For those who still don't understand:
Lets say 1/1 = 1. Eeasy right? Now try to follow the next calculations: 1/0.1 = 10 1/0.01 = 100 1/0.001 = 1000 1/0.0001 = 1000 And so on. The smaller the number you divide by, the larger the outcome is.
Example: 1/0.000000000000000000001 = 1000000000000000000000
So when you divide by a number which is a million times smaller then the previous one, your outcome will be a million times larger. The closer you get to 'divide by zero', the larger the outcome is. You can keep doing this for infinite time, but you'll never reach zero before all energy in this universe is used.
Oh, "negative" should be thought of as "logical not" as in the following emboldened: The part about this that bugs me is that multiplication and division by everything except zero is also a scalar - repeated process of addition or subtraction respectively modifying the magnitude of the function respectively - but 2-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 is still 2. DERP!
Shout outs to indeterminate and epsilon-delta def.
Introducing two into itself no times leaves one with nothing. Removing two from itself no times so leaves one with [that logical not of] nothing. if you divide 0 by zero and get the correct answer the universe will implode... no one has got it yet thats why were still here
x ÷ 0 = −0 A less confusing notation would be the !
"An attack affectionately known as "POODLE" (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption), should put a stake in the heart of SSL, and move the world forward to TLS." "We often refer to the worlds most popular encryption standard as SSL, but SSL was replaced by a newer standard, TLS, back in 1999. The name however, stuck." "Yesterdays announced POODLE flaw is in SSL version 3. The newer TLS is fine." "POODLE is a chosen-plaintext attack similar in effect to BREACH; an adversary who can trigger requests from an end user can extract secrets from the sessions (in this case, encrypted cookie values). This happens because the padding on SSLv3 block ciphers (to fill out a request to a full block size) is not verifiable - it isn't covered by the message authentication code. This allows an adversary to alter the final block in ways that will slowly leak information (based on whether their alteration survives verification or not, leaking information about *which* bytes are interesting). Thomas Pornin independently discovered this, and published at StackExchange. On its own, POODLE merely makes certain cipher choices no longer as trustworthy. Unfortunately, these were the last ciphers that were even moderately trustworthy - the other ciphers available in SSLv3 having fallen into untrustworthiness due to insufficient key size (RC2, DES, Export ciphers); cryptanalytic attacks (RC4); or a lack of browser support (RC2, SEED, Camellia). The POODLE attack takes out the remaining two (3DES and AES) as trustworthy (and covers SEED and Camellia as well, so we can't advocate for those)." Source
Hello, I think I have found some counterfeit Bitcoin on my DOS machine.
Where can I turn them in to the authorities before my device is confiscated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation?
Anybody got any tips on what to do during this time period?
Go out and purchase a computer that wasn't built in the 90s. Unnecessarily nasty comment. Not everyone is a wealthy Bitcoin genius like yourself. I apologize. I didn't realize everyone here was made of egg shells. Come on dude... the 90s... it was an obvious joke. I suppose I should have said "Stop trying to run Core on an Atari" instead... OP has a history of "joke" threads, I figured he could handle it back in his direction.Seriously... "sync by 2020"? Six years from now? This entire thread is a joke. I wasn't offended
Would you like to swap a sticker for those hipster points?
Forensics: St. Louis Black Teen Whose Death Triggered Massive Protests Fired At Police Officer First…Gunshot residue tests and ballistics evidence indicate that Vonderitt D. Myers Jr. fired a gun at a police officer before being fatally shot, police and union officials said Tuesday. Although police officials have already said that Myers fired at least three shots at an off-duty police officer before the officer returned fire, the newly released evidence could further dispel claims by friends and family that Myers was holding a sandwich, not a gun, when he was shot. The officer, who has not been named, was working for a private security company in the Shaw neighborhood. Myers’ Oct. 8 death sparked protests in Shaw and fueled area-wide protests resulting from the Aug. 9 shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown by a Ferguson police officer. The Missouri Highway Patrol analysis found gunshot residue on Myers’ hands, on his shirt and inside the waistband and pockets of his jeans. Police said that although gunshot residue can be present on anyone near a shooting, the results show levels consistent with Myers being the shooter, because the police officer was standing too far away. Ballistics evidence also revealed three bullets that hit the ground where the officer was trying to take cover matched Myers’ gun. A round found inside a car behind the officer was too badly damaged to be able to match it to his gun, however, it did not match the type of bullets the officer fired, police said. Not the first time the press has done this
Anybody got any tips on what to do during this time period?
Go out and purchase a computer that wasn't built in the 90s. Excuse you, I used this to mine not too long ago.
So, the Bitcoin community suggested me (and everyone) to get rid of Facebook messenger, and instead gave the alternative TOR Browser. So I'm safe from the prying eyes of Facebook and other greedy corporations. Yaaay Well, Too bad I have nobody added. That's right. Nobody wants to use TOR-Browser. All my friends are on Facebook, and I don't even want to explain them what TOR is, let alone how to use it. I'm a miserable loner, will anybody at all bother to help me make better friends? ?? Friends that actually value security?! Friends that don't value security aren't very good friends at all. It's a small town thing, nobody here knows what I'm talking about when I mention Bitcoin or Unix or TOR. It only seems so on the internet, on forums where everyone with similar interests can meet.
Whoo Thank you for sharing!
So, the Bitcoin community suggested me (and everyone) to get rid of Facebook messenger, and instead gave the alternative TOR Browser. So I'm safe from the prying eyes of Facebook and other greedy corporations. Yaaay Well, Too bad I have nobody added. That's right. Nobody wants to use TOR-Browser. All my friends are on Facebook, and I don't even want to explain them what TOR is, let alone how to use it. I'm a miserable loner, will anybody at all bother to help me make better friends? ?? Friends that actually value security?!
Consider these mathematical laws:
1) Any real number, when divided by zero, produces modulus and quotient zero.
2) Any real number multiplied by zero is equal to zero.
Therefore, it logically follows, that zero divided by zero is equal to zero.
Premise 1 is false, it presupposes you can divide by zero, this operation is undefined. R/0 is an indeterminate form. It is undefined. A limiting process can be applied to an indeterminate form, but remember the episilon-delta proof, the limit never actually gets to zero, only "as close as we like" I meant 0/x = 0 Can nothing be divided? Anything can be divided, that includes nothing.
Surprisingly not a bad article, thanks. In briefly describing the history of girls (or rather of "no girls") on the Internet, it almost exactly parallels what we see today on Bitcointalk (and it's a good read for you young folk who've never heard of MUDs, MOOs, etc.) Unfortunately it looks like Bitcointalk has only reached the 4chan phase, a.k.a. the "TITS or GTFO" phase. Hopefully, as (and if) Bitcoin gains popularity, this forum will be able to drag itself into the new millennium (easier said than done, since scammers will always be here with us...) I'd say Bitcointalk is a business forum, I've yet to run across people trying to scrounge a date on here
Consider these mathematical laws:
1) Any real number, when divided by zero, produces modulus and quotient zero.
2) Any real number multiplied by zero is equal to zero.
Therefore, it logically follows, that zero divided by zero is equal to zero.
Premise 1 is false, it presupposes you can divide by zero, this operation is undefined. R/0 is an indeterminate form. It is undefined. A limiting process can be applied to an indeterminate form, but remember the episilon-delta proof, the limit never actually gets to zero, only "as close as we like" I meant 0/x = 0
Consider these mathematical laws: 1) Any real number, when divided by zero, produces modulus and quotient zero. Example: 0/2 = 02) Any real number multiplied by zero is equal to zero. Therefore, it logically follows, that zero divided by zero is equal to zero.
I think we need to start seeing this as a messed up police issue, not a racial issue. Though, white privilege is, shooting people and getting away with it. If it were a black cop, how many people would be rioting outside of Ferguson?
It says my wallet will synchronize in 5 years and 30 weeks Anybody got any tips on what to do during this time period?
When am I getting paid?
Great campaign, I expect it to last a while
how the fuck was he unarmed if he shot at the policeman
Where in the article does it say that? The officer chased the man, an altercation ensued and the man fired at the officer, the police chief said. The officer returned fire and killed the man, who was 18.Keyword: "The police chief said" They've been known to bullshit on many occasions, they've lost credibility