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161  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Justifications for Gaza on: August 26, 2014, 09:00:06 PM

Unfortunately no; if anything, I'm putting it mildly: according to Unicef's Pernille Ironside (, they are currently dealing with some 350.000 refugees there. And it's a little hard for them to return home when Israel destroyed them: at least some 17.000 were totally destroyed, and 37.000 damaged. However, these figures are likely to increase, especially as the conflict continues. And this to say nothing of what Israeli attacks on vital infrastructure have done to access to healthcare, food and water. In fact, in the article I linked, Pernille Ironside goes on to say that, if the blockade isn't at least eased, some estimates put the time to reconstruct Gaza after the latest attack at 18 years!

Is Gaza made out of only 17,000 houses? No. problem solved then.
These figures wont increase as a permanent ceasefire was signed today-Israel must be the worst genocider ever,signing 11 ceasefires which most were violated by Hamas,now signing another one.

I offered it as my own personal opinion, so take it as you will; but from all I've seen so far, that seems to me the most likely outcome, unless things start changing very soon.

Assad still has allies(Iran,Russia,Lebanon,etc) with 260,000 people dead on his hands,im sure Israel can get away with 2000.China and Russia would love to get their hands on Iron Dome,once the US finally abandons the monopoly on Israeli tech.
the world mostly doesn't realy give a damn about the Palestinians.

And you know, there is one way to deal with the illegal settlements without kicking anyone out again: give them the chance to stay and integrate them into a future Palestinian state, or monetary incentives to return to Israel and resettle, for example (they are currently being given governmental monetary incentives to illegally occupy Palestinian land, so it wouldn't be much of a shift there).
Sorry but you are too naive if you think multiculturalism will work here.
162  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Justifications for Gaza on: August 26, 2014, 06:27:19 PM

What homes are you talking about? whole neighborhoods were destroyed. you have no idea what you are talking about. even if this point was explained to you many times, heck even UN refuges are not safe from Israel bombardment which is blatantly a crime war

Many neighbourhoods were destroyed,but im pretty sure at least a half(and im under exaggerating here) of Gaza still stands,they can go there. Just because some UN shelters were allegedly bombed doesn't mean they are all unsafe.

And this is way Israel is pushing settlers and illegal settlement in west bank to make the same excuse you are making here. If
they really wanted peace they could move the settlers out and build them new houses elsewhere, as for the building they could be sold for money so there would be no financial lose

whether Israel pushes more settlers doesn't matter,there are already hundreds of thousands of settlers.
If Israel would kick them out wouldnt that be illegal? the settlers will become refugees in their own country,is it ok for you just because they're not Palestinian?
In the same manner we can ask Hamas to kick out all the Palestinian "settlers" in Gaza and move them to Egypt,a fellow Arab-Muslim country! isn't that wonderful?

Nope but at least it will ease the tension and it would especially relief the Gaza population, they could at least get medical treatment, first necessity equipment and goods, right now they don't even have access to sewage system or clean water and I'm not going to talk about electricity which seems to be a luxury in the area nowadays.

Do you have any accurate unbiased information about the internet,sewage and clean water in Gaza as of today? i doubt it.
You keep nagging about what the Palestinians get from the removal of the blockade-but what will Israel get? long term peace? nobody can assure that. Logically the Palestinians being the losing side(according to your post) are in no place to make big demands.
163  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Israel, Palestine agree on long-term Gaza truce – Hamas spokesman on: August 26, 2014, 04:43:21 PM
inb4 Hamas fire rockets again and violates truce
164  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Justifications for Gaza on: August 26, 2014, 10:02:18 AM

I get the feeling you really have no idea of the situation in Gaza, and the level of devastation there. Why do you think there are currently, literally, hundreds of thousands of refugees there at the moment? Do you have any idea of what that is? And again, rockets or no rockets, civilians aren't automatically valid targets - that's a violation of the rules of war, if anyone cares.

Hundreds of thousands refugees? thats a lie. They returned to their homes after the ground invasion was stopped.
That so called level of devastation is exaggerated.

I honestly don't give it 10 years before Israel is completely isolated at this rate.
Baseless and incorrect assumption.

I'm referring to the one or two states solutions; that is, Israel either taking over the whole territory and population, or Israel and Palestine coexisting side by side, with negotiations having as a starting point the 1967 borders - both of which Israel refuses, either in word or in action.

one state sultion-you are naive if you think the Palestininans would be so happy to have the "evil zionist jews" to rule over them. The Jews would not want the Palestinian to rule over them either-rightly so.
Not with hundreds of thousands of Jews living in the West Bank,a 1967 lines agreement is practically impossible. a future Palestinian state can only be based on new lines and borders.

Is it? Again, you have little to no idea of the situation in Gaza - do us both a favor, and please, look into it: Israeli officials weren't kidding when they said it was meant to keep the Palestinian population at a level just slightly over that of a humanitarian crisis. And you know what would help solve the situation? Ending the illegal blockade and the occupation.
Lets say the disputed blockade was ended-do you really think Israel and Hamas will suddenly ride towards the sunset on a unicorn,and live happily ever after?
165  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Justifications for Gaza on: August 25, 2014, 09:23:44 PM
"At one point Israel declared about 45% of Gaza as a no-go zone; in a small, densely populated area such as Gaza, and with both Israel and Egypt mostly denying passage to civilians, where exactly is the population supposed to go, even when warnings are actually given? Often times these people have nowhere else to go, and even taking refuge in the few shelters there are doesn't guarantee their safety, as Israel has, intentionally or not, repeatedly hit them."

They can go to whatever place that is not bombed,while they're at it they should also not bring their rockets with them.

"Also, even if there are enemies nearby firing rockets or whatnot, Israel doesn't automatically have the right to attack them if it puts civilians at risk - Israel's actions have been completely disproportionate, and lead me to question if they aren't just following the Dahiya doctrine again."

Israel actions are disproportionate,i agree,but they could be much,much worser. they can turn the operation into to an actual and effective genocide which will end the rocket threat,as there will be no one left to fire. though that will create even bigger problems.

"Also, even if there are enemies nearby firing rockets or whatnot, Israel doesn't automatically have the right to attack them if it puts civilians at risk - Israel's actions have been completely disproportionate, and lead me to question if they aren't just following the Dahiya doctrine again."

Rules of war.. does anybody actualy follow these?
if they were indeed following the so called Dahiya doctrine again the results would be much more catastrophic.

Yes, because Israel refuses to accept a peace deal, either in the form of the one or two state solution.

Which peace deal are you talking about? specify the conditions.

Know that what you're advocating there is collective punishment - another violation of the Geneva Conventions. Further, it's so bad an argument, that it even serves to legitimate Hamas' attacks on civilians: "some 80% or 90% of Israelis support the attack on Gaza, so they are valid targets", or some nonsense like that - it's wrong when Hamas does it, and it's wrong when Israel does it. But treating the Palestinians like caged animals isn't going to solve anything; only worsen the situation.

Caged animals is a one hell of a wild exaggeration. Hamas and its allies seeing the Jews as subhuman does not solve the situation either.

Really? Because I seem to recall them wanting to move to a peaceful solution, even quite recently, and Israel boycotting the negotiations.
166  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Justifications for Gaza on: August 25, 2014, 08:04:51 PM

Again, Israel doesn't have the right to further endanger and kill civilians just because Hamas might be nearby, and then keeping it up until it causes over 2000 casualties, over 10000 wounded, hundreds of thousands of refugees, and destruction of vital infrastructure that the population depends on to live. And you can only say this is unavoidable if you don't want to move to a peaceful solution - and unfortunately, Israel has no interest in a two state solution, or even a one state solution, for that matter, as evidenced by its actions over the years.

Israel does give warnings and phone calls before it bombs a target with civilians nearby,Hamas being the governing body of Gaza supported by the population and their human shields makes it impossible for Israel not to harm civilians.
a peaceful solution requires both sides to aim for peace,and that is currently impossible.

Now, you can try and excuse this any way you want, Hamas or not, but you can't then ignore the consequences on the population that is forced to live under this regime, or how it serves to further radicalize it.

The Palestininans elected Hamas,even if some Palestininans dont like Hamas anymore they realy do nothing to show it.  besides Hamas,that are dozens of other factions that co operate with Hamas. the more radical Islamic Jihad for example.

That seems like the right reaction to me - but don't forget the circumstances which serve to perpetuate the conflict, namely, the blockade and the occupation.

That,and the Palestinians not wanting to have any Jews near them.
167  Other / Archival / Re: Last Drink You drank. (daily thread) on: August 25, 2014, 07:02:06 PM
Coca Cola.
168  Other / Off-topic / Re: Can someone really trace you where you are? on: August 25, 2014, 07:01:44 PM
Yes if i get your IP and i have acces to IP tracking tools.
169  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Justifications for Gaza on: August 25, 2014, 06:32:19 PM

About 80% of the Palestinian casualties are civilians

According to Hamas-the numbers are most likely very diffrent.

at what point should people stop calling these attacks accidents and instead start calling them intentional? Because they just keep on happening, time and time again. And no, Israel doesn't automatically have the right to kill civilians because Hamas might or might not be nearby.

Unavoidable Incidents like this are numerous and rare when looking at the fact that Israel made thousands of strikes in Gaza that were not targetet against civilians. its pretty much impossible to fight a war without civilian casualties,especially in densely populated areas.

Then we have the blockade imposed on Gaza, which according to official Israeli policy, is meant to keep the Palestinian population on a state just slightly above that consistent with a humanitarian crisis

Source? the official reason for the blockade is Hamas.

Are we supposed to believe this isn't just a continuation of the Dahiya doctrine? Quoting IDF Northern Command Chief Gadi Eisenkot, “What happened in the Dahiya quarter of Beirut in 2006 will happen in every village from which Israel is fired on. We will apply disproportionate force on it and cause great damage and destruction there. From our standpoint, these are not civilian villages, they are military bases. [...] This is not a recommendation. This is a plan. And it has been approved”. And quoting a Wikileaks release, "Eisenkot stated that Damascus fully understands what the Israelis did in Dahiya, and that the Israelis have the capability of doing the same to Syria. He suggested the possibility of harm to the population has been Hizballah leader Nasrallah's main constraint, and the reason for the quiet over the past two years".

This quote whether actually said this way or not proves nothing about the situation on the ground.
170  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Justifications for Gaza on: August 25, 2014, 05:35:37 PM
Learn what Genocide means. Gaza's population is steadily growing,assuming it wasnt it would take 90 years for Israel to kill every Gazan in the current rate.

I guess you didn't take the advice I gave you on the other thread of looking up the definition ( Again, you don't classify it as genocide only if the whole population is killed off. Also, see my answer to starscream's post on that thread for a little more detail on it.

Fine,Lets look at Wikipedia:

Genocide is the systematic destruction of all or part of a racial, ethnic, religious or national group via the (a) Killing of members of the group; (b)  Causing of serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

If you follow these two,you get a double genocide because both Hamas and Israel pass those criterias.
No proof the current operation is intended to to systematically exterminate the Palestinians whatsoever.

 (c)Deliberate inflicting on the group's conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

 Palestininan population is steadily growing,at the current rate Genocide in this cirteria is impossible.

 (d) Imposing of measures intended to prevent births within the group; or (e) Forcible transferring of children of the group to another group.

Not happening.
171  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Israel vs Islam/Palestine/Iran/ Isis/Al-Qaeda/Syria on: August 25, 2014, 05:25:27 PM
Israel the real terrorist.

when one israel soldier dead, PBB and US angr like a do*.
but, when 1000 palestine people at gaza dead, nobody care.

the world is cruel Angry

What about the people in Iraq that is being slaughterd by ISIS?
Or those who die in the fight for freedom in Syria?

A lot more have died there than just 1500 in gaza..

Im not sayin that gaza does not matter..

I just think its wierd how all muslims in the world suddenly wakes up when little gaza is in trouble and no one gives a fuck when thousands from Syria and Iraq is dying everyday..

ISIS is formed by USA and Israel to provoke muslim in the world, by killing the moslem of syria, A truly form of ISIS is USA and Jewish
maybe you confused that why muslims killing muslims, because in Islam between Muslims is brother, so it's not possible in brotherhood is killing each other, hopefully this problem can be resolved as soon as possible ...

Classic Muslim excuse. blame it all on the US. can you at least prove your fantasy?
172  Other / Off-topic / Re: What is your favorite car????? on: August 24, 2014, 09:15:16 PM
Ferrari f12
173  Other / Politics & Society / Re: US Mission to Rescue Hostages in Syria Failed on: August 24, 2014, 09:14:37 PM
Maybe the US will finally learn to stay out of others business..
174  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Saudi Prince carjacked, Robbed of $335k in Paris on: August 24, 2014, 04:58:39 PM
He he deserved it. i bet he got plenty more where it came from,at least i hope the stolen money will end in a good place.
175  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Justifications for Gaza on: August 24, 2014, 07:53:30 AM

4-Year-Old Israeli Boy Killed by Hamas Mortar Fired From Near UNRWA School in Gaza
176  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Hamas murders 18 "suspected informants"? on: August 23, 2014, 09:28:26 PM
A terrorist organization doing.. terror. not surprising at all. i wonder why many people support them.
177  Other / Off-topic / Re: what do you do to keep fit ? on: August 23, 2014, 09:25:17 PM
Eat healthy,rarely eat junkfood.
178  Other / Off-topic / Re: What video games do you guys play on your own? on: August 23, 2014, 06:39:56 PM
Total War Rome 2
179  Other / Off-topic / Re: Wich phone os you like? on: August 23, 2014, 04:48:10 PM
iOS. easy and reliable.
180  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Justifications for Gaza on: August 23, 2014, 04:42:44 PM
The World turns a blind eye to Human Rights violation inflicted on Palestinians by the Israel Government.  There is attempted genocide happening there.

there are no terrorists in gaza. no one who acts in self defence is a terrorist.

Any one who launches rockets against civilian settlements is a terrorist. That includes the Hamas members, and the IDF (if they deliberately targeted the civilian areas inside Gaza).

And how can one be certain whos behind every attack that is happening.

Im telling you, while two sides are fighting, the third on is standing nearby and profiting from both.
Public is easily fooled, and many countries are exploiting that fact.

Learn what Genocide means. Gaza's population is steadily growing,assuming it wasnt it would take 90 years for Israel to kill every Gazan in the current rate.
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