I did not focus much on the amount that I gained during the past world because I was trying to learn more than the gain, so I gained excellent knowledge in cryptocurrencies presented to me by this forum and other sites in addition to a little bit of bitcoin that helps me to continue and continue in this field.
I am a fan of the Waves coin and an interesting piece of information about it is that Waves coin is a non-mining currency as only 100 million units were announced for circulation. The problem that the Waves project is trying to solve is to create a channel that allows the ability to buy and trade cryptocurrencies in an easy way, by proposing to buy them through financial symbols.
This is unique. Telos is the largest effective blockchain-based platform and it is good to partner with 3 game companies, to bring technology features to games on Unity and Steam platforms. The platform allows developers to focus on the gameplay experience, and add cryptocurrency bonuses without the need for a previous blockchain experience.
The world of cryptocurrencies is full of methods and methods of fraud and no one can be trusted with absolute confidence. Many sites claim profitability by investing in them, we notice that they pay for a short period and then run away with the investors ’money, so do not trust anyone, especially on the telegram because it is full of scammers.
Bitcoin differs greatly from conventional assets such as stocks and commodities, so its pricing calculation relates to some advantages. Since the official price of bitcoin does not exist, some sites and companies calculate its index based on the existing data. To this end, they weigh the value in various leading currencies according to the volume of sales and reach their average.
السلام عليكم لاحظت ببعض المواضيع أن الصور غير متوفرة بالمقال وغالبا هي مواضيع قديمة فماهي آلية رفع الصور بالمنتدى هل خدمة رفع الصور تابعة له ام هي عملية خارجية وما أفضل موقع لرفع الصور ولا تتعرض الصور للحذف بعد مدة من الزمن
قريبا سوف تتمكن من إضافة الصور إلى مشاركاتك وتتم الآلية من خلال رفع الصور من جهازك إلى أحد مواقع رفع الصور ومن ثم نسخ الرابط الخاص بالصورة ووضعه ضمن الوسم الخاص [img/]هنا تضع رابط الصورة [img]
وقد نصحني سابقا احد الاعضاء في هذا المنتدى بالموقع https://imgur.com/ وأنا استخدمه من وقتها حيث اجد فيه الكثير من الميزات لتعديل حجم الصور واقتصاصها و حفظها في حسابك في الموقع .
I consider that I am one of the lucky ones who entered the world of Crypto and learned a lot from him. Indeed, I discovered that the real wealth from this field has gained me by obtaining privacy, decentralization and financial freedom that cannot be controlled by governments or banks. In addition, I still dream of making a second fortune when bitcoin rises.
I am a fan of the Tezos project and one of the reasons why this token is an attractive place for security icons is that Tezos is clearly focused on it. It also provides the tools that make Tezos a accessible place for security codes. Accordingly, many companies are looking for a Tezos blockchain instead of Ethereum or EOS.
As a bounty hunter always expect failures sometimes 4. Scammers takes advantage of Cov-19 alot and many still fall victim upon all the warnings, now we only have few days left till next Bitcoin halving, few new scam projects will surface, keep your eyes sharply opened
Unfortunately, the fraudsters took advantage of the people's fear of the Covid-19 epidemic to double their profits by persuading the victims to download harmful applications on the pretext of donating by impersonating charities or claiming to sell Corona virus treatments, it appears that fraud and theft will be an important engine to push towards a strong legal regulation of currencies Digital.
من الجيد اهتمام المجتمعات العربية بشكل اكبر مؤخرا في مجال العملات المشفرة وإضافة المجموعات لتسهيل العمل على هذه المشاريع من قبل العرب ولقد اشتركت سابقا بالفعل بهذا المشروع وكما قال الاخ يحيى بالفعل قمت بتجميع 1000 قطعة ولكن فوجئت عندها بإضافة قواعد جديدة ومستويات للعمل وتم تنزيل المستوى الخاص بي لذا اضطررت للعمل اكثر حتى أستطيع سحبها بنجاح . اتمنى ان يكون هناك حل منطقي لمشكلة المستوى فأنا قمت باستخدام الباحث بشكل جيد ومفيد ومع ذلك عانيت من موضوع المستوى .
? gramfree هل هدا الموقع موتوق و شكرا
بحسب معلوماتي فإن موقع Gramfree من المواقع الرائجة بين بعض المستخدمين ويبدو انه مثل مواقع الصنابير حيث بعد التسجيل فيه تصبح مهمتك في هذا التطبيق هو جمع اكبر عدد ممكن من الغرام من خلال عدة طرق كمشاهدة الفيديوات لمدة دقيقة أو الضغط على Free والضغط على roll للحصول على جوائز من الغرام او من خلال تسجيل الاصدقاء من رابطك . لكن انا شخصيا لم أجربه لأنني أرى حد السحب فيه يحتاج الكثير من الوقت للوصل إليه ولا يستحق الوقت الذي نضيعه فيه ومن الممكن ان نستثمر هذا الوقت بشيء أكبر فائدة كالتعلم .
I've seen few projects that decieved investors into thinking that they will list on binance or okex and Kucoin without these exchanges confirmation, my advice is once a project claim they are going top exchange do not hesitate to go to the top exchange social media, if the listing is legit the exchange will atleast say something about it. Wise up
Before investing in any working project, it must be asked who is behind the project. It is better to know who you are dealing with. It is necessary for the team to have their own social media pages to look through if there are any reasons for suspicion.
Is it possible for miners to swap from mining one coin to mining another?
Can a miner mine for Bitcoin and other altcoin at the same time?
To understand the issue of cryptocurrency mining, we need to know and understand what the cryptocurrency is originally, the cryptocurrency originally is a digital non-physical coin based on cryptography for safe transactions. And I think it is possible for miners to mine bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies because it is based on the same principle at work and the most popular cryptocurrency currently is bitcoin, followed by ethereum, and other currencies that develop rapidly like BitcoinCash, Litecoin, Dash ... all of which are cryptocurrencies that differ in their algorithms It all depends on the blockchain protocol.
I was shocked for reading a market breaking new as strange as this.
Could these causes bring the value of bitcoin to something similar to the historic oil Price drop of $-37.63?
What do you have to say about this?
First, crude oil sold only a portion of the futures contract that expired at zero, but the base price for effective futures did not fall. As for bitcoin , despite all these harsh conditions in light of the current crisis, it fights and continues to succeed, which proves that it cannot end so easily.
This is a good idea, especially for those who do not have the necessary equipment for mining, or that electricity is expensive. I think this type of mining is called cloud mining, but frankly, I do not know how to verify the reliability of these sites and not be subjected to penetration.
i have joined a lot of air drops and still i dont know am i wasting my time or not! i saw a lot of scams and most of them after ending airdrop time ask for amount of eth or btc or they delay for payment!!! i wonder if there is any good resource as site or channel for reliable air drops or not?
I started working in the field of cryptocurrencies by collecting some currencies from airdrops. I think that before about a year ago, these airdrops were feasible and often useful, and I got some good currencies because I was relying on reliable friends who follow Tokens projects and do not publish good prices from them. Yes, there are some of these airdrops that were useless, perhaps because the project failed for some reason or because it was fraudulent in the first place, but in return there were good currencies from which I got sums that are good for me as a beginner. But there is a rule that if the airdrop requested to send Ethereum or any other amount, I would ignore it and consider it a fraud.
Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2601287Current amount of posts (including this one): 380 How much merit have you earned in the last 120 days: 65 WaykiTimes Address for Payouts: Wgjo6XRnfbeymdvNQAbA8FHyDwpbee1XhR I will change the signature if accepted.
ان كنت لا تمانع يمكنك اعطاء "رقمي" ل Salamstar. ان شاركت لاملاء المقاعد ضننا مني اننا قد لانصل للعد الكافي من المتسابقين, ولكن الان المعادلة انقلبت, لذلك اتمنى ان لا تمانع طلبي, شكرا.
شكرا لك اخ ميكي سوف يبقى رقمك من حقك انا فقط ظننت ان الرقم فارغ واردت ملئ الفراغ ولكن لن اخذ مكان احد انها مسابقة وانا جئت متأخرة حال كان الهاش ينتهي ب حرف سيتم اختيار البلوك الذي بعده كما ان OmegaStarScream قد ذكر هذا في آخر سطر في الموضوع وماذا تقصد بالهيكس
اخ باسل المقصود بالهيكس اي نظام العد الست عشري (بالإنجليزية: Hexadecimal Numerical System) اي ان مجال الارقام يكون من 0 الى الحرف f وليس 9 كما في النظام العشري
برنامج سارق و نصاب أكثر من 6000 دولار رصيد في منصة بيتركس قضى عليها التطبيق في عمليات شراء و بيع تلقائية (80 أمر في ساعتين) لم أقم أنا بها. و أعرف أصدقاء حدث لهم ذلك
من المؤسف ما حصل لك وشكرا للنحذير. بالنشَسبة لي كما قلت جربت البرنامج ورصيدي قليل فلم الاحظ اي مشاكل فيه ارحو ان تقوم بإرفاق دلائل اذا كنت تستطيع لنفهم طريقة الاختراق التي تمت على حسابك وتكون تحذير لغيرك من الأعضاء.
أعتذر اخي. الاخ hugeblack سبقك في اختيار الرقم الاخير
هذا صحيح اعتذر لانني لم انتبه لقد وجدت جانب الرقم فارغ. على كل حال بالتوفيق للجميع.