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1321  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Have Banks conspired to Kill Bitcoin Startups? on: February 14, 2017, 07:46:50 PM
Sure banks have a huge power, no doubt about that.

And I do think they're keeping an eye on BTC and the blockchain technology.
But to think they could sabotage btc start up? Nah...
Not because of ethics, just because... They don't give a damn. When you're a god you're not going to kill every mouse who wants to get bigger.
1322  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The Rothschilds: 8 times richer than the richest 8 on: February 14, 2017, 07:21:56 PM
Who the fuck is this Mark Zuckerberg and how the fuck he gets so rich in such a short time i don't understand. Bill Gates worked his ass off over the years and built many many nice things and then this shit face (suckerberg) comes up with a dating website and becomes as rich as Bill Gates. It definitely doesn't fit.

Maybe it is because Facebook is FBI's and CIA's favourite data collection app...

Probably because he built one of the most used social media apps / empires today? As he also owns Instagram which has a tremendous user base and is making tons from ad revenue. It's not like Zuckerberg also didn't work his ass off to get his company off the ground, he just holds all this wealth today due to owning tons of shares in the company as the price is high.

All I see here is jealous marxist tinfoil hats, you guys are a joke.

Back on the subject, I'm going to have to agree with you on this one. I think the Rothschild family dynasty are a bunch of greedy fucks too but they made their money and worked for it, can't be salty about that one fellas.

That would probably the greatest gift to the world one's could do by getting rid of this whole family...
And all the richest families in fact...
No one deserves a billion of dollars. Unless you invented something so incredible that you changed the world, unless that no one produced enugh for society to deserve that.
1323  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Snowden ‘Not Afraid’ If Russia Hands Him Over To US on: February 14, 2017, 07:20:24 PM
As far I remember, Snowden has a residency permit, which was recently prolonged for the next five years. Thereby he can't be extradited unless he committed some serious crime in Russia, something like mass shooting. Even Putin himself can't do it.

Lol, like there is something that Putin can't do in Russia xD
1324  Other / Politics & Society / Re: How do you decide when someone's a Nazi? on: February 14, 2017, 07:19:24 PM
Well you're a "nazi" when you firmly believe that the aryan race exists and is superior to other individuals and deserve to dominate the others.

By extension i guess you could qualify as a nazi everyone who believes the same thing but about another race. I
Nazi is now a word use for people who are in fact kind of "superracists" believing the sacred race should clearly dominate and/or destroy the other races.
In order to understand who the Nazis you just look at the Russian who live in Russia. The whole Russian propaganda 24 hours a day zombiruet people and inspire them that Russian is the greatest nation.

That's fascism not Nazism.
Fascism is the use of patriotism and the idea that one's nation is the strongest and greatest in the world, everything made under a strong State with high military.
Nazism is directly linked to the idea of racial superiority and biological right for one race to dominate all others (normally Aryans)
1325  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What do you think of Comunism? on: February 14, 2017, 07:17:28 PM
Funny how everyone is spitting on an economic system that was implement only in dictatorships and say that it can't work because it failed everytime...

Like a totalitarian State can succeed.

Communism is an interesting ideology that has much more sense than what all the brainwashed Americans seem to believe. The main idea of communism is that we produce far too much compare to our needs, and hence that people should be allowed to own their tools of production in order to spread in an equal way the wealth produced.
People simplify it by "everyone owns nothing and they all have the same wage" while it's incredibly more complex than that!
Communism means true democracy, share of powers and responsibilities. It doesn't mean people will stop working! It's a different project of society in which the word "working" has a completely different meaning than in capitalism!!!

Not saying it's a perfect system, but stop using bullshit arguments like those ones, it's a complex idea that might be a good way to follow or at least to inspire more projects.
1326  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Putin's hand at the White House on: February 14, 2017, 07:12:47 PM
Putin declared war on the entire Western world. It is unfortunate that the West or afraid of it or simply do not understand the dangers of the situation. If not to ratchet up economic pressure on Russia, you will have to fight.

It's definietly Putin sho invades other countries for money or power and support ISIS.
Putin is an enemy of the democratic world! He is doing everything to destroy the very concept of democracy and sponsors around the world autocratic regimes. Not had Duterte come to power in the Philippines as Putin offered him weapons and support.

Please give me an example of a Western democracy.
I'd love to see that.
Putin is a dictator but it's not like we're doing much better.
1327  Local / Discussions générales et utilisation du Bitcoin / Re: Problème de Google authentificator on: February 14, 2017, 07:09:31 PM
Update :

C'est bon, j'ai récupéré le contrôle de mes comptes :

- coinbase : il a suffit d'une réinitialisation d'Authy.

- kraken : j'ai dû contacter le support et répondre à quelques questions. Ils m'ont désactivé ensuite le google 2FA. J'ai pu reconfigurer mon google authentificator.

Morale de l'histoire : bien penser à sauvegarder le code de récupération master key pour chaque compte !

Ceci dit c'est quand même pas mal foutu le tout. GA c'est relou mais niveau sécurité il me semble que c'est incrackable (j'en profite pour faire ce genre d'affirmations, quelqu'un me corrigera peut-être, hésitez pas parce que j'ai peut-être trop confiance en ce machin) donc ça vaut le coup.
Par contre est-ce quelqu'un sait comment on TRANSFERT un compte GA d'un téléphone à un autre, j'ai dû passer par le service client de Kraken alors que j'avais encore l'ancien tel mais juste parce que je voulais utiliser le nouveau, y a pas un moyen de transférer les codes quand on a bien les deux téléphones encore fonctionnels?
1328  Other / Politics & Society / Re: How do you decide when someone's a Nazi? on: February 14, 2017, 01:56:19 PM
Well you're a "nazi" when you firmly believe that the aryan race exists and is superior to other individuals and deserve to dominate the others.

By extension i guess you could qualify as a nazi everyone who believes the same thing but about another race. I
Nazi is now a word use for people who are in fact kind of "superracists" believing the sacred race should clearly dominate and/or destroy the other races.
1329  Local / Économie et spéculation / Re: Le Bitcoin : Et s'il redescendait à moins de $400 ? on: February 14, 2017, 01:30:31 PM
y'a une très grosse différence entre spéculer sur des CDS/SWAP (crash 2008 repompé à la planche à billet jusqu'à maintenant en full open bar max truandage à mort jamais vu) et ... spéculer avec des bitcoins (réels, tu fais une faute, tu perds réellement ... a pu).

après, on peut dire que y'a aussi du levier sur les exchanges en bitcoins ... certes.
sauf que le titulaire doit le payer un jour ou l'autre (somme immobilisée en sécurité).

la spéculation en bitcoins est donc bien plus "juste" pour le moment et n'a rien de comparable au marché Or qui est pollué par les ETF (contrats papiers).

Ca on est d'accord et encore une fois contrairement aux affirmations des 2 bouffons plus haut j'ai jamais dit le contraire.

Mais justement, pour eviter que cette speculation ne devienne comparable a celles pourries qu'on peut constater autrement, le mieux c'est d'essayer d'attirer des utilisateurs du btc plutôt que des speculateurs.

Parce que quand t'as plus de speculateurs que d'utilisateurs ta monnaie elle est vraiment... bizarre xD
1330  Local / Économie et spéculation / Re: Le Bitcoin : Et s'il redescendait à moins de $400 ? on: February 14, 2017, 01:26:03 PM
Je suis content de t'avoir fait rire superresistant!
Bien sûr, il aurait été plus interessant de lire des arguments mais encore eut il fallut que tu en eusses quelques uns...

Et on est d'accord tu as montré un graph de données entre 1300 et 2010 pour "prouver" que la speculation fait baisser la volatilité? XD

Cest sûr que c'est un bon argument! Heureusement que l'augmentation de la speculation est la seule chose qui ait changé en 700 ans sinon ton argument ne serait pas valide. Mais c'est bon y a clairement pas eu d'autre changement important, je pense que tu nous as tous convaincu!  Wink
1331  Local / Économie et spéculation / Re: Le Bitcoin : Et s'il redescendait à moins de $400 ? on: January 26, 2017, 03:06:12 PM
tu as raison
Pas de problème.
C'est quand même mieux l'honnêteté que de faire genre.
Bisous également!
1332  Local / Économie et spéculation / Re: Le Bitcoin : Et s'il redescendait à moins de $400 ? on: January 25, 2017, 09:14:03 PM
tu perds ton temps et le nôtre : tu es venu dans ce fil pour dire que la spéculation, c'est mal, tout en ne connaissant par ailleurs rien à rien quant au sujet.
Ben merde alors! Moi qui pensais savoir de quoi je parlais, voilà que cet incroyable argument démonte tous mes propos!!!

C'est fou quand même que sans rien savoir sur le sujet je sois capable de vous poser des colles tellement énorme que personne ne soit capable de répondre...
quand penses tu et qu'en penses tu ?
Quand: le plus possible, contrairement à toi j'essaie sincérement d'avancer dans le débat mais comme vous ne voulez pas aller au-delà du "la spéculation c'est vachement utile" on va pas loin :/
Sauf pour quelques membres mais avec qui j'ai surtout discuté de la définition de la spéculation et du fait qu'on pouvait l'appliquer à tout. Ca c'était interessant et je crois qu'on a fait le tour (je crois, si quelqu'un a quelque chose a ajouter faut pas hésiter ^^)

"Qu'en penses-tu?" qu'est-ce que je pense de quoi? Faut une première proposition à laquelle renvoie "en", sinon c'est joli mais ça ne veut rien dire.
on a compris que tu fais partie du camps du bien, et c'est justement pour ça qu'on n'a pas envie de discuter avec toi.
C'est dingue ça! Y a un moment où j'ai fait intervenir un quelconque jugement moral dans mon discours??
Vous vous sentez tous tellement agressés par ma "pensée du camp du bien" mais j'ai vraiment pas le souvenir d'avoir dit à un quelconque moment que la spéculation c'était mal, que les banquiers c'étaient des méchants etc...

J'ai remis en question son utilité.
Jusqu'à présent personne n'a daigner aller au-delà du "ça augmente les liquidités et diminue le spread" alors qu'une question pourtant très simple a été posée 3 fois:
"Donnez moi un cas aujourd'hui où acheteur et vendeur ne peuvent pas communiquer directement"

VOUS mettez une notion de morale dans tout ça. VOUS me donnez le titre de "fait partie des gens bien". JE n'ai JAMAIS fait ce genre d'affirmation.

Alors pas la peine de vous présenter comme des victimes. Vous êtes simplement trop lâches/paresseux/stupides/ininteressés (choisissez ce qui vous convient) pour discuter de ça.
Ce n'est pas un mal en soit mais pas la peine de m'accuser de vouloir dire quelque chose que je n'ai jamais dit.
Assumez simplement votre bêtise/paresse/désintérêt.
1333  Economy / Speculation / Re: The effect of fees on the Chinese exchanges in a single chart on: January 25, 2017, 08:45:42 PM least it's realistic now. ...

this is the most important part of it all in my opinion.
right now the volume they are reporting has dropped down so much it is the same as other exchanges we are all using.
and this in the long run will put a stop to FUDsters using higher fake volume of Chinese to say they are controlling bitcoin.

Yup! Better to see only real transactions!!!

Just a slight question in my mind though, does anyone have the average global tx?
Because if this didn't fall too much it also means that lots of investors were only redirected from Chinese exchanges to others.
And that would be a very good point in the decentralization idea ^^
1334  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Filthy scammers, cheats, hackers, thieves, conmen, fools and protestants. on: January 25, 2017, 08:43:57 PM
As if they dint exist before 2009.


movies such as oceans 11,12,13 wouldnt exist without all the Fiat scams and thefts inspiring the movies

clint eastwood would never have been famous without the old wild west gunslinging gold stealing bank robbing outlaws

But don't you think that Bitcoin has its own particular brand of assholes?  Just a little bit more egregious than common assholes.

It's not a question of assholes.

It's a question of "what do you risk?"
And fact is that with bitcoin scams... You risk pretty much nothing!
That's the downside of anonymity, you risk nothing so you can scam whoever you want ^^
1335  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Trump first action as a president: attack abortion right on: January 25, 2017, 07:35:32 PM
He didn't make abortions illegal duh.. He signed a ban on federal money going to international groups that perform or provide information on abortions. So those international organizations can get funding from some other country or corporation. Maybe the whore mothers can pay for their own abortions.

No one said  he made abortion illegal. Even if he supports abortion ban.
Don't you find it a bit worrying that his FIRST ACTION AS A PRESIDENT is to prevent abortion funding? Not only by state but also by individuals. You no longer have the right to give money to association supporting abortion or promoting it in any way.

And why can't you all IDIOTS understand that abortion is not only for "whores" whatever that means?!?!
Accidents HAPPEN! All the time!!!
All condom manufacturers say their product aren't 100% effective! That they can get broken!!!
For lots of women, contraceptive pills dose must be changed from time to time, and sometimes the contraceptive pill won't be effective !

And those women just want to abort because they don't want or can't support a baby!!

And who are you to say the contrary??

Why should tax payers have to pay for an abortion? I didn't get any fucking out of it so why am I paying? The woman and man who make the kid should pay.
Did you miss the part where you no longer have the right to make a DONATION to an association?
And abortion are incredibly much cheaper than having to pay for an unwanted child.
You realize that unwanted child will statistically be less healthy, more criminals than wanted child?

It's just a matter of do you prefer to pay a very low amount before or a very big amount after

Who needs contraceptives when you can just pull out and cum all over the face of the fucking whore.

Despite the fact that your comment is disgusting and sexist as fuck, it also shows why there is a need for abortion. Because complete idiots like you actually think that the pull out method works even if we know since the 60's that it doesn't because pre cum can be enough to reach pregnancy.
1336  Economy / Services / Re: [OPEN] | 🔥 Signature Campaign 🔥 | Earn up to 0.035 BTC/week on: January 25, 2017, 07:08:09 PM
thank you lauda, i've transaction stuck too and i've sent now a mail to bitmixer
the network is really slow now and i think is for all bitcoin users :-|

thank you for patience and precious info

Bitmixer can't do anything if the transaction didn't return to its original address. Go here -- and fill in your transaction id and confirm the captcha. It helped me yesterday to get my transaction confirmed as well, otherwise it would probably still not be confirmed. I hope all Bitmixer users do this as a temporary solution. No need to bother either Lauda and Bitmixer.
How do you find the transaction ID?
On the bitmixer page there is only the date and the amount of payment.
Not the transaction ID.
1337  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Trump first action as a president: attack abortion right on: January 25, 2017, 07:07:09 PM
He didn't make abortions illegal duh.. He signed a ban on federal money going to international groups that perform or provide information on abortions. So those international organizations can get funding from some other country or corporation. Maybe the whore mothers can pay for their own abortions.

No one said  he made abortion illegal. Even if he supports abortion ban.
Don't you find it a bit worrying that his FIRST ACTION AS A PRESIDENT is to prevent abortion funding? Not only by state but also by individuals. You no longer have the right to give money to association supporting abortion or promoting it in any way.

And why can't you all IDIOTS understand that abortion is not only for "whores" whatever that means?!?!
Accidents HAPPEN! All the time!!!
All condom manufacturers say their product aren't 100% effective! That they can get broken!!!
For lots of women, contraceptive pills dose must be changed from time to time, and sometimes the contraceptive pill won't be effective !

And those women just want to abort because they don't want or can't support a baby!!

And who are you to say the contrary??
1338  Economy / Gambling / Re: Primedice | Most Popular & Trusted | Huge Community | Free BTC on: January 25, 2017, 06:30:31 PM
i got a withdraw today from primedice and it's very long long withdraw, costs 7 hours but still don't get it

Well problem isn't PD but the network.
Huge spam attacks which means huge fees or waiting time :/
1339  Other / Politics & Society / Re: US exit from United Nations could become reality with fresh bill on: January 25, 2017, 06:28:23 PM
That is good news. The United States of America must now stop wasting their resources controlling other countries through the guise of the United Nations. Trump has seen that the previous administration is using the UN activities so the oligarchs can bring our millions of dollars in form of aid to other countries to fund their own greediness. Its time for the UN to be independent of USA and move on for the betterment without the strings pulled by the USA.
The UN was created to prevent war in the world, but each country has its own interests. They try to impose these interests by force. If the UN will fall apart then the world could plunge into chaos.

Yes... the United Nations was the successor to the League of Nations. But after a promising start, the UN became a toothless body from 1980 onward. It was unable to prevent conflicts from happening (such as those in Sudan and Afghanistan) and it couldn't act against human rights abuses perpetrated by various dictatorships and juntas.
Because USA or Russia support the dictators
They're permanent members so we can do nothing if one of them disagree.

If USA leaves we will finally be able to act!
1340  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Trump first action as a president: attack abortion right on: January 25, 2017, 06:15:34 PM
Thanks all!

Next time I see a stupid redneck yelling "women need no feminism, they already got everything in our countries" I'll just have to give him this link!

haha lol i do agree, maybe they are right that there were a lot of abuse of womens but the reality as well is that there were also a lot of cases were weaker men were being abused and i hate it when they are shouting it seems like they are not doing the same thing and in fact it is still their decision whether they would let the kid alive or dead but they choose to run on the obligations as well.

Then it means we also need to fight for men's rights Wink

There is no logic in saying "we won't give you this fundamental right because we feel like you're abusing some of the men's right".
It's better to just give everyone what they deserve.
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