It's very hard to reject existing of aliens because universe is endless and somewhere we can find life.
I am not sure this will happen because on 100 year would be inveted much more ineresting, easier and faster cryptocurrency than bitcoin and we will use it.
Why not? It's the alternate way of economy and understanding money for people. We are slowly mixing fiat and cryptocucrencies and getting clear picture of world economy.
I like bitcoin because it's a good opportunity to get money fast. Everything you need is minimal knowledge of stuff that happening around bitcoin to start work.
Those people don't know anything about bitcoin and just want to hate without any reason. They have no purpose and goal just trashtalk so better to ignore them.
I like to play almost everything but now my favorite game is mortal kombat. Always learning and trying to improve!
I like to spend free time on youtube and facebook.
Why not? Bitcoin is trusted and needed nowadays and more and more people joining cryptocommunity. If nothing will happen like big scam bitcoin will survive.
We should keep buying and selling bitcoins to make more cycles that means demand will start growing more. When bitcoin is needed he is growing.
It's obvious for me. Every country and their media trying to say profitable stuff to people that's why sometimes you reciving messadges where bitcoin is bad.
Rofl Spend there five minutes and got many positive emotions!
I like to watch different movies about real people. Dark hour Made in America
Life is very interesting when you have enough money and good friends!
Watching porn for free is also hard because of shit quality and parts... Better to pay somewhere.
Why do you think that bitcoin has no role in real world? At my opinion bitcoin is light for people that making them work on themselves insteed of greedy govenment.
Almost everyone know that bitcoin decentralized , safe and anonymous but the most beautiful benefit is free transactions all over the world and taxes that you shouldn't pay.
Everything is dangerous when you don't know what it is. The best way to start using bitcoin with profit for youself is learn how everything works inside.
No way! Bitcoin need banks to show how good he is But honestly govenment of any country will try to protect their banks if something will happen.
People want to get money and scared that price will start decreasing soon that's why they selling. I can't see other reasons to sell bitcoins when price is high.
I am sure that bitcoin will hit 20K this year and maybe even more. We already saw 20K this summer and now wating for new record