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1381  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [Pre][ANN][ENVY] Envy Coin | ICO | Launch 9/28/14 10 pm GMT | Hashlet Backed on: September 26, 2014, 12:58:55 PM
Hello again!

I"ve followed, and tried my poor best to help, Tomcat on Fire and TRDR. He's a good guy and a hell of a worker. If anyone can make this successful, it's him. I'll be investing. Don't know how much, cuz I'z a poor boy, but I trust the dev.

I too was wondering about POS. Not sure if it would fit well with the asset backed plan, but I also am not convinced that it wouldn't.
1382  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: PBMining 1 TH/s HALLOWEEN Giveaway! on: September 25, 2014, 05:57:43 PM

customer 1446

entry 23

And this little piggy went hashing!
1383  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do people hate islam? on: September 25, 2014, 05:32:45 PM
Actually, that would be Christianity.

Don't forget the near extermination of the Natives, the Crusades, the Inquisitions, the mass burning of libraries, books, atheists, and "blasphemous" churches
You've really made a lot of pretty wild statements.  Maybe you should substantiate those with some actual facts?  Just tossing around phrases does not support an argument.

I am making the same assertion. "Kill all, Kill all, the Lord will know his own" was a statement by Pope Innocent (!) during the crusades to allow his troops to rape and pillage at will in the "holy" land. Christianity eventually mellowed out, but it was spread by the sword far more than by the evangelist from the time of Constantine at least, and probably earlier. While it started off as a somewhat principled resistance to the Roman occupation of palestine, it degenerated into a huge theocracy which ruled the near east and Europe for several centuries. In the New World, Missionaries paved the way for the Conquistadores. By both plan and misadventure, entire native populations were wiped out by starvation, war and disease. While some of this was inadvertant, a whole lot of it was not. Further, the Church has a long history of executing those who stood against it, even when they did so on religious grounds (Gallileo being a good example, but hardly unique). Also, very recently in the long history of these two monstrous religions, Christianity actively backed dubious dictators, one of which has become the "icon" for evil. While the assertion that Hitler was a Christian is likely false (he was first and foremost an opportunist) what is not false is that he was openly endorsed by the Vatican on several occasions, with the Pope even going so far as to say that he was re-establishing the holy roman empire.

Organizations which claim to have divine power can (in their own eyes or the eyes of their followers) never be wrong. This is the great danger of religion that is based upon deities. They see it as a strength. They have all the answers. Those of us with a more inquisitive mindset have the ability to be wrong. We can change course when we find we are in error. The religious mindset does not allow this, unless the error is purely personal AND in conflict with accepted dogma.

They decry this as a weakness. The ability and willingness to say "I don't know" is offensive to the religious mindset. They firmly believe that there are questions that musn't be asked, whereas a man like me believes the very opposite. My attitude has led to putting men on another world, there's has led to nothing but death and miserable life. Both Christianity and Islam treat this one life that we have with contempt and view it as a punishment. I find this offensive from both an emotional AND logical standpoint. I suppose this would be a better answer than my first reply in this thread. I hate Islam, Christianity, Mormonism, most other religions for the above stated reasons. They are holding back humanity from achieving great things, and they promote hatreds based literally on nothing.

Thomas Jefferson once said "I care not whether my neighbor believes in one god or twenty. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my legs". I believe this way myself, except that the god lovers are likely to do both, if given the opportunity and sufficient masses.
1384  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do people hate islam? on: September 25, 2014, 05:13:23 PM
can't generalize people like that; people can only be judged as individuals. If a religion has had
bad things done in it's name doesn't make the religion a bad thing

In a rational world, bad people do bad things and good people do good things. It takes religion or politics to make good people do bad things.

I'm plagiarizing someone with that paraphrase, but I can't recall who right now Tongue

But the point is that religion has some useful things, and a lot of bullshit. I can use the Quran or the Bible to justify ANYTHING. I can't use the non aggression principle to do that. While I agree with your point, out of context, in the context of the real world, wars are started over resources and justified with religion. This pattern is so ancient as to be axiomatic. The names of the gods have changed, but not the uses of them. If we can get people to STOP believing in fairy tales, I think the world will be a more peaceable place. No solution is perfect. Only religions believe in perfect solutions, but the greater good is served by belief in what can be proven rather than what can merely be asserted and enforced at the point of the lance.
1385  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do people hate islam? on: September 25, 2014, 04:59:30 PM
Im not saying i will kill him, Im just saying if Muslims are a real terrorists then he will get killed. because muslims almot 20% of this world huge number for sure.

So what's your point? They are many so they are above criticism?

I think it was more that if all muslims were terrorists, the world would burn. Can't speak for him of course, but that's what I got out of it.

EDIT: This also tends to reinforce something of a personal dictum for me. Most people are good in spite of their religion. Which ought to tell them something about the nature of religion.
1386  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do people hate islam? on: September 25, 2014, 04:58:03 PM
this world has 6 billion people, guess how much muslims ? 1 billion.


In the year 2013, the population of the world was 7.125 billion (Source: World Bank)

Muslims account for roughly 23% of the world's population
(Sources: The CIA's World Factbook, Pew Research, Catholic Culture)

But what does that count for?!
"I'm idiot and believe in some huge load of bull, but at least I'm not alone"? Is it the logic?

Argumentum Ad Populum

sweet! a fellow debater Cheesy Here's another good site for you, and those interested: logical fallacies and the art of debate

I'm not going to single out Islam, I just found the question of the OP entertaining. But religion as a whole routinely uses all of the logical fallacies.
1387  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [TEK] TEKcoin Mandatory Update! High % variable rate SuperStake in 30+ days on: September 25, 2014, 02:02:02 PM

I can't speak for others, but this is one of the many reasons that I have mostly switched away from windows. I don't own this laptop, so it's running windows, but my main machine only has windows in a VM. In Ubuntu, I have all the wallets that I use, which is a fair number, and I compiled all of them.

I'm going to learn how to do it in windows. I don't know when, as I have a lot going on, but hopefully before the next major update. Once I have it figured out, I'll post up a step by step guide for it here. It's fairly easy in Linux, but I imagine Windows has a number of deliberately difficult steps, because that's the nature of the beast. I'd like to be pleasantly surprised and find it as easy as Linux.

I have Linux machines too. I understand the relative strengths and weaknesses of each OS environment.

However, in my opinion, the just-use-Linux argument is not a valid response to the issue at hand - that issue being that the latest compiled Windows version of the TEK qt wallet has started to cause AV programs to reject it.

If, on consideration, the TEK team decides to make the coin Linux-only, then that is disappointing but fair enough, assuming an update to the OP spells it out.

Otherwise, Windows users are left waiting for a Windows fix or a (difficult to achieve) convincing explanation of safety. Your earlier comment that you know and have confidence in the person who compiled the code is reassuring, and you definitely carry gravitas with me - but then so did BFL before they became the BFL we all know and loathe today, and so did the Dyslexic Zombei team before they vanished with a lot of BTC. My point is not to lump you in with scoundrels, but rather to remind that there is just no way to know on the Webz who is doing what to whom. This stuff must be as trustless as possible.

Using compiled code is already a risky proposition. Using compiled code that sets off AV alarms when it did not before is more risk than I am willing to accept. Watching all the responses that bob and weave and deflect and deny and generally avoid fixing the issue is... baffling. I like this coin. I want to use it again - on a Windows machine - without disabling AV.

I can't disagree with a single thing you said here. My earlier responses were more frustration than intentional bobbing and weaving. I don't know how to fix it, and I hate being in that position. I have no official ties to the development team. Thundertoe is a friend, and I have helped where I'm able. (and got compensated for it, though that was not my goal). But I'm an amateur programmer. No, that's overstating my skill. I'm a dabbler who would like to be an amateur programmer.

I don't know why the current wallet is triggering your AV. It's NOT triggering mine, but I've only got Windows Defender set up. As I said, this is a secondary machine. My argument regarding Linux was more personal than advice. I'm a long term Windows user. I've used it almost since it's launch, bumps in the road and all, and I had thought after the debacle of Vista that maybe Microsoft had learned their lesson. Seven was great. I still like it a lot. 8 and 8.1 make Vista look good. I finally gave up in sheer frustration and started using Linux. Since I'm not a gamer, it does everything I need and doesn't give me a lot of grief. I'm still learning it, but overall I've been far more satisfied with it than I was with Windows, even without nearly 20 years of experience using it.

Thundertoe has a hard time getting people to compile the windows wallets, and both of the current ones were compiled by volunteers. Again, both known to me. Presstab, while an excitable guy, is beyond reproach. Argakiig is also a good guy. I'm as certain as I can be that they would not put anything deliberately malicious in the code. But as you noted, you don't personally know me, and that's simply not good enough. Which is why I want to learn how to compile windows wallets and post up a guide for it. If you compile it yourself, you KNOW what's in it. It's not as convenient, but it's safer. And I'm starting to ramble, so I'll hang it up here.
1388  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [TEK] TEKcoin Mandatory Update! High % variable rate SuperStake in 30+ days on: September 22, 2014, 04:11:04 PM
so ,.is this 40% every 30 days

supposed to be. Was prior to the late problems, and will be again. Right now, I hear between about 5 and 20.
1389  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do people hate islam? on: September 22, 2014, 03:27:48 PM
Someone above said to judge a tree by it's fruits. This is one of my favorite religious quotes, to be honest, because there is not one religion I can think of that is not immediately damned by it.

As for Christianity condoning violence or even encouraging it while speaking of peaceable intentions out the other side of it's mouth, it's a matter of historical record. That assertion is beyond legitimate dispute. As I said in my first post in this thread, it seems that Islam's radicals are ashamed of their low body count in comparison to their greatest rival. I think they should give it up. The Christians, by name and not including the religion they derived from, have a 700 year head start. That's a lot of graves. And in places like central Africa, they're still doing it. Sorry, but Allah's followers started their wars too late to catch up with Jehovah's.

God save me from your followers.
1390  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [TEK] TEKcoin Mandatory Update! High % variable rate SuperStake in 30+ days on: September 22, 2014, 02:27:41 PM

Also how would an AV software keep the funds you had at Liberty Exchange safe?

the guy upload my whole c drive , system image it n was able to get all my passwords ,i had no av at that time
[/quote] shit, that's some ugly stuff man Sad No wonder you're paranoid. I would be too.

I don't store passwords on the machine, or very rarely. I have 'em on a flash drive, and it's encrypted six ways from sunday. I'm not fond of AV software. It tends to fuck with anything not microsoft endorsed, which is the majority of what I do. I just am careful with what is exposed to the net.
1391  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [TEK] TEKcoin Mandatory Update! High % variable rate SuperStake in 30+ days on: September 22, 2014, 02:06:02 PM
biomech pls post how to run vm in windows

Download either VMware player (my favorite) or virtual box. Follow the install instructions. Once the VM is installed, create a new virtual machine (it's a button) follow the guide, download an .iso image from ubuntu or your favorite Linux flavor, and install it like any other computer. After first boot, you usually have to install vmware tools (it tells you how) or some other support packages for virtual box in order for the display and network stuff to work correctly. It was actually harder to type this than to do it. It's not an outrageous process.

The only caveats I would offer is that if you have a multicore machine, set your vm to use only one or two cores, or it will massively slow down your host. But I can run ubuntu on a single core on this little 2 core laptop with little trouble, as long as the vm is set to pretty minimal levels. For wallets, that's fine. After they sync, they aren't terribly resource heavy.
1392  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [TEK] TEKcoin Mandatory Update! High % variable rate SuperStake in 30+ days on: September 22, 2014, 01:50:23 PM
AVware   Trojan.Win32.Generic!BT   20140908
Fortinet   W32/IRCBot.ECI!tr   20140908
Ikarus   Trojan.Win32.IRCBot   20140908
Kaspersky   Trojan.Win32.IRCbot.eci   20140908
McAfee   Artemis!0A4555953561   20140908
McAfee-GW-Edition   Artemis   20140908
Qihoo-360   Win32/Trojan.BO.17c   20140908
VBA32   Trojan.IRCbot   20140908
VIPRE   Trojan.Win32.Generic!BT

All false positives.

Thank you - I think yours is the first post that offers external support for the assertion that these are false positives.

Alas, I am not yet ready to trust the new Windows compiled version enough to turn off my AV and run my TEK wallet again (I miss it though).

Here is why:

1. The code is, of course, compiled, so I can not see what is in it for myself.

2. The only sources of reassurance posted are from other people who can not see what is in it for themselves.

3. The posts of reassurance (not yours) typically say it is just like all the other qt implementations and that they all trigger false positives, but this is patently false. I routinely run many of them and the new TEK is the only one that triggers virus alerts on my machine.

4. The AV alerts for TEK started with this latest version - it was fine before. I have repeatedly requested information about what changed, and there continues to be silence in response. This is very off-putting and of course makes me all the more wary.

5. Some posters have said that the specific IRC code that is causing the alarms is not needed anyway. If so, all this angst could be avoided easily.

6. Thundertoe posted that it is inconvenient to compile for Windows. So it is, but that is hardly a reason not to do it, imho, if the intent is to nurture a coin in a very crowded field of competitors.

Again, thank you for the link - it is definitely a useful item and may be ample reassurance for some Windows users.

The whole world is watching (or at least the few who use Windows).                      Wink

I can't speak for others, but this is one of the many reasons that I have mostly switched away from windows. I don't own this laptop, so it's running windows, but my main machine only has windows in a VM. In Ubuntu, I have all the wallets that I use, which is a fair number, and I compiled all of them.

I'm going to learn how to do it in windows. I don't know when, as I have a lot going on, but hopefully before the next major update. Once I have it figured out, I'll post up a step by step guide for it here. It's fairly easy in Linux, but I imagine Windows has a number of deliberately difficult steps, because that's the nature of the beast. I'd like to be pleasantly surprised and find it as easy as Linux.
1393  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [TEK] TEKcoin Mandatory Update! High % variable rate SuperStake in 30+ days on: September 22, 2014, 01:00:57 AM
pos diff 0.001574 less than 5%, waited 30 days for this , is there easy way to get pos difff , without open wallet to check , im on windows have to disable AV do clean install than can open wallet , but after i turn my AV on , it deletes tek , tek is very not user friendly to windows user

Get rid of the AV software, they are useless. Or you could add the TEK.exe file to the ignore list in the AV settings. The TEK wallet works like any other wallet, how is it not Windows user friendly?

Thanks for input , but you do what you like with your PC , I had my funds stolen from liberty reserve . So no internet AV not an option, beside the old tek wallets did not act up. Even after I added the line to cancel irc , same results virus + malware

Of course one shouldn't take the word of some dude on the Internet, but I do know the gentlemen who coded the new wallet. I'm not sure what's setting off the AV, but the wallet is fine.

Or you could compile it yourself. I don't know how to do that in Windows, and I'm not being a smartass. I only use windows on my laptop, which while travelling, I had my most important wallets on. I usually run ubuntu, and I compile my wallets. I know they ain't got no hitchhikers that way. You could run it in a VM, too, which gives you an additional layer of protection.

Windows defender don't trigger on it. I'm not using anything else at the moment, so I really haven't a clue. Wish I did.

EDIT: Ninja'd by Thundertoe Cheesy
1394  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [TEK] TEKcoin Mandatory Update! High % variable rate SuperStake in 30+ days on: September 21, 2014, 11:40:00 PM
pos diff 0.001574 less than 5%, waited 30 days for this , is there easy way to get pos difff , without open wallet to check , im on windows have to disable AV do clean install than can open wallet , but after i turn my AV on , it deletes tek , tek is very not user friendly to windows user

Seriously? I'm running it on windows 8.1, by far the worst implementation of windows, and I've got no problems.

As for the POS diff, it's probably going to require another fork. Things got borked, and unborking them is not as simple as it first seemed. Or so the smarter people tell me Tongue
1395  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Should we "Put on trial American officials loyal to Israel for treason" on: September 21, 2014, 11:04:08 PM
Should we "Put on trial American officials loyal to Israel for treason"

RE: Put on trial American officials loyal to Israel for treason

Should we??

 I say Yes.

 And we should stop fighting their wars for them. It's past time to kick the baby out of it's nest and force it to fly on it's own accords.

 And stop giving them money and military arms since it's a violation of the Nuclear Arms Treaty to give any Nuclear power financial aid.

 Of course the House of Rothchild's Israel wont care for any of the above.

 And of course it's the international banking cartel that owns and controls most governments and the governments officials
will demand otherwise.

 Recently it's the international banking cartel that is at war with Bitcoin, and it's Bitcoin that is out to defeat the tyrannical Bankers.
Yes, believe it or not their attacking Bitcoin from all angles and from every corner.

 David is Bitcoin. Goliath is the Central Banking Cartel lead by the house of Rothchild and it's Israel state.
 The central banking cartel has fully financially enslaved and held in sly, cunning, stealth monetary bondage almost the entire world for centuries.

 The public at large was far too ignorant to know these truths until rather recently in any great numbers. Much has recently changed.

 What was wont be much longer. But the banking Goliath wont be going down without a fierce battle. Yet having destroyed the world all
over again with it's horribly failed policies and corruptions there is no doubt that the public isn't in any mood to be fooled anymore.

 Their the bullies. Bitcoin is David.

 The fed plus all the rest of the central banks as we know them are almost all dead. Their all total failures with the gravest of flawed
fundamentals and foundations. Their desperately seeking solutions to their own failures while not realizing their in terminal decline.

 They have also been extra busy stealing everything they possibly can by way of their freely created digital monies. It's an ugly mess
the public has still yet to fully sort out, just as the politicians are helpless to break free of their banking manipulators, oppressors and tormentors.

 It will end badly for the bankers unless they gracefully soon walk away while offering the world viable solutions instead of ever more
scams and schemes in what will surely be a vain attempt to continue to enslave us all.

I ask again: Should we "Put on trial American officials loyal to Israel for treason"


Why limit the question so arbitrarily? I'd put all American officials on trial for treason based upon the Constitution of the United States, regardless of what bullshit they support today. Israel is an ally of the USAcorp, to be sure, and holds a lot of power. But the entire range of modern politicians disregards the constitution all of the time and arrogates powers to themselves that the monarchs of old didn't dare dream of. I actually think they ALL ought to support Israel. On the front lines, with only a knife.  Meanwhile, we can tear down D.C. and re-establish the independence that our forbears shed their precious blood for 238 years ago.
1396  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do people hate islam? on: September 21, 2014, 10:57:19 PM
I am here to just say one thing? Why do YOU hate islam? and you should really give a valid reason not a shitty one that says 'Because media'
and Yes, I am a muslim for those who ask, just tell me, come out of your shell and say why you HATE it, and I could be here to clarify things to you.
Also here is something that most people mistake about islam is that "Islam hates other religions" for this I say, Islam does not hate ANY religion, but it suggests to 'invite' them to islam, as slowly, and peacefully, even if they refuse, you can try and try, until it's their choice, you stop. and for all the wars that happened, it's because the other religions decided to come into war on Islam.

If you need anything clarified, I am here to answer you, don't be scared, I won't be offended by anyone, also haters, you can reply, I won't care Wink


Interesting question, to be sure. I'm chiming in because I'm interested, not because I hate Islam. I do. But I hate all other religious organizations too, so it's not so specific.

The "why" is that they are demonstrably false. There are certain tenets of all religions, such as do not murder, rape, steal or commit fraud, respect the rights and boundaries of your neighbor, things of that nature, that are of value. Of course these are the basis of all civil society, not merely religion, and they work. Religion and other non factual philosophies then add a lot of whys and wherefores and just plain bullshit on top of that stuff. Which has the effect of DECONSTRUCTING civil society, except for those who agree with you. In it's extreme ends, this leads to a lot of pointless violence. That's not aimed specifically at Islam, though your radicals do seem to want to catch up to Christianity's body count.

I do indeed hate that these religions, once mainstream, are given weight in public opinion and law equal or greater than that which can be proven. What you believe and practice personally, so long as it harms no one who didn't volunteer, doesn't concern me greatly. As with many factors in society, it does interest me. But I don't see personal beliefs as any sort of threat or my business. Only when organized and out for blood.
1397  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Ribbitcoin | The World's Cash-Back Currency on: September 21, 2014, 03:22:03 PM
Ribbiting Madness!

Definitely watching. I've done a lot of stupid shit involving the word ribbit Cheesy

Perhaps time to do something smart with it.

Biomech, the RibbitMaster since 1995 Cool
1398  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][HYP] HyperStake | 750% PoS | Most Advanced Coin Control Wallet | 3 Markets on: September 21, 2014, 02:26:58 AM
I guess this means biomech survived his relocation  Grin

I have a lot of small blocks. Some 1600 blocks are now starting to stake after something like 20 days. I'm using coin control to create blocks containing 3000 coins these days.
The interest doesn't change with the bigger blocks isn't it?

No, it doesn't change, BUT the block that you're hoping to stake is essentially trapped until it actually stakes - I mean, you don't want to loose 3-400 HYP just to make it into a larger block.
Really, anyone who's selling on exchanges should only really be selling the blocks which have freshly minted, otherwise, personally, I find the loss of interest after 24 hours or so too much to loose!

I always wait for the coins to stake. After that, when I have a lot of different blocks, I use coincontrol to put the coins together in new blocks.
I don't like loosing stake either  Grin

I love loosing stake. The more stakes I loose, the richer I become. Given where I'm starting from, I have little to lose, and I'll loose as many as I can.

Loose: Ill fitting; to unleash or release; opposite of tight.
Lose: To be second place or less in a contest, to misplace, to no longer possess involuntarily.

Let's eat grandma!
Let's eat, Grandma!

Puntuation saves lives.

Apparently not. I misspelled punctuation Tongue

Things went a bit south, but we survived. We didn't wind up where we were aiming for, though. We're in Franklin, PA. Which is a hell of a lot nicer than most of PA, but still...

I don't have regular internet yet. Just got the apartment yesterday, but I'm back. More or less.

cool in my neck of the woods Biomech....well at least the same state. What do you mean you didn't wind up where you were aiming for??? Are you in need of a place/apartment? Come further East and I can help if that is what you are after.
Everything on that front is under control, but I appreciate the offer. I am not at liberty to elaborate on what happened, except that a deal fell through after I had already taken my family on the road on a one way trip. Nobody's fault, really, just some shit got delayed that we all thought was sewed up. So I'm going to be here in Franklin for a while. I work via the web at the moment, so this is a momentary setback. I did lose a couple weeks work, though, and am playing catch up really harsh for a while.
1399  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][HYP] HyperStake | 750% PoS | Most Advanced Coin Control Wallet | 3 Markets on: September 20, 2014, 03:53:38 PM
Helli it's qibucks from the trollllbox..I tried to download the exe wallet says not compatible with my pc, tried the normal zip wallet says cannot extract from archive, am ugly windows 8, any other options? Cry

"upgrade" to windows 7? Or a real upgrade to ubuntu?

I actually am running windows 8.1 on this laptop, but I don't have my HYP wallet on it. I can try it later and see if there's any issues from my end, but other than the (kind of) tongue in cheek response above, I got nothin'.
1400  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][HYP] HyperStake | 750% PoS | Most Advanced Coin Control Wallet | 3 Markets on: September 20, 2014, 12:50:00 PM
I have a lot of small blocks. Some 1600 blocks are now starting to stake after something like 20 days. I'm using coin control to create blocks containing 3000 coins these days.
The interest doesn't change with the bigger blocks isn't it?

No, it doesn't change, BUT the block that you're hoping to stake is essentially trapped until it actually stakes - I mean, you don't want to loose 3-400 HYP just to make it into a larger block.
Really, anyone who's selling on exchanges should only really be selling the blocks which have freshly minted, otherwise, personally, I find the loss of interest after 24 hours or so too much to loose!

I always wait for the coins to stake. After that, when I have a lot of different blocks, I use coincontrol to put the coins together in new blocks.
I don't like loosing stake either  Grin

I love loosing stake. The more stakes I loose, the richer I become. Given where I'm starting from, I have little to lose, and I'll loose as many as I can.

Loose: Ill fitting; to unleash or release; opposite of tight.
Lose: To be second place or less in a contest, to misplace, to no longer possess involuntarily.

Let's eat grandma!
Let's eat, Grandma!

Puntuation saves lives.

You mean Punctuation? LOL

That was the first thing I noticed also, especially as I'd just had my spelling of lose jested at!
I deleted my comment pointing it out though, I felt a bit childish in a way!

On another note, another block of mine that was in the 4000 range matured recently, and was happily inside the 1000 limit.
I'm going to structure as many blocks as i can to this size where possible.

Take a lesson from this people: If you're going to be a smartass, double check your spelling Tongue Glad y'all are keeping me sharp, and I'm glad to be back.
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