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21  Local / 挖矿 / Re: 全网算力和矿机大战的预测 on: July 31, 2013, 10:36:52 AM
22  Economy / Economics / Re: Now that BTC is illegal in Thailand, which country will ban BTC next? on: July 31, 2013, 10:25:35 AM
For small countries, bitcoin is a big threat. But for big countries like the US, btc has little impact on the legal tender. So I think there is little policy risk in a short run.

do countries use other countries' 'legal' decisions as precedence?

I am not sure about it. One thing is sure that any government does not want to lose their power of issuing currency. Big countries do not have to worry about it now.
23  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / Re: “泰国封杀比特币”的消息可信吗? on: July 31, 2013, 09:17:32 AM
24  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / Re: 【不考虑入场费】大家更愿意在那个股票交易所购买股票? on: July 30, 2013, 07:41:44 PM
是一开始有个选项,结果我手贱勾选了。我网站内部support提问了,没有答复。仔细看了下FAQ,以下是原文“First you must set your Withdrawal Address. It will ask you if you want to make it permanent. This is a security feature, but be careful, it really is permanent. Once you set it, it cannot be changed ever again. ”
我也悲惨的锁定过地址,加上BTC-TC的人工提款..资金流转的那个烦啊...转一圈,行情就没了 Undecided..跟客服联系了很久,可能我们这样的情况有很多人把,现在他们推出了一个复位功能,在Support那里显示的第一个框框"For PIN, WITHDRAWAL ADDRESS LOCK, YUBIKEY, and GOOGLE AUTH reset requests: [CLICK HERE]".....
但是解锁要等30天时间,我还有13天呢 Embarrassed Embarrassed
25  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / Re: 我做的掷骰子游戏 大家帮忙看看算法行不 on: July 30, 2013, 09:51:29 AM
26  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / Re: 【不考虑入场费】大家更愿意在那个股票交易所购买股票? on: July 30, 2013, 09:45:39 AM

27  Other / Meta / Re: Get Donator status by donating 10 BTC on: July 30, 2013, 09:02:06 AM
If you donate 10 BTC (which pays for about a month of hosting), you get donator status:

If you donate 50 BTC, you get VIP status, which allows you to set a custom title:

This is not (yet) automatic: you need to PM me before donating. See the new donation page for more details.

This is part of an effort to make the forum self-sustaining. If donations alone are not enough, a few auctioned-off text ads will probably be added.

I've sent you PM, but didn't get any response. Would you please check it for me?
28  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / Re: 【不考虑入场费】大家更愿意在那个股票交易所购买股票? on: July 30, 2013, 03:16:29 AM

29  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / 【不考虑入场费】大家更愿意在那个股票交易所购买股票? on: July 29, 2013, 01:44:51 PM
30  Economy / Economics / Re: Now that BTC is illegal in Thailand, which country will ban BTC next? on: July 29, 2013, 10:28:59 AM
For small countries, bitcoin is a big threat. But for big countries like the US, btc has little impact on the legal tender. So I think there is little policy risk in a short run.
31  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / Re: 要重视同行的意见,小心上当受骗 on: July 29, 2013, 07:50:17 AM

32  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / Re: 致各交易平台行业大佬们的一封信 on: July 29, 2013, 06:19:57 AM
33  Economy / Economics / Re: How does a country fully adopt Bitcoin? on: July 29, 2013, 06:08:12 AM
I chatted with a lawyer yesterday about this topic. He told me that if the government (CB) could not issue and endorse the currency, other countries would not accept it as a legal foreign exchange.

But I do not agree, because if lots of people accept bitcoin, we can do our exchange without the government like what we do now. No government endorse the value of gold, but a government can still use gold as its primary currency, so does bitcoin.
34  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / Re: 券商专业人士谈796 IPO on: July 29, 2013, 05:53:56 AM
35  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / Re: 烤猫的好日子快到头了。有股票的赶紧套现吧。 on: July 29, 2013, 05:47:15 AM
36  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / Re: 比特币每周十问(1):我为什么如此热衷比特币 on: July 04, 2013, 06:32:27 PM

37  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / 比特币每周十问(1):我为什么如此热衷比特币 on: July 04, 2013, 01:51:29 PM

原文链接 (本文首发于「新浪科技创事记:」,发布时有改动)


Q1 为什么如此热衷比特币?

A: 因为他是一种最接近我理想中货币形式的货币:不依靠任何政府或者中央银行机构,完全按照一套固定的生成规则发行。尽管它在我看来可能还有一些缺陷,但我更愿意把它看成是一种自由货币的发端,从这个意义上讲,我把整个比特币经济圈都当成是一场社会实验。实验当然存在失败的可能性,可人类社会也是在不断的试错中发展的。但为了自己的理想做实验是一件幸福的事情,我已经为实验失败做了充足的准备。我的所有关于比特币的看法都是基于这个前提的,所以请不要把我这个系列的文章当作投资建议。非要听投资建议的话,我想说,高风险高收益。比特币的市值几千倍的涨,对应前面那句话,想想风险有多高。

Q2 如果没有政府担保,凭什么相信这种货币?

A: 一个理性的人应该对任何事情都持怀疑态度,一个有人情味的理性的人至少对骗过他的人要持怀疑态度。所以说在问这个问题之前,建议翻翻历史,看看当权者骗过我们多少次呢?我想比你十个前女友加起来都多。对于我来说,宁愿相信一个看得明白的规则,也不愿相信一个曾经几次三番骗过我的人的承诺。


Q3 既然你觉得政府不靠谱,你的意思是该把所有前都换成比特币?

A: 这个,我再说一遍,「一个理性的人应该对任何事情都持怀疑态度,一个有人情味的理性的人至少对骗过他的人要持怀疑态度。」你应该在很多地方听到过这样一句话:「不要把所有的鸡蛋全放在一个篮子里。」塞浦路斯的人如果不把所有资产全压在本国货币上,而是持有美元,欧元,人民币等等各种货币和资产的话,金融危机也不会对他们有太大打击。比特币完全可以成为你放鸡蛋的一个篮子。当然,如果你真的想把自己所有的鸡蛋全砸在一个篮子里以博取高收益的话,也是你个人的自由选择,而且确实有人这么做,看看瑞典海盗党的创始人Rickard Falkvinge就知道了。

Q4 那比特币到底是一种用什么担保的货币呢?

A: 如果说非要有担保的话,就是用信用担保的货币。有人愿意接受这种货币,那么你就能用这种货币来买东西。

Q5 那如果背后的信用体系崩塌了,岂不就变成一堆无用的二进制数字了?

A: 说得好,塞浦路斯货币已经接近一堆白纸和数字了。

Q6 你是否觉得比特币在未来某一天会消亡?

A: 肯定会有这么一天,但我觉得不太可能是因为信用崩塌。我觉得愿意接受它的人的群体一旦形成规模,就很难倒退回去,毕竟没有什么机构在那里疯狂印比特币让你手里的资产贬值。我更愿意相信比特币消亡的那一天是另一种新的更好的货币取代比特币的那一天。不过还是那句话,既然是社会实验,就存在实验失败的可能性。

Q7 照你这么说,比特币会威胁到政府的货币发行权,难道政府不会出台措施封禁掉比特币么?

A: 比特币是一种基于P2P技术的货币,政府要关停一个基于P2P技术的东西的难度和封禁全网差不多,所以哪怕真的有一天比特币威胁到了政府对金融的控制,政府也要权衡封禁这种虚拟货币的代价。何况,要撼动政府货币发行权没有想象的那么容易。

Q8 如果大家都用比特币了,政府的税收怎么解决啊?(一个法国人问我的问题)

A: 我觉得吧,别替政府瞎操心了,政府想收你钱有的是办法,还是先关心一下自己的养老金能否取出来比较靠谱。

Q9 有人说比特币交易市场有「庞氏骗局」的某些特征,你怎么看?

A: 你只是说有「某些特征」,那我承认,其实绝大多数投资都有「庞氏骗局」的某些特征:你都要交钱给别人,别人都会承诺给你回报,权益可交易,都存在低买高卖的情况……不是吗?但你要说这就是「庞氏骗局」,建议先查查「庞氏骗局」的定义,相信我,虽然这个术语很唬人,但定义你肯定能看明白。

Q10 现在大家对比特币的狂热怎么看着像17世纪荷兰的郁金香花球泡沫呢?

A: 其实和上一个问题一样,很多东西都有相似的地方。一些人很狂热的做事情,无论具体在做什么,看他们的样子都差不多。但是类比的时候除了要关注相同的地方,更要看看不同的地方,比如郁金香花球会腐败变质(就像我上一段爱情一样),但基于信用的二进制数字却天长地久。

38  Other / Beginners & Help / Our Conquest is the sea of stars on: June 28, 2013, 11:44:49 PM
Our Conquest is the sea of stars

By Hailong Hao

“Money is much too serious a matter to be left to central bankers.”
— Milton Friedman
When Nobel laureate Milton Friedman wrote down these words, he may not have expected that within three years after his death, people began to use Bitcoin (Bitcoin, BTC), a virtual currency based on Internet. As advocated by Milton Friedman that the rights to issue currency should be taken away from central bank, this is quite a great social experiment in recent years. However, since a variety of economic practices that he has promoted, we are sure about one thing- he never doubted that his dream could come true.

In this sense, Dr. Friedman was regarded as a practical idealist. Nobel Prize is not easy to get hands on, but there has never been short of idealists. Except speculators, these idealists are an important reason why Bitcoin could spread and still strong today. I think ASICME.COM’s founder Yaorui Yang could be counted as one of those idealists.

When I first got in touch with him, Yaorui was just releasing Bitcoin miner development plans. Because of the soaring market value of Bitcoin recently, media has a lot of reports about it. (There is one thing for sure in China, if an Internet product is in CCTV news, it must has become very popular in Internet.) At the same time, a large number of mining teams mushroomed in the market. However, the core hardware Avalon chips made by Dr. "Pumpkin Zhang,” need reservation to buy, most of these teams are selling “futures” in terms of this circumstance. So does ASICME.COM team. As a doctoral student in economics, I keep my eyes on Bitcoin since it released. Although I did not mining many, I am so interest in this worldwide social experiment. I ordered a miner from butterflylabs (of course, it is also a future). Since butterfly team has “bounced check” history, I even suspect that I may end up with leaving the machine on the shelf for two decades after I get them and then sell them as historic souvenirs. So I decided to book one more and I finally chose to order  from ASICME.COM. And this is how I finally become part of  ASICME.COM team.

The reason why I chose them seems ridiculous. When I saw a photo of Yaorui, I thought he was a crazy man. However, from the wild face I could feel the entrepreneurial spirit inside. On his Douban’s(a SNS website in china) home page, there is a list of the things he was engaged. It appears that he is a person who follows his heart and does whatever he is interested in. But, only the people following their hearts are able to understand how difficult it is - because such a person should be responsible for an idea that casually comes in his mind.

Later I found that he is anarchist. The reason to join Bitcoin business is to fulfill his dream. “isn’t it for money?” You are right, it is also for money. God will not allow if idealists could not make money. But compared to the “money only” team, the team with a dream is more sincere. If you believe that the rights to issue currency should not be given to central banks, you will feel just the existence of Bitcoin is a wonderful thing. If you do not have the similar experience, I strongly  advice you to have a try; trust me, you will not be disappointed. Our team is such a group of people.

If we did not have common ideal, you could hardly imagine how the people like us could do business together:

Yaorui Yang(Sanya / Lhasa): initiator, co-founder of (“Chinese facebook”), founder of the ASICME.COM, owns a surfing club, and a inn in Tibet.

Le Kang (Beijing / Hong Kong): manager of big customers, ex-operations director, Commercial Director of

Hardware Team Leader (Beijing): Senior Hardware Engineer, 7 years experience in hardware development, five years of experience in FPGA development. Specializes in high-speed digital signal processing hardware design.
Software Team Leader (Beijing): 7 years experience in the development of embedded systems, industrial product development experience. A well-known mobile phone chip company engaged in the development of the underlying software. Specializes in hardware and software development and Linux systems development and software-hardware combined adjusting.
Hailong Hao (Paris): PhD Student in Economics
Wenpei Xu(Xiamen): Executive Director of FuJian WanXingLong Group

Jingwen Xu(Shanghai): Master in Designing management, cofounder of a independent brand, ex-brand planner in Ormosia group

Ya Jia (Beijing): Formerly worked in an Asian top-five hedge funds, Chief strategy officer of a luxury website.

Shuang Geng(Beijing): customer service, HR of automobile consultant company

Zhan Jin(Wuxi): customer service, Hezhifushi customer service team leader

San Ye (Wuxi): customer service, Hezhifushi customer service

If we merely have the ideal, our project would not complete financing in just seven days and successfully released. We are all in part-time to do this and we are in different parts of the world. Decentralization meets the idea of bitcoin, and I believe it’s no coincidence. If we do not trust the Internet, neither bitcoin nor our collaboration can generate so much energy.

Let’s talk about the products. Otherwise someone will think I was some "life coach" who only talks about dreams. We are developing the first generation of mining machines using chips from another company, Avalon, and have titled this line of products “ASICME Avalon”. They are foolproof and plug-and-play devices, so you do not need a computer to operate them. Meanwhile, ASICME improves upon flaws present in the original Avalon machine. The most powerful in this linup can mine approximately 88 Bitcoins per month at current mining difficulty level (a calculator for mining is here), which is based on the strongest ASICME 320 models and also supports extensions. The most important thing is that we have booked batches of Avalon chips, and we promise: if we can receive the chips on time, we ship the miner in 90 days after you order. Because of Dr. Pumpkin Zhang's credibility in the industry, we believe that we can delivery on time.

If you have Avalon Chips, we are pleased to produce our bitcoin miners for you, no matter where are you live in. We will deliver miner in 15-20 days after we received your chips. We will compensate customers for any loss incurred in the event of a chip failure.  

Yaorui Yang, the founder, tweeted on (Chinese twitter) recently, “Our Conquest is the sea of stars”.  Those who are familiar with Legend of Galactic Heroes should also be familiar with these words. However if the earth is still not in “universal harmony”, how can we say we can start our odyssey in the universe? This sentence may become a romantic fantasy. But I would say that a currency, which can circulate worldwide without coercive power by any government, is exactly a start of “universal harmony”. In this sense, we have embarked on a journey of the first step. ”Our Conquest is the sea of stars."

[More details see ASICME official website ASICME.COM]

I am the author of this essay, and the purpose of this post is to get the authority to send PM. sorry to bother you.
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