Hey guys.
I just wanted to introduce you to my new bitcoin ecommerce site. NTXBITCOIN.com
I've been reselling bitcoin miners for a while now. I usually operate on craigslist, ebay, and my mailing list( My merchandise moves pretty quick. Sign up, I always give first crack at the new merch to the folks on the list). I basically consign on behalf of other miners in order to sell their miners. Because of this, my prices are somewhat flexible to a point. I accept cash, credit, paypal, & bitcoin.
All my items are in-stock and ready to ship same or next business day. I guarantee my miners to work upon arrival, and I'm even willing to schedule a remote session and help assist you with setting you up if you need it.
Please take a look around and if you have any constructive criticism, I'd love to hear it. I do business via email, text, phone, skype, & smoke-signal
If anything, pick up a bitcoin sticker. They're top-quality and a great price too!