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1381  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin retirement benefits on: May 22, 2023, 09:00:33 AM
Think of when you're aged enough, and you've enough bitcoin investment, with your small or big family no time to wait for government to pay retirement benefits. At this aged point so many things plays in your minds but no much strength to carry out any physical activities or you're ready to relocate to your village or where you build house. If you've built a good investment relationship with bitcoin then bitcoin has the following retirement benefits preferred to government or company rights:
Although bitcoins are good for investment but it is not recommended to put all the money you have into bitcoins. Talking about volatility sometimes you have to prepare all contingencies for basic needs and that's why it's impossible for us to put all the money into bitcoins. There are many advantages that we will get if bitcoin is held in the long term and to replace it as retirement money, because there are several patterns that can be used to make the investment more stable and consistent.

Of all the advantages and points that you convey, everyone should also think about the volatility and ability to reach other needs that must be balanced, so that when bitcoin is at a low price you don't have to sell it to cover other needs. Investment must also be balanced with other priority needs as life support and we must also prepare for all possibilities when we need money suddenly.
1382  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [LOG] List Rank Up Member Indonesia (Member - Legendary) on: May 21, 2023, 10:35:34 AM
Kuncinya yaitu mempelajari sesuatu yang baru, sebenarnya ane dulu juga sempat mentok dan merasa sulit untuk naik. Namun ane berpikir dan termotivasi oleh member yang sudah ada dan mengikuti langkah mereka dengan mempelakari hal yang sedikit teknikal, dan alhamdulilah kesampean. Itu juga berkat support dari teman-teman SFI, jadi ane kira walau bagus pun dan banyak musuh, kalau tidak ada yang membantu ya ranknya akan tetap mentok, jadi selain ide, nyari teman itu juga hal yang sangat krusial di sini.
Iya benar Om kadang-kadang kita merasa iri melihat member junior kita yang mampu mencapai renk up begitu cepat atas usaha dan kerja kerasnya, tetapi bukan berarti kita iri dengan pencapaian mereka melainkan kita iri keseriusan dan ketekunan mereka dalam mencoba mempelajari sesuatu yang berbeda. Semua orang yang berada di lokal dalam beberapa bulan terakhir sudah cukup banyak yang berkembang dan bahkan saya melihat banyak yang berhasil renk up dengan cepat, seperti yang Om sampaikan bahwa bantuan dari teman-teman semuanya sangat membantu lokal kita terus berkembang.

Belajar teknikal atau apapun akan membawa seseorang pada keilmuan yang sempurna, dengan keseriusan dan ketekunan akan melahirkan postingan yang berkualitas dan bermanfaat, meskipun sulit mempelajari mengenai teknikal akan tetapi jika serius dipelajari tidak ada yang tidak mungkin, Om telah membuktikan bahwa tidak ada yang sulit ketika kita mempelajari dengan sungguh-sungguh.

Tapi untungnya warga SFI sebenarnya sangat solid dalam hal saling membantu dalam menaikan peringkat. Baik itu secara wawasan ataupun dengan dukungan pemberian Merit. Bahkan saya melihat beberapa bulan ini jalinan keluarga besar SFI semakin erat. Karena saat ini bahkan diskusi disini menjadi terasa lebih rileks dan bawaannya nyaman.

Saya harap kesolidan ini bisa terus terjaga dan kita bisa saling memotivasi untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak wawasan dan berbagi wawasan serta menaikkan rank.  Karena benar seperti yang om @blue snow katakan bahwa kita memang harus lebih banyak mempelajari sesuatu yang baru yang bisa menambahkan khazanah keilmuan kita. Merit akan mengikuti belakangan setelah kita memang bisa lebih banyak berkontribusi pada yang lain lewat wawasan yang kita bagikan.
Rasa kekeluargaan semakin terjalin antara satu sama lain dengan adanya diskusi yang semakin menarik dari berbagai postingan yang ada, sehingga kekompakan ini akan terus terjaga dan terus memperkuat silaturahmi kita antara sesama dan meskipun sifatnya tidak berjumpa secara langsung di tempat yang lebih nyata. Ketika kita sudah berusaha mempelajari dan mengimplementasikan secara perlahan, saya yakin kualitas postingan pasti akan jauh lebih baik karena pada dasarnya tidak ada usaha yang sia-sia jika dilakukan dengan benar dan tekun.

Mengenai merit itu akan mengalir dengan sendirinya ketika kita telah berusaha memperbaiki kualitas dan sekarang juga banyak orang khususnya di lokal kita yang telah ikut membantu satu sama lain. Apalagi mengenai MS lokal yang tidak henti-hentinya memberikan dukungan kepada kita semua dalam mencapai renk up berikutnya, seperti Om @dbshck Om @Husna QA dan Om @ETFbitcoin dan juga ada satu lagi Om @Ratimov yang pada beberapa bulan belakangan cukup konsisten membantu warga SFI melalui threadnya Om @skarais [HELP]Bantuan untuk menaikkan Rank (Newbie s.d Hero) V.2 [UPDATE]

Meskipun sudah terlambat saya juga ingin memberikan ucapan selamat kepada retreat dan bbigtart yang telah berhasil promosi ke renk Full Member, mudah-mudahan konsistensi kalian bisa membawa pada renk up berikutnya untuk beberapa bulan kedepan.

Bagi teman-teman SFI yang belum tau kalau Om Ratimov juga memiliki thread bantuan untuk menaikkan renk mungkin bisa mengunjungi kesini [Merit] Help newbies and those who have a little left to the next rank, akan tetapi jangan lupa di pelajari aturan terlebih dahulu sebelum membuat aplikasi dan kita harus tunjukkan bahwa SFI tidak menabrak aturan dan mengajukan sesuai dengan syarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku, mudah-mudahan yang belum tau bisa berguna dan dapat membantu siapapun yang sedang berjuang untuk menaikkan renk up selanjutnya.
1383  Economy / Economics / Re: Why you should use spare money to invest on: May 21, 2023, 09:20:15 AM
There is no normal being that loves getting losses on business, career, investment and trades that's why even company holders make financial policies to keep record of investment and profits flows. And unlike other business bitcoin also makes sales and losses if you do not investment nice when you put in what can not put you sickbed or gives you hypertension, don't invest out of what you cannot withstand the loss.
In a company or business, financial records are needed that are more measurable, so that you can track sources of expenses and income for the business that you are running and it is mandatory for these financial records to be made and it is almost impossible for a company or business person not to make these financial records.

The point is that everything related to money will come when you experience losses and this includes when you invest in crypto, but what you need to think about is how to minimize the impact of these losses. Putting money in bitcoins is a much more precise move and you are already trying to avoid unnecessary losses by waiting for the right time and not panicking when the market corrects badly.

Is better to use small money or learn risk management first before investing especially newbies.
That's a more reasonable suggestion and beginners should really learn about minimizing risk before investing. Learning about investing can be adjusted with small capital first slowly and when experience has matured then try to invest bigger than before.
1384  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Other Alternatives to Borrowing Money to Start Trading on: May 21, 2023, 08:24:28 AM
I am bringing this to the forum because someone asked me this question. I thought I should share and get more insights. According to the individual, while they were considering loaning about $100-$200 (money they know they can pay back within a month) to start their trading, someone advised them against it. Instead, they were told that all they need to do is to compound $10 instead.
It is speculative and how when it is due he cannot pay off the loan. My question is what are the consequences if he is unable to pay off the loan? because I also have a slightly extreme view when there are no consequences for the loan he takes, but in the case of a bank loan it clearly has an impact when unable to pay? so the precision to take this opportunity for trading should be avoided.

For newbies, compounding a $10 crypto trading investment means reinvesting the profit from your initial $10 capital in the same asset, such as bitcoin, to generate an increase in returns over time. So the $10 may compound over time, and you can get $100 in returns. It requires patience, just as trading does.
DCA is one of the best ways a beginner can take and use less money to try to enter the market to buy in, any profit he makes can be bought back any period he wants, this pattern is much healthier for a beginner in placing his money. Trading if it is run regularly $ 10k can go up slowly but it must be consistent and stable at all times.
1385  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Biggest challenges of bitcoin... on: May 21, 2023, 07:47:47 AM
I personal see that there are scalability difficulties with cryptocurrencies, which means they may not be able to process enormous quantities of transactions at once. This might make them difficult to utilize for routine transactions, since these transactions may take too long to process and complete.
Maybe what you mean is the problem of busy network transactions that occur in bitcoin as it is today and where bitcoin transactions are very expensive, but in normal cases this will return to normal and there are several exchanges and wallets that can manage transaction fees and you can adjust them to your needs you, so it's less fixed what you mean in this post.

So if you're asking yourself can I invest?
You can if you have money and obviously you can't when you don't have money.

Is bitcoin worth investing in?
Very decent and even one of the best at the moment compared to other cryptos.

Is it smart choice to invest?
There are many reasons that can convince us that bitcoin is a smart choice to invest, besides being able to maintain value and bitcoin also has the strength to survive when the economy is experiencing a crisis or recession.

Then you need to understand the challenges involved, the pros and cons, what makes it difficult to invest or not.
Knowledge can bring someone to believe and understand bitcoin, the challenges of pros and cons in life cannot be separated in any aspect, including when you try to invest in bitcoin so you can see other aspects of utilization when you choose bitcoin.
1386  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: The biggest No while trading on: May 20, 2023, 12:32:21 PM
- poor risk management: your risk management will not be put to good use because you are desperate, you want to meet up and that will be when time will be working against you, so please fellow traders stop trading under pressure,
    I don't know if anyone have more to add?
The point is you have to trade when you are ready with all the losses, trading because you think you will be able to pay off debts and pay rent bills is not recommended because in circumstances like this our psychology is often disturbed and unstable. Risk management is very necessary, this does not only apply when you trade in crypto but in life you must also have a pattern of minimizing risk.  Trading in your crypto requires a lot of attention and you also have to understand the chart and graph patterns, even though most people know this method but risk management is also very necessary to control it.

When you are under pressure and you know how to control the risk of losing it is not a problem. For day traders it is impossible to stop trading for reasons of being under pressure and vice versa they understand when to stop trading and know how to get out so as not to suffer big losses, although for novice traders it is not recommended to trade under pressure because of the mindset of beginners with people who already understand trading patterns are much different.
1387  Economy / Economics / Re: Success is fundamentally determined by luck, not effort. on: May 20, 2023, 11:11:09 AM
This is not entirely true, I would say it depends on the personality of each person. There are rich people who are very arrogant and extravagant because they always think they have a rich background, even if they fail, they still have another way to get rich quickly.
In the previous post I said that it depends on their family's upbringing and most of them will end up with a parenting style that is fully provided by their parents and this parenting style is what makes them understand how to respect others and not be arrogant. Of course it does not guarantee that everyone can behave well for those who are born in rich families or those who struggle to earn wealth with their efforts and hard work. Education is important so that they are able to respect everyone, both employees and anyone with whom they have a relationship.

The last point you mentioned about the rich thinking that even if they fail they have a chance to struggle again because their parents had a lot of capital will also end up failing, the concept is not how much capital they have but how they can thrive. Without a vision and mission, any business that they develop will end in failure, because they do not have a concept in developing the business they are living.

But there are also people who succeed from poverty and are very understanding because they have gone through a lot of suffering and difficulties in life to get where they are today. Therefore, they will always know how to treat others and their subordinates with humility. They understand that scorning and belittling others does not make them more respected.
Back to the upbringing factor and indeed not everyone is the same, both rich people who are inherited by their parents and rich people who struggle with their hard work, are arrogant and like to belittle other people are a form of disrespect for oneself and because of this this is the factor that will destroy them. The point is I see how someone has ethics, empathy and mutual respect for one another, when the parenting they receive is good then I'm sure they will behave well to everyone.
1388  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: Cara Mendapatkan Altcoin Dengan Airdrop atau Bounty on: May 20, 2023, 10:36:24 AM
Untuk berpartisipasi Dalam Airdrop cukup mudah karena kita hanya perlu berpartisipasi 1 kali saja dan jika itu sukses maka kita akan mendapatkan token. saya beberapa kali beruntung dari airdrop tapi hasil yang saya dapatkan tidak terlalu besar sehingga saya sering skip atas namanya Airdrop. namun melihat penghasilan yang di dapatkan peserta airdrop dari arbitrum saya kembali tertarik untuk mengikuti airdrop tapi ya keberuntungan selalu menghampiri kita dan berharap kita mendapat cuan besar dari proyek layer 2 yang hype saat ini.
Pernah dengar ARB yang sempat buming di Aidrop dan beberapa teman mendapatkan keuntungan besar, tetapi sayangnya saya tidak mengambil kesempatan seperti mereka, cara kerja di Airdrop memang jauh lebih mudah dan banyak kemudahan karena tidak ada syarat yang berat untuk ikut berpartisipasi. Tetapi sebetulnya aidrop dan bounty juga sama sebenarnya dan tidak semuanya berakhir sukses, hanya satu dari sekian yang mungkin mendapatkan momen sukses seperti ARB dan belum tentu dari beberapa yang di ikuti semuanya sukses.

Untuk bounty token kemungkinan besar akan cukup mudah untuk di teliti saat ini karena beberapa bm sudah menerapkan jasa escrow jadi tidak khawatir lagi terhadap pembayaran atau scam karena biasanya di bayar dengan Busd seperti yang dilakukan Oleh BountyDetektiv.
Untuk Bounty token saya sudah jarang mengunjungi dan memang benar BM sudah menyediakan layanan Escrow akan tetapi meski demikian masih banyak juga pengelola Bounty yang belum menggunakan jasa Escrow, sehingga sebelum ikut partisipasi sebaiknya di pelajari dulu peluang di kampanye tersebut agar tidak buang-buang waktu, karena meskipun memiliki Escrow belum tentu proyek tersebut sukses dan bahkan banyak yang menjadi sampah dan tidak memiliki potensi.

Fungsi Escrow hanya untuk menjamin pembayaran dan mereka tidak memastikan proyek sukses atau tidak dan saya pernah mengalami beberapa kali meski dibayar tetapi token tersebut menjadi sampah dan tidak ternilai sama sekali. Oleh sebab itu lebih baik meneliti terlebih dahulu supaya tidak buang-buang waktu di sana.
1389  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Getting around KYC on: May 20, 2023, 09:26:19 AM
Binance is centralized trash and not really peer to peer at all, as already discussed. Bisq does indeed offer cash trades. Using Bisq is much safer than a centralized exchange provided you take standard precautions and use their in built escrow.
That's right and I was familiar with Binance before my country decided to no longer provide operational licenses for this centralized trading, there are many drawbacks that people should think about when dealing with centralized exchanges, KYC and other security issues standardize why we should avoid centralized exchanges. Even the owner himself has said not to store assets on Binance and the risk will be borne by each, then what other considerations should be made besides avoiding centralized exchanges.

I agree it is more appropriate to use Bisq than binance and standard precautions can be taken using the built-in escrow service, so the level of security is more reliable and also less worrying. Essentially what the OP wants is about security and actually ourselves being able to do that regardless of which exchange to use.
1390  Economy / Speculation / Re: When to buy one time off bitcoin. on: May 20, 2023, 08:41:36 AM
Yes, short term volatility is nothing for long term holders like us. But as a long-term investor, why don't you expect bitcoin to drop below $20k?
Speaking of long term investors definitely expect the price to drop below $20k to capitalize on the buy and also many long term investors are expecting a big price hike for now. But the problem is we are trying to analyze the movement of the bitcoin market this month, so that by calculating some conditions and market reactions, I say bitcoin is difficult to reach a price of $ 20k this month. The problem is not whether or not the price of bitcoin goes down, but rather trying to discuss the price potential this month.

I have opposite thoughts and desires from you, I want bitcoin to correct below 20k again so we can accumulate more bitcoins with the same capital. That's actually a good thing, not quite as bad as many people fear, and it's also what the OP expected.
It's been almost 1 month since this thread was created, I'm curious if OP bought bitcoin or is still waiting for another time to buy.
It's normal that we think differently because basically all of us hope to collect more bitcoins to spend on the next ATH and I'll also be waiting for additional purchases if bitcoins reach $20K going forward. Looks like the OP hasn't answered some of the replies on the previous page and probably still hasn't made a purchase for now.
1391  Economy / Economics / Re: Success is fundamentally determined by luck, not effort. on: May 19, 2023, 01:13:16 PM
Come from a wealthy family, that's called luck, and they are more likely to succeed thanks to a solid foundation from the beginning. Indeed, luck plays an extremely important role in anyone's career success, but many people always think that is not true, and they consider themselves talented.
It's a reality and almost 75% of people born into wealthy families who own businesses will pass it on. I mean they have much greater luck compared to people who are born from poor families, most children of rich people must be taught to take control of their father's business and from a young age they have been forged and directed for that.

Although in general not all children born to wealthy business owners will be as successful as following their fathers, in reality almost 75% of them follow their father's success. Having opportunities and having everything is the way to achieve success whereas people who have nothing have to struggle hard to achieve all of that.

I am sure that without luck no one will succeed. But successful people are like that, always conceited and arrogant, always thinking they are good without anyone's help, and do not believe in luck.
Luck is also based on hard work, but talking about opportunity is the same as comparing a child born to a business family with a child born to a poor family. Different parenting styles and family education will give birth to different thoughts, the value of arrogance also refers to the upbringing of their parents, but we also often find poor people who become rich are far more arrogant than children born in business families.
1392  Economy / Speculation / Re: The price of bitcoin is not rising soon!. on: May 19, 2023, 12:01:43 PM
The movement of price index has clearly show that the price will not rise this year, is almost half a year now since the price drops, this is far beyond inflation and fiscal policy of the government, I think bitcoin is suffering heavy weight withdrawals and it might end up been this Stuart for the year.
Maybe you rarely check bitcoins and I guess you definitely don't have bitcoins in your wallet at the moment, starting sometime in early January in 2023 and my advice is you should go to coinmarketcap to double check bitcoin prices.

Out of  100% of international market chats bitcoin is beneath the range price counts of crude oil, gas, gold and diamond, that's means bitcoin is far from rising soon.
What do you think?
Bitcoin is up 30% since the previous price drop and please tell us how you rate that index and other mistakes you can't conclude that bitcoin won't go up this year, speaking of price fluctuations you have to mention forecasts and predictions if you mention something in bitcoin, because there is always no accuracy in the predictions that we do.

Gold also had its lowest point in December but the trend is back up and vice versa with crude oil, gas and others. There are always periods of ups and downs whenever conditions hit and for me that's fine because it's directly related to supply and demand.
1393  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Perjalanan 2017 - Now, Bagaimana Perjalananmu? on: May 19, 2023, 11:01:12 AM
Altcoin selalu boming om di luar forum ini, apalagi akhir-akhir ini. Kalau altcoin ga boming di Bounty mungkin iya karena kebanyakan pengembang sekarang bisa mempromosikan proyek mereka di media sosial mereka atau menggunakan influencer dan mengadakan airdrop, tesnet dll.
Itu sejalan dengan pertanyaan OP bukan? Maksud saya jika anda terlibat di forum dari tahun yang di sebutkan oleh OP, maka banyak proyek Altcoin yang sukses di promosikan melalui forum dan banyak dari kita mendapatkan manfaat besar dari kampanye yang kita ikuti. Tetapi sekarang altcoin tidak lagi sebuming itu di forum dengan perkiraan estimasi pendapatan bagi mereka yang ikut mempromosikan di kampanye tanda tangan, Twitter, Redit dan media sosial lainnya.

Bicara di luar forum tentu saya tidak membantah bahwa masih banyak Altcoin yang boming, masalahnya yang saya tangkap dari cerita 2017-2018 yang OP buat menyangkut dengan seputaran forum dan bagaimana perjalanannya saat ini mengenai proyek tanda tangan di altcoin.

Yang jadi pertanyaan apakah mempromosikan proyek besar di forum ini sudah tidak efektif lagi?
Efektif atau tidak kita dapat melihat bagaimana proyek yang di promosikan di Bounty, untuk sebagian Altcoin tentu seperti yang anda sampaikan bahwa masih banyak yang boming untuk saat ini tetapi jarang di promosikan di forum melalui kampanye tanda tangan. Jika saya tidak salah OP lebih berbicara mengenai pendapatan kita saat mengikuti proyek kampanye di Bounty Altcoin.

Saya kira yang OP maksud mengenai ini?
Jadi ceritanya begini,
Ditahun 2017 dan 2018 semuanya terlihat sangat indah. apapun bisa di beli dan keuangan menumpuk dengan sangat mudah. seolah mencari uang itu hal yang sangat sederhana, semuanya dapat dibeli dan dicari dengan instant. Ya, saya kira banyak yang merasakan manisnya bounty di tahun tersebut. akun-akun FM ke atas pasti merasakannya. (acungkan jarimu yang pernah mencicipi manisnya....)

Ditahun ini, bounty hunter mulai runtuh. proyek-proyek yang tadinya terlihat menjajikan ternyata scam, setelah bitcoin mencapai titik terpuncaknya, tiba-tiba crypto ambuk dengan sangat luar biasa. banyak investor dan trader (holder) yang menderita kerugian tidak sedikit. coin proyek-proyek ICO yang sebelumnya sukses besar ternyata runtuh dan tak memiliki harga lagi, seolah semuanya menjadi abu. entah kemana larinya uang-uang tersebut, sehingga banyak sekali token yang berharir menjadi abu..

Proyek-proyek ICO makin tak jelas juntrungnya dan pendapatan bounty hunter jadi tak seberapa, pasti jenuh bagi yang menikmati puluhan juta di tahun 2017 dan 2018 dari bounty jika dari proyek hanya mendapatkan ratusan ribu, itupun jika bukan scam, dan nunggu marketnya juga luama.
1394  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Getting around KYC on: May 19, 2023, 10:21:21 AM
A friend was telling me about: "The mycelium app
has a marketplace section where you type your zip code and you can meet up with local buyer/sellers of BTC to
do a cash transaction in person. Back in the day was perfect for this, but after the gov't put
pressure on them, they are no longer usable. Another venue you can use to find local cash/buyers and sellers This way you avoid leaving a paper trail."
It is not recommended to buy bitcoin directly with people, anonymous is important when you are trying to trust investment in crypto and especially bitcoin, the worst case that you will experience will actually be fatal when you come face to face to buy bitcoin in large or small quantities and we never know how people -The people around have been monitoring for a long time to commit crimes.

The anonymous nature actually makes it easier for us, there is no KYC and you don't need to leave your house to buy bitcoins, you can use the buying platform and transfer the bitcoins to a secure wallet that you have. If there is something easier why look for something difficult.

I live in America. Can any of you recommend  a site that has this type of function as the ones my friend
described above, and what were your experiences? I do worry about possibly you making a transfer and the
buyer, for example doesn't fulfill their agreement? Its not as if you could reverse the transfer. I realize I may
be a little paranoid, but this process is new to me!

I hope to hear from you reasonably soon!!!
I think what you are looking for is security not a matter of using a site that has the functionality you want, P2P and platforms that don't require KYC are enough for you to use. When you want to keep your bitcoins safer, then transfer them to the recommended wallet on the forum, so there is nothing to worry about anymore because there are many solutions that we can find.
1395  Economy / Speculation / Re: When to buy one time off bitcoin. on: May 19, 2023, 09:41:24 AM
The chances of bitcoin correcting towards $20k are slim, but that doesn't mean it won't happen. If you believe in history and think it will repeat itself, you will find that it is quite possible. In 2019, after bitcoin recovered, it also had a major correction down $5k, and if history repeats itself, it is clear that we still have a chance to buy cheaply in the coming months.
But there is no guarantee everything will repeat itself, and I agree with you that now is also a good time to buy in. It is not necessary to buy one time, but we can divide the capital to buy.
Such is the fluctuating nature of bitcoin prices and no one can predict it for sure, but if you look at the movements at the beginning of the year until now, I'm not so sure that in the future bitcoin will be corrected again to $ 20k and come back as you said nothing is impossible when the market corrected again. Interest rates and the economic impact may be one of the reasons for the correction, but I hope it doesn't go beyond $20k if it does.

Regardless of how the market reacts in the near future and for me it doesn't matter when we as long term holders, let alone almost close to half, so the most appropriate step is to take the approach of collecting bitcoin according to capital and the purchase timeframe can be adjusted to each individual by dividing stages to buy as you say.
1396  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Big secret you wouldn't be told on: May 18, 2023, 09:41:23 AM
Not everyone has the same ability to diversify their income in crypto, because there are many limitations and associated risks that need to be considered carefully. When you are familiar with fluctuating terms there are many ways you can do it, but when this is presented to beginners not necessarily the same as you in seeking profit, the way you do it is also very vulnerable to losing a lot of money instead of being profitable.

Here are 5 ways to diversify your income with crypto.
-crypto trading and investing.
Trading cannot be done by many people because there are many things that must be considered especially related to daily trading, while your investment must set a standard of trust in which coin?

- hunt for new coin that is about to be launch, buy at the pre-sale price,  once it goes live on what ever exchange, sell immediately, sometimes you made 200% profit, 500% or more most time, like SUI that was launch last week, I made more than 1500% profit.
Instead of getting huge profits but you will lose more money, this should not be recommended to newbies because they don't understand new coins launched, you will bet 50-50 for new projects launched but the worst effect will be losing more money .
1397  Economy / Speculation / Re: When to buy one time off bitcoin. on: May 18, 2023, 08:35:49 AM
Bitcoin next halving will happen in the 1st quarter of the year 2024, which means by this time next year. People that have witnessed halving and its bull run. Please, I want to know if;
  • Bull run happens few months or weeks to halving
  • Or it happens few weeks or months after halving
  • Or it happens simultaneously in the week or month of halving
Usually six months before reaching the halving bitcoin will rise slowly and this sign can also appear and be accompanied by a small correction on its way as is happening now, almost no one can guarantee about certainty but people calculate the whole cycle and predict randomly based on previous pattern.

It could be that you have to wait in the last two months of this year how the reaction will occur. But for me it doesn't really matter because if we hold on to cycles then the potential for bitcoin to reach a halving is getting closer and we have to act for all possibilities for its utilization.

I want to know when exactly to buy bitcoin since I don't want to use the DCA system in this purchase. Will market see anything below $20k again?
If you want to make big profits according to the next ATH this is the right time and even though bitcoin will no longer correct to $20k and below. Halvings are also likely to occur at much larger numbers and even though there is no guarantee, if you pay attention, each halving will definitely give birth to a new price from the previous ATH.

The current purchase calculation will also generate big profits for you. I doubt bitcoin will return to the price of $ 20k and even if it does it is possible in the next two months, but there seems very little chance of a correction to $20k below that.
1398  Economy / Economics / Re: The impact of artificial intelligence, chat GPT on the crypto market. on: May 18, 2023, 07:34:18 AM
*Is chat GPT which is the latest AI, the answer to hackers and scammers?
This still seems new to some people in the tech field, GPT Chat is a creation of humans and it is still possible to provide inaccurate information as this system works based on human input and although many people say its accuracy rate is almost 90%, GPT Chat is artificial and no smarter than its creators (humans).

*Is it a policing agent that would help stabilize anonymous anomaly in the trading space thereby reducing volatility?
Volatility exists in almost any trade even for gold, so linking GPT Chat with a police agency makes absolutely no sense. I want you to use GPT Chat and ask where Satoshi Nakamoto is right now? the answer is exactly like many of the news you've read and doesn't paint a more specific picture at all.

Or you can also ask how bitcoin is in 2024 and of course the answer resembles most of the analysis and credible news that is loaded. I believe that this artificial intelligence has advantages, but don't make it an answer/solution without reviewing it from other sources to reinforce your search.
1399  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: When Bitcoin will become stable currency? on: May 18, 2023, 06:16:21 AM
There is no stable term for the price of bitcoin and until whenever bitcoin will remain fluctuating, decentralization is the reason why bitcoin cannot be as stable as USD or other fiat currencies.

I know that people say that when Bitcoin will be adopted, it should become stable because there is a limited amount of it, but I don't see how it's gonna happen. From what I see people treat bitcoin as an asset to invest and hold and I can't imagine that will change in the future.
Now that adoption has taken place everywhere and bitcoin is also unstable, its finite number makes it difficult for bitcoin to stabilize and for this reason it is also possible that bitcoin will never be stable as the process of supply and demand will play its part. Bitcoin will remain an asset to invest in and I don't see it in the future becoming a stable asset.
1400  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: How old are you now in bitcoin investment? on: May 16, 2023, 10:24:30 AM
When did you start your bitcoin investment?
More or less about four years ago and now almost entering its fifth year.

Some people are now grandpa's in bitcoin community. Although it doesn't really matter when you heard about bitcoin, but what you've achieved through bitcoin. Is bitcoin helpful to you all this while? Or you've quit from bitcoin as a result of ugly experience? Let's discuss
Almost everyone who is consistent with bitcoin gets much better financial benefits, but due to its anonymous nature people rarely publish what they have achieved. Bitcoin has helped increase my awareness to store the value of fiat currency, because when I invest the money I have in bitcoin does not depreciate at all in the long term, this advantage is what we don't get in other investments for now, even though gold is a close source like what I'm describing.

Almost everyone has had a bad experience with bitcoin at first, but what needs to be underlined is that it happened because of the mistakes of each of us which was caused by a lack of knowledge, experience that teaches us how accuracy and strategy are needed when you try to invest in bitcoin, basic knowledge will lead us to the stage of minimizing risk.
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