možda idući tjedan trebao levelirati a sada je praktički opet na početku svojeg levele.

Vidio sam korisnika kojem je falilo 2 dana da postane Senior Member. Sad mu fali 150 merita. Dosta dobro je to i podnio. Ali trebalo je inicijalnu raspodjelu malo prilagoditi activity ratingu a ne samo levelu korisnika. Nije isto da li je netko taman zaslužio rank ili je već bio na putu da pređe u sljedeći.
12445  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Tennis League All Thread on: January 27, 2018, 09:55:15 PM
I am betting all Croatian winners for this grand slam. Maybe I am biased because I am from Croatia but after seeing Pavic lift doubles trophy today I think he will do it in mixed doubles as well.

Cilic vs. Federer will be a tough one because Federer is obviously a favorite but I see great value in Cilic win @4.50. H2H is heavily on Federer side but Cilic already managed to win in straight sets in US Open semi finals so he will believe he can win tomorow. I will probably take same handicap (games or sets) on my big money ticket to make it extra secure. For now I am leaning towards bet that Cilic will not lose with 7 or more games @ 1,6.
12446  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Rudarenje - da/ne/mozda on: January 27, 2018, 09:46:24 PM
U potpunosti se slažem s tobom, zato se ni nebi upuštao u samogradnju,...  slagao sam nekad PC konfiguracije, i znam da se vrlo lako dogode problemi, i u hardware-skoj i software-skoj prilagodbi,...  drage volje bi nekom platio da složi rig, i uputi malo u kopanje,... Samo je problem što u fizičkom svijetu u kojem ja živim, niko nije ni čuo za pojam kripto valute, a kamoli nešt drugo,...    Huh Undecided

Jesi li siguran da nitko oko tebe nije upućen u kripto valute i rigove? Ja sam mislio da sam u istoj situaciji ali kako sam ušao u kopanje i kripto valute prije par mjeseci otkrio sam da dosta mojih poznanika već nešto kopa ili barem trejda. Za neke ne bi rekao ni da znaju komp koristiti pa su me ugodno iznenadili.

Uglavnom ako je samo pretpostavka raspitaj se okolo možda se iznenadis. A ako je stvarno istina vjerojatno možeš potegnuti do prvog većeg grada i naći nekoga da ti u jedan dan posloži i objasni stvari.

Ja sam osobno slagao dosta PC konfiguracija tokom godina i nisam imao nikakvih problema sa rigom. Par dana sam čitao tutorijale po netu, nabavio komponente sukladno preporukama, posložio i sve proradilo kako treba. Još sam najviše vremena izgubio na konfiguraciju BIOSa.
12447  Other / Meta / Re: Application For Merit Source on: January 26, 2018, 11:10:41 PM
I think you missed the point of 10 posts for application to be merit source. I thought you have to find 10 posts that deserves merit and not 10 of your posts. But I could be wrong because I wasn't interested in becoming a source when reading about merit.

As a Croatian speaker and frequent visitor to Croatian thread I can vouch that lot of RegulusHr posts in Croatian section are well written and quite helpful, especially to newcomers. I didn't check his posts but I often run into them in some discussions. We are quite a small community after all.
12448  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Darn etherdelta on: January 26, 2018, 10:37:58 PM
Bumping this thread because I noticed to today that Etherdelta was loading very quickly.  Fastest I've ever seen.  There is about a 5 second delay for the DDoS support, then about 5 seconds to load.  Used to take 30-60 seconds.  

Yeah I've seen a huge improvement too recently, been pretty much consistent over this last week or so also

I am using it as well without any problems. Works fast enough and all transaction go trough quickly while using moderate GAS (1-4 Gwei) It is working as good as before cryptokitties Smiley It seems that all Etherdelta problems (hacking of DNS server excluded) were a result of congested ETH network.
12449  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Lightning network on: January 26, 2018, 10:33:52 PM

Puno hvala na svim postovima u ovoj temi. Mislim da stvarno vrijedi pročitati iskustva nekoga tko je već testirao LN. Treba nas što više širiti svijest o SegWitu i LN kako bi Bitcoin ponovno postao sredstvo plaćanja a ne "samo" digitalno zlato.

Lightning Network NE koristi nikakve side chain-ove. U LN-u NE postoje side chainovi. Imaš glavni i jedini bitcoin blockchain, te nakon toga komunikaciju između nodova, ništa drugo. Nod, kad želi završiti razgovor koristi glavni chain te pokreče zatvarajuču transakciju na blockchain-u.

Znači ako vam netko priča o sidechainovima dok objašnjava LN, znate da ustvari nezna što priča ili da vas NAMJERNO vara tj. daje dezinformacije. I nema veze tko vam to govori, kad vam se spomenu takve stvari, znate da postoji neka kvaka.

Opaska o side chainu budući da sam se osjetio malo prozvanim s jednim od tvojih postova. Koristio sam termin side chain u mojem pojednostavljen objašnjenu budući da sam ga čuo/pročitao na više mjesta dok sam se informirao o LN. Možda nije najbolji termin ali meni je omogućio da si vizualno predstavim sliku mreže nodova. Kako bi ti nazvao put koji od par nodova i njihovih konekcija? Mene nekako i dalje vuče na taj termin side chain i vjerojatno bih opet korisito da nekom objašnjavam LN u razgovoru. S druge strane ne bih htio širiti dezinformacije. Jasno mi je da to nije neki alternativni blockcahain već lanac nodova.
12450  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Kablovi i rajzeri on: January 26, 2018, 04:52:00 PM
Smart SE 530W je napajanje koje koristim. Hvala na odgovorima, sad i ja vrv msm da je zica unutar njih vrv jeftinijeg i losijeg kvaliteta pri cemu se najverovatnije stvara ta toplota jer se nailazi na vecu otpornost, ali bitno je da nije toliko toplo. Nije toplota kao kada ih koristim ali vrv to ne mogu ni ocekivati ili mozda mogu sve zavisi, posto sam negde procitao da uopste ne bi trebalo da su topli.

Mislim da je to loše napajanje sa lošim kablovima i vjerojatno radi pri svom maksimumu. Nisam googlao, ovo je čisto bazirano na tome da nisam nikad čuo za Smart napajanja. Ja bi na tvom mjestu razmislio o investiciji u novo napajanje barem 800W renomiranog proizvođača, a ako misliš proširiti rig ili kao zalog za budućnost i 1000-1200W. Imaj na umu da napajanje ima najbolju iskoristivost pri 60% opterećenja. Nije da će se samo isplatiti na uštedi struje, ali pomaže.
12451  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Kablovi i rajzeri on: January 26, 2018, 02:38:16 PM
Kakvi su vasi kablovi dok vam rade rigovi,ja imam neki mini rig od 3 GTX 1050TI bez 6 pinskog napajanja svi rajzeri su spojeni na razlicite grane 1 6pin PSU Molex,drugi i treci 6 pin iz PSU pa SATA grana,znaci svaki je zasebno pa su mi kablovi mlaki ne znam koliko je to dobro pa ako neko ima iskustva oko ovakvih stvari zamolio bih ga da odgovori,hvala.

Moji kablovi su sobne temperature. Imam rig sa 4x1070. Svaka kartica je na svojoj grani naravno, a riseri su po 2 na kablu. Ako su ti svi kablovi iste temperature nemaš baš puno toga što možeš napraviti. Možda su jednostavno lošije kvalitete pa imaju veći otpor. Koje napajanje koristiš?

Obično koristi kad pipneš kabele ako je jedan značajno topliji od drugih, onda znaš da si preopteretio tu granu.

Prati situaciju u svakom slučaju ima stvarno ružnih slika sa ljudima kojima su izgorili rigovi. Skoro sam i ja završio u toj kategoriji kada mi se izvukla žičica iz jednog risera i počela lupkati po kućištu (aluminij), a sve radi normalno. Sva sreća da sam po mraku prošao kroz podrum i vidio kako iskri Smiley
12452  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Tennis League All Thread on: January 26, 2018, 10:28:40 AM
Federer just won the semi-final against Chung who retired due to physical problems.
Federer seemed significantly stronger than Chung.
King Roger Federer now can win his 20th title slam in career!
He would won the game regardless because he was already leading the second set by 5-2 before Chung retired due to the injury.Federer is indeed going to win Title once again and I do hope he doesn’t have an injury because that seems to be the latest trend now.

I see Federer in great physical shape, and during the tournament he has always improved reaching the final to the maximum of his power.
I am convinced that he will easily win 3-0 or 3-1.
So, Federer will win his 20th title slam and will reduce his gap by Nadal to 155 points!

Federer is the favorite in the final but this time I am expecting Cilic to give a good fight. He is in great physical shape and has had a day more for resting and preparing. Cilic has also come out this season with more aggressive mindset and he already has experience of beating Federer 3:0 in US Open semi finals.

I will wait for Sunday to see the odds the bookies will offer but I believe I will take some handicap on Cilic. He has the power to take 2 sets if not the match.

Anyway we should have a good match this time, I was really disappointed with Wimbeldon final when Cilic played injured and Federer breezed trough.
12453  Other / Meta / Re: TMAN's Level up challenge. on: January 26, 2018, 08:31:41 AM
@All junior members complaining in this thread
You don't like the rules of the contest posted by TMAN? Just pass along and continue doing what you would have done if you didn't stumble on this thread. You just lost a little bit of time while reading so no harm done and maybe some junior member will like the rules.

I have two suggestions regarding this thread based on my personal experience. Sorry if it is a bit presumptions.
1. Add into topic name what member levels are allowed to participate in contest
2. Regarding your rule about only native English speakers. I would suggest rephrasing it to something on the line that posts have to be written in good/readable English, NOT Engrish.. That way you avoid racist arguments and it seems more fair to me. Maybe this is again biased by my personal experience. I am not a native English speaker but I believe that my level of English if more than adequate for any English speaking forum.

General ramblings
I am concerned about misuse of the merit system. Mainly selling of merit points and deals between members to mutually merit each other posts (especially on local forums). But that is a bit off topic so I will take it in one of the many newly risen merit topics.
12454  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: 🚀[ANN][PoSToken]First PoS Smart Contract Token[Lending Platform Available] on: January 25, 2018, 10:27:17 PM
Can anybody confirm that staking is still working?

I tried it multiple times, but it always results in errors. Already increased gas limit, but this doesn't help.

Yes it is working, I minted last time this morning without problems. It is important that transaction goes trough. It doesn't matter if it trows an error about transferring PoS tokens. I believe this is due to same sending and receiving address.

Always check postoken calculator to see how much PoS you are entitled too and ethgasstation to determine correct amount of GAS. After minting check your balance trough myetherwallet or etherdelta. Etherscan & Ethplorer have a significant delay.

After successful mint calculator will show 0, that is another way to check if transaction went trough. Hope I managed to help.
12455  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Lightning network on: January 25, 2018, 12:24:10 PM
Tek sam nedavno počeo proučavati sve vezano za lighting network tako da ću probati objasniti moje viđenje ove nadogradnje, ali svakako se informirajte i na drugim mjestima. ima puno dobrih youtube videa na temu.

Prvo da se dotaknem što lighting network donosi. Ukratko ako bude uspješno implementirana na glavnu mrežu (main net) za sad je uglavnom na testiranju, lighting network donosi skoro besplatne (par centi) trenutne transakcije na Bitcoin blockchainu. Razmislite malo što to znači. Po meni svi coini kojima je glavna namjena plaćanje, instant postaju beskorisni. Zašto bi neko koristio nova rješenja ako bitcoin to sve može pokriti sam? Nisam financijski savjetnik, sami proučite problematiku.

Vrlo pojednostavljeno kako lighting network radi:
* Glavna poanta je da se stvaraju side chains (pod lanci), što efektivno znači da main chain ima samo dvije transakcije stvaranje i zatvaranje tog side chaina
* Svaki side chain može imati u sebi nebrojeno mnogo transakcija i time ne opterećuje glavnu mrežu
* Svaka transakcija na side chainu je potpisana od obje strane. Bilo koja strana u bilo kojem trenutku može zatvoriti side chain. U tom trenutku dolazi do raspodjele novca i upisa na glavnu mrežu

Svaki dan kupujem ručak bitcoinom u McDonaldsu. Otvorim side chain s McDonaldsom sa recimo 0.1 BTC. Recimo da ručak košta 0.01 BTC. Svaki radni dan u tjednu platim ručak. Transakcije su upisane samo na side chainu. Došao je petak i odlučio sam promjeniti restoran. U tom trenutku nakon 5 dana side chain ima potpisane transakcije iz kojih se vidi da 0.05 BTC pripada meni a 0.05 BTC pripada i restoranu. Side chain se zatvara na glavnoj mreži i svako od nas dobije količinu BTC koja mu pripada.

E sad to je vrlo pojednostavljeno, u stvarnom svjetu lighting network traži već postojeće side chaine sa dovoljnom likvidnosti kako bi našu transakciju doveo do cilja optimalnim putem (zamislite graf sa puno točaka(node) proizvoljno povezanih i različitih likvidnosti). Preporučam da pogledate neki od videa na youtube jer je puno lakše shvatiti iz vizualnog prikaza. Nadam se da sam barem malo pomogao a ne samo još više zakomplicirao temu Smiley 
12456  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Tennis League All Thread on: January 25, 2018, 09:38:09 AM
I have some kind of a feeling that Cilic might win this years Australian Open.
He's playing pretty well.
Best year of his career for sure!

Trophy is still up for grabs but I must say that Roger Federer is the favorite and its really hard to beat him right now. Although  Chung has been performing above expectations, he will face a wall against Roger.

Cilic is also showing exceptionally well in the tournament. I bet he can beat Edmund, but then again a final match up with Roger is a different story. I feel that Roger is not even exerting much effort on his win and have a lot of gas in his tank if push comes to shove.

Cilic has started very well. Won first set 6:2. Too bad I have to work for living so I only get a glimpse of the match here and there, but so far it looks that Cilic managed to continue in same way he finished against Nadal.
12457  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Premier League Prediction Thread (EPL) on: January 24, 2018, 10:09:36 PM
Well Sanchez wage is the biggest wage on premier league right now though but it's worth at all, Manchester United will make many goals for sure later on their next matches. Is Sanchez can directly play on premier league later ? Or he need to wait until the next season start ?

Sanchez can start playing immediately for Man utd. Let's see what impact will his arrival bring. On the plus side he is a quality player but I can see problems in the future because of his wage. I think Pogba has already started complaining that Sanchez will earn twice as much as him.

Link to the rumor?  But it wouldn't be surprising if some eye brows were raised in the dressing room.  It was one of the reasons Pep didn't push thru with chasing Sanchez, if they did he would have had larger wages than KDB's improved contract.  Rofl.  Ridiculous.

This is the link

Paul pogba is not going to sit just like that and let sanchez get higher payment than him. Basically pogba think that he is the star of manchester united so this kind of jealousy is very expected coming from pogba himself. Yeah it sounds ridiculous and very immature to me as well
Naturally, if Pogba feels jealous of the salary received by Sanchez because although now Pogba is still the record holder of the world's most expensive player transfer so Pogba does feel worthy to get the highest salary too. However, Pogba should not publicly disclose the complaint because a professional player while in a team does not have to think about the salary they receive, as long as the player contract is valid then the player should just do the best for his team then and show that they deserve to be on the team because if the player's performance is so good then the management team will definitely offer a new contract with high salaries because they do not want to lose the player.
Well Pogba deserves to be the highest paid player in the team in my opinion and he should go for a new contract negotiation so that his needs are eventually meet.In my opinion he is on the same class as Alexis Sanchez and should be earning that much as well.

There is also a problem of team salary cap. I know United is one of the richest teams in the world but even they have to abide financial fair play. I believe that united has 4 players with highest salary in Premier League and 5 in top 10. I am writing this from my head so sorry if it is not 100% correct. Players I mentioned by highest salary: Sanches, Pogba, Ibra, Lukaku, De Gea.
12458  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: 🚀[ANN][PoSToken]First PoS Smart Contract Token[Lending Platform Available] on: January 24, 2018, 10:00:35 PM
I see there is some of you who are sending different amount of tokens to yourself in order to execute mint. If everything goes ok the amount you are sending doesn't matter. But I will always mint by sending 0 as extra layer of security.

Example. Small chance that you enter wrong receiving address. If you sent 0 PoS nothing happens. You just mint once more. All that is lost is a little money for GAS. In case you send all your PoS you have just lost all PoS in your wallet and all PoS you were about to mint. Why would you do it that way if it works with 0???
12459  Other / Serious discussion / Re: Quantum computers will end Cyrpto on: January 24, 2018, 01:26:27 PM
I've been thinking about this lately and came to this conclusion.

When/If we get quantum computers we will know about this ahead of time. All that needs to happen is that we change the cryptography to quantum resistant tech. If that's possible I'm not sure but since it's just code I'm going to say it is.

People will have to transfer their cryptos to these new quantum resistant addresses on each blockchain.

Any coins left in older addresses will be susceptible to quantum attacks.

I agree with above. As far as I understand it, quantum computers should be really good in some computations while they will not be suitable for some others. Therefore, new algorithms will have to be incorporated for mining and encryption.

IMHO biggest problem will be brute force attacks. Quantum computers should be able to crack some passwords which are considered secure these days.
12460  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: 🚀[ANN][PoSToken]First PoS Smart Contract Token[Lending Platform Available] on: January 24, 2018, 12:36:06 PM
Is it still possible to stake? Because I sent 0.0000001 POS tokens to my own address yesterday. Then I received the error "The ERC-20 Token Transfer might have Failed (ErrCode: unable to locate corresponding Transfer event log), check with sender." and my POS balance did not increase. Could you please help me?

Yes. Minting is working as always. Please note that even when transaction shows failure it is high probability that you have received your coins if you used enough GAS for it. Check directly from myetherwallet or etherdelta. Ethplorer & etherscan only show correct balance after significant delay. In future send 0 PoS to yourself.
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