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Facebook Campaign:Правила:Только аккаунты с минимум 200 подписчиками будут участвовать в Facebook кампании Напиши минимум 25 слов описывая наша сообщество, постарайся написать описание и приглашение своими словами. Добавь хештэг #ICOGOcommunity к своему посту. Разрешается только 1 пост в 2 дня для одного участника. Минимум 10 постов в течении 1 цикла Как участвовать?1. Присоединитесь к нашему Discord серверу. . 2. Сгенерируйте собственную ссылку для экспресс-приглашений, УБЕДИТЕСЬ, что вы поставили галочку и сгенерировали НЕ ИСТЕКАЮЩУЮ ссылку, с бесконечным количеством использований. В противном случае вы не сможете участвовать в распределении. 3. Заполните эту форму.Награды 200 - 1000 подписчиков 1 доля 1001 - 2000 подписчиков 1,5 доли Больше 2000 подписчиков 2 доли Twitter Campaign:Правила:Только аккаунты с минимум 100 подписчиками будут участвовать в Twitter кампании Напиши минимум 25 слов описывая наша сообщество, постарайся написать описание и приглашение своими словами. Добавь хештэг #ICOGOcommunity к своему посту. Разрешается только 1 пост в 2 дня для одного участника. Минимум 10 постов в течении 1 цикла Как участвовать?1. Присоединитесь к нашему Discord серверу. . 2. Сгенерируйте собственную ссылку для экспресс-приглашений, УБЕДИТЕСЬ, что вы поставили галочку и сгенерировали НЕ ИСТЕКАЮЩУЮ ссылку, с бесконечным количеством использований. В противном случае вы не сможете участвовать в распределении. 3. Заполните эту форму.Награды 200 - 1000 подписчиков 1 доля 1001 - 2000 подписчиков 1,5 доли Больше 2000 подписчиков 2 доли
Приглашаю вас стать частью нашего сообщества и принять участие в нашей уникальной баунти кампании!
Чем отличается ICOGO от других сообществ? Здесь ты будешь зарабатывать и реализовывать себя.
ICOGO - это сообщество о криптовалютах, блокчейне и децентрализованных технологиях, В котором активные члены форума получают оплату за свое участие. Аудитория ICOGO базируется на Discord.
ICOGO.BIZ - это форум нового поколения, разработанный для создания качественных коммуникаций между членами сообщества, для повышения конверсии, администрация приняла решение удерживать аудиторию и направлять трафик от баунти кампании на Discord сервере, после чего перенаправлять его на форум (ICOGO.BIZ).
ICG - это цифровая валюта сообщества, которой награждаются активные члены форума и участники баунти кампании. Администрация ICOGO придерживается принципов контролируемой поставки и дефляции, тем самым устанавливая фундаментальную ценность своей валюты, интегрируя ICG в экономику сообщества, для вызова дефляции и повышения покупательной способности ICG, администрация выделит минимум 20% полученной от рекламы прибыли (в эквиваленте в долларах США) для выкупа и уничтожения излишних токенов.ICG это ERC20 совместимый токен на блокчейне Ethereum.
Администрация не будет прибегать к ICO для распространения ICG. Монеты делятся на равные доли среди активных членов ICOGO.BIZ форума каждые пять недель в течение 250 недель. Дополнительная информация о распределении указана в нашем White Paper, а эта тема о баунти.
Для баунти администрация зарезервировала 2,000,000ICG (15,3% от общей эмиссии).
Распределение будет продолжаться в течение 2 периодов, каждый из которых состоит из 10 циклов. Один цикл длится 5 недель.
1 Period/10cycles 1 cycle/5weeks 134,000 ICG 2 Periods/10cycles 1 cycle/5weeks 66,000 ICG
Распределение бюджета баунти кампании
Signature Bounty 40% Blog Article & Videos Campaign 20% Quora 15% Twitter Bounty 10% Facebook Bounty 10% Giveaway 5%
Администрация оставляет за собой право вносить изменения в ниже указанные правила, перераспределять бюджет, отменять кампании, но только при условии официального уведомления не менее чем за 7 дней до начала нового цикла. После того, как цикл начался администрация не имеет никакого права вносить подобные изменения. В случае отмены баунти кампании, не задействованные для распределения ICG токены будут сожжены и навсегда выведены из оборота.
Подписная баунти
40% от общего баунтин-пула будут выплачены участникам подписной кампании Награды: Junior Members : 1 stakes per week Members : 2 stakes per week Full Members : 3 stakes per week Senior Members : 4 stakes per week Legendary/Hero: 6 stakes per week
Инструкции и правила:
1. Присоединитесь к нашему Discord серверу. . 2. Сгенерируйте собственную ссылку для экспресс-приглашений, УБЕДИТЕСЬ, что вы поставили галочку и сгенерировали НЕ ИСТЕКАЮЩУЮ ссылку, с бесконечным количеством использований. В противном случае вы не сможете участвовать в распределении. 3. Добавьте подпись в своем профилe на bitcointalk 4. Заполните эту форму. 5. Опубликуйте как минимум 15 конструктивных постов за неделю. 6. Создайте минимум 5 конструктивных постов в этой ветке в неделю. 7. Все посты должны быть распределены на полную неделю, нельзя размещать все посты просто в течение 1-2 дней. 8. Обязательно пишите в следующих секциях: Alternate cryptocurrencies, Economy, Bitcoin. 9. Посты в каких-либо баунти темах не будут считаться. 10. Без спама.Junior Members:Cryptocurrency Investment & Blockchain Education | Discord Community[url=]Cryptocurrency Investment & Blockchain Education | Discord Community[/url]
Members:Cryptocurrency Investment & Blockchain Education | Discord Community[url=]Cryptocurrency Investment & Blockchain Education | Discord Community[/url]
Full Members:Cryptocurrency Investment & Blockchain Education | Discord Community[url=][font=Arial Black]Cryptocurrency Investment & Blockchain Education | [color=purple]Discord Community[/color][/url] Senior Members:Cryptocurrency Investment & Blockchain Education | Discord community
[url=][size=16pt][font=Arial][b][color=black]Cryptocurrency Investment & Blockchain Education[color=purple] | [size=18pt]Discord community[/size][/color][color=transparent] Hero/Legendary Members:-Cryptocurrency Investment & Blockchain Education | Discord community
[url=][size=16pt][glow=black,1,300][font=Arial][b][color=transparent]-[color=#f0ce46]Cryptocurrency Investment & Blockchain Education[color=white] | [size=18pt]Discord community[/size][/color][color=transparent] Убедись, что ты заменил ссылку в подписи на свою НЕ ИСТЕКАЮЩУЮ Блог статьи и видео кампания (Steemit, Medium, Youtube, Для РФ VC.RU и, Есть учетная запись на другой площадке? Напиши нам.Публикуйте качественные материалы на Medium, Steemit, Youtube, VC.RU прокачивайте свой аккаунт и получайте бонусом баунти от ICOGO. Не спамьте обзоры о сообществе ICOGO, сосредоточьтесь на развитии своих личных аккаунтов, публикуйте гайды, обзоры, прогнозы, на тематику, связанную с блокчейном или криптовалютами. Указывайте в статье свою НЕ ИСТЕКАЮЩУЮ ссылку на Discord сервер с приглашением вступить. Помогайте друг другу в продвижении своих материалов (взаимные подписки, апвоты, даунвоты конкурентов), договориться о взаимопомощи с другими участниками баунти можно на нашем Discord сервере. Пишите ответы на Quora на основе своих статей, параллельно участвуя и в Quora баунти кампании (детали ниже). Лучшие материалы будут продвинуты нашими специалистами и принесут дополнительных подписчиков для вашего аккаунта и как следствие ICOGO сообщества. Правила для статей1. Опубликованный материал должен содержать не менее 600 слов/2минут и хотя бы одно изображение. 2. Список разрешенных тем: Рынок криптовалют, экономика криптовалют, трейдинг, инвестиции в криптовалюты, майнинг, технология блокчейн, обучающие материалы, предсказание цен. 3. Материалы с ICO обзорами не будут учитываться. 4. Если вы пишите о криптовалютах, то в своей статье/обзоре/гайде пишите только о топ 35 криптовалютах с coinmarketcap. 5. Ваш текст должен быть оригинальным. Копирование и кража чужого контента приводят к дисквалификации. 6. Аудитория должна быть связанной с криптой. 7. Опубликованный материал должен содержать приглашение в свободной форме и вашу ссылку на Discord сервер В начале или конце статьи. Для видео ссылка должна быть добавлена в описание и короткое приглашение должно прозвучать в самом видео. 8. Без спама, только уникальный контент. 9. Не учитываются материалы, в которых продвигается другой продукт, имеются другие рекламные вставки или контент, который носит явно выраженный рекламный характер. 10. Не удаляйте ссылку с приглашением. 11. Низко качественный, не уникальный контент не участвует в распределении. Как участвовать?1. Присоединитесь к нашему Discord серверу. . 2. Сгенерируйте собственную ссылку для экспресс-приглашений, УБЕДИТЕСЬ, что вы поставили галочку и сгенерировали НЕ ИСТЕКАЮЩУЮ ссылку, с бесконечным количеством использований. В противном случае вы не сможете участвовать в распределении. 3. Напишите статью с добавленной ссылкой и приглашением. 4. Заполните эту форму.Rewards:Good quality - 2 stakes Medium quality - 1 stakes Quora баунти кампанияQuora- сильнейший инструмент для маркетинга, пишите качественные ответы на Quora - развивайте свой аккаунт, старайтесь давать лучшие ответы. Прокачивая аккаунт на Quora, вы открываете для себя новые возможности для заработка. К каждому своему ответу, добавляй яркое приглашение в наш Discord чат и получай бонусом баунти от ICOGO. Пример приглашения: Do you like the answer? Join our chat room in Discord, about a cryptocurrency investment & blockchain education.Помогайте друг другу в продвижении своих ответов, взаимные подписки, апвоты, даунвоты конкурентных ответов, подписки на вопрос новых людей привлекут новый трафик к вашему вопросу. Договориться о взаимопомощи с другими участниками баунти можно на нашем Discord сервере. Лучшие ответы на хорошие вопросы будут дополнительно продвинуты нашими специалистами и принесут дополнительных подписчиков для вашего аккаунта и ICOGO сообщества. Правила и инструкция1. Присоединитесь к нашему Discord серверу. . 2. Сгенерируйте собственную ссылку для экспресс-приглашений, УБЕДИТЕСЬ, что вы поставили галочку и сгенерировали НЕ ИСТЕКАЮЩУЮ ссылку, с бесконечным количеством использований. В противном случае вы не сможете участвовать в распределении. 3. Заполните эту форму.4. Опубликуйте как минимум 35 конструктивных ответов с сгенерированной ссылкой в течении одного цикла (5 недель). 5. Публикуйте ответы постепенно, а не за 1-2 дня. 6. Ответ должен содержать не менее 500 слов и одного изображения. 7. Обязательно добавьте сгенерированную в Discord ПОСТОЯННУЮ ссылку к каждому ответу и не снимайте ее ни при каких обстоятельствах. 8. Не удаляйте ссылку с приглашением. 9. Пишите ответы в следующих темах: Cryptocurrencies, ICO,Bitcoin, Ethereum, Blockchain, Bitcoin, news. 10. Без спама. 11. Ответы, в которых продвигается другой продукт или контент носит явно выраженный рекламный характер не будут учитываться. 12. Учитываются только ответы данные во время текущего цикла. Ответы до начала цикла не учитываются. 13. Только на английском языке. Награды:1 доля за каждые 10k просмотров ваших ответов. Giveaway 5% (6,700ICG)В течении цикла пригласите минимум 15 новых пользователей, интересующихся темой криптовалют, на наш Discord и примите участие в регулярном розыгрыше призов. Победитель будет выбран случайным образом в день завершения цикла. Распределение призов За 1 место приз 1,000ICG. За 2 место приз 700ICG. За 3 место приз 350ICG. За 4-10 место 225ICG каждому победителю. За 11-36 место 132 ICG каждому победителю. Инструкция1. Присоединитесь к нашему Discord серверу. . 2. Сгенерируйте собственную ссылку для экспресс-приглашений, УБЕДИТЕСЬ, что вы поставили галочку и сгенерировали НЕ ИСТЕКАЮЩУЮ ссылку, с бесконечным количеством использований. В противном случае вы не сможете участвовать в распределении. 3. Зарегистрируйтесь на форуме ICOGO.BIZ и напишите в специальной теме свой НИКНЕЙМ в Discord и Ethereum Wallet до того как цикл завершиться. 4. Чтобы принять участие по вашей НЕ ИСТЕКАЮЩЕЙ ссылке должны именно вступить 15 новых пользователей. 5. Приглашайте пользователей не прибегая к спаму. Как мы определим победителя?1. Для начала мы получим сид, для этого мы будем использовать Contract Internal Transactions, а именно возьмем последние 3 числа из первого ParentTxHash, вошедшего в первый блок конца 1-ого цикла, 9 февраля 2018 года в 00:00UTC. *Например из этого ParentTxHash 0x0b0666624a0d778bfab68f4c272bd6b3994eb16b2262956f8031413e8366f75b сид будет 675. 2. Перейдем на сайт и сгенерируем 36 рандомных чисел, где минимальное число это 1 а максимальное равно количеству участников розыгрыша, в нижнем поле укажем полученный сид. Ваше число будет соответствовать тому какой будет по порядку ваш пост в теме на форуме ICOGO. Пример: если участников будет 100, а сид число согласно предыдущему примеру 675 то мы получим следующие выигрышные числа 013 009 008 010 015 042 097 054 012 072 033 095 059 025 092 060 030 001 073 047 023 100 078 058 039 022 006 091 078 067 057 048 041 035 031 028. Согласно этому примеру, тот кто отписался в теме тринадцатым занял первое место. Таким образом победитель определится абсолютно случайным образом и честность розыгрыша сможет проверить любой желающий, так как в данном случае сид предопределяет генерацию всех чисел.
Distribution will continue for 2 periods, each of which consists of 10 cycles. One cycle lasts 5 weeks.
1 Period / 10 cycles - 1 cycle / 5 weeks 134,000 ICG 2 Periods / 10 cycles - 1 cycle / 5 weeks 66,000 ICG[/size] The first cycle of the bounty campaign begins on January 8 and ends on February 12th at 00:00UTC. The coins will be paid within the next week after the end of the cycle.Budget allocation of the bounty campaign: Signature Bounty - 40% Blog Article & Videos Campaign - 20% Quora - 15% Twitter Bounty - 10% Facebook Bounty - 10% Giveaway - 5% There is a maximum share rule by which one user cannot receive more than 3% from the budget of one of the bounty campaign available for one distribution. Excess tokens will be "burned" by a smart contract and permanently removed from circulation.
The Administration reserves the right to amend the below-mentioned rules, redistribute the budget, and cancel campaigns, but only subject to official notification at least 7 days before the start of the new cycle. After the cycle begins, the administration has no right to make such changes. In case of cancellation of the campaign bounty, the tokens not used for distribution will be burned and permanently removed from circulation.Facebook Campaign.
Rules: 1. Only accounts with at least 200 followers will participate in the Facebook campaign 2. Write at least 5 words describing our community, try to write a description and an invitation in your own words. 3. Add the #ICOGOcommunity hashtag to your post. 4. Only 1 post in 2 days is allowed for one participant. 5. Minimum 10 posts in 1 cycle
How to participate? 1. Post invitation to the community (5words min), with added link and #ICOGOcommunity hashtag. (To participate additionally in Giveaway you can generate your own NEVER EXPIRE link for express invitations) 2. Fill out the form.
Rewards 200 - 1000 followers 1 share for per 1 post 1001 - 2000 followers 1.5 shares per 1 post More than 2000 followers 2 shares per 1 post
Twitter Campaign.
Rules: 1. Only accounts with at least 200 followers will participate in the Twitter campaign 2. Write at least 5 words describing our community, try to write a description and an invitation in your own words. 3. Add the #ICOGOcommunity hashtag to your post. 4. Only 1 post in 2 days is allowed for one participant. 5. Minimum 10 posts in 1 cycle
How to participate? 1. Post invitation to the community (5words min), with added link and #ICOGOcommunity hashtag. (To participate additionally in Giveaway you can generate your own NEVER EXPIRE link for express invitations) 2. Fill out the form.
Rewards 200 - 1000 followers 1 share for per 1 tweet 1001 - 2000 followers 1.5 shares per 1 tweet More than 2000 followers 2 shares per 1 tweet Giveaway - 5% (6,700 ICG)Invite new members and participate in giveaway of ICG tokens. During the cycle, invite at least 15 new members interested in the crypto topic to the ICOGO Discord chat room. The winner will be selected randomly on the day the cycle ends.
Distribution of prizes: 1st Place – Prize is 1,000 ICG. 2nd Place – Prize is 700 ICG. 3rd Place – Prize is 350 ICG. 4th-10th Places – Prize is 225 ICG per winner. 11th-36th Places – Prize is 132 ICG per winner.
Instructions: 1. Join our Discord server. 2. Generate your own link for express invitations—MAKE SURE you set link to NEVER EXPIRE, with no limit on the maximum number of users. Otherwise, you will not be able to participate in the distribution. 3. In order to participate by your link, 15 new users must join within one cycle. 4. Register on the ICOGO.BIZ forum and write in the topic your NICKNAME in the Discord and and ETHEREUM WALLET before the cycle ends. 5. Invite users without resorting to spam.
How will we determine the winner? 1.First, we'll get the seed (we'll use Contract Internal Transactions). Next, we will take the last 3 numbers from the first ParentTxHash (missing letters), which entered the first block of the 1st cycle (or February 9, 2018, at 00: 00UTC).
For example, from this ParentTxHash 0x0b0666624a0d778bfab68f4c272bd6b3994eb16b2262956f8031413e8366f75b the seed will be 675.
2. Let's go to the site and generate 36 random numbers, where the minimum number is 1 and the maximum is equal to the number of participants in the giveaway. In the bottom field we write the seed. Your number will correspond to your placement in the topic on the ICOGO forum.
For example, if there are 100 participants and the seed is 675, then we will get the following winning numbers: 013 009 008 010 075 032 095 059 025 092 060 030 001 073 047 023 100 078 058 039 022 006 091 078 067 057 048 041 035 031 028. According to this example, the thirteenth will take first place.
The winner will be determined in an absolutely random way and in a transparent manner. Signature Bounty
40% of the total bounty pool will be paid to the participants of the subscription campaign.
Rewards: Junior Members: 1 stake per week Members: 2 stakes per week Full Members: 3 stakes per week Senior Members: 4 stakes per week Legendary / Hero: 6 stakes per week
Instructions and rules: 1. Add a signature in your profile to bitcointalk. (To participate additionally in giveaway replace the link in your signature on your NEVER EXPIRE link.) 2. Fill out this form. 3. Publish at least 15 constructive posts per week. 4. Create at least 5 constructive posts in this thread per week. 5. All posts should be distributed for a full week; you cannot post all required posts in only 1-2 days. 6. Post only in the following sections: Alternate Cryptocurrencies, Economy, Bitcoin. 7. Posts in any bounty topics will not be counted. 8. No spam will be tolerated. Junior Members:Discord Community of Crypto-Investors.[url=]Discord Community of Crypto-Investors.[/url]
Members:Discord Community of Crypto-Investors.[url=]Discord Community of Crypto-Investors.[/url]
Full Members:Discord Community of Crypto-Investors.[url=][font=Arial Black]Discord Community of Crypto-Investors. Senior Members:Discord Community of Crypto-Investors.
[url=][size=16pt][font=Arial][b][color=black][color=purple]Discord Community of Crypto-Investors.[/color][/size][color=transparent] Hero/Legendary Members:-Discord Community of Crypto-Investors.
[url=][size=16pt][glow=black,1,300][font=Arial][b][color=transparent]-[color=#f0ce46]Cryptocurrency Investment & Blockchain Education[color=white] | [size=18pt]Discord community[/size][/color][color=transparent]
Blog articles and video campaign (Steemit, Medium, YouTube). Is there an account on another site? Write to us and let us know.
Publish quality materials on Medium, Steemit, and YouTube. Pump your account and get a bonus bounty from ICOGO.
Do not spam reviews about the ICOGO community; focus on the development of your personal accounts. This includes publishing guides, reviews, and forecasts, on topics related to blockchain or crypto-currencies. Set in the article link NEVER EXPIRE to the ICOGO Discord server with the invitation to join.
Helping each other in the promotion of materials (reciprocal follows, upvotes, downvotes of competitors), to agree on mutual assistance with other members of the bounty is allowed on our Discord server. Write answers to Quora based on your articles, while also participating in the Quora Bounty campaign (details below).
The best materials will be promoted by our specialists and will bring additional followers to your account, and as a consequence, to the ICOGO community.
Rules for articles: 1. The published material must contain at least 600 words / 2 minutes and at least one image. 2. The list of permitted topics: The market of crypto-currencies, the crypto economy, trading, crypto investment, mining, blockchain technology, training materials, price prediction. 3. Materials with ICOs reviews will not be counted. 4. If you write about crypto-currencies, then in your article / review / guide, write only about the top 35 crypto-currencies from coinmarketcap. 5. Your text should be original. Copying and stealing someone else's content leads to disqualification. 6. The audience should be associated with the crypto. 7. The published material should contain an invitation and your link to the Discord server at the beginning or end of the article. For video, the link should be added to the description and a short invitation should be made in the video itself. 8. No spam, only unique content. 9. Materials in which another product is promoted are not accepted, nor are other advertising inserts or content that is clearly of an advertising nature. 10. Do not delete the invitation link. 11. Low-quality, non-unique content is not included in distribution.
How to participate? 1. Write an article with with added link (To participate additionally in Giveaway you can generate your own NEVER EXPIRE link for express invitations) 2. Fill out the form.
Rewards: Good quality - 2 stakes Medium quality - 1 stakesQuora Bounty Campaign
Quora – the strongest tool for marketing. Develop your Quora account by giving high-quality answers. By pumping up your Quora account, you will discover new opportunities for earning.
Add an invitation to each of your answers on Quora for the ICOGO Discord chat room, and get a bounty bonus from ICOGO.Help each other to promote answers through reciprocal following, upvotes, and downvotes on competitive answers. Followers to the question will attract more traffic to your answer. Agreement on mutual assistance with other members of the bounty is allowed on the ICOGO Discord server.
The best answers to good questions will be promoted by our specialists and will bring additional followers to your account and our community.
Rules and regulations: 1. Post constuctive answer with added link (To participate additionally in Giveaway you can generate your own NEVER EXPIRE link for express invitations) 2. Fill out the form. 3. The answer must contain at least 500 words and one image. 4. Be sure to add the NEVER EXPIRE link with invitation to the Discord on each answer. 5. Do not delete the invitation link. 6. Write answers on the following topics: Cryptocurrencies, ICO, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Blockchain, Bitcoin News. (And the top 35 crypto-currencies from coinmarketcap topics.) 7. No spam will be tolerated. 8. Answers in which another product or content is promoted—ones that have a clearly pronounced advertising character—will not be accepted.
Rewards: 1 share for every 10k views of your answers.
Telegram group is not good for a large community. There only one room, this mean users will encounter the following issue: off topic, chat is overloaded to will impossible read it, no group voice chat. In Discord, we can always create an additional room, for example, where we will only talk about NEO. There is an excellent voice chat. For communication among developers markdown is an excellent addition.
I fixed the link. Welcome!
Your link is broken boss.... Please fix it. Or at least start a better ANN thread with more information for better impression.
I fixed the link, the more complete announcement you will find just in this link. Bounty for promoters will be announced soon. Do not forget to join our chat room in the discord
Dear Sir or Madam, I invite you to become a part of our ICOGO community and take part in our unique bounty campaign!What is the difference between ICOGO and other communities? Here, you will earn and actualize yourself. ICOGO is a community about crypto investment, blockchain education, and decentralized technologies, in which active members of the forum are rewarded for their participation. Members of the community are based in the Discord server and on the forum ICOGO.BIZ.
ICOGO.BIZ is a new generation forum designed to create high-quality communications between members of the community, to increase conversion. It is a place to gain and share an experience, structured to bring together investors and issuers of new coins.
ICG is the digital currency of the community, by which active members of the forum and bounty campaign are rewarded. providing for profitable exchange of other tokens within the confines of ICOs, and making other functional application within the ICOGO community. ICG issued on Ethereum Blockchain.
The ICOGO administration adheres to the principles of controlled supply and deflation, thereby establishing the fundamental value of its currency and integrating ICG into the economy of the community. To encourage deflation and increase the purchasing power of the ICG coin, the administration will allocate a minimum of 20% of the profits earned by ICOGO.BIZ (in USD equivalent) for the redemption and destruction of redundant tokens.
The administration will not resort to ICO for the distribution of ICG. Rather, the coins are divided into equal shares among active members of the forum every five weeks within 250 weeks.To learn more about the process of distributing tokens on the forum: Read White Paper. For the bounty, the administration has reserved 2,000,000 ICG (15.3% of the total issue).
Distribution will continue for 2 periods, each of which consists of 10 cycles. One cycle lasts 5 weeks.
1 Period / 10 cycles - 1 cycle / 5 weeks 134,000 ICG 2 Periods / 10 cycles - 1 cycle / 5 weeks 66,000 ICGThe first cycle of the bounty campaign begins on January 8 and ends on February 12th at 00:00UTC. The coins will be paid within the next week after the end of the cycle.Budget allocation of the bounty campaign: Signature Bounty - 40% Blog Article & Videos Campaign - 20% Quora - 15% Twitter Bounty - 10% Facebook Bounty - 10% Giveaway - 5% The Administration reserves the right to amend the below-mentioned rules, redistribute the budget, and cancel campaigns, but only subject to official notification at least 7 days before the start of the new cycle. After the cycle begins, the administration has no right to make such changes. In case of cancellation of the campaign bounty, the tokens not used for distribution will be burned and permanently removed from circulation.Giveaway - 5% (6,700 ICG)Participating in any of the bounty campaign you will also be able to participate in our prize draw or you can simply invite new members of the community in any convenient way for you. During the cycle, invite at least 15 new members interested in the crypto topic to the ICOGO Discord chat room. The winner will be selected randomly on the day the cycle ends.
Distribution of prizes: 1st Place – Prize is 1,000 ICG. 2nd Place – Prize is 700 ICG. 3rd Place – Prize is 350 ICG. 4th-10th Places – Prize is 225 ICG per winner. 11th-36th Places – Prize is 132 ICG per winner.
Instructions: 1. Join our Discord server. 2. Generate your own link for express invitations—MAKE SURE you set link to NEVER EXPIRE, with no limit on the maximum number of users. Otherwise, you will not be able to participate in the distribution. 3. In order to participate by your link, 15 new users must join within one cycle. 4. Register on the ICOGO.BIZ forum and write in the topic your NICKNAME in the Discord and and ETHEREUM WALLET before the cycle ends. 5. Invite users without resorting to spam.
How will we determine the winner? 1.First, we'll get the seed (we'll use Contract Internal Transactions). Next, we will take the last 3 numbers from the first ParentTxHash (missing letters), which entered the first block of the 1st cycle (or February 9, 2018, at 00: 00UTC).
For example, from this ParentTxHash 0x0b0666624a0d778bfab68f4c272bd6b3994eb16b2262956f8031413e8366f75b the seed will be 675.
2. Let's go to the site and generate 36 random numbers, where the minimum number is 1 and the maximum is equal to the number of participants in the giveaway. In the bottom field we write the seed. Your number will correspond to your placement in the topic on the ICOGO forum.
For example, if there are 100 participants and the seed is 675, then we will get the following winning numbers: 013 009 008 010 075 032 095 059 025 092 060 030 001 073 047 023 100 078 058 039 022 006 091 078 067 057 048 041 035 031 028. According to this example, the thirteenth will take first place.
The winner will be determined in an absolutely random way and in a transparent manner. Signature Bounty
40% of the total bounty pool will be paid to the participants of the subscription campaign.
Rewards: Junior Members: 1 stake per week Members: 2 stakes per week Full Members: 3 stakes per week Senior Members: 4 stakes per week Legendary / Hero: 6 stakes per week
Instructions and rules: 1. Join our Discord server. 2. Generate your own link for express invitations—MAKE SURE you set link to NEVER EXPIRE, with no limit on the maximum number of users. Otherwise, you will not be able to participate in the distribution. 3. Add a signature in your profile to bitcointalk. 4. Fill out this form. 5. Publish at least 15 constructive posts per week. 6. Create at least 5 constructive posts in the official bounty thread per week. 7. All posts should be distributed for a full week; you cannot post all required posts in only 1-2 days. 8. Post only in the following sections: Alternate Cryptocurrencies, Economy, Bitcoin. 9. Posts in any bounty topics will not be counted. 10. No spam will be tolerated.
Junior Members:
]Cryptocurrency Investment & Blockchain Education | Discord Community
[url=]Cryptocurrency Investment & Blockchain Education | Discord Community[/url]
Members:]Cryptocurrency Investment & Blockchain Education | Discord Community[url=]]Cryptocurrency Investment & Blockchain Education | Discord Community[/url]
Full Members:]Cryptocurrency Investment & Blockchain Education | Discord Community[url=][font=Arial Black]Cryptocurrency Investment & Blockchain Education | [color=purple]Discord Community[/color][/url] Senior Members:Cryptocurrency Investment & Blockchain Education | Discord community
[url=][size=16pt][font=Arial][b][color=black]Cryptocurrency Investment & Blockchain Education[color=purple] | [size=18pt]Discord community[/size][/color][color=transparent] Hero/Legendary Members:-Cryptocurrency Investment & Blockchain Education | Discord community
[url=][size=16pt][glow=black,1,300][font=Arial][b][color=transparent]-[color=#f0ce46]Cryptocurrency Investment & Blockchain Education[color=white] | [size=18pt]Discord community[/size][/color][color=transparent] Be sure that you replaced the link in your signature on your NEVER EXPIRE link. Blog articles and video campaign (Steemit, Medium, YouTube). Is there an account on another site? Write to us and let us know.
Publish quality materials on Medium, Steemit, and YouTube. Pump your account and get a bonus bounty from ICOGO.
Do not spam reviews about the ICOGO community; focus on the development of your personal accounts. This includes publishing guides, reviews, and forecasts, on topics related to blockchain or crypto-currencies. Set in the article link NEVER EXPIRE to the ICOGO Discord server with the invitation to join.Helping each other in the promotion of materials (reciprocal follows, upvotes, downvotes of competitors), to agree on mutual assistance with other members of the bounty is allowed on our Discord server. Write answers to Quora based on your articles, while also participating in the Quora Bounty campaign (details below).
The best materials will be promoted by our specialists and will bring additional followers to your account, and as a consequence, to the ICOGO community.
Rules for articles: 1. The published material must contain at least 600 words / 2 minutes and at least one image. 2. The list of permitted topics: The market of crypto-currencies, the crypto economy, trading, crypto investment, mining, blockchain technology, training materials, price prediction. 3. Materials with ICOs reviews will not be counted. 4. If you write about crypto-currencies, then in your article / review / guide, write only about the top 35 crypto-currencies from coinmarketcap. 5. Your text should be original. Copying and stealing someone else's content leads to disqualification. 6. The audience should be associated with the crypto. 7. The published material should contain an invitation and your link to the Discord server at the beginning or end of the article. For video, the link should be added to the description and a short invitation should be made in the video itself. 8. No spam, only unique content. 9. Materials in which another product is promoted are not accepted, nor are other advertising inserts or content that is clearly of an advertising nature. 10. Do not delete the invitation link. 11. Low-quality, non-unique content is not included in distribution.
How to participate? 1. Join our Discord server. 2. Generate your own link for express invitations—MAKE SURE you set link to NEVER EXPIRE, with no limit on the maximum number of users. Otherwise, you will not be able to participate in the distribution. 3. Write an article with the added link to the ICOGO Discord server. 4. Fill out the form.
Rewards: Good quality - 2 stakes Medium quality - 1 stakesQuora Bounty Campaign
Quora – the strongest tool for marketing. Develop your Quora account by giving high-quality answers. By pumping up your Quora account, you will discover new opportunities for earning.
Add an invitation to each of your answers on Quora for the ICOGO Discord chat room, and get a bounty bonus from ICOGO.Help each other to promote answers through reciprocal following, upvotes, and downvotes on competitive answers. Followers to the question will attract more traffic to your answer. Agreement on mutual assistance with other members of the bounty is allowed on the ICOGO Discord server.
The best answers to good questions will be promoted by our specialists and will bring additional followers to your account and our community.
Rules and regulations: 1. Join our Discord server. 2. Generate your own link for express invitations—MAKE SURE you set link to NEVER EXPIRE, with no limit on the maximum number of users. Otherwise, you will not be able to participate in the distribution. 3. Fill out the form. 4. Publish at least 35 constructive responses. 5. Publish your answers gradually, not in a short timeframe (i.e. over the course of a week, instead of in 1-2 days). 6. The answer must contain at least 500 words and one image. 7. Be sure to add the NEVER EXPIRE link with invitation to the Discord on each answer. 8. Do not delete the invitation link. 9. Write answers on the following topics: Cryptocurrencies, ICO, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Blockchain, Bitcoin News. (And the top 35 crypto-currencies from coinmarketcap topics.) 10. No spam will be tolerated. 11. Answers in which another product or content is promoted—ones that have a clearly pronounced advertising character—will not be accepted.
Rewards: 1 share for every 10k views of your answers.Facebook Campaign.
Rules: 1. Only accounts with at least 200 followers will participate in the Facebook campaign 2. Write at least 25 words describing our community, try to write a description and an invitation in your own words. 3. Add the #ICOGOcommunity hashtag to your post. 4. Only 1 post in 2 days is allowed for one participant. 5. Minimum 10 posts in 1 cycle
How to participate? 1. Join our Discord server. 2. Generate your own link for express invitations—MAKE SURE you set link to NEVER EXPIRE, with no limit on the maximum number of users. Otherwise, you will not be able to participate in the distribution. 3. Fill out the form. 4. You must confirm the weekly task by post in this thread. The report should contain links to posts.
Rewards 200 - 1000 followers 1 share for per 1 post 1001 - 2000 followers 1.5 shares per 1 post More than 2000 followers 2 shares per 1 post
Twitter Campaign.
Rules: 1. Only accounts with at least 200 followers will participate in the Twitter campaign 2. Write at least 25 words describing our community, try to write a description and an invitation in your own words. 3. Add the #ICOGOcommunity hashtag to your post. 4. Only 1 post in 2 days is allowed for one participant. 5. Minimum 10 posts in 1 cycle
How to participate? 1. Join our Discord server. 2. Generate your own link for express invitations—MAKE SURE you set link to NEVER EXPIRE, with no limit on the maximum number of users. Otherwise, you will not be able to participate in the distribution. 3. Fill out the form. 4. You must confirm the weekly task by post in this thread. The report should contain links to posts.
Rewards 200 - 1000 followers 1 share for per 1 tweet 1001 - 2000 followers 1.5 shares per 1 tweet More than 2000 followers 2 shares per 1 tweet
Welcome to ICOGO community!
Hello, dear sirs and seniors!ICOGO.BIZ is a community of ICOs and cryptocurrencies in which active members get paid for their contributions. It is a place to gain and share an experience structured to bring together investors and issuers of new coins.
ICG is the digital currency by which active members of the ICOGO.BIZ community are rewarded, providing for profitable exchange of other tokens within the confines of ICOs, and making other functional application within the ICOGO.BIZ platform.
The administration will not resort to ICO for the distribution of ICG. Rather, the coins are divided into equal shares among active members of the forum every five weeks. Very soon the partner program for the Discord and forum will begin, Join our chat room
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