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21  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Judi di Indonesia on: July 05, 2024, 04:34:14 AM
Mereka para mentri atau yang memiliki jabatan tinggi kayanya ga mau deh Om kalo pake uang mereka sendiri. Lebih enaknya pake uang yang didapat dari "uang panas" dari hasil yang lainnya. Tapi memang judi sudah sangat mengakar di negara ini apalagi dari zaman dahulu judi sudah menjadi seperti bagian dari orang-orang sehingga masih diteruskan sekarang ini dimana sudah ada koneksi internet yang sangat membantu mereka bermain judi.

Tapi ya lucu juga sih kalo orang yang berjudi online harus menerima bansos karena itu akan membuat orang-orang semakin dalam bermain judi. Mereka mungkin akan semakin addicted dengan perjudian.

Bener gan, ngapain dikasih bansos untuk orang yang main judi online, bukannya membantu mereka malah mereka semakin semangat lagi untuk bermain judi online, secara tak langsung mereka seperti di support oleh menteri untuk terus bermain judi online, soal sembako untuk keperluan rumah sudah disiapkan oleh menteri melalui bantuan bansos, jadi mereka harus memikirkan apalagi selain melanjutknan bermain judi online, tidak ada yang mereka harus pikirkan tentang kebutuhan dirmh, karna sudah mendapatkan bantuan dari negara berupa sembako, otomatis mereka semakin seamngat untuk bermain judi, ini yang harus pemerintah pikirkan jalan keluar, bukanua keluar jalan-jalan, mereka harus bisa mengatasi permasalahan ini bukan menambahkan permasalah yang lain.
22  Local / Topik Lainnya / Re: Pengobatan Terbaik Untuk Suatu Penyakit [Termasuk Diskusi Untuk Penyakit Lain] on: July 04, 2024, 04:26:58 PM
Waalaikumsalam gan.
Untuk mengatasi tenggorokan kering, gatal, dan berdahak akibat konsumsi gorengan, saran saya agan perbanyak minum air hangat atau minum obat herbal seperti ekstrak licorice atau kunyit mungkin dapat membantu mengurangi peradangan tenggorokan agan. Tetapi jika langkah tersebut tidak manjur dan kondisi agan masih tidak membaik atau berlanjut, sebaiknya agan konsultasi dengan dokter untuk diagnosis dan penanganan yang tepat supaya penyakit agan bisa teratasi dengan cepat.

Penyakit tersebut sering kambuh ketika cuaca lagi panas ekstriem, dimana terik matahari yang bersinar terang lalu di ikuti debu-debu yang bertebaran sehingga masuk kedalam hidung kita dan menjalar keseluruh rongga-rongga sehingga membuat tenggorokat sakit dan gatal-gatal, ketika musim seperti itu maka harus kita hindari dari makanan yang berminyak berlebihan, dan usahakan banyak minum air putih hangat, jaga pola makan dsn jaga kesehatan tubuh, istirahat yang cukup jangan konsumsi rokok yang berlebihan, kalau bisa mencegah lebih baik dari pada mengobati, itu menurut pandangan saya.
Sedekah jariah adalah tindakan yang terus menerus mengalirnya pahala untuk diri kita karna setiap orang melakukan ibadah didalam mesjid tersebut maka pahala akan terus menerus mengalir untuk diri kita sendiri, dari mana datangnya pahala jariah, dari sumbangan kita untuk pembangunan mesjid berupa material yang digunakan sehingga setiap orang yang melalukan ibadah didalamnya maka pahala terus menerus mengalir untuk siapa saja yang menyumbangkannya, tetapi yang harus dipertanyakan adalah, apakah ini bener-bener untuk sumbangan pembangunan tempat ibadah atau hanya embel-embel semata, biar mendapat iba dari kalangan lain, kalau memang ini bener dan amanah syukurlah, semoga ada orang-orang yang tergerak hatinya untuk menyumbangkan sedikit hartanya untuk pembangunan tempat ibadah.
24  Local / Trading dan Spekulasi / Re: Kesalahan Umum Trading Aset Crypto on: July 04, 2024, 04:10:08 PM
Ini tidak di sarankan sama sekali karena melihat Fomo atau hype dalam menjalankan perdagangan akan sangat berbahaya. Itu sebabnya perdagangan harus dilihat dari kemampuan seseorang untuk menjalani bukan mengandalkan media sosial dengan berita yang ada.

Iya bener gan, saya sependapat dengan agan, sebelum memulai trading terlebih dulu kita melihat sampai mana kemampuan kita dalam menjalani trading, karna bagaimanapun kemampuan dan mental diri sendiri sangat di perlukan dalam menjalani trading, tidak bisa dengan otodidak kita harus menggali ilmu untuk pedoman dan panduan untuk diri kita sendiri jangan bergantungan kepada orang lain, apalagi sampai Fomo ikut-ikutan kawan, resiko yang tanggung diri kita sendiri, kalau memang belom siap dalam menjalani trading lebih baik jangan, tetapi kalau mau melakukan dengan nekat resiko harus diterimang dengan lapang dada, kalau ingin menjalani trading maka yang harus di utamakan adalah ilmu trading dan penuh percaya diri sendiri, kita harus yakin dengan langkah-langkah yang kita ambil, dan semua resiko harus siap kita terima, jangan asal-asalan dan gegabah dalam mengambil tindakan.
25  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Pusat Data Nasional Mengalami Peretasan on: July 04, 2024, 03:58:56 PM
Sangat memalukan bahwa sekelas pemerintah pusat, itu tidak dapat menjaga data negara dengan baik dan bahkan mereka tidak memiliki backup atas data yang hilang tersebut. Jelas situasi seperti ini jelas sangat mengkhawatirkan, karena tanpa memiliki backup, data yang telah diretas tersebut dan terenkripsi mungkin tidak dapat dipulihkan kembali, terkecuali dengan membayar tebusan. Ya, kemungkinan data tersebut akan hilang secara permanen.

Dan disini saya merasa cukup kecewa dengan pemerintah yang acuh tak acuh dan seakan tidak peduli dengan keamanan siber dan data negara. Namun yang menjadi praduga saya, apakah memang skenario peretasan data ini  sengaja dibuat untuk menghilangkan barang bukti, atau untuk menutupi kemungkinan adanya kasus megakorupsi..? Apakah mungkin saja begitu, dan bagaimana menurut Anda.?

Bener gan, saya sependapat dengan agan, pemerintah saat ini seperti main-main dalam menghadapi permasalahan yang ada, masak sekelah data negara bisa di bobol oleh oknum yang tak bertanggung jawab, sekelas negara saja tidak bisa menjaga data penting negara apalagi sekelas pemerintah kab/kota, maka dari itu muncul pikiran-pikiran dari masyarakat tentang ketidak percaya lagi terhadap pemerintah saat ini, dengan kinerja mereka yang sangat bobrok ini bisa menyebabkan kerugian yang besar bagi negara dan masyarakat luas, setidaknya sekelas negara memiliki back up yang siap siaga, jangan sampai ini semua aka-akalan mereka untuk menutupi kejahatan yang telah mereka lakukan selama ini.
26  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Day trading or Long term on: July 03, 2024, 05:35:22 AM
Choosing the wrong asset is about long-term trading, but for day trading it does not matter much because for this only local movements within a few minutes or hours are important. And long-term trading is somewhat similar to investing, where the asset is of great importance so that we are confident in it. I like medium-term trading, so as not to rush to exit too much in case of a not very good entry, but at the same time I don’t like to stay in a trade for a long time.

Short-term trading requires a lot of effort so that we can control our emotions so that we don't make the wrong choice so that it doesn't harm us, for short-term trading we have to really focus and monitor the charts at all times so that we know when the price starts to rise, that's where we sell. If you get a profit, even if it's not much, when we choose to maintain, we must be prepared for all the risks we accept.

If we trade long term, the thing we have to take is to choose coins that are really good so that we don't suffer losses later, and we have to take the safe route by buying coins for a long period of time, we have to use capital from our savings, not from borrowing, because In the long term it will not necessarily be profitable, when the price starts to fall then we have to patiently wait for the coin to rise before we can buy it, by using our own savings we have taken a path that is not risky.
27  Economy / Economics / Re: The Higher the capital the higher the returns on: July 03, 2024, 04:54:57 AM
The higher the capital = the higher chance to get more profit but at the same time it is also has higher risk to lose bigger amount of money. There are some other things to consider aside capital such as plan, strategy, timing, and capital efficiency. Without good plan, good strategy, good timing as well as good capital efficiency, our huge capital will be useless or even worse it will only lead us into negative result.

I'm sure there were many failed business in this world although they started with big capital. The reason can be different from one business to other, but I think the most common reason is about failure in managing the capital wisely because of wrong plans and strategies while running the business. So I cant fully agree that the higher capital = the higher the returns, because there is no guarantee of profit in any kind of business. When a risk is involved, we should always aware that there is possibility to lose regardless how much our capital.

Agree with your view, the more capital we have, the more profit we get, because the more capital we spend, the more risk we take, because the amount of capital does not guarantee a lot of profit, but a lot of the profit comes from our methods. manage it.

That's why before we spend a lot of capital on a business, the most important thing is that we must first learn how to manage a business correctly and on target, because it all has to start with knowledge, not just determination, there is an intention that we have to understand and the knowledge, then After that we can increase capital little by little, don't immediately spend a lot of capital at once.
28  Economy / Economics / Re: Money is all wealth? on: July 03, 2024, 04:41:51 AM
Wealth is utilized by the abundance of valuable assets in our possession. It keeps our stability flowing in balance equilibrium. The world is a very cruel place to exists but we're left with no option than accept the basic facts of the system and continue hitting the nail on the head. Money is crucially important for our existence on planet earth. We literally need it to sort our bills everyday and also for survival because that's the major aim everyone keeps pushing for.

Money is not everything, but everything requires money, nothing is free in this world, except breathing and farting, everything requires money, indeed money cannot buy happiness, but happiness comes from money, in the sense that when we want to have something then that thing we have to exchange it with the money we have, when we don't have money we won't have the item, that's a small example.

But there is also happiness that comes not from money, that is health for ourselves, we can gather with a complete family and relatives, it is a happiness that comes not from money but from a sincere heart and a clean mind, money is not the final benchmark. for happiness, because we can create happiness ourselves.
29  Economy / Economics / Re: Money doesn't guarantee happiness. on: July 03, 2024, 04:30:30 AM
Money is a tool that makes people confused when the only thing that is pursued is for the lifestyle as long as he is still breathing. A clear source of money where it comes from is also not entirely a peace of mind and happiness of life, I mean if people are accustomed to wealth for generations, of course they consider money like pieces of newspaper that are not special Cheesy .

I agree that by giving to others (who really need it) the atmosphere of emotion and happiness will be felt, otherwise if you give to people who are economically equal, it feels like there is no effect of happy hormones in yourself Grin.

If it happens like that, I think there is a space that makes him express his satress language with over thinking. Better to relax, mingle and enjoy life. for me money is a tool but inner satisfaction is when we are together and enjoy time together.

Money does not guarantee happiness, but happiness comes from ourselves, as we make ourselves happy in our own way, many people are rich but don't get happiness, they have a lot of thoughts and stress, even though they have a lot of wealth but don't know Where else do they want to take them, because they already have everything they want, for those of us who don't have a lot of money, we definitely think that if we have a lot of money, we will definitely be happy, that's not necessarily true, what we have to do is be grateful for what we have. we have, and never think about things that we can't necessarily get, when we have a lot of money the thing we have to remember is, a little of our wealth has the rights of other people, such as orphans, the poor, etc. people who need it, to guarantee our wealth and clean up our possessions so that we can be calm and happy.
30  Economy / Economics / Re: Isn't it all about money? on: July 03, 2024, 04:18:29 AM
Currently, to be able to do something, of course you really need money to be able to do what they want to do and for some people who don't believe in this, perhaps they have never felt the position they are in when they don't have money and want to do something but they can't. do it because you don't have money.

It is true that in society it is very unlikely that people who have little money will be able to give their opinions and be heard by other people, even though the opinions they give are very good to use, this is a reality that must be accepted by them and when people who have a lot of money give opinions and What is said is not good, of course someone will listen because they have a lot of money.

You are right, of course we have to look for various ways to still be able to make money and we have to do it in a way that doesn't violate existing rules so we don't have problems when we get money from the hard work we have done.

Agree with your opinion, it has become commonplace among society, things like that often happen everywhere, where a person's opinion is measured by how much money a person has, the view of people who have a lot of money is highly respected and respected but by people who don't. having a lot of mediocre money, in fact the views given are not true.

Money is the key to everything, everything you need must be money, the most important thing is to have enough money for your daily needs, when we don't have money but we really need something, our hearts and feelings are really eroded when we can't. If we get the item because we don't have money, we have to be more active in finding money in the right way so that problems don't occur in the future.
31  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Is Gambling A Hobby? on: July 02, 2024, 06:29:48 PM
Yes, I also admit that recently types of games such as slots have become increasingly popular, they can be very entertaining when we have free time because there are lots of game choices that we can choose from with different characters and ways of executing them. On the other hand, if we talk about the negative side then yes, of course in fact any type of gambling, if someone treats their gambling in the wrong way, for example, tends to be excessive, then it is clear that the impact will definitely be the same regardless of what type of game you play. What this means is that as long as we can take care of ourselves in the sense of treating gambling activities according to our abilities and not exceeding them then yes of course we will be able to enjoy the excitement but also will not experience significant negative impacts, the meaning is that it depends on you, and wherever you bet if you are able to control your gambling activities then everything will remain fine.

Yes, bro, because people's hobbies are different, but sometimes that hobby can be accompanied by looking for a profit, where the profit can make us even more passionate, in the sense of gambling, you have to know your limits, don't let it be because you are too addicted to gambling, it will cause damage. ourselves, because if we indulge in excessive passion it will bring us harm, because gambling does not always bring benefits to us, sometimes we also lose and fall, what must be underlined is, make gambling a hobby, not just a livelihood, where we can balance gambling itself, make gambling just a pleasure, not sustainable, each has its own limits, that is what we have to apply to ourselves, we have to control the limits so that it doesn't result in a loss.
32  Economy / Economics / Re: Resources are not infinity on: July 02, 2024, 05:21:13 PM

Humans always adapt in whatever situation. But right now there is already technology that can make things happen. It's just the government that is preventing all things from happening. For example, the car powered by water (hydrogen), this kind of technology was already patented a long time ago. Still, the big oil industry is stopping it from prospering since it affects the economy.

Comes a time when oil is no more I guess we'd be using water already. AFAIK Toyota already has hydrogen cars.

There are several unlimited resources, such as Water, Air, Sunlight and Sea, and experts in our country have thought about it in order to anticipate a shortage of resources from electricity and fuel oil, but the government has not allocated all of them, because they cannot guarantee about productivity from unlimited resources, which will cause deep anxiety for all of us, one day electricity and fuel oil will disappear. We can already anticipate this when we now start little by little starting from non-existent natural resources. Finally, we can practice from now on vehicles that use hydrogen so that later we won't be too indifferent when electric power and fuel oil disappear.
33  Economy / Marketplace / Re: What do you buy/want to buy with crypto? on: July 02, 2024, 05:00:06 PM
This is so, and in general it is very cool to live in the age of cryptocurrency, when we not only see how it is changing the world, but also participate in it.

And my answer to the main question of this topic will be this: I would buy even more cryptocurrency. I don't need iPhones and luxuries, these things don't really make anyone happy, we need to strive for full economic independence, and not hang ourselves with jewelry.

Talking about buying something with crypto is very fun, because there are many assets that we have to buy through crypto, that way we can develop our assets into even more, because crypto assets can be profitable for us, that way we can buy other assets with crypto, you can in the form of gold and a plot of land.

Crypto assets that move for us by investing our savings through crypto we can add other assets instead of buying things that cannot produce profits, when we already have a lot of assets that move then we can buy other items such as vehicles for our needs daily.
34  Economy / Economics / Re: acquiring many properties in the name of owning an asset on: July 02, 2024, 04:47:35 PM
Some riches own many properties to make them popular, they doesn’t care if it is productive or not, owning some properties is good because if you own a company, factory, or industries and you employed people it will reduced the rate of unemployment, but it is not advisable for someone to acquired many properties that he won’t be able to focus on, owning many properties Is now like a competition to some riches, they always want to be richer than each other

Indeed it is substantial to acquire asset for the sake of our future, you don’t have to invest in many things to showoff, even just a property can stand as an asset if you make it productive, for example if you own a private health care and you put all your attention on it, it will develop stronger and become standard, when a time come that you don’t have power to work anymore the health care will be supportive and beneficiary to you

Having lots of assets is very important for us because our life is not always beautiful, by being able to develop our business and by being able to save with some assets that is a very good achievement, with assets we have more or less saved ourselves from the economic crisis in the future. the upcoming one.

Assets in the form of property can become movable assets for us, that way we can be calmer in our old age. By focusing on movable assets, we can enjoy them. We have to think carefully about property assets, because there are many parties involved, in terms of workers and managers, whether good or bad depends on how we manage it, the assets we can get a lot don't have to be property, we can also get other things to increase our own assets.
35  Local / Topik Lainnya / Re: Hukum di Negeri Ini on: June 23, 2024, 11:34:55 AM
Begitu lah gan pakta nya tapi pakta-pakta semua itu dianggap tidak ada atau pura-pura tidak terlihat, karena sebenarnya mereka sudah mengetahuinya bahwa itu tidak benar tapi dengan kegilaan nya terhadap pangkat maka mereka semua pura-pura tuli dan buta,maka tidak heran para petinggi di Indonesia selalu pakai kacamata min jika membaca hal penting(karena mata mereka sudah tidak berpungsi dengan baik😅😅😅)🤭.

Iya gan, sungguh sangat miris negara kita sekarang ini, para pejabat sungguh keterlaluan dalam mengambil keputusan dan sikap, aturanpun sudah amburadur, dari pihak berwajib pun sudah menjadi permainan dengan hukum, dari segi politik juga sudah menjadi bahan lelucon mereka, dimana mereka mengusung para-para pelawak menjadi kepala daerah maupun wakil kepala daerah, mau dibawa kemana negara ini kalau negara ini sudah dijadikan bahan mainan mereka-mereka semua, apakah sudah berkurang orang-orang pintar di negara ini sehingga para pelawak harus dijadikan kepala daerah, seiring dengan waktu negara kita tidak tertata lagi layaknya sebuah negara.
36  Local / Topik Lainnya / Re: Kita harus mencintai dan menikmati proses on: June 23, 2024, 11:19:18 AM

Tentu saja gan ane sebagai pemula di forum ini tetap santai aja dulu nikmatin hal hal di forum ini, karena ga ada juga yang sukses instant, kalau mau sukses harus enjoy aja dulu nanti lama lama nyaman sendiri dan mungkin banyak yang senior di forum ini pun begitu juga.

ane main forum ini sambilan kerja gan jadi kalau lagi free ane buka forum baca baca semua tentang forum ini, jadi ya ane nikmatin aja prosesnya dulu dan nanti kan kaya orang bilang ada usaha ada hasil.

Iya gan, dalam setiap pekerjaan kita harus menikmati itu agar kita tidak merasa bosa, bawa happy aja gan, setiap proses ada tantangan masing-masing, makin besar tantangan makin besar juga rasa percaya diri kita terhadap sebuah tanggung jawab, karna sebuah usaha yang kita lakukan adalah proses menuju kejayaan untuk diri kita, emang di forum ini tidak instan untuk menghasilkan keuntungan, banyak waktu yang harus kita peras di sini, kita harus belajar lebih giat lagi, walaupun lambat tetapi pasti, jangan gegabah untuk mencari sebuah keuntungan, karna semua memilik proses bukan dengan cara instan, tetap semangat gan.
37  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: [Merit] Share your best local board posts/topics on: June 23, 2024, 11:02:48 AM
Indonesia Local Board

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38  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: [Merit] Share your best posts/threads with Fillippone to be merit assessed on: June 22, 2024, 09:11:17 AM
Round : 3

Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Category: Opinion
Board     : Economics

Re: Waiting for the market to improve
Category: Opinion
Board     : Marketplace

Re: What ways can a trader raise money?
Category: Opinion
Board     : Trading Discussion

Re: Why you should only hold Bitcoin
Category: Opinion
Board     : Bitcoin Discussion

Re: Day trading or Long term
Category: Opinion
Board     : Trading Discussion
39  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [HELP]Bantuan untuk menaikkan Rank (Newbie s.d Hero) V.2 [UPDATE] on: June 21, 2024, 05:54:13 AM
Salam silaturahmi dan salam sejahtera bagi kita semua.
Semoga selalu sehat wal'afiat dan selalu diberikan kelancaran dalam melaksanakan aktivitas sehar-hari.

Pada kesempatan kali ini ijinkan saya untuk mengajukan beberapa postingan untuk di review oleh rekan-rekan SFI.

Mohon arahan dan bimbingan dari rekan-rekan semua!

40  Local / Trading dan Spekulasi / Re: [Untuk Newbie] Alasan Untuk Tidak Trading Uang Pinjam on: June 21, 2024, 03:47:34 AM
sangat tidak disarankan ketika berdagang menggunakan uang hasil dari pinjaman, atau bahkan ketika uang itu adalah milik kita sendiri pun saya tidak menyarankannya apabila uang itu untuk kebutuhan lain. Kita harus menggunakan uang dingin dan memang khusus kita alokasikan untuk berdagang.
Kita semua sepakat bahwa perdagangan memiliki resiko yang sangat tinggi, oleh karena itu persiapan yang matang harus kita persiapkan termasuk dalam uang yang akan kita gunakan untuk berdagang.
Kita jangan melihat keuntungan yang akan kita dapatkan ketika berdagang, namun justru kita harus melihat resiko yang akan kita rasakan. Sebab jika hanya melihat kepada keuntungan, maka semua orang ingin mendapatkan keuntungan. Namun pada prakteknya itu tidak mudah sama sekali dan harus memiliki mental yang kuat.

Setuju gan, karna dalam sistem perdagangan itu semua butuh prosesnya, yang mana proses itu sendiri memakan waktu yanh cukup lumayan, makanya kita dianjurkan untuk berdagang dengan uang pribadi bukan dari hasil pinjam lebih-lebih hasil pinjol yang akan membuat diri sendiri menjadi stres, kita alokasikan dana kita untuk berdagang dengan uang tabungan kita, yang uang itu sendiri aman ketika kita berdagang tanpa harus resah memikirkan kapan balik modal, selain kita harus menyiapkan modal untuk kita berdagang, kita harus mempersiapkan mental yang kuat untuk keamanan diri kita sendiri, karna modal saja tidak cukup untuk kita berdagang, ada ilmu dan mental yang harus kita terapkan pada diri kita.
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