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161  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do governments lose taxes with cryptocurrencies? on: August 18, 2018, 04:39:55 PM

Not until you sell that Cryptocurrency if you hold it you're subject to nothing.

if what you keep is for example the mined, we could say that it is, but it happens that everything depends on where the story begins, if we start from the fact that you already have the cryptocurrency, it is true, you are not taxable until your conversion to FIAT, but if we start the story since you have the FIAT money to acquire the cryptocurrency, and that money will be subject to taxes as part of your income when you invest or spend it.

Now, the declaration of investment falls into a duality, because it is an investment in shares or speculative, in any case the recognition or not of the governments of the figure, it is after you declare the FIAT money in your account and you must pay for that income obtained.

For all the above, it is not worth mentioning tax frauds, or tax returns not presented, and those are particular cases subject to persecution and particular analysis. It is as if we talk about someone who receives regular income and decides not to declare taxes, is it possible? Yes, but that is punishable by law, and this will take care of the situation.
162  Other / Politics & Society / Do governments lose taxes with cryptocurrencies? on: August 17, 2018, 10:37:34 PM

The question and the fear are recurrent. If the government loses money from the collection of taxes, because people are saving in BTC or another Altcoin, will it stimulate the states to regulate the issue?

The answer is simple, the truth is that NO, the state does not lose tax money for investment in cryptoactives, now, if this migratory situation of money stimulated regulations, I think that not only those, there is more than one reason to regulate, although I think that could be avoided by standardizing the common sense from the community, but I still do not see the maturity for it within the Bitcoin ecosystem and even less within the Active Crypto people.

I explain a little the tax issue, there is an accounting premise called cargo law and credit, we take it into account on the one hand, on the other, we understand that the taxes point to FIAT monies earned and without justification of social spending.

Starting from that premise, when you take money from your bank account to turn it into Cryptocurrencies, that money, even if you do not have it, will be subject to taxes. Hence the question arises, under the understanding that it does not matter if you lost it, you will still pay taxes, what happens when you earn money in the cryptocurrency speculation? the state can not touch you? then the answer is YES, because by the principle of the charge and payment, what you earn, another lost it, therefore, and the taxes are covered, additionally, if you happen to convert it to fiat to pay current expenses, you will return to pay taxes, so in any case, to the governments it agrees the cryptocurrencies, because they are the ones that avoid an important rule of the taxes, and it is the double payment for the same money.

In summary, whenever you use cryptocurrencies in conversion between Cripto and FIAt you will be paying taxes, directly or indirectly, for governments it is not a problem, it is for us, that unless we develop, more than technology and the trading market, we develop everything a consumer market without having to go to FIAT, we will be being punished twice.
163  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Venezuela, a fable about socialism. Part 1/2 on: August 17, 2018, 03:49:11 PM
actually this isn't socialism its also capitalism, the capital is your beloved bolivares, your capital is your central bank in venezuela. socialism is a concept of human behavior. if venezuelans dont want to work their infrastracture and destroy it through bitcoin mining they are absolutely the opposite of being socialist to each other.

you venezuelans forget that the capitalism of the united states i regionalistic, corporate and tied to its banking cartel, it is based on an army that threathens oil producing countries. not everyone can be the winner of capitalism only view. just look at crypto its also capitalism and its allbout who defines the current world currency

maduro is your capitalist he is the one that holds the pedro your national currency. the problem is with his behavior he has defined rich and poor declaring himself and his army protectors rich or even more billionaires of venezuela

>Maduro is your capitalist

What am i reading? Venezuela is a classic case of a failed socialist state. A lesson to be learned for the world... AGAIN

Do not worry, that is why we have learned a lot already at the world level, communism, socialists change to win elections, then shows his gifts of totalitarianism and finally in its final phase resembles classic dictatorships. but the funny thing is that when they fail, no matter what they call them, there they say that this was not the true "socialism" or that it was simply misapplied. Simple excuses to justify that in other states, at other times or with other tools, the favorite model of the bourgeois Marx is rehearsed.
164  Local / Mercado y Economía / Re: Pierden dinero de impuestos los Estados con BTC? on: August 17, 2018, 03:41:25 PM

La pregunta y el temor son recurrentes, Si el Gobierno pierde dinero de la recaudacion de impuestos, por estar la gente ahorrando en BTC u otro Altcoin, estimulara a los estados a regular el tema?

La respuesta es sencilla, la verdad es que NO, el estado no pierde dinero de impuestos por inversion en criptoactivos, ahora bien, si esta situacion migratoria del dinero estimulara las regulaciones, creo que no solo esas, hay mas de una razon para regular, aunque creo que se podrian evitar normatizando el sentido comun desde la comunidad, pero aun no veo la madures para ello dentro del ecosistema Bitcoin y menos aun dentro de las personas Cripto Activas.

Explico un poco el tema impositivo, hay una premisa contable que se denomina, ley del cargo y del abono, tomemosla en cuenta por un lado, por otra, emtendamos que los impuestos apuntan a los dineros FIAT ganados y sin justificacion de gasto social.

Partiendo de esa premisa, cuando usted toma dinero de su cuenta bancaria para convertirlo en Criptomonedas, ese dinero, asi no lo tengas, sera sujeto de impuestos. De aqui nace la pregunta, bajo el entendido, que no importa si lo perdiste, igual pagaras impuestos, que pasa cuando ganas dinero en la especulacion de criptomonedas? el estado no podra tocarte? pues la respuesta es que SI, porque por el principio del cargo y del abono, lo que tu ganas, otro lo perdio, por ende, ya los impuestos estan cubiertos, adicionalmente, si se te ocurre convertirlo a fiat para pagar gasto corriente, volveras a pagar impuestos, por lo que en todo caso, a los gobiernos le conviene las criptomonedas, porque son ellos los que esquivan una regla importante de los impuestos, y es el doble cobro por el mismo dinero.

En resumen, siempre que uses criptomonedas en conversion entre Cripto y FIAt estaras pagando impuestos, directa o indirectamente, para los gobiernos no es un problema, es para nosotros, que a menos que desarrollemos, mas que la tecnologia y el mercado trading, desarrollemos todo un mercado de consumo sin tener que pasar a FIAT, estaremos siendo pechados dos veces.

Creo que no has considerado la tributación por ganacias de capital

Hola, realmente si, pero quedan supreditadas al principio de neutralidad fiscal y continuidad del negocio, que en resumen se basa en que, si los movimientos accionarios o de Utilyties se hacen a partir de dinero fresco circulante, no hay porque pechar el beneficio de uno u otro si ya has pechado la tenencia del dinero que generan el aumento.

Esto es comun, en casos como los que nos ocupan, donde el mercado es especulativo y no por compra y venta de bienes y servicios que le dan valor al paquete acionario, asi como acciones que tienen una junta directiva responsable, en este caso, no existe nada de lo anterior, por lo que el precio es estrictamente proveniente del intercambio de dineros entre los participantes.

basado en lo anterior, el dinero que se peche de salida o entrada en Cuentas Fiat, cubre subidas o bajas, porque siempre vendra de accionistas e inversores, no de publico en general.

165  Other / Politics & Society / Venezuela, a fable about socialism. Part 2/2 on: August 16, 2018, 08:25:45 PM
When you arrive at the office, you begin to review your trading positions, and you expect to have won something, since the monthly expenses are coming and you still have not been able to make the money, when the electricity goes out, and you decide that until there I arrived your day, you must make two or three purchases and start the journey home.

You buy a laundry soap and corn flour, because you have a friend in a store, who keeps them and resells them, you pay about 12,000,000 (almost 3 minimum wages)

hurry step, because it is getting dark and crime is hard on the way home, so it is better to hurry the step and decide not to take the subway, because it takes hours and appeals to a "Mototaxi", do not generate a lot of confidence, and you do not like the smell that you have left, but it is better than public transport, since you do not have cash to pay for it and you have already stolen 2 cell phones there.

You arrive home and have not put the water yet, but the Internet has returned and the Rig is undermining. you had to win, today you will not wash your clothes, but hopefully you will make a few dollars, because tomorrow everything will be more expensive.

It's better to sleep now, because tomorrow can be a better day.

The part of Fabula, is that not only happens to a person, and does not speak of anyone in specific, is fable, or novel a generalized situation, but there are many aspects that I did not know how to put them in the story.

For example, today when I was driving through the Utopia, I saw a group of young people in the river that crosses the city of Caracas, it is not really the cleanest river in the world, there the black waters of the whole city end up, you know what they went there, looking for things of value that someone could have lost by a drain, I found out that they call them "the miners of the guaire" (name of the river)

I did not know how to reflect the people who see themselves in the streets eating from the garbage, I did not know how to integrate it into the story.

But the saddest thing is that I do not know how to reflect the other city, because yes, in Venezuela many realities are lived, like the first line Discos

And Quality restaurants

But there is no one reality, you have to train it at the end of your own experience and that is what makes it difficult to explain.
166  Other / Politics & Society / Venezuela, a fable about socialism. Part 1/2 on: August 16, 2018, 08:23:47 PM
Many times, we believe that our reality is common to everyone, that our situations can be particular, but within a generalized environment, sometimes when we talk with one or other people, we propose solutions from our perspective, and often in this same forum, we attack or we sympathize with the positions of one or the other, but always starting from our reality.

That is why I allow myself to explain how is an average day of a person in Venezuela, with the addition of being a citizen "positive crypto" I just took this term out of the sleeve, it is simply a person who believes in the project of the cryptocurrency, understands its global value, and is willing to participate in it.

Dawn not so early, because the water faults, made you stay up late collecting water to take a bath in the morning.

Check your Rig of mining through the phone, fast, because the largest data plan is 1.5 Gb per month, noting that for some reason your WIFI service of 1 or 2 MB contracted for any reason does not work.

Your RiG stopped at 3am, because there is no internet, you restart it, counting that during the day, while you are not, the internet flies.

Sales either in your car or with the meter, which is FREE, but being free, I leave the image to give you an idea.

In any case, luckily it is Free, because there is no cash to pay the ticket, the cash for its lack, it became a good, so you can sell one million in cash in two million by bank transfer.

You arrive at your place of work, where, thank goodness, there is a 4MB internet contract for being corporate, and you can fairly navigate. well, almost, because it has constant drops.

Try to access local bitcoin to sell the mined so far (yes, I know that I speak of an RIG above, and it has nothing to do with Bitcoin, but take everything as a fable), it happens that your buyer no longer exists, and has days it does not appear.

You read a story on Instagram (the most reliable network, since there is no official information) where they say that many people were imprisoned in an operation called "paper hands" for buying and selling dollars and bitcoins (generic for cryptocurrencies).

you decide to sell the dollars directly to a third person person, and start the search for this person, at this time they offer you 3,200,000 bs per dollar, it seems unfair and you let it go.

prepare your material, since you are going to give a small talk to a group about cryptocurrencies, this time, you take your car, but first you have to load fuel, which is worth very little, for less than 1 cent of dollar you fill the tank, but the The row that you have to buy is so big, that you leave it and decide to continue like this.

You arrive at your link of the talk, it turns out that it was suspended because there is no electricity since early in the morning.

you go for a coffee and something to eat, but that costs about 5,000,000 Bs (a minimum monthly salary) remember that you must sell a few dollars, because you will not be able to eat well if you do not have bolivares.

You go to a store to talk to the owner to explain the advantages of receiving cryptocurrencies in a hyperinflationary economy, and all goes well until he asks you: Is it legal? There the world falls, you do not know what to say, the answer is yes, but if a policeman arrives no matter what the law says, he will want part of what you have collected, so this merchant decides not to expose himself and decides do not participate.

They call you to buy you the dollars, this time they offer you 3,500,000 Bs. It seems better and fair price (although you do not know that it rose to 3,800,000 Bs, that's why they offer it to you) and you decide to sell 10 dollars.

and you receive something like this:

you go through the bakery where you took the coffee, and you realize that what you ate today, tomorrow will cost 20% more, that is about 6,000,000 Bs. Better to set aside the money now, or eat at home.
167  Economy / Marketplace / Re: 400BTC to be listed in an EXCHANGE? on: August 16, 2018, 08:11:00 PM
I know an altcoin listed on Binance since few months ago and knowing the team I can assure you they didn't pay such amount to be listed. They have been listed after waiting 1,5 month approximatively, but no way they would accept to pay over 2.5 million USD.
It's not a big project with a lot of hype so it can't be because the coin is popular or something like that...

I understand, and I totally agree, so much so, that I can attest that the amounts to which the affected party refers are obviously altered and that it is more a gossip than a news item.

The reflection I really want to reach is empowerment as a tool of censorship, which can be very harmful.

I can even agree that something is paid for listing, what I do not accept or accept, is that a person, a company or a group, decide what suits us all.

My criticism has been, if that selection was at least effective I would accept it, but I know at least two projects that are a Fake or a Scam and are listed, meanwhile, other projects where the sponsors give their face, but do not have the capital to list or do not have listings to some advisers charging 5%, remain on the outside.

Sorry in any case, if I sound a little rough with my opinion, but it is a topic that I live daily with our ICO, for example today I received an email with what an Exchange considers that I must pay to list our project there with exchange to ETH , BTC and USD, and exceeds 4 BTC. there are certainly not 400, but for a project that we are doing with the savings, and it is not a product of previous SCAM, we have to think about it a lot. Above all, when many ICOs are generating distrust in the market which makes the investment in ICOs depend directly on the investment you make, not on the quality you have.
168  Local / Esquina Libre / Re: Binance cobra 400 BTC por listar criptoactivo on: August 16, 2018, 07:03:16 PM
Esto se ha convertido en un gran Chisme, pero siguen sin resolver el problema de fondo, ver noticia en el siguiente enlace:

Partiendo del hecho, que pueda ser cierto o no, eso no es lo importante, lo importante es aclarar, que NO deben ser ninguno en particular, los que definan que proyecto es bueno o malo, pero entiendo tambien que la responsabilidad es nuestra al empoderar un Exchange, por eso, apoyo la teoria de empoderar los exchanges descentralizados.
169  Economy / Marketplace / Re: 400BTC to be listed in an EXCHANGE? on: August 16, 2018, 06:46:04 PM
This has become a great Gossip, but they still do not solve the underlying problem, see news in the following link:

Starting from the fact, that may be true or not, that is not the important thing, the important thing is to clarify, that they should NOT be any in particular, those that define what project is good or bad, but I also understand that the responsibility is ours when empowering an Exchange, therefore, I support the theory of empowering decentralized exchanges.
170  Economy / Marketplace / 400BTC to be listed in an EXCHANGE? on: August 16, 2018, 05:21:25 PM

The news can read it in greater detail, in many pages today, but here one of them:

The issue in question, rather than revealing a secret to voices, is the absorbing of the amount requested, which seems to exceed any expectation.

It is not a secret, and so I have been saying in multiple threads and forums, that the market for cryptocurrencies, and ICOs above all, is taking the opposite way to what was originally planned, the use and abuse of Airdrops and Bountys , as well as the lack of a tangible evaluation model for the creation of products and services, is generating a chaos within the market, which, being already speculative, brings the subject together, so that both can charge whatever they consider, as that they consider, by the service that is.

It is not a secret for anyone, and I say it loudly, that I am an integral part of an ICO, and as such, apparently, it will be more business to write my adventures and misadventures trying to work from the honest side of the subject, that keep trying to grow this ecosystem by massifying and facilitating its use.

In my case, we have seen many times, when someone and not just one, has told us that our project "does not involve a technological innovation" and we have had to explain that the innovation in our case is not technological, it is educational and marketing . obviously many people have ignored and others have given us a second reading beyond the source code and if you know how to program in this or that language. What is coming this story, is that those who criticized us in an opportunity, have listed within their "customers" many XXXXXCOIN, which after getting their support a market cap of about 14 MM USD $ lowered the Market Cap to 1 MM and disappeared from the market, and now with that capital obtained, they can repeat the operation with other names about 3 or 5 times, because now they have to pay the membership fees to many sites.
What most impresses me and calls for reflection, is the comment of the CEO of Binance, asking the developers and ICOs, not to worry about how much they charge, if not if their project is really good to be listed. In the hands of who are we putting our project? someone who believes that he and only he can know if a project is good or bad, someone who believes he has the right to tell us if something suits us or not? It seems a repeated story when many years ago someone decided that Tesla's project was not good enough.

We must have a minute of reflection, and in a previous article I said it, we do not believe more superhumans, we do not empower those who are not prepared for it, we maintain power with the basic idea of the BTC, a community of distributed and anonymous decisions, not where an individual can decide, if a project is good or bad, I and many people consider that my ICO is good, because this man must close the doors to develop.

unfortunately I do not have the mediatic weight, but if it would be just a "run" of BINANCE to teach these "super Human" that can not decide the course of technology, it is, of course, that not all projects are good, but it is MY job to evaluate them, not to tell me which ones are good.
171  Local / Esquina Libre / Re: Binance cobra 400 BTC por listar criptoactivo on: August 16, 2018, 05:10:06 PM
Me eh encargado de averiguar mas afondo & eh preguntado a varias personas que están en el medio & la mayoría me dice que binance no cobra pero para poder estar dentro de su exchange tiene que tener el token  o la moneda mínimo 500 millones de capitalización

Hola, gracias por la intencion, pero trata de averiguar un poco mas a fondo, la mayoria de las monedas que estan en Binance no tienen 500 Millones de capitalizacion y si, efectivamente las paginas de las ICO cobran por listar, y Binance y los otros exchanges tambien, lo que es excesivo es el cuanto y adicionalmemte el filtro que colocan, que ojo, son libres de decidirlo, mas deben informar cuales son sus condiciones, no puede ser segun cada evaluacion.

En todo caso insisto, mi posicion personal, es que no debe apoyarse este tipo de actitudes, que empoderan a algunos, en perjuicio del crecimiento de la tecnologia.
172  Local / Mercado y Economía / Pierden dinero de impuestos los Estados con BTC? on: August 15, 2018, 09:08:40 PM

La pregunta y el temor son recurrentes, Si el Gobierno pierde dinero de la recaudacion de impuestos, por estar la gente ahorrando en BTC u otro Altcoin, estimulara a los estados a regular el tema?

La respuesta es sencilla, la verdad es que NO, el estado no pierde dinero de impuestos por inversion en criptoactivos, ahora bien, si esta situacion migratoria del dinero estimulara las regulaciones, creo que no solo esas, hay mas de una razon para regular, aunque creo que se podrian evitar normatizando el sentido comun desde la comunidad, pero aun no veo la madures para ello dentro del ecosistema Bitcoin y menos aun dentro de las personas Cripto Activas.

Explico un poco el tema impositivo, hay una premisa contable que se denomina, ley del cargo y del abono, tomemosla en cuenta por un lado, por otra, emtendamos que los impuestos apuntan a los dineros FIAT ganados y sin justificacion de gasto social.

Partiendo de esa premisa, cuando usted toma dinero de su cuenta bancaria para convertirlo en Criptomonedas, ese dinero, asi no lo tengas, sera sujeto de impuestos. De aqui nace la pregunta, bajo el entendido, que no importa si lo perdiste, igual pagaras impuestos, que pasa cuando ganas dinero en la especulacion de criptomonedas? el estado no podra tocarte? pues la respuesta es que SI, porque por el principio del cargo y del abono, lo que tu ganas, otro lo perdio, por ende, ya los impuestos estan cubiertos, adicionalmente, si se te ocurre convertirlo a fiat para pagar gasto corriente, volveras a pagar impuestos, por lo que en todo caso, a los gobiernos le conviene las criptomonedas, porque son ellos los que esquivan una regla importante de los impuestos, y es el doble cobro por el mismo dinero.

En resumen, siempre que uses criptomonedas en conversion entre Cripto y FIAt estaras pagando impuestos, directa o indirectamente, para los gobiernos no es un problema, es para nosotros, que a menos que desarrollemos, mas que la tecnologia y el mercado trading, desarrollemos todo un mercado de consumo sin tener que pasar a FIAT, estaremos siendo pechados dos veces.

173  Local / Mercado y Economía / Y al Final... Era una estafa. on: August 15, 2018, 07:03:58 PM
Desde hace algunos años cuando paso por mi mente iniciar una ICO, siempre supe que seria por demas dificil, sobre todo la parte de hacer entender a un mercado global, a lo que estaba apuntando, pero lo mas duro a sido luchar desde ya hace mas de un año con un modelo de negocio, que se se niega a entender que hay que abrir paso a opciones y que las evaluaciones no pueden ser verticales, hay que entender los matices.

Traigo a colacion este tema, porque sucede algo en el este sub mundo, que algunas personas quizas conozcan y vivan en carne propia, pero otros muchos, no tengan ni idea.

Cuando leo de personas bien versadas en el tema, decir que se basan en la informacion de tal o cual pagina para evaluar una ICO, cuando veo que la referencia es que tanto a subido o bajado el valor de su moneda o cuando tan solo evaluamos un proyecto por los asesores, es decepcionante.

Hay que entender, que las paginas que evaluan las ICO son un negocio, unos mejores que otros, y viven de que estas ICOs paguen por publicidad o por solo anunciarse o listarse, que los asesores por aparecer ahi y hacer que alguien invierta se quedan con el 5% del negocio limpio. (no hay negocio que sobreviva ni sea sano, despues de pagar el 5% inicial, cuanto debe ser el revenue final) las monedas que se cotizan, solo requirieron pagar para listarse, nadie las evaluo, solo se les cobro, y si ya arranca con un Bounty del 20% de sus monedas, con un airdrop del 10% de sus monedas y otro 10% en asesores, cuando le sumas la ganancia del 15% a los fundadores, por favor, no es facil ver que ese proyecto no va a ningun lado.

lo triste de lo anterior, es que el mercado se quedo entre 2016 y 2017 y sigue evaluando proyectos de esa manera, no comunicandose con los responsables e interactuando, solo basandose en sistios de pago, no en su usabilidad.

Este sistema es tan viciado, que traigo a colacion un caso.

No se nota que es un Fake?

Ahora bien, al final, esta opcion, salio en todas las paginas "serias" se publico en exchanges, se valuo en coinmarketcap y el resultado fue?

2.7 millones de dolares de los inversionistas robados, al final no era mas que un scam, y paso todos los filtros, y tuvo todo el apoyo del sistema. lo mejor del caso, es que ahora tienen 2.7 millones para repetir la operacion quizas con 2 o 3 monedas a la vez.

174  Local / Mercado y Economía / Re: Qué define el precio de una criptomoneda on: August 15, 2018, 06:50:11 PM
Es justo aclarar, que basicamente el mercado de criptomonedas, es "especulativo" es decir, el valor nominal de la moneda y su funcionalidad es irrelevante ante la espectativa de beneficios versus dinero Fiat.

Lo que quiero decir con esto es, todos los factores que podamos comentar, son valuables a la hora de tomar una desicion personal de inversion, pero en el punto X donde se encuentre una moneda, tiene 180 Grados de posibles movimientos, porque es producto de la especulacion.

Por ejemplo ninguna moneda al sol de hoy ha subido o bajado producto de su analisis financiero, ni menos por la incorporacion de alguien con trayectoria al equipo, menos aun ha podido evitar una corrida a la baja amparada en los seguidores de telegram, que eran mas que los que ofertaban a la baja, ni hablar del anuncio de un nuevo producto a afectado el mercado. al final, todas se mueven acompazadas al menos al BTC.

En cuanto a la calidad de los exchanges, esta fresca la noticia donde Binance cobra 400BTC por listarte, entonces no necesitas calidad, necesitas dinero, pero imagenense que el dinero lo obtienes producto de un Scam previo, podrias hacer esa centrifuga de fondos eternamente.

En cuanto al equipo de trabajo, es cierto algunos Scam, se develan solo con verificar ese dato, pero que tengas a los mejores programadores no asegura que puedas comercializar nada, solo que tendras un gran producto, falta quien lo venda, quien lo publicite, quien lo explique y mas aun, el dinero para entrar a exchanges.

En cuanto a la comunidad, 1000 usuarios de telegram valen 1ETH, dime cuantos ETH tienes y te dire cuantos seguidores tendras.

Por ultimo en cuanto a la Utilidad, de cual habalmos? de la teorica o la real? porque en el papel puede verse de maravilla, pero en la realidad, cual es tu equipo comercial de apoyo y como se va a viralizar?

La evaluacion mas sincera, la cual en mi caso agradezco siempre, es la directa, no numerica, comunicate personalmente con los miembros del equipo, hazle saber tus dudas, aclaralas y haz el aporte que consideres, si lo toman en cuenta, ya es en parte tu proyecto, apoyalo.

De todo, creo que lo mas importante es la adopcion de la moneda, su estatus legal, su plan de comercializacion y como se masificara su uso. si evaluas una moneda por su valor en un exchange versus Fiat, no estas viendo la moneda, estas viendo su valor especulativo.

175  Local / Mercado y Economía / Re: Si no lo puedes controlar, prohíbelo !!! on: August 15, 2018, 06:31:09 PM
Muchos de los que escriben, tienen razon en sus argumentos, mas quiero aclarar algo, lo que se esta prohibiendo es especificamente el trading y es por eso, que el mismo articulo no lo aclara, es si prohibe de alguna manera su uso, lo cual no hace.

Revisando un poco la noticia a fondo, es un caso recurrente, y por eso no establece sanciones, lo que esta librandose la institucion reguladora es de reclamos por la comercializacion de Securities, donde puedan verse afectados inversionistas, y poner a dicha entidad a gastar dinero en investigaciones y persecucion.

Los gobiernos tarde o temprano van a regular, mas fuerte y temprano, en proporcion que los usuarios se niegen a autoregularse o imprimir sentido comun al uso de las mismas, mientras el Bitcoin y las altcoin no sean vistas como otra cosa distinta a un instrumento de trading y ganancia especulativa, no sera ajena a este tipo de cosas.
176  Local / Tokens (Español) / Re: [ANN] [BOUNTY] MBYZ distribucion de Beneficios on: August 15, 2018, 04:58:19 PM

Cotizacion de nuestro token segun portal Beta Coreano.

177  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ICO] MBYZ Updated Information on: August 15, 2018, 04:56:38 PM

Quotation of our token according to Korean Beta portal.

178  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][PRE-ICO][ICO] MBYZ in 6 days our ICO begins on: August 14, 2018, 09:13:52 PM

Someone asked us in another thread: Can we really create a usability system for MBYZ, away from the speculative market?

Here is our answer

"Hello, more than possible, it is a fact, the question that they always ask us is: How is it possible, since this is a speculative market?

The answer is simple, there are years of experience in negotiations, buying and selling behind the project, and that made us understand, that there are many projects, AIRDROPS, BOUNTYS, and struggle to be in non-decentralized EXCHANGES, it has a cost inside very high market, that's why we have remained as the Cinderella, ensuring the value of our currency and avoiding overexposure, that has cost us not to have as many investors as we would like, but investors who are for speculative gain, are not our objective, our goal is the users.

Keeping that in mind, it is that you can regulate and keep the price as close as possible to profitable values, so that traders feel comfortable accepting it.

Of course, there are many calculations of balances, prices, games with discounts, mass purchases and implied puclicity, what we try to reduce those costs of the merchants, creating a safe environment for a currency of low speculation."

We hope to be able to develop all the agreements that we have on the table, and we hope that they satisfy user needs, we are close to launching more products and services on the platform.
179  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ICO] MBYZ Updated Information on: August 14, 2018, 09:05:23 PM
MBYZ is capable to create the application for effective exchange of goods and services without increase in costs of financial speculation! It is sure, many investors will be interested in a vlatforma!

Hello, more than possible, it is a fact, the question that they always ask us is: How is it possible, since this is a speculative market?

The answer is simple, there are years of experience in negotiations, buying and selling behind the project, and that made us understand, that there are many projects, AIRDROPS, BOUNTYS, and struggle to be in non-decentralized EXCHANGES, it has a cost inside very high market, that's why we have remained as the Cinderella, ensuring the value of our currency and avoiding overexposure, that has cost us not to have as many investors as we would like, but investors who are for speculative gain, are not our objective, our goal is the users.

Keeping that in mind, it is that you can regulate and keep the price as close as possible to profitable values, so that traders feel comfortable accepting it.

Of course, there are many calculations of balances, prices, games with discounts, mass purchases and implied puclicity, what we try to reduce those costs of the merchants, creating a safe environment for a currency of low speculation.
180  Local / Tokens (Español) / Re: [ANN] [BOUNTY] MBYZ distribucion de Beneficios on: August 14, 2018, 08:56:47 PM
Convertir criptomonedas en Bienes y servicios, es nuestra fortaleza. Si crees que esa es la idea, esto te interesa.

La idea general de las criptomonedas, y su verdadero valor recide, en la usabilidad, es por ello, que ponemos nuestro esfuerzo a diario en lograr alianzas que nos permitan la conversion de nuestra moneda en bienes y servicios, ya hemos empezado con la firma de una de las alianzas mas grandes he importantes del mercado.

En proximas semanas podras usar tus MBYZ para la compra de Vehiculos, por ahora en USA, luego, al rededor del mundo.
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