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21  Economy / Speculation / Will BTC price surge when Coinbase starts accepting BCH withdrawals? on: October 17, 2017, 09:07:06 AM
Coinbase will open up for Bitcoin Cash withdrawals on January 1st, 2018. Will users dump their Bitcoin Cash into Bitcoin, and do you think it'll boost Bitcoin's price in any significant way?
22  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Should I invest now or wait a while? on: October 17, 2017, 08:51:42 AM
I'd invest before the upcoming fork on October 25th. Look what happened to the Bitcoin price after the Bitcoin Cash fork, the same is likely to happen again. You might want to wait a few days from now though, as Bitcoin got a huge boost just recently, and it might be somewhat overpriced at the moment.
23  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: How do you store your bitcoins? on: October 16, 2017, 09:43:23 AM
Cold storage, spread across multiple wallets. At least you won't lose everything if one of them is compromised. I only keep BTC at exchanges when I'm about to trade, and I withdraw when I'm not. More people should adopt this practice, exchanges are generally unsafe and not meant for storage of your coins.
24  Local / Skandinavisk / Re: kjøpe btc i Norge i dag. on: October 16, 2017, 09:28:19 AM
Virkelig, om du bruker Kraken, så burde du også vite at du ikke eier noen som helst Bitcoin.   Du bare vedder mot Kraken på kursen.   Du burde lese deg opp på Kraken sine retningslinjer og hvordan de jobber.  
Hos Kraken så eier du ingen Bitcoin ihvertfall.
Går de Konkurs så får du nada.

Er klar over det, har man ikke kontroll på egne keys så eier man ikke noe som helst. Overfører selvsagt fra Kraken til adresser som jeg kontrollerer selv.

Hvis en sepa overføring tar 30 min er tid et dårlig argument. Sist gang jeg overførte med sepa tok det et par døgn. Du må også ta hensyn til transaksjonskostnaden. Og som Goggen påpeker, du eier IKKE bitcoin før du har overført ut ifra Kraken.
Overføringer av Euro til Europa (SEPA) koster vanligvis 20-30 kroner i fast avgift, pluss at man ofte mister ca 1%-1.5% i valutavekslingen. Fra Skandiabanken til Kraken og Bitstamp var pengene som regel fremme next business day dersom betalingen ble lagt inn før lunch.

1. Du påpekte at det var feil at Kraken/Coinbase er billigst, noe som ikke stemmer. Det virker som du har bestemt deg på forhånd om at Bitmynt er billigst, og da kan du ikke ha regnet på det. Det spiller ingen rolle om det ikke er kostnader involvert i overføringen til Bitmynt. Jeg beklager dersom jeg virker kverulerende, men dette er misvisende. Det er tross alt andre her som vil vite hvor det er penger å spare.

Jeg sjekket flere SEPA-overføringer jeg har foretatt den siste tiden, og alle ga 0 NOK i avgift samt at Kraken ikke tar noe deposit fee. Under valutavekslingen tapte jeg omkring 0.5% hver gang. Er mulig jeg er heldig med tanke på hvilken bank jeg benytter.

Worst-case scenario: 30kr i fast avgift, 1.5% tap i valutaveksling, 0.001 BTC i transaksjonskostnad per dags dato etc etc, så sitter du fortsatt igjen med 5-700++ NOK spart per BTC når du handler fra steder som Kraken.

2. Du argumenterer deretter med tid, jeg går fint med på at Bitmynt er raskere som du sier, har aldri hevdet at Kraken/Coinbase er raskere.

Ved 2 døgns ventetid er det mottaker som er treg. Selve overføringen er like kjapp som om du skulle overføre mellom to ulike banker i Norge. Dette er med Danske Bank. Du kan risikere noe ventetid i noen tilfeller som du erfarte, selv om det i utgangspunktet skal gå mye raskere.

La oss si at man skal foreta en sizeable investering på 10 BTC i dag. Velger du å betale 5-7k NOK mer med din metode og få addet anonymitet på kjøpet, eller spare 5-7k NOK og heller vente i verste fall 2 dager (+ noe tid for overføring til egen adresse)? Du hadde kanskje valgt det første alternativet, men det hadde neppe majoriteten gjort. Det er en av grunnene til at jeg påstår at Kraken/Coinbase er best.

Begge kjøpsmetoder har uansett sine fordeler og ulemper, og jeg anbefaler selvsagt Bitmynt for de som vil ha Bitcoin kjapt og anonymt, og hvor det ikke er betydelige summer involvert Smiley
25  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: How long bitcoin will survive ? on: October 16, 2017, 07:35:36 AM
It'll survive for a long time. I wonder though, what would happen if a government or major bank decides to launch their own cryptocurrency, and back it up with a lot of financial muscle that the Bitcoin community simply doesn't have. Huge advertising campaigns (I've never seen a Bitcoin commercial where I live), helping their customer base with the transition to digital storage of their monetary assets, releasing fool-proof and secure ways to transact unlike the ones we see today where you can easily screw up if you don't know what you're doing, etc. That's the only way I can see Bitcoin fall.
26  Economy / Speculation / Re: btc hits 5300$ but will it drop back below 5000$ ? on: October 13, 2017, 08:26:20 AM
In the near future and after the forks, sure it can. When we approach $10000 which is a major psychological barrier, we'll see a lot of profit-taking going on. I imagine the price will drop to around $7000 after the first attempt to breach the barrier. I really don't see it dropping below $5000 after this. 
27  Economy / Speculation / Re: Now That We're Above $5000, how long until we hit $10,000 BTC on: October 13, 2017, 08:10:13 AM
I don't think we'll hit 10k this year but I believe we'll get there early 2018.  The fork itself isn't enough to almost double the price by that time.  6.5k-7k looks way more reasonable for the fork.

I agree, my bet is on January 2018. That might even be conservative, judging by the development this year.
28  Economy / Speculation / Re: Bought my first BTC @ $4600, slightly worried on: October 13, 2017, 07:53:43 AM
would be nice to see a reply from the OP to see if he really waited as suggested or that he chickened out earlier at the lower prices..  Huh

I stuck to my long-term plan, still have the 1 BTC (plus I bought some more at $3000 during the dip).
I feel slightly less worried now Tongue
29  Local / Skandinavisk / Re: kjøpe btc i Norge i dag. on: September 17, 2017, 07:25:14 PM
Du skriver at coinbase/kraken er "billigst og best, uten tvil."

Mulig jeg var en smule direkte, men dette er feil. Jeg har ingenting i mot coinbase/kraken/bitstamp som alle er gode alternativ. Bitmynt er uansett det beste alterativet for nordmenn. En handel er gjennomført på <5 minutt, ingen KYC/AML. Du får prøve neste gang du skal kjøpe.  Smiley

Ja jeg vurderte Bitmynt før jeg handlet, virker som et bra alternativ Smiley

I mitt tilfelle tok det 30 min fra jeg sendte Euro til Kraken, til jeg hadde Bitcoin i lomma. Jeg kjøpte 1 BTC og betalte i overkant av 1000kr mindre enn jeg måtte ha brukt hos Bitmynt. 1000kr spart for 25 min lenger ventetid enn det du nevner. Jeg skrev billigst, fordi det er desidert billigst uansett hvordan du snur og vender på det. Hva er feil med dette? Og ja, jeg skrev også best. Hvis du er villig til å betale overpris for noen minutter kortere ventetid eller vil beskytte identiteten din, så kan jeg se at det kan være mer attraktivt med Bitmynt for noen. I alle andre tilfeller, Kraken/Coinbase. Jeg er ikke ute etter å kverulere, du har nok mer erfaring med cryptohandel enn det jeg har, men vil bare informere om at det finnes alternativer hvor det er potensielt mye penger å spare i forhold til det du anbefaler.
30  Local / Skandinavisk / Re: kjøpe btc i Norge i dag. on: September 16, 2017, 09:17:55 PM
Dersom du bor i Norge og skal kjøpe Bitcoins, så er Coinbase eller Kraken (som er anerkjente tradingplatformer) de klart beste alternativene siden de tillater SEPA-overføringer fra bankkonto. Selv om Norge ikke er en del av EU, så er vi er en del av EEA (The European Economic Area), og man kan derfor benytte seg av SEPA. Det er så godt som gebyrfritt, raskt, og mye billigere enn å kjøpe Bitcoin med mye høyere rates hos for eks. Localbitcoins.

Å utføre en SEPA-overføring er lett; opprett vanlig betaling til utlandet i nettbanken din, og velg Euro som valuta. Resten av infoen du må legge til finner du (bruker Coinbase som eksempel), her:

Billigst og best, uten tvil Smiley

Dette er direkte feil. Bitmynt er langt bedre enn coinbase/kraken. Kjapt. Ingen kostnad med overføring av penger. Ingen KYC/AML.

Direkte feil? Det var da voldsomt Smiley

Pris per Bitcoin i skrivende stund:

Localbitcoins 31890 NOK (bankoverføring, billigste alternativ)
Bitmynt 30033 NOK
Kraken 29152 NOK (SEPA)
Coinbase 28933.90 NOK (SEPA)

Det er ingen kostnader involvert ved overføring av Euro til eller fra Kraken/Coinbase via SEPA mot norsk bankkonto. Ingen gebyrer ved omregning av valuta. Overføring skjer omtrent like raskt som mellom ulike banker innenlands.

Har jeg gått glipp av noe? Du må gjerne rette på meg hvis du mener jeg tar feil, men det er mye som tyder på at Kraken/Coinbase er billigst, og i tillegg kjapt.
31  Local / Skandinavisk / Re: kjøpe btc i Norge i dag. on: September 16, 2017, 06:24:56 PM
Dersom du bor i Norge og skal kjøpe Bitcoins, så er Coinbase eller Kraken (som er anerkjente tradingplatformer) de klart beste alternativene siden de tillater SEPA-overføringer fra bankkonto. Selv om Norge ikke er en del av EU, så er vi er en del av EEA (The European Economic Area), og man kan derfor benytte seg av SEPA. Det er så godt som gebyrfritt, raskt, og mye billigere enn å kjøpe Bitcoin med mye høyere rates hos for eks. Localbitcoins.

Å utføre en SEPA-overføring er lett; opprett vanlig betaling til utlandet i nettbanken din, og velg Euro som valuta. Resten av infoen du må legge til finner du (bruker Coinbase som eksempel), her:

Billigst og best, uten tvil Smiley
32  Economy / Speculation / Re: Bought my first BTC @ $4600, slightly worried on: September 14, 2017, 09:00:03 AM
Thanks for the advice so far guys. I was expecting a whole lot more negative criticism since I bought that high, but everyone has been really helpful. Much appreciated.

Some advice; do not look at the price every hour or everyday, just wait until next week or next month, it may takes several months before the price bounce back to $5000 again. Keep holding  Grin

I'm addicted to the charts at the moment, I figure I should just get used to the stress while I'm at it Grin trying not to check all the time though.

Surely you will recover your losses in the long run. It would be a real struggle to cut your losses than holding since that's a very decent amount you thrown there but think of if you sell it now then you will lose but if you hold it then you'll profit. Just hold and chill. It might dump even more so be prepared but don't panic. It will soon recover in a couple of days, weeks, or even months. Just trust Bitcoin.

Yeah, moving it around now would probably be a mistake, especially since I'm fairly new at trading. I've decided to hold it to the bitter end.

You buyed just when it got on the top of its price. That is a beginner mistake. Think if you would research a little and wait till now, you could buy 1 bitcoin with 700$ less and you would be closer to make profit in future. Anyway, I think there is absolutely no reason to worry. Dont panic and keep your bitcoin in wallet for future. Its price is going to double in next 2-3 years

I agree to a certain extent. In hindsight, sure, I bought too high. The ATH was over $4900 at the time, which was $300 above what I paid. The market was recuperating from the news about ICO fraud in China, and when the value regains strength after an event like that, it historically goes to new heights.

This was my rough analysis before I bought. I didn't do any technical analysis of the trends, only the above was evaluated. Unfortunately, both the news regarding exchange shutdowns and the JPMorgan CEO's comments appeared shortly after my purchase, and there were few telltale signs of that happening (as far as I know). That's 3 big ones in a row, and that's 10x worse than just 1 piece of bad news in my eyes.

If you spot any fallacies in my reasoning and would've done things differently, don't hesitate to correct me.

Hold on to it and if the price keeps dropping buy some more if you can afford it. I bought my first at €800 and then the price dropped to around €300. Bummer, but I bought some more and when the price went back up to €500 I would have been able to make a small profit by selling them. I haven't sold any BTC yet. I thought I was late to the party in 2013.

In the mean time, make sure your 1 BTC is secure in a desktop wallet, read the manual of your wallet, know how to backup and restore your wallet. Seeing the price drop is bad, losing your BTC because of a computer crash or virus or because the exchange gets hacked is the worst.

Definitely, I'm going to set aside a percentage of my income to buy the dips from now on. My Bitcoin wallet has been in cold storage from day 1, thank you for the heads up!

You bought "high", as in you bought during a bullish moment of growth. That's only a mistake in some very specific cases, so unless you used your rent/food money to buy those coins, and unless bitcoin died tomorrow (hint, that won't happen), you did fine. Not brilliant, but fine.

Now how to deal with the current collapse (other hint, you've not been in a crypto crash until you lose 60-80% of your potential value)?
This answer is where the simple yet complicated decisions come, and it's up to you.

Did you use money you needed in order to live to invest in bitcoin? Sell, now, at a loss, and don't come back until you've got money you can afford to light a cigar with.
You will rot your blood if you play with money you need to live off.

Did you buy these coins with a large fraction of your "superfluous" wealth? Then hold tight onto them, chances are very high that eventually price will increase above and beyond your entry point. Is it guaranteed? nope. Do we have a timeframe? Sure. Something between a day and a decade.

Well. Tongue Whether I spent from superfluous wealth is debatable. It's a lot of money, and some cuts in my daily life have to be made short term. So yeah, I did use some that would've come in handy. I'm kinda past that now though. It was frustrating the first couple of days, but you have to risk it to win it. The regret of watching the value potentially skyrocket years from now, not having taken part in it, would be infinitely worse than the regret of losing 1 BTC now in my opinion.
33  Economy / Speculation / Bought my first BTC @ $4600, slightly worried on: September 13, 2017, 08:02:11 AM
Hey guys, new member here Smiley

I've been watching Bitcoin's development since early August this year, and I finally gave in and bought 1 BTC for $4600. I didn't wait because I figured the value could easily break the $5000 barrier at any time, and if the price would suddenly normalize above that level, 1 BTC would be outside my budget.

I probably went OCD on the matter and should've waited instead of having to have 1 full BTC, especially since the ICO-related news from China were still pretty recent.

Anyway: the 2nd wave of news regarding shutdown of local exchanges hit hours after I made the purchace, and the value plummeted (it's now hovering just above $4000, that's a 13% decrease). Lesson learned I guess. I've been lurking on the forums for a couple of months trying to pick up some sound advice from you guys, and from what I've gathered I should stick with holding for 5-10 years instead of panicking. But honestly, it's tough to ride the lows.

Any words of encouragement? Grin I guess I'm not the only one who've had a nervous start in the world of cryptocurrencies. Anyone else feeling like they "need" to acquire 1 BTC before the train leaves the station for good?
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