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We hope you were able to use the current volatility of the Bitcoin exchange rate to increase your score and therefore your chance of winning.
New participants stream into our Bitcoin exchange game: At the beginning of February, the number of participants reached 1000! The increased number of participants resulted in a movement in the top 10 and nearly 3 weeks remain in the first round. The participant "Gordon Shumway" has moved forward within short time and has shown that in this game a proper strategy can lead to fast successes. Gordon Shunway was able to gather over 1000 Bitcoin and got the achievement "Trader's Wealth - V". He is the first participant who got all possible achievements.
We have decided to feature a "Crazy Giveaway" and he receives 0.01 Bitcoin as an instant bonus that can optionally be paid out in an alternative cryptocurrency. The future will bring further small rewards for different events which won't be announced in advance.
Last but not least we want to refer to the new logo that is displayed in the navigation bar. We hope you like the new design as much as we do. We are sure it rises the logo's recognition value significantly.
Good luck and have fun,
Das draglet Bitcoin Bootcamp kann regen Zuwachs verzeichnen: Anfang Februar registrierte sich der 1000. Teilnehmer! Durch die nun höhere Anzahl an Spielern ist Bewegung in unsere Top 10 gekommen und es verbleiben nun noch knapp drei Wochen Spielzeit in der ersten Runde. Der Teilnehmer "Gordon Shumway" konnte sich innerhalb kurzer Zeit nach vorne schieben und hat so gezeigt, dass in diesem Spiel die richtige Strategie schnelle Erfolge zeigen kann. Gordon Shunway nannte zwischenzeitlich mehr als 1000 Bitcoin im Börsenspiel sein Eigen und hat dadurch die Auszeichnung "Wohlhabender Händler - V" bekommen, womit er als erster Spieler alle zu erhaltenden Auszeichnungen freigeschaltet hat.
Wir haben uns zu einem "Crazy Giveaway" entschlossen und er erhält 0,01 Bitcoin als sofortigen Gewinnbonus, den er sich wahlweise in einer alternativen Kryptowährung auszahlen lassen kann. Es wird in Zukunft weitere, kleine Gewinnboni für unterschiedliche Ereignisse geben, welche nicht im Voraus bekanntgegeben werden.
Last not least möchten wir auf das neue Logo hinweisen, das unsere Navigationsleiste schmückt. Wir hoffen, das neue Design gefällt Ihnen ebenso gut wie uns. Wir sind uns jedenfalls sicher, dass der Wiedererkennungswert des Logos erheblich gestiegen ist.
Weiterhin viel Spaß und Erfolg beim Handeln,
Well, I do not think (and ofc hope ) that u are right, because a) a massive branch is being created, a huge economy is getting built up that allows a lot of performers to find their niche b) even if those new exchange approaches will prospers, there will be enough people that want to the classical style of exchanges
Very dear Bitcoin community, today's incidents have shown us, that we urgently need more solid Bitcoin exchange sites. Centralized trading on few large exchanges bears the risk of exchange rate manipulation through blog posts or credit freezes like we have seen these days. Only with a larger pool of legitimate well-engineered and customer-friendly Bitcoin exchange sites it will be possible to sustain the success of Bitcoin. However, running an exchange site that trades cryptographic currencies is connected to many potential fails. The draglet company from Germany possesses the skills as well as the software to enable cryptographic exchange sites around the world. Have a look at the Bitcoin trading prototype at where draglet demonstrates a vision how good cryptogrphic trading sites should work. To help entrepreneurs open their own exchange sites, draglet offers them to run a cryptographic exchange under their brand and responsability. This includes the technical competence and a reliable and throughougly tested exchange software with a sophisticated frontend and a secure architecture. If you are currently in a situation where you consider starting a crypto exchange site draglet can take the technical part for you. All you need is to provide a way to exchange fiat money with your customers and to comply with your local legal parameters. draglet will help getting you started independent of your business size and country. If you are interested or have any questions you can contact draglet at
How do you know that they are selling exactly your DogeCoin? Did u chase them through the blockchain, lol? Grow up wow wow, some serious people out here from the looks of it. I think someone should be much less tense. My point was: Cryptsy is a multicurrency Platform that currently has 143 trading pairs. Especially with all "deposit and autosell" mechanisms, the system might lag a bit when it comes to processing withdrawals and deposists, and i have heard of some problems regarding the withdrawal. This is one thing, but making a forum thread that accuses the whole exchange site of fraud, is quite another.
wir stehen kurz davor, die 1000 Teilnehmermarke zu knacken.
Es ist immer noch genug Zeit vorhanden (ein voller Monat) bis die Preise in Form von echten Bitcoin verteilt werden.
Viel Spaß und weiterhin viel Erfolg beim Handeln.
Greetings fellow traders,
the Bitcoin bootcamps engages another historical mark: one thousand participants.
There is still plenty of time left (a whole month) until our prizes will be distributed.
Have fun trading and good luck.
everyone knows all chinese lie, cheat and steal.
I do business in china and it is basic sense there is no law or moral in that country.
A bit harsh - also, if I show you a chinese that has moral and acts ethical, will you take it back?
Hey devthedev,
I am sure we will add USD as currency, but this is going to take quite a while since we are a german and therefore european exchange game.
Best regards,
Wir haben bereits die 900 Teilnehmer erreicht! Zudem ist noch genug Zeit (zirka 5 Wochen) zum Handeln bis das Preisgeld von 1,5 Bitcoin an die 100 besten Teilnehmer ausgeschüttet wird.
Weiterhin viel Spaß und Erfolg beim Handeln!
Hello there!
we reached the 900 participants and there is still plenty of time (5 weeks) to trade until the prize of 1,5 Bitcoin will be distributed amongst the top 100 traders.
Have fun trading!
How do you know that they are selling exactly your DogeCoin? Did u chase them through the blockchain, lol?
Well, cryptocoins are a best-of-breed. Different factors will decide, which cryptocurrency will survive, for example:
- mechanism (block duration, reward, special features) - infrastructure (mining pools, exchanges, brainwallets, acceptances) - community that brings the currency forward, like improving popularity and image, which has been done (jamaican bob team action) - style of coin, mainly backed up by community
DogeCoin has an exceptional powerful meme standing behind it and also a lot of enthusiasts that back it up. If this hurts cryptocurrencies in genery: no, but it most certainly does hurt other cryptocurrencies. But, as we are in a best of breed environment, this is how things go.
Start mining yes, start minig Bitcoin: hmmm nah, I personally would point out to alternative scrypt cryptocurrencies that give quite better short term payoffs, given the case that you want to spend some time on research of alternative cryptocurrencies
To be honest, 10k$ a month does not sound that impressive to me. Nevertheless, making a constant profit with Bitcoin trading is something you see only rarely
My personal opinion: wait maybe one month or so, but do not wait too long and I personally would invest 80:20 BTC:LTC, because Bitcoin is likely to grow more than LTC in my eyes
I know of several persons that hold Bitcoin worth more than a million, and they are thinking about buying even more at given time.
Isn't Bitcoin that great because people cannot use if for political influence? Which would exactly be what you are proposing here?
Hi, vielen Dank für das Feedback! Dein Punktestand ist dein Guthaben in Bitcoin + das Euro Guthaben in Bitcoin umgerechnet (an Hand vom aktuellen Marktpreis). Die Gewinnausschüttung ist hier: beschrieben. Die draglet Börsenspiel App ist außerdem in Arbeit, dürfte allerdings noch ein bisschen dauern, da wir an allen Fronten kämpfen . Weiterhin viel Spaß und Erfolg!
I read that Overstock did decide to not hold the Bitcoin. Is it true? Are they thinking about holding Bitcoin? They should know that they might start a positive networking effect and that this would boost their ROI even more, if they decided to keep the Bitcoin from the sales.