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161  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Jindal:Westboro Baptist Church members'will be locked up'if they protest funeral on: July 28, 2015, 01:00:10 PM
That's not the point - the idea of Free Speech is to protect people from having their voices silenced simply on the grounds that it offends or bothers another person/group. The WBC is the essence of hate and bigotry, but their right to be hateful bigots is the greatest thing about America and Free Speech.

Their rhetoric is not protected by the constitution!

Nah, my family's smart enough to avoid being this idiotic.

How is your family going to avoid having a funeral?Are you all going to be cremated?
162  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Jindal:Westboro Baptist Church members'will be locked up'if they protest funeral on: July 28, 2015, 12:51:18 PM
I don't know if the Hell's Angels are going to counter protest this or not. If they do I cordially invite all of you Constitutionalists to go down and argue free speech with them

I'll do that right after you explain how westboro is in the right to the same Hell's Angels.

You should give a (*)(*)(*)(*) if they get arrested because it is a violation of free speech. Otherwise, don't complain if someone who doesn't like you prevents you from speaking your mind.

I doubt that is going to happen...he doesn't go around chanting "God hates F*gs" at strangers funerals.
163  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Jindal:Westboro Baptist Church members'will be locked up'if they protest funeral on: July 28, 2015, 12:37:10 PM

And when they inevitably get treated like trash....well.....not our problem.

Until its a member of "your" family.
164  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Jindal:Westboro Baptist Church members'will be locked up'if they protest funeral on: July 28, 2015, 11:29:31 AM
Some people are under a misconception that we have a right to protect anywhere and any place we like. This is not the case. We can not protest on private property without the owner's permission. Protests must also meet the "time, place, manner" concept. Personally, I feel that protesting funerals (any funeral) is the lowest of low.

I agree with you,and what exactly are they protesting at a funeral?

These people have no grievances...they simply show up to agitate people in mourning! They're trash!
165  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Jindal:Westboro Baptist Church members'will be locked up'if they protest funeral on: July 28, 2015, 11:23:09 AM
This is what the group of Christian lawyers want... to sue people for taking away their right to protest, their free speech rights..... it's how they support themselves

No one likes them, but not much you can do about them in a free country... same with the kkk, is Jindal gonna arrest them too?

I would imagine he would if they showed up at a black persons funeral chanting "God hates ni**ers"...what do you think?

so you are ok with censorship. Got it.

I would be ok with their church burning to the ground with every one of them in it! If they want to protest then it on a street corner, not at a funeral of someone they do not even know full of grieving family members, disgusting pieces of trash!
166  Other / Politics & Society / Re: POLL: 95 Percent of BBC Viewers Think Multiculturaism Has Failed on: July 28, 2015, 10:47:18 AM
People, I was merely injecting a bit of levity into the topic. Yes, I believe multiculturalism is an attempt to destroy what some fanatical minority members believe is White "privilege". You know, the White men who built the towns, schools, infrastructure, etc., and turned savage lands into secure & modern societies. Of course, if you don't believe that you're more than welcome to move to Baltimore, Detroit or Compton where the houses are selling for a song I hear!!

Minorities are hateful against the white man. They will destroy our heritage in this misguided attempt to make things equal.

Whites have no advantage over another race. That is a cop out for blacks failing. Even if whites do have an advantage, that doesn't mean blacks still cant succeed.
167  Other / Politics & Society / Re: POLL: 95 Percent of BBC Viewers Think Multiculturaism Has Failed on: July 28, 2015, 10:43:43 AM
but this seems to suggest its becoming the way many american cities have become... complete flight of wealth groups into complete segregation, complete flight of ethnic groups into segregation... and no easy ability to intermingle... all like-minded people with no interaction from anyone else.

Because this is natural. We cant violate natures laws with some radical Marxist experiment.

Just look at a prison yard. People separate into their racial/cultural groups. It's anthropological. The only exception is when you are super good looking like me and women from every culture swoon at your feet.

lol. That is true though. Everything. Especially the last part.
168  Other / Politics & Society / POLL: 95 Percent of BBC Viewers Think Multiculturaism Has Failed on: July 28, 2015, 10:38:29 AM
A whopping 95 percent of respondents to a BBC straw poll have said that they think multiculturalism in Britain is a failure. The poll was taken yesterday morning during the BBC’s Saturday Morning Live show, and asked “Is multiculturalism working?” Just 5 percent said “Yes”; 95 percent said “No”.

Read More

Multiculturalism and diversity is a failure. Diversity is destroying our white European heritage and only is empowering liberal democratic traitors. Democrats cant win based on their ideas, so they have to bring in this diversity nonsense. Its time we kick diversity out to the curb.
169  Other / Politics & Society / Re: City of Reno replaces American Flag with Gay Flag on: July 28, 2015, 10:26:04 AM
Fascinating watching a Christian turn the other cheek.

This was a flag on a government building, you know, the very thing were complaining about a month ago. Yesterday some descendants of an unknown African tribe killed a man because he had the flag you leftists object to on his car.
170  Other / Politics & Society / Re: City of Reno replaces American Flag with Gay Flag on: July 28, 2015, 10:21:57 AM
I read a few articles on this already and I really have give the author of this particular one credit for pointing out who is really being oppressed by this flag.
171  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Lindsey Graham: Donald Trump 'Selling Fear and Prejudice' on: July 27, 2015, 05:28:40 PM

It's not unattractive to those who have achieved success. Birds of a feather.

SOME of us know it, but not everyone knows it. This is why politicians repeat themselves ad nauseum while on the campaign trail. You need to repeat yourself with every new crowd you come across to increase your base. An analogy might be when a popular singer shows up to perform a concert. The fans may have already have heard the performer's most popular songs hundreds of times, but when it's performed in person, it's like you've heard it for the first time and you'll remember where you heard it in person. Personalize your message for EVERY new crowd.

Those who have achieved great success and have a bit of class don't brag about it at every turn. The guy comes off as a typical rich spoiled blowhard brat from Long Island. If he wants to win anything instead of being a spoiler who will hand the election over to Hillary, he needs to sharpen his message and tone down the gas bag bore act. I like what he is saying about restructuring our trade deals, but I'd like to hear more specifics. He just seems to blurt out general statements, many which are patently false with no real data to back them up. He has time to get it together and he definitely has a chance to win vs the lackluster field he's up against. If he's so damn smart, he'll figure this out, if he keeps up the hollow circus act, he'll be out before Super Tuesday. The GOP better hope that he doesn't get offended and feel that the Republican establishment has treated him unfairly and decide to run as a third party candidate. That will make Clinton an easy winner.
172  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Lindsey Graham: Donald Trump 'Selling Fear and Prejudice' on: July 27, 2015, 05:11:51 PM
Is Lindsey going to make another parody video of how Trump handed his ass to him? Slow learner.

Lindsay reminds me of Corporal Dobbs, the horrible bugler from F-Troop..
173  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Lindsey Graham: Donald Trump 'Selling Fear and Prejudice' on: July 27, 2015, 04:40:41 PM
Video time 1:15-


First it was john mcCain saying we were crazies, now where on the dark side of the force? can he go any lower with his coment of analogies of his own people of his party? these candidates from the nwo are in panic mode right now really worried that he will win the nomination.

I agree that Trump is more appealing than Lindsay Graham or Jeb Bush, but if he wants to continue to move forward in his bid for the US Presidency he needs to sharpen his message and for gods sake quit the silly bragging about himself. He comes off as very insecure when he continually tells everyone how smart he is and how successful he is. A little bit of humility and a lot more specifics regarding the issues would go a long way for Mr. Trump in his quest for the prize. Whoever is running his campaign is either powerless to stop this guy from constantly sticking his foot in his mouth or knows this is just a joke candidacy from the start.
174  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Israel give Jordan 16 Cobra helicopters to fight ISIS on: July 27, 2015, 05:24:19 AM
This is not the first time Israeli and Jordanian armies collaborate, but it is the first time such news reach world news.
The funny thing is, this kind of thing should be on the front page of every newspaper in the world.
Israel and an Arab state fighting together against a common enemy.
But for some obscure reason they hide it. I guess, it breaks the rule of publishing only slanderous 'news' on Israel.
Well, here you have it. The truth, Israel and Arab states such as Egypt, Jordan and lately even Saudi-Arabia work together facing common enemies. Only they keep it hidden most of the time.

No worries, it will be in the news soon enough....with headlights like "Israeli helicopters are slaughtering innocent ISIS civilians in Jordan".
175  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Supreme Leader of Iran Tweets Photo of President Obama Pointing a Gun to his Hea on: July 27, 2015, 05:09:30 AM
The USA should respond with equally provokative pictures of khomeini shot by SEALs and tehran on fire, or something like that. The flame war is ON!

Obama will put up a picture up of him kissing Khamenei's feet.


If the poster of that caricature was an Iranian, as a sign of pride he shouldn't write the message in English but in Arabian language.

It's a fake.

This is being reported in American newspapers as well as foreign ones. Obama is the fake.
176  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Supreme Leader of Iran Tweets Photo of President Obama Pointing a Gun to his Hea on: July 27, 2015, 05:04:26 AM
Khameini controls Iran - Iran's official news agency. Strange how this is not covered in that source.

Assuming this Twitter account is valid, why would such provocations be made on it while Khameini negotiates with Obama and why is this not on that country's official news?

Obviously he has no respect for Obama. On that, he and I agree. He can say what he wants, and Obama would still kiss his feet. Wimp!
177  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Europeans Increasing Defense Spending Significantly on: July 27, 2015, 04:23:14 AM
The military industrial complex is a myth. Defense contractors have virtually no political influence in the U.S. today. Even in his famous speech, Eisenhower DID NOT call for cuts in defense spending or the size of the defense establishment and in fact pointed out that the U.S. would have to maintain a large standing military indefinitely.

Yes it is a myth in the public stance of those who have been bribed, blackmailed and threatened.
And yes, Eisenhower DID NOT call for cuts in US aggression spending.
That is because he was not sincere in his warning. How could he be? He owed all his position and fame to serving the war crazies.
To know that, One only has to see how he killed millions of Germans AFTER the war supposedly ended.
178  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Europeans Increasing Defense Spending Significantly on: July 27, 2015, 04:21:59 AM
The only beneficiaries of the spending are large military organizations & not the general public that has to fund these massive budgets through taxation & state borrowing.

And who controls those "large military organizations"?
The Talmudic doctrines in the minds of Christendom "that make the Word of God of none effect" Matthew 15:6
And the super-rich families to whom Christendom gave control of most nations today via debt based central bank currencies.
179  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Obama DOJ Plans To Investigate…The Group That Busted Planned Parenthood on: July 25, 2015, 11:33:51 AM
Yes it did, when they state that they use a different method of abortion in order to preserve the organs and in fact do not even tell the mothers they are doing so. And then of course when the one negotiates for a higher price and talks about needing enough to buy her Lamborgini and then of course the pamplets with the endorsement of the President of PP telling the individual clinics how they can profit more using this particular broker for the organs they harvest.

There is a difference between illegal (as in, violating the law) and undesirable (as in "I wish so hard to punish these people I could pizzle my pants, therefore they must be doing something illegal"). You have got these two confused.
180  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Obama DOJ Plans To Investigate…The Group That Busted Planned Parenthood on: July 25, 2015, 11:26:41 AM
Nothing illegal has showed up in any of the videos. Despite some slanted editing (to be expected from a group that is fanatically anti-rights), they were unable to find anything PP is doing wrong. Anyway, PP is a recipient of government money, and as such is subject to continuous monitoring and auditing.

The whole purpose of making those videos was to try to paint in the worst possible light, an aspect of the PP operation most likely to fire up the woohoos, and it did that. I personally doubt either PP or the anto-abortion wingnuts violated any laws. I wouldn't mind seeing a few carefully edited expose videos of the wingnuts being released. This is a PR battle, intended to smear without actually alleging. We know who will fall for it, we see it right here.
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