saya pikir walaupun penggunaan ATM bitcoin diperluas di indonesia, tidak akan ada pengaruhnya terhadap perekonomian karena seluruh transaksi perekonomian di Indonesia tetap memakai rupiah bahkan diwajibkan oleh Undang-undang
I think this is a cycle that has happened to the price of bitcoin before, the price of bitcoin will continue to experience a down trend and at certain times bitcoin will rise sharply above the highest record achieved previously, but i don't really know the exact time when it will happen
saya kira harga gas standar sudah bisa dibilang murah, ya disesuaikan sama kebutuhan aja gan, jika memang kita butuh transaksi yang lebih cepat, kita naikkan GWEI-nya
ethereum's return to the original price would have happened, this was a great opportunity to buy ethereum at a very cheap price
I agree with you, but many people still believe that cryptocurrency has a high risk because there is still no institution responsible
I think it will be difficult to suggest the bounty hunters to buy as much bitcoin as possible when prices drop like this, because the main perspective of bounty hunters are not spend any capital to make a huge profit
I think bitcoin cannot be regarded as a national treasure of a country because anyone can get and own bitcoin, if bitcoin is only claimed by a country, the decentralization of bitcoin will not apply because the state will monopolize bitcoin
I think it's wrong to say that bitcoin is only wasting time, working for bitcoin can be done only when it's free because it only takes a little time, so we can use the free time we have and no time we waste.
I think both have different segments, bitcoin as coin and ethereum as tokens. many tokens that have a base on ethereum while for bitcoin there is only hardfork. I think I don't agree with thinking about eth will be the next bitcoin, because both have quite a lot of differences
I think both are promising investments, but investment in property is more stable because of the low level of fluctuations
I think the cryptocurrency system is not entirely transparent, because even though we can see all transactions, the transaction is still anonymous so that it can still be used for corrupt practices such as money laundering
I think with the use of bitcoin as a global currency, payments between countries will be more efficient because it can be done quickly and costs a little. however, the high volatility of bitcoin prices can cause the economies of unstable countries
the future of bitcoin still has hope even though until now the downward price trend is still happening, I am still optimistic because bitcoin is planned to enter the ETF
saya kira harga mata uang riil tidak ada pengaruhnya sama sekali terhadapa crypto karena mata uang riil dan cryptocurrency memiliki segmentasi masing-masing
saya pikir ini adalah proyek yang sangat berguna, mengintegrasikan para dermawan dan penerima dana untuk bantuan kemanusiaan melalui sistem blockchain akan mempercepat distribusi bantuan, sehingga jika terjadi suatu bencana, bantuan akan datang dengan waktu yang singkat
I think so, the main thing most investors are waiting for is the certainty of bitcoin in ETFs. if it is ascertained that bitcoin will be included in the ETF by the SEC, I'm sure bitcoin will jump further more than the price in December 2017
teman saya juga mengalami hal yang sama, mungkin ini imbas dari diberlakukannya merit sehingga untuk mendapatkan akun dengan rank tinggi harus melakukan hal yang tak pantas, bukan saja dengan cara hack akun, tapi juga dengan menggunakan akun orang lain untuk daftar bounty
Peoples, market control the price. Supply and demand, more peoples to buy, the price will going up and vice versa.
how about the person who has so much money? so, he can manipulate market and control it, and the price will be controlled by this person, not from supply and demand? how about this??
Menurut anda altcoin apa yang berpotensi mendapatkan profit lebih banyak?
saya pikir progress dogecoin sangat baik hingga saat ini, namun kekurangannya, kita harus sabar menunggu karena kenaikan dari dogecoin sangat lambat namun pasti
memang hal seperti ini sering terjadi akhir-akhir ini, menurut saya ini dikarenakan semakin sulitnya meningkatkan rank akun sehingga orang-orang yang hanya memiliki akun newbie akan menggunakan akun yang rank-nya lebih tinggi untuk mendapatkan stake yang lebih banyak