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1641  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Advertising revenue sharing between website owners and content creators on: August 26, 2012, 01:45:02 AM
Added API interface to get affiliate number of clicks and earnings.
1642  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Any affiliate deals in Bitocin space? on: August 25, 2012, 05:08:31 PM
If your website contains user-generated content, consider using revenue sharing which we have just implemented on the CoinURL.
1643  Local / Бизнес / Re: CoinURL - полнофункциональная рекламная сеть on: August 25, 2012, 04:55:58 PM
Добавлен инструмент для быстрого и удобного разделения доходов от рекламы между владельцами сайтов и создателями контента!

Это может оказаться полезным для ресурсов со значительной частью пользовательского контента (файловые, фото- и видео- хостинги, форумы и т.п.), создавая дополнительную мотивацию для их пользователей размещать контент. Для получения своей доли создателям контента даже не нужно создавать аккаунт на CoinURL.

Подробнее как это работает:
1644  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Advertising revenue sharing between website owners and content creators on: August 25, 2012, 04:45:56 PM
Interesting, how does it work at a lower level?
For example, you want to reward question or answer author on the Rugatu. This user enters his address on the post page (for example, locate it below body text input). You must add affiliate address attribute to the DB table (or create separate table, which would contain, for example question ID as foreign key and payment address).

Let assume that someone opens a page with this question. You must fetch affiliate address from the DB and append it to the iframe request, e.g.

<iframe scrolling="no" style="border: 0; width: 468px; height: 60px;" 
src="<?php echo $affAddress?>"></iframe>

Then PHP session being created and fetched address will be temporarily associated with this ad slot. If an ad was clicked, a script on the CoinURL server will get a share rate (which you have specified in the ad slot settings) from CoinURL DB and insert record in the click table, which contains its price, share rate and affiliate address.

Each day, after we have performed fraud detection procedure, legitimate clicks will be marked as paid and summary values of the click cost multiplied by share rate will be sent to affiliate address, residuals (sum((1 - share rate) * click cost)) will be paid to your CoinURL account balance.
1645  Economy / Services / Re: - Most advanced Bitcoin advertising platform on: August 25, 2012, 02:50:52 PM
Introduced easy revenue sharing between website owners and content creators - a revolution in the advertising!

Services like Rugatu and Bitbin, this feature must be very useful for you.

Discussion of the idea:
1646  Economy / Marketplace / Re: Anonymous Ads - bitcoin advertising network on: August 25, 2012, 02:47:59 PM
I think we can implement API that allows automatic affiliate registration (without visiting AA site). It would allow your users to earn and even to see their stats. But probably this API would require your server to authorize somehow to prevent flooding of our database.

Hi again, just curious if this is something you plan on working on at all? Can I get an ETA? Wink

Or is it "maybe or maybe not, sometime in the unknown and distant future"...
Implemented the same for CoinURL.
1647  Bitcoin / Project Development / Advertising revenue sharing between website owners and content creators on: August 25, 2012, 02:47:00 PM
Revenue sharing can be useful for the websites with large portion of user generated content (e.g. file, image and video hostings, forums etc), providing more incentive for its users to publish content. Bitcoin makes this feature possible in very convenient way:

1. Website owner specifies revenue share he want to give to the content creator (e. g. 20%, 30%, 50% etc).
2. On the form where content is being submitted (e.g. file uploading, message posting etc) author enters his Bitcoin payment address.
3. When someone tries to get the content (e.g. to download file, read forum post etc), affiliate address is being fetched from the database and associated with the advertisement.
4. If an ad was clicked, website owner receives his share on the advertising network account balance and affiliate get paid directly to the specified Bitcoin address.

I am not author of this idea, xDan suggested it first time to the Anonymous Ads ( but its developer didn't implemented it yet. CoinURL is the first who made it.
1648  Economy / Services / Re: [WTS] English quality assurance or production for Bitcoin websites on: August 25, 2012, 12:10:29 AM
I will be very grateful if you will check!
1649  Economy / Marketplace / Re: [CoinURL] All ways to monetize your content! on: August 24, 2012, 11:38:31 PM
Some kind of JavaScript form validation shouldn't be too hard to implement along with the ad preview... Wink
1650  Economy / Marketplace / Re: [CoinURL] All ways to monetize your content! on: August 24, 2012, 07:16:50 PM
This is something I've been noticing since I set up banner ads at, but the style does not match the one I set up at CoinURL.

If you access , you'll see the color of the CoinURL ad title is blue, however, on the profile for that slot, I set it to orange to go with all the other link colors. The colors I set don't match the ones that appear Sad
You have entered invalid color: "97310" (5 characters, while HTML notation requires 3 or 6 chars).
1651  Local / Бизнес / CoinURL - сеть контекстной рекламы on: August 23, 2012, 06:30:57 PM
CoinURL начал работу 4 месяца назад как сокращалка ссылок c оплатой, наподобие AdFly. В течении этого времени платформа была почти полностью переработана, исправлено множество багов, улучшено качество техподдержки пользователей. Теперь мы можем предложить на выбор нашим клиентам полный набор рекламных средств, наилучшим образом подходящий для их контента и посетителей.

Межстраничная реклама с оплатой за показы (CPM). Появляется когда посетитель переходит по короткой ссылке или заходит на сайт с установленным перекрывающим скриптом (пользователь заходит на страницу, автоматически перенаправляется на рекламный блок, откуда возвращается обратно на страницу куда заходил). Этот тип рекламы может в некоторой степени раздражать посетителей, однако позволяет зарабатывать на каждом пользователе вне зависимости его интереса к рекламируемому продукту. В отличии от конкурирующих сервисов, мы позволяем устанавливать время ожидания перед редиректом.

Баннерная реклама с оплатой за клики (PPC). Ненавязчива для посетителей сайта, приводит высококачественный трафик на сайты рекламодателей. Доступны 12 форматов текстовых и графических баннеров (полностью аналогичны Google AdSense):


На данный момент мы предлагаем нашим пользователям:
контекстную рекламу - сопоставление ключевых слов рекламодателя с содержанием страниц сайта или поисковых запросов пользователя;
Размещение рекламы как во всей сети, так и на конкретном сайте;
Таргетинг по местоположениям (странам), языкам, устройствам, URL-ам сайтов;
Редактирование и удаление объявлений;
Аналитика: графики показов и кликов за различные периоды, сводная статистика по местоположениям, языкам, реферерам, платформам, браузерам и устройствам;
отслеживание конверсий;
SSL протокол;
Настройки приватности, возможность скрыть свою статистику и удалить логи с приватными данными;
Фильтрация нежелательного контента по различным категориям (порнография, лекарства, оружие и т. п.);
Защита от мошеннических кликов, ежедневный ручной анализ и возврат рекламодателям отклонённых кликов.

Этот список ещё будет расширятся в будущем!

Посмотрите сравнительную таблицу с другими Bitcoin-ориентированными рекламными сетями. Я старался её составить как можно более непредвзято!

ОБНОВЛЕНО 14 сентября 2012 г.

Создатель и администратор CoinURL
1652  Economy / Marketplace / Re: [CoinURL] All ways to monetize your content! on: August 23, 2012, 01:59:26 PM
Image ads have been introduced!
1653  Economy / Services / - contextual advertising network on: August 23, 2012, 01:57:00 PM
CoinURL have started 4 months ago as paid URL shortener like AdFly. During this time platform were almost completely redesigned, fixed many bugs, increased customer support quality. Now we offer for our users full suite of ad types and they can choose which best fit their needs. Recently we have started realizing full-featured contextual ads system the same way as Google AdWords/AdSense.

Interstitial ads – paid for each impressions, can be placed on the shortened links, as well as on the websites using overlay script (user visits a web page, get redirected to the ad page, then returned back to the source). This type of ads sometimes annoys users, but you get paid for each visitor regardless his interest in the visiting advertisers' websites. Waiting time before redirect, unlike AdFly and other competitors, is variable.

Banner ads – paid for clicks, similar to the Google AdSense. Non-intrusive, very high quality of the traffic for advertisers, safe. Available standard 12 text and image ad formats:


Now we offer for the customers:
Keyword-based context advertising for web pages and search results;
Location, language, device and URL targeting (both preferring and blocking);
Goal tracking;
Bidding network-wide (like Anonymous Ads) and particular sites (like Operation Fabulous);
Ad editing and deletion;
Ad schedule;
Analytical tools: impression and clicks charts for different time periods, locations, languages, referrers, platforms browsers, devices;
SSL protocol;
Privacy settings, hidden stats, possibility to delete logs with sensitive info;
Filtering of the adult content by multiple categories;
Protection against fraudulent clicks, manual review every day and refund to the advertisers rejected clicks;
Fast support service for our customers.

This feature set will be expanded in the future!

Look comparison table with other Bitcoin advertising networks. I tried to make it fair without any bias.

UPDATED September 20, 2012.

CoinURL founder
1654  Economy / Marketplace / Re: [CoinURL] All ways to monetize your content! on: August 21, 2012, 07:14:33 PM
Can you show total Earnings of ad slots? On the Overview page.
Made! Also added average revenue per 1000 impressions (RPM) for each ad slot.
1655  Economy / Marketplace / Re: [CoinURL] All ways to monetize your content! on: August 21, 2012, 04:10:08 PM
UPD1: Location and language charts, as well as OS, browser and device stats now available for all advertisements, links and ad slots.

UPD2: Advertisers can see aggregate traffic source (referrer) stats for their interstitial and banner ads now!

Stats for all entities (ads, links, ad slots) can be easily retrieved in uniform way by opening it's context menu (icon with cog) and clicking "Stats".

1656  Economy / Marketplace / Re: [CoinURL] All ways to monetize your content! on: August 20, 2012, 12:41:37 AM
Overall stats page was completely redesigned. Traffic calculator to estimate average number of visitors per concrete country, language and domain have added.
1657  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: BitBin - Earn bitcoins with your pastes! on: August 18, 2012, 12:42:02 PM
Great idea!
1658  Economy / Marketplace / Re: [CoinURL] All ways to monetize your content! on: August 18, 2012, 01:22:24 AM
Click and impression charts now available for the ad slots.

Also advertisers can view impressions chart along with the clicks.
1659  Economy / Marketplace / Re: [] Dollar Auction game for Bitcoins on: August 17, 2012, 06:28:19 PM
Any chance of cashing out what was on my account when the site went down?  (Or better yet anyone who had a balance)  Seems to me that shutting down shouldn't be a valid excuse to claim everyone's outstanding balance.
According to the ToS which you have agreed, players can request a withdrawal if their balance exceed 1 BTC.

Players who were eligible for the withdrawal at close moment can request it by sending me private message with their username, password and payment address to receive Bitcoins.
1660  Local / Бизнес / Re: CoinURL: Все пути для монетизации контента on: August 17, 2012, 03:19:18 PM
А как обстоит дело с i2p?

Не проверял, но скорее всего баннеры на сайтах I2P работать не будут. С TOR всё работает нормально, только просим сообщить адрес вашего анонимного сайта перед размещением баннеров, т.к. идёт много попыток накрутки кликов из данной сети.
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