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161  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Signature campaign on: December 05, 2017, 12:04:09 PM
Intradevar signature campaigns sunt o modalitate sigura de a castiga ceva BTC. Nu o sa te imbogatesti din asta dar poti avea un venit destul de ok.

Campaniile active le gasesti in sectiunea Marketplace -> Services a forumului:

Fiecare campanie are cerintele ei specifice, dar unele din cele mai importante sunt:
 - Sa nu ai Trust rating negativ
 - Sa nu spamezi forumul cu posturi doar ca sa faci rank sau sa iti faci numarul de posturi cerute de campanie
 - Sa ai un anumit rank (posibil sa fie unele campanii care accepta si membri Newbie)

In afara de asta, sunt multe alte cerinte, in functie de campanie, dar astea pe care le'am enumerat sunt un punct de plecare.

Ca idee, trebuie sa investesti ceva timp pe acest forum ca sa incepi sa castigi. In general, selectia in campanii se face pe baza calitatii posturilor tale.

Ca un sfat, daca te'ai inscris pe forum doar pentru a castiga BTC, o sa iti fie destul de greu. Daca in schimb iti descoperi pasiunea pentru cryptocurency, atunci lucrurile o sa vina de la sine.

162  Economy / Lending / Re: Question about "Loan with Collateral". What is the point? on: November 28, 2017, 10:18:28 AM
While my question maybe offtopic - its somehow on topic, its question about collateral and escrow(no need to make post about it). So here it goes:

Lets say for example person wants 100$ BTC loan, and has graphic card as colateral(250$ usd value). 2 people decide to use that as collateral and escrow... So how that works? Person sends graphic card to escrow, other person sends him money, and when he returns money, escrow man returns graphic card?

In theory this is exactly how this should work, but in practice it's hard enought to get a loan with a physical collateral, especially electronics. There are fees and also the risk of damaging the collateral associated with the transportation. It is much easier for the borrower to get the loan from pawn shop in his area, than from this forum, if it has a physical collateral.

However, there are some physical collaterals that have a very high chances of being accepted by the lenders.  A very good example is a casascius coins.
163  Economy / Lending / Re: Supply energy for mining with low cost on: November 27, 2017, 12:32:16 PM
" If you want know about the secret of getting a loan on this forum, think in terms of collateral, collateral and collateral." - Bitcointalk user

Now close this thread because... red paint incomming.
164  Economy / Lending / Re: Question about "Loan with Collateral". What is the point? on: November 27, 2017, 12:24:26 PM
MY viewpoint is THIS: what is the point of "offering" a loan if you're gonna be a greedy pig and ask for "collateral" anyway... The lender can just as well then take his coins to ANY good exchange like bittrex etc and exchange them for BTC (and not worry further) You either wanna help someone or you don't. Collateral is just another hidden word for "greed" Sooo... all you would-be loaners/sharks who keep asking for "collateral" - GO FUCK YOURSELVES!! Angry Angry Angry

You are free to open a landing service and offer loans without collateral to strangers on the internet. In fact, please do this and then tell us your "viewpoint" again.

And if by "You either wanna help someone or you don't" you mean to donate hard earned coins for free to that someone (because this is the end result of 99.99% of no collateral loans), than you are correct: Nobody wants that.
165  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Bitcoini furati din wallet! on: November 27, 2017, 12:12:26 PM
Nu a fost nici o greseala de wallet sau ceva de genul. A fost greseala mea cand am incercat sa accesez bitcoin gold for free bagand seed keys pe siteul oficial ( - scam wallet). Data viitoare stiu ce am de facut. Asta e

Este un articol pe Coindesk despre asta:
Poti incerca sa contactezi developerii bitcoin gold pentru ca aveau link spre acest site pe situl lor oficial. Oricum, sa nu iti pui prea multe sperante ca o sa mai recuperezi vreo ceva, dar nu ai nimic de pierdut daca incerci.

Iti doresc sa reusesti, pentru ca ai pierdut o suma destul de mare.
166  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: SCasa de vacanta pentru Bitcoin? on: November 27, 2017, 11:58:21 AM
Aici depinde doar de toleranta ta pentru risc si scopul banilor obtinuti din vanzare.

Daca vrei sa te folosesti de acesti bani imediat, atunci nu prea are rost sa vinzi pentru BTC, mai bine ii spui clientului sa ii schimbe el si sa iti dea cash.
In schimb, daca vrei ca suma obtinuta (sau o buna parte din ea) sa o pastrezi ca si investitie pe termen mediu/lung atunci poti sa accepti BTC si sa ii pui intr'un cold wallet la pastrare. In acest caz exista riscul ca valoarea actuala sa se diminueze chiar si cu 100% (asta in cazul extrem de putin probabil in care se descopera un bug in codul sursa spre exemplu). Evolutia de pret nu poate fi prezisa cu exactitate de nimeni.

Daca ai un apetit ridicat de risc, atunci poti chiar sa incerci sa'ti difersifici investitia si in alte cryptomonezi, eventual ICO'uri (dar atentie pentru ca acestea au un grad foarte ridicat de risk si in general pentru a scoate profit, trebuie sa stii exact in ce te bagi, si nici atunci nu este garantat).

Ca un ultim sfat, sa te feresti cat de tare poti de ponzi schemes, cloud mining si in general de orice alta "investitie" care promite castiguri mari spre foarte mari.


167  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Intrebare despre coinbase on: November 26, 2017, 08:26:44 AM
Sfatul meu este sa uiti de Coinbase, ai alternative romanesti mult mai bune daca vrei doar sa cumperi sau sa vinzi.

Daaca vrei sa faci trading, sunt multe alte exchangeuri mult mai potrivite pentru asa ceva.
168  Local / Market / Re: Despre Quantumhash on: November 10, 2017, 01:16:16 PM
Salutare, recent am descoperit acest site de Cloud mining..
Are cineva mai multa experienta ? Imi poate da ceva sfaturi ?

Oare cum vine asta: Abia ai descoperit site'ul, vrei sfaturi dar postezi link de referal?

De ce nu spui pe romaneste ca de fapt iti promovezi linkul de refaral?

--- edited ---

Ca sa iti raspund si la intrebare, este un ponzi. La fel este si oricare site care pretinde castiguri de genul acestuia: "daily earnings forever".

In mining nu exista forever, deoarece dificultatea creste astfel incat la un moment dat pierzi bani daca tii minerii in priza. Din acest motiv, siteurile legite de cloud mining (eg: Hashnest), explica foarte clar cum se genereaza castigurile si care sunt costurile:

Collection of electricity and maintenance fees

1.    Hashnest uses a fixed electricity price and maintenance fee of 0.07 USD per kWh. Electricity usage is calculated based on the figures given for each machine on Bitmain’s official website.
2.    Electricity fees are calculated as follows: kWh per MH/s * 24 (hours) * 0.07 USD.
3.    Electricity fees are deducted once daily at the same time as revenue payouts. Fees are calculated using the current bitcoin exchange rate (by default, the CoinBase) at time of payment. Fees are deducted from the user’s balance on Hashnest.
4.    In the event that a user does not have enough balance in their account to pay for the electricity fee, their account will begin accumulating a negative balance; however, the user will also retain ownership of their GH/s.
5.    Hashnest reserves the right to make adjustments to the electricity and maintenance fees based on operational factors. Except in dire cases, Hashnest will announce any changes to these fees at least one week in advance of them taking effect.

Atentie, pentru ce tentati sa "investeasca" in acest site: Veti pierde banii pentru ca site'ul va disparea.
169  Economy / Long-term offers / Re: need loan for my business store on: November 09, 2017, 02:46:04 PM
The only thing that OP does on this forum is begging for money:









OP, aren't you tired of creating threads to beg? Better stick to the games and rounds for the small change that you are getting.

For the moment I have left you a neutral feedback worning others that you are incapable of understanding how loans work. If you continue asking loans without collateral I'll leave you negative trust.
170  Economy / Lending / Re: 💸💸💸 trusteez objective loaning 💸💸💸 [Collateral Not Required] [ALL RANKS] on: November 09, 2017, 02:21:31 PM
@OP: I will lend you 21.5 BTC if you put up for collateral 43 BTC.

1. Do we have an agreament?
2. Does this make sens to you?

If the answer to any of the above question is "NO" than why the fuck would make sens to anyone else?

You are now tagged as scammer until you prove that you own 43 BTC by signing a message with the address containing this amount.
171  Economy / Lending / Re: Searching for Lender on: November 08, 2017, 01:01:24 PM
Sorry to ask though,

But the account is ranked as a member, so why doesn't it worth anything. Can you please explain

Exactly for the reason that your account is ranked as a member, you should already know by now that it doesn't worth anything.
172  Economy / Lending / Re: High interest rates on: November 08, 2017, 12:44:58 PM
Just want to see how new member get loan for 50BTC ammount.

Don't hold your breath on this. They DON'T.
173  Economy / Lending / Re: Need loan of 0.5BTC I'll Pay 1BTC in 45days-Team member of a respected Altcoin on: November 08, 2017, 12:22:22 PM
The most disturbing thing that is raising a BIG RED FLAG, is that the OP pretends to allready have 2.2 BTC, but when he was asked to sign a message to demonstrate that he trully owns this amount he was unable to.

OP, are you able to provide any kind of profe beside your story? As an advice, you can start with signing a message with the address containing the 2.2 BTC, but judging by your previous answers, it seems that it is impossible for you to do this.

Also, by your own words: "I was given 3BTC to pay for the listing of our cryptocurrency on an exchange when our project manager was on leave, and I lost the entire money to a copy and paste virus, which I had no idea had entered my computer." Can you provide and sign the address that the 3BTC were stolen from?

Nowbody is going to take you serious with just a story here, we heard it all before, starting from "dying childs stories" and ending up with "once in a lifetime oportunities". You are just wasting your time here.
174  Local / Market / Re: oferim Trading Signals de cea mai inalta calitate on: November 08, 2017, 11:57:28 AM
Voi si tipsterii pentru pariuri...

Pai "domn'le"... daca sunteti asa buni la trading, de ce nu faceti tradeurile si va imbogatiti peste noapte (ajungeti un fel de "Oracolul crypto din Romania")? Stati si va chinuiti atat pentru cativa lei. Sau poate il aveti ca si client pe Warren Buffett, si va umple el de bani iar in schimb el ramane cu faima?

Stiti citatul ala celebru: "cine stie face cine nu stie invata pe altii"? (daca nu, dati un search pe google). Oricum, asta ar fi mai potrivit si mai la obiect ca si Subject pentru topicul asta decat ce'ati scris voi acolo (a se citi bulshit bulshit bla bla bla...)

175  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: GAW / Josh Garza discussion Paycoin XPY ION ionomy. ALWAYS MAKE MONEY :) on: November 01, 2017, 02:53:29 PM
Please help me understand.
Why is there not, for example, a similar (endless) thread with MtGox victims and interested parties discussing the eventual chance of getting (some of) their money back, and related topics? What is it about this story that keeps people "tuned in forever", when other epic scandals do not get talked about?*
*There might be some I do not know exist.

Because other epic scandals didn't have a cult to back them up until the last moment and some of them even beyond.
176  Local / Altcoins (Monede Alternative) / Re: Cat ati castigat cel mai multi din Bounty sau AirDrop? Intrebare de incepator on: October 24, 2017, 12:31:21 PM
Reticenta mea consta in faptul ca instalandu-mi wallet-uri de la toate proiectele astea sa nu-mi strice calculatorul.
Acuma am participat si eu la primul meu ICO cu electroneum. Is curios ce iese, am inteles ca baietii au facut istorie datorita numarului de utilizatori inregistrati si a banilor stransi.
M-am uitat un pic pe airdropalert la cateva proiecte si nu m-a atras niciunul. Daca ai vreo sugestie baga aici

Eu am incercat mai multe walleturi si vad ca nu consuma resurse... 0% procesor poate chiar 0.1% si in jur de 0.1MB viteza pe hdd....

O sa ma uit si daca gasesc ceva airdrops le pun aci

ma refer la bugg-uri sau ceva walleturi defecte

Cel mai indicat este sa le instalezi intr'un virtual machine. Asa vei fi ferit de orice "pericole".
177  Local / Market / Re: Looking for a partner/retailer in Romania on: October 12, 2017, 12:03:14 PM
What you are proposing (it's called smuggling cigarettes) is highly illegal and will get you and your partner in crime in a lot of trouble.

I'm shure that you allready know this, but it seems that it doesn't bother you. This speaks much about yourself.

Please take your illegal activities off this forum.
178  Economy / Services / Re: ★★ Signature Campaign for Narbonne ★★ Upto : 0.03 btc Per Week [OPEN SR+] on: September 29, 2017, 10:51:34 AM

My Signature and avatar are now updated.

Can you please let me know if this is a requirement in order to analyze my application or it means that I was accepted?

179  Economy / Services / Re: ★★ Signature Campaign for Narbonne ★★ Upto : 0.03 btc Per Week [OPEN SR+] on: September 28, 2017, 08:09:12 AM
I would like to apply for this campaign.

Profile Link :;u=104461
Post Count : 1221 (including this one)
Bitcoin Address : 13Q3UbsaLpUCkGhLV64o4rzydVJhf9PBUD
Rate your posting quality on a scale of 1-10 : 9 (I would rate it higher but I'm shure that not all my posts are perfect. If you will look trought my post history you will see that I never spam, nor did I post anything just to increase my post count. I always read the whole thread before posting, and I only post on discussion that interest me and I feel that I have something constructive to add.)

Please let me know if I'm accepted so I can change my signature and avatar.
Best of luck with your campaign.
180  Economy / Services / Re: ⛏ Ice Rock Mining Signature & Avatar Campaign ⛏ [HUGE PAYOUTS] on: September 27, 2017, 02:06:51 PM
Bitcoin Talk Name: jonsi
Bitcoin Talk Profile:;u=104461
Rank: Legendary
Post Count (including this post): 1220
BTC Address: 13Q3UbsaLpUCkGhLV64o4rzydVJhf9PBUD

I will change semnature and avatar in case I'm accepted.
Best of luck with your campaign.

-- edited --

The signature, avatar and personal text have been applied.
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