hello i done a withdraw between a site into electrum but it still pending since 5 days how i can unlock transaction ? Thank you
If the website didn't provide you a transaction id then you should contact their support directly. The fees are at the bottom right now so every transaction is confirmed in less than one hour. It looks like they haven't sent the coins to your wallet yet.
So, basicaly they admited the proplem but they did say that they would fix it even in their future devices.
This sentence does not make any sense. Did you mean 'wouldn't fix'? Trezor is not the only device affected by this vulnerability. It looks like that every device with a ST microchip is affected so it's not their fault. Actually, they admitted that they had been aware of it since the beginning. I don't know how many alternatives there are. Ledger uses a different chip which provides 'security through obscurity' that might not appeal to many of the Trezor's customers.
Are the developers going to fix the hardware for future models or they are going to keep manufacturing the old model with advice to use a long passphrase?
The developers can't fix old models because they would have to change them drastically, including the software. I highly doubt that Trezor is going to release a new model anytime soon (there is still a lot to do for the Trezor T). Also, I don't think that they would suddenly change their security policy. They want to be as much transparent as possible. The attack can't be performed remotely. Passphrases should be used by everyone anyway. Here you can read Trezor's response.
yes, maybe, but i managed to connect after the upgrade. The problem is that it started syncrhonizing, and i quitted. is it possible that it s still synching?
No, Electrum stops synchronising once you close it. If rebooting your PC didn't work (it might sound funny but it often helps) then I would try reinstalling Electrum. Back up your wallet file even if you have the seed, just in case.
The wallet file format changed a long time ago so that's why it might not be working. Restore your wallet using the seed. If you don't have it then you might need to downgrade Electrum and extract your private keys.
So i updated , and connected succesfully. Then, it started syncrhonizing, and never stopped. It just kept synchronizing like a bug. So , i quitted and tried to reopen it, but since then, i was never able to reopen. I type the correct password, and click on next , and it just disappears. Anyone know what should i do?
From what website did you download the update? What version of Electrum do you have after the update? You should always download updates from the official website and verify them. You can try downloading the standalone executable to see if it's a problem related to your install.
Either try to contact this user via a private message or consider using regtest mode if you are running a Bitcoin Core client. This tutorial should provide you all the necessary information about this feature.
Ze względu na to, że rozpoczął się rok akademicki, to nie miałem czasu rozdawać meritów. Moje źródełko odnawia się bardzo powoli, ale powinienem móc coś więcej rozdać w ciągu najbliższych kilku dni. Jeżeli macie jakieś posty, które chcielibyście mi zgłosić, to z chęcią przejrzę wasze propozycje. Nie zaglądam zbyt często do "Alternatywne kryptowaluty", więc na posty stamtąd z chęcią zerknę.
Są jeszcze wolne miejsca w kampanii WOLF.BET. 3 miejsca dla Sr. Member z możliwością dołączenia z wyższą rangą, jeżeli ktoś zgodzi się na niższe stawki. Wymagania i stawki podał już wcześniej malevolent. Nieznacznie się zmieniły, więc polecam przejrzeć pierwszy post.
Od jakiegoś czasu rozglądam się za portfelem sprzętowym, takim jak Ledger Nano lub Trezor i chciałem się dowiedzieć od kogoś, kto już używał tego sprzętu, czy to aby na pewno bezpieczne?
Jeżeli na bieżąco będziesz aktualizował portfel, to nie masz się czym przejmować. Od razu polecam ci, żebyś dodatkowo chronił portfel w miarę długim passphrase. Jeżeli masz pytania co do jakiegoś modelu Trezora lub Ledgera, to z chęcią odpowiem. Moim pierwszym portfelem był Nano S, ale sprzedałem go i obecnie używam Trezora One oraz T. Nano X używałem krótko. Oczywiście nowe, oryginalnie zapakowane sztuki z gwarancją nie powinny być problemem, ale jak to jest z używanymi portfelami sprzętowymi?
Osobiście nie kupiłbym odrobinę taniej używanego urządzenia, które ma trzymać więcej pieniędzy niż ono samo jest warte. Raczej ciężko jest trafić na zmodyfikowane urządzenie. Nie pamiętam jak to jest w przypadku Trezora, ale Ledger sprawdza portfel przy uruchomieniu. Jeżeli dalej nie jesteś przekonany, to możesz otworzyć urządzenie i sprawdzić co siedzi w środku. Znalazłem kilka ogłoszeń, właśnie z używanymi już portfelami i są o wiele tańsze. Oczywiście czytałem już różne artykuły i prawdopodobnie wystarczy reset ale czy to prawda?
Wszystko powinno być w porządku po zrobieniu resetu. Podejrzewam, że właściciele urządzeń sami je zresetują przed wysłaniem, a po otwarciu przywita cię ekran startowy.
Is it possible to program a transaction moving 1 BTC from wallet #1 to wallet # 3 and use wallet #2 to pay for the transaction?
Can't you import the private keys of the second wallet to the first one or vice-versa? There might be an easier way to do what you want. Note that the coins from the second wallet will make the transaction bigger so you might pay less without them. Each legacy input adds another 0.00000158 BTC to the fee, assuming that the fee rate is 1 sat/byte. Edit: Ah, I didn't pay attention to 'program'. The other half of my message is still valid, though.
Despite everything, the number of full nodes increases every year and today we have already 9137 according to https://bitnodes.earn.com/. The number of all full nodes is actually much higher. This website lists nodes which are reachable for others, meaning that they can share blocks with other users. Some people don't know how to configure their networks properly or might intentionally block it to save the bandwidth.
Could i use one single ledger nano s on both the android app and the windows app using the same balances, or i need to use two separate ledger wallets with completely indipendent balances?
You don't have to use two separate Ledger wallets. You will be able to view the balance of your accounts on both Android and Windows. You can also easily copy your Ledger Live settings via QR codes to your Android device.
Just saw that this has been released, is it still in the test / beta stage or is it ready for use?
This version was released on 11th July and it's not in beta. Download it from the official website and verify the installation file to make sure that it hasn't been modified by anyone.
Anybody used that ledger live android app?
Yes, it works fine. There is no link to the download on this page but the Android version is mentioned there. Here's the official repository maintainted by Ledger. Even if the app was malicious, your coins would not be stolen due to how hardware wallets work.
I wrote it down accurately and have tried inputting it in all lower case with spaces in between each of the twelve words [...]
What twelve words are you referring to? The mnemonic phrase? If that's the case then you must have used a different wallet before. Recover your wallet using it and export your private keys if you want to use Bitcoin Core or generate a new wallet and send your coins there from the recovered wallet.
I worry about whether I have the right software installed. How to check if it is now affected by malware? How do i know if my wallet wasn't hacked.
You can verify the installation file using the following guide to make sure that it wasn't modified or replaced by a malicious third-party. Always download updates from the official website and verify them. https://bitcoinelectrum.com/how-to-verify-your-electrum-download/
I just got an email from ShapeShift with a coupon code for a free KeepKey Hardware Wallet. I think the offer is only open to those who've already registered with the ShapeShift exchange service, but if you've been considering getting one it might be worth looking into whether they're available for new registrants.
I don't think that new users are eligible. New users are given 100 FOX tokens and a 50% discount when accessing beta.shapeshift.com so they can buy KeepKey for $24.50. One can never have too many hardware wallets. I would order it and compare it with my Nano X, Trezor One and T if had an account there. This line confused me.
Doesn't it mean 'Why not get one if it's for free'?
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Thanks for the answer.
Whoops, I looked at 478 GB in the previous quote instead of subtracting 261 GB from it. Right now, you have downloaded 217 GB out of about 227 GB of block data. You should need about 35 GB of space more to finish the sync. Keep in mind that about 6 blocks are mined every hour so you will need an extra space but definitely less than 1 TB to keep your node operational for now.