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161  Other / Politics & Society / Re: DONALD TRUMP WILL BE AMERICA'S MOST FAMOUS PRESIDENT on: March 12, 2017, 07:51:15 PM
We can give such statement only a few weeks of his presidency.
Trump first have to accomplish something, something concrete and real, either for America or the world.
Only after that, we can review his 4 years terms in the office and decide if he was good or bad president.
Right now, we just have several confusing talks, tweets and decisions.
It's to early to say anything.
My first feeling about Trump, or impression, is negative but I will give him a chance and final judgment I will give after full term, 4 years.

You have no choice dude. Even if you had the opportunity to remove him from power you wouldn't do? I already know that he is not good President. Without respect in the world it is not possible to be a leader.
162  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Are terrorists only muslim in religion? on: March 12, 2017, 07:41:44 PM
About 2500-3000 deaths per month, last 15 years.

Check the number of deaths produced by adding sugar in Your food. 

Deaths from sugar can be avoided if you reduce the consumption of that substance. But what about the deaths from terrorism? Also, deaths from diabetes are rare nowadays, due to effective medical treatment. But there is no treatment for terrorism.
Eating sugar has nothing to do with the emergence of diabetes. It is a myth. Another thing is that if you already have diabetes you can't eat sugar. Muslim terrorism is already there and it cannot be repaired. You can only limit the access of Muslims to the areas of normal States.

Limiting the number of Muslim immigrants is the best solution, but anyone propagating it will be quickly branded as Nazis and xenophobes by the radical left. Western nations need educated and civilized immigrants, and not uneducated Muslims from the Middle east.
Among Muslims such clever little. It seems to me that after the Syrians deported from Europe them there will not be empty, even intelligent. In the United States until the problems with musulmanami less. While there they paused and waiting.
163  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Couple arrested in the United Arab Emirates for 'having sex outside marriage' on: March 11, 2017, 01:03:24 PM
A couple have been detained in the United Arab Emirates for having sex outside of marriage.

The South African man and his Ukranian fiancee were reportedly arrested after a doctor in Abu Dhabi who treated Ms Nohai for stomach cramps discovered she was pregnant.

Formal charges have not yet been brought because Ms Nohai is apparently undergoing "further tests" to determine how long she has been sexually active.

In the UAE, all sex outside marriage is illegal, although in Dubai, a blind eye is usually turned to unmarried western couples who co-habit.


These people aren't citizens of United Arab emirates so I don't understand how this law can apply to them.

Is it illegal for unmarried tourists as well?
Well I'm not in the UAE! I probably would have not simply arrested and shot. Islam is a religion of the middle ages. For them there are no rules except their beliefs.
164  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Facebook now requiring photo id, fuck you facebook on: March 11, 2017, 01:00:26 PM
The whole facebook environment is what's wrong with the world today. All these people blinding sharing their meals and dancing cats.

And they get mad when you don't congratulate them on their birthday.

Facebook stinks, let it die.
Bad if Facebook dies. It's not because I love Facebook, it's because someone likes it and what right anyone has to deny them this.

You make a good point although at some point in time one can reflect upon what somethings add to ones existence. In my opinion Facebook doesn't really motivate people to develop themselves, they are encouraged to join the social network and be part of it. That's all.

Social networking is also a part of society. Just use another form of communication, but expand the circle of communication. What's wrong with that?
165  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What is meant by Third eye? Does it really open? on: March 10, 2017, 03:25:41 PM
The third eye is a metaphor pertaining to "the mind's eye"...

Many believe this to be the pineal gland (also nearby are the thalamus, hypothalamus and pituitary glands)

Note: The pineal gland is responsible for producing DMT, a highly potent psychedelic molecule
If it's a metaphor which refers to the thoughts, it means that everyone who sees ghosts and other such nonsense speaks only of hallucinations. Of course if we are not talking about fraud.
166  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do people hate islam? on: March 10, 2017, 03:22:14 PM
this is all fault of terrorist especially ISIS! that's why many people hate islam, I don't hate islam, terrorist only!!
Why only ISIS? The United States believes that the vast majority of terrorist organizations in the world are related to Islamism. So, according to the CIA in 2004, out of 80 international terrorist organizations, 72 were from militant Islam.
167  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The real impact of the Vault 7 CIA data leak on: March 09, 2017, 03:12:17 PM
They should've think of that before making these tools In the first place and using them to spy on innocent people. I haven't seen the source codes of these tools but If they are easy to compile and use, then we should expect chaos to happen.
There may be a possibility to change the codes. I hope so. Until these actions have led American intelligence agencies it did not bother me, but when the codes can be from anyone such as Russia I'm not happy, although I have nothing to fear.
168  Other / Politics & Society / Re: North Korea fires four ballistic missiles into sea, angering Japan and South on: March 09, 2017, 03:08:06 PM
In the mind of a dictator can only be one power. So I doubt very much that he was able to start a war. Most likely it is a way to increase its popularity inside the country. Such actions, he shows what is so powerful that can resist the entire world.
169  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Sweden returns a call to the army in connection with the threat from Russia on: March 08, 2017, 03:15:44 PM
Sweden is already broke from the 70% tax rate. Now they are going to increase their military spending without any reason and it will create a sharp spike in their federal debt. If Russia actually want to invade Sweden, then no matter what the Swedes do, the Russians will complete the invasion in a day or two. The Swedish army consisting of emasculated android males is no match for the 2 million strong Russian army.
Once again convinced that the Russian never learn from their mistakes. Did you forget how hard you fought in 1940, you were at war with Finland? In Sweden you will be the same. Putin and the Russians are all crazy. They need to organize a global boycott.
170  Other / Politics & Society / Re: You eat pork you look like pork on: March 08, 2017, 03:11:09 PM
Oh my god, that's some of the worst shit i've ever seen till now.

This retard ain't human. He shouldn't be treated as a human being. He is an animal and he should have fences around him.

Europeans should have been more selective with their immigrant picks. I hope he ends up in Jail but i don't think that will happen.
And I'm sure that this will not happen. From the point of view of democracy, he doesn't deserve to be in prison. Liberal European values attract all the freaks. In Muslim countries, this idiot could be killed for insulting women, but here everything is possible. I think Muslims have no place in Europe.
171  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Iran announces successful test of $800m Russia-built air defence system on: March 07, 2017, 06:34:01 PM
Any weapon can cause irreparable damage. Therefore, the placement of these defense systems can not pose a threat. But it seems to me that the Russians are exaggerating the capabilities of these systems.
172  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Muslim athlete initially banned by Trump arrested for child sex abuse in US on: March 07, 2017, 06:18:16 PM
It's reasonable to ask that question to one of those damn evil clerics that Muslims think can answer and interpret all questions relating to the Koran.  I only answered directly a ridiculous question by Greenbits about "which part of Sharia law do I object to."

Of course, many other parts are extremely objectionable.  But the point of my comment is that the Koran and hadiths attempt to control an individual's life down to the most minute detail.

I'm not kidding about this, and they don't want to tell you about it or let you find out about it.

A religion is meant to provide motivation, hope and compassion to the humans. But if it dictates each and every fine details of our life, by saying that we should do this, and we shouldn't do that, then it can no longer be called a "religion". It is more like enslavement or servitude.

All of the Abrahamic faiths have pretty rigid tenats to follow, if you are Orthodox/traditionalist/conservative. I think Judaism has it the worst. Would you consider the practice of Judaism slavery? They have very strong edicts on diet, appearance, and behavior. In fact, being the stewards of the old convenant, I would say they probably had the worst of it. The Lord was quite specific in the covenant he has with them.

Hardly any Jews pay any attention to that crap.
Every religion is an attempt to turn people into slaves of the faith. That is why I am an atheist. When Muslims put themselves above all others because they are of another faith, I hate them.
173  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Nazi New World Order on: March 06, 2017, 06:48:31 PM
If you go around their History, they're like the "default scape-goat". Every time the sh*t hit the fan, someone goes blame it on jews:

Antisemitism really originates from the Roman Empire, and not for any particular reason, but because the Jews have constantly rebelled against their tyranny.

In fact Jews where the first major resistance to the Empire, and they constantly rebelled against them, since the Jews always wanted a country of their own.

So this is where anti-semitism originated, the Roman influence was passed onto the Catholic church which was very antisemitic at first, and forbid Jews in the middle ages to have any profession really.

It was also passed onto the arab world, where the arabs could not tolerate Jews having their own country.

So this is where antisemitism originates from and it's ingrained into society like a bad urban myth, and when Mussolini and Hitler tried to revive ancient fascism, it came to the surface once again.

But it was also there in the arab world for centuries.

So the whole anti-semitic rhetoric and the opposition to Israel is just stupid. Let the Jews have their own country, Israel.

We must outgrow stupid urban myths, and focus on the real issues that haunt humanity, like the endless violence in society.
I agree with you completely. It is always easier to blame someone than to admit their mistakes. In society there are always some people who believe that blaming the Jews so it makes no sense to look for other enemies.
174  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Are all american racists? Do they hate all outsiders/immigrants? on: March 06, 2017, 06:43:48 PM
Racists exist in all countries. Just as there are religious fanatics in all religions. Another thing is how do you respond to the power. It seems to me that Trump is also a racist. He just hides it, but I see it.
175  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you hate muslems? on: March 05, 2017, 03:41:34 PM
No,I do have so many Muslim friends and i don't think they are bad people anyway,I'm a christian and i don't think about them as different people, the only difference is that we don's have the same religion..And i really do think that religion is the biggest racist among all.Apparently there is no religion that can save us, we may have different beliefs and aspects but muslims are still humans so let's not judge other people just by their religion. Grin Grin PEACE
And who says that Muslims are judged because of their religious feelings? Their trial for terrorism. Islam is not a religion, it is the organization preaches terror and for me, all the members of this society and potential terrorists.
176  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why I'm an atheist on: March 05, 2017, 03:34:25 PM
Reading crap is not interesting. I understand that. If there is a God show his photo. Can not picture, ask the one who communicates with God to show a miracle to live. If you can not do then do not say there is a God and you communicate with him.
177  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Conservatives/Republicans should be banned from America on: March 04, 2017, 04:31:45 PM
You have to understand that we live in the free world, democracy.
In the free world, all people are free to think what they want, and express their opinions freely.
You can't ban people because they don't think like you.
In our societies, we are free to think and act if we don't hurt others.
In the free elections, we freely choose our representatives and president.
We can say it's not perfect political system but still it's much better than political system in north Korea or Saudi Arabia, for example.
Think about it.

That is why America is considered the Bastion of democracy. Many people have many opinions. However, this does not mean that after the victory Trump can do anything. Every step Trump and his team is now examined under a microscope. Paradoxically but in this situation he is less likely to make a mistake than Obama.
178  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Trump Is Damaging Press Freedom in the U.S. and Abroad on: March 04, 2017, 04:25:48 PM
U.S. President Donald trump has accused his predecessor, Barack Obama listening to his telephone conversations shortly before his victory and called him the "bad guy". He said this in his microblog on Twitter
179  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Can Marine Le Pen win? on: March 03, 2017, 12:47:56 PM
If such scenario happen, we will see also Freexit and probably the end of EU.

Nope. The European Union will exist as long as Germany remains interested in it. Germany needs East European slave labor, and the East European states need remittance money from Germany.
If Germany was interested in slaves that the EU did not stop its expansion. I think that is another question. Besides, now there is a powerful attack on candidates who support Russia. I think they will not become President of France. This post is a person loyal to Germany.
180  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is US election really get hacked? on: March 03, 2017, 12:43:11 PM
We can't give definitive answer without concrete facts and profs.
It seems that Putin and Russia really had desire to see Trump as new US President.
Real question is really if they did something about it.
I doubt that Trump, or his team, will work hard on this issue Smiley
Public will never know real truth about it.

It is well known to everyone that Putin had preferred Trump over Hillary. Putin is not in good terms with anyone in the Clinton crime family ever since the NATO bombing of Serbia in 1999. Putin hates the Clintons, and the Clintons hate him in return.
And who has generally good relations with Putin. This evil Troll is now trying to unleash a third world war. I think until it is too late the world needs to destroy Russia and to facilitate the departure from power of Putin.
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