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21  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / personal growth theory on: February 06, 2018, 02:11:23 PM
Sorry, I would not break the fashion of the noobs to open post apolactic and above all go against the current but I was conducting an analysis and I would like the opinion of the most experienced. Global traditional financial markets have been invested with strong purchasing power, recently achieving new peaks of historic pavement indices. (See the Dow Jones case and so on ...) This week, while for some items the bitcoin is dead, the Dow Jones has lost 8%. It's a lot for an index like that. In my opinion, it was caused by the uncertainty of further growth of the stock itself (although for many and due to US interest rates). Now, the outgoing capital will have to find a new investment asset. Seeing the bitcoin so falling at such affordable prices and knowing of its historical performance (+ 10 / + 20k). In your opinion, can there be a general Sell from the traditional financial markets and a general buy in the cryptomercati? Personally it does not seem to me a lot of bullshit, for me it makes sense. of course, the value and the principle of purism of bitcoin and its mere nature of serving as a means of digital payment would be lost. In my opinion, if this is the case, we will soon see new and incredible maximums.

What do you think about it? Please only serious answers.
22  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Is this the end of the Digital coins? on: February 06, 2018, 12:05:47 PM

Yes. Sell everything as soon as you can. Misery is near. The force is with you, young Skywalker, but you are not yet a Jedi!

(I hope in understanding each of you of my irony)
23  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: If you did not listen before, now is last chance to reduce your loss on: February 06, 2018, 09:37:32 AM
this post does not make any sense.
Your statement does not contain documents and evidence that could certify your theory.

Know that I am willing to accept the defeat of a hypothetical bitcoin at 0 rather than accept a humiliating loss now. I will never sell, in fact, I'm continuing to buy and buy at the expense of idiots like you.

Here we believe in Bitcoin at every moment of his life. adopted as our son, he is still a child, but when he is 14 years old he will start to express his full potential. Here we believed in the potential of bitcoins for 200 deaths, do you think that the cryptocommunity is not able to face yet another death? We will enter the guiness of records for how many times we have died and resurrected.
24  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: Nel programma del M5S i bitcoin come possibile alternativa al contante? on: February 05, 2018, 03:08:31 PM
Si vogliono solamente accaparrare anche i nostri voti...prima parlavano di fuori uscita dall'euro e Europa poi ora introduzione dei Bitcoin....a quando lo scioglimento del gruppo?
25  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: La fine dello Stato on: February 05, 2018, 02:18:11 PM
Uhm,...vorrei porre un analisi a proposito di "fine di uno stato", secondo voi la decentralizzazione di uno stato è più una forma politica democratica o capitalista?

Proviamo a fare un esempio di Stato Italiano Decentralizzato, una versione 2.0 di Democrazia:

L'Italia è una Repubblica democratica decentralizzata, fondata sul lavoro popolo.
La sovranità appartiene al popolo stesso, che la esercita nelle forme e nei limiti della Costituzione.

Mi basta fermarmi al punto 1. per porre le fondamenta della mia analisi:

Se la sovranità appartenesse realmente al popolo (oggi noi tutti sappiamo che non è così) in che modo essa verrebbe rappresentata? Come calibrare la bilancia?

In un esempio di stato decentralizzato perfetto, un sistema basato su fiducia e voto consentirebbe al popolo stesso di governare la nazione votando a favore o contrario a iniziative prese in considerazione dagli eventuali partiti politici, che non hanno più compito di amministrare, ma di eseguire le volontà e le richieste del popolo che rappresentano.
A questo punto, in una democrazia perfetta e decentralizzata, il voto di ognuno di noi è uguale al voto del nostro prossimo, indistintamente dal fatto che esso sia bianco, nero, ricco o povero basso o alto.

Facendo leva sui punti di forza di una democrazia realmente decentralizzata, dove il potere torna in mano a tutti i nodi che compongono la rete ( i cittadini residenti in Italia che attivamente partecipano, giorno dopo giorno, al cambiamento del paese e del mondo) si crea un problema noto come problema DAO. (Immaginiamo l'Italia come un unica grande DAO e l'europa come Ethereum.....)
Il concetto generale delle organizzazioni autonome decentralizzate" è che un'entità virtuale (in questo caso il Decentralizzato Stato Italiano)  ha un certo numero di membri o azionisti (popolo) che, probabilmente con una maggioranza del 67%, abbia il diritto di spendere i fondi dell'entità e modificare il proprio statuto. I membri potrebbero collettivamente decidere su come l'organizzazione dovrebbe allocare i propri fondi. (esempio se rifare il malto stradale o autorizzare una manifestazione cinematografica o prendere decisioni più serie come le risoluzioni ai problemi del debito pubblico e via dicendo). I Metodi per distribuire i fondi di una Organizzazione Autonoma Decentralizzata (DAO) potrebbero spaziare da premi, salari e perfino consistere in meccanismi più particolari come una moneta interna per premiare un lavoro.(Il giusto riconoscimento al partecipare alla vita politica e prendere le decisioni giuste. Ognuno oggi se vota o non vota diciamocelo, non cambia nulla...non mi ricordo di aver preso bonus di performarce dal partito politico che ho votato....escludendo il fatto che tanto fino ad oggi nessuno ha fatto del bene ). Ciò replica essenzialmente i crismi legali di una compagnia tradizionale o di una non profit a differenza che, per l'attuazione, si usa una sola tecnologia blockchain crittografica. Fino ad oggi gran parte del discorso circa le DAO è stato attorno il modello "capitalistico" di una "società autonoma decentralizzata" SAD (DAC) con la suddivisione dei dividendi delle azioni e azioni negoziabili; un'alternativa, probabilmente descritta come una "comunità autonoma decentralizzata", potrebbe conferire a tutti i suoi membri un azionariato egualitario al fine di decidere di ottenere che il 67% dei membri esistenti accettino e rimuovano un membro (partito politico).

Una più sofisticata intelaiatura potrebbe anche avere un'opzione di voto costruita al suo interno per caratteristiche l'aggiunta o la rimozione di leggi o membri del governo, e potrebbe perfino essere utile per Liquid Democracy-style vote delegation (ad es. ognuno può assegnare a qualcuno di votare per lui, e l'assegnazione è transitiva così se A assegna a B e B assegna a C quindi C determina il voto di A = un partito politico 2.0). Questo design potrebbe consentire alla DAO di svilupparsi organicamente come una comunità decentralizzata, che consenta alle persone, in caso, di delegare il compito di filtrare chi sia un membro agli specialisti, sebbene diversamente dal "sistema corrente" gli specialisti possono facilmente immettere e cancellare nel tempo come i membri individuali di una comunità cambiano i loro allineamenti.

Il problema capitalista si affronterebbe dal momento in cui il peso di ogni voto dei membri è determinato dal suo capitale. Ovviamente il voto di un imprenditore potrà valere più di quello di un operaio e di conseguenza se la classe imprenditoriale è decisa ad effettuare un cambiamento, difficilmente la classe operaia potrà controbattere tale iniziativa.

26  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Vulnerabilità Ledger Nano S - si prega di fare attenzione on: February 05, 2018, 11:24:40 AM
La notizia è stata riportata da CoinTelegraph ->
E' compito di noi tutti informarci tempestivamente circa la sicurezza dei nostri possedimenti digitali e servizi utilizzati.

Link all'articolo pubblicato dall'azienda:

Secondo il rapporto, un attacco "man in the middle" può essere eseguito quando l'utente tenta di generare un indirizzo per ricevere bitcoin sul proprio portafoglio Ledger. Se il computer utilizzato in questo processo è infetto da malware, l'utente malintenzionato può sostituire segretamente il codice responsabile della generazione dell'indirizzo, causando "l'invio di tutti i futuri depositi all'attaccante".

Come proteggersi
Fortunatamente per i proprietari dei loro portafogli, Ledger ha anche rivelato come evitare l' attacco "uomo nel mezzo" . Secondo il rapporto, gli utenti dovrebbero approfittare di una funzionalità "non documentata" del portafoglio che visualizza l'indirizzo di ricezione sul display fisico del portafoglio.

Facendo clic sul pulsante del monitor in basso a sinistra del menu "Ricevi Bitcoin" e confermando l'indirizzo sul display del portafoglio hardware ogni volta che ne genera uno nuovo, gli utenti possono assicurarsi che l'indirizzo non sia stato manomesso.

Il rapporto indica inoltre che questa funzione non è obbligatoria e non è applicata dall'interfaccia di Ledger, ponendo la responsabilità finale per la sicurezza dei fondi sugli utenti stessi.

I portafogli hardware sono considerati uno dei modi più sicuri per archiviare le criptovalute, anziché tenerli su una borsa o un portafoglio online.

Tuttavia, con oltre un milione di utenti di Ledger colpiti dal vettore di attacco appena scoperto, diventa chiaro che persino avere un portafoglio hardware non "ti rende invincibile", secondo le stesse parole della compagnia .

27  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Black friday - i love this day on: February 03, 2018, 12:54:59 PM
@Pooya87 - My bet definition was about opening new long term positions

However, ladies and gentlemen, I remain confident that I have taken the right choice that is and must remain personal, a possibility so succinct to be able to board the bitcoin at prices so "low" according to my opinion was exploited.
I do not talk about bitcoin as a casino object, I know its true nature, but I do not mind getting some money on it and increasing my savings.
28  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Black friday - i love this day on: February 02, 2018, 03:53:58 PM
In my opinion it is right, if we believe in the potentialities of cryptocurrencies, we must do it every day regardless of these tensions.
It makes no sense to have a long-sighted vision and to worry about a single day or month ...
29  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Black friday - i love this day on: February 02, 2018, 02:07:30 PM
Goodmorning everyone ,

This morning when I woke up it was all down and red, the whole market was frantically losing marketcap.
I have not exited even half a second to load a good bank transfer and place new bets, I'm really excited to get such good discounts today.

What do you think? Do you buy or sell? What would be your fear of selling? why are you doing it? can not you stay down one day?
30  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: WEForum - LLoyd Blankfein declaration on: January 25, 2018, 03:52:25 PM
Davide Serra still suggests to BloombergTV microphones live from Davos that bitcoin is a scheme of ponzi and scam .... nice courage, son!
31  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / WEForum - LLoyd Blankfein declaration on: January 25, 2018, 02:59:56 PM
Hello to all,

At about 2.30 pm (CET) LLoyd Blankfein CEO of Goldman Sachs spoke to the BloombergTV microphones live from Davos, where, in these days, the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum is taking place. I followed all the live but unfortunately my English is not perfect and I could not understand some statements he affirmed:

At about 2:45 pm, Bloomberg interviewed him a dreaded question: What about Cryptocurrencies?

I did not understand the answer, well, if someone has followed the live broadcast can transmit the message?

I ask because it is 16:00 (CET) and no news has yet come out while, for example, those who spoke after him have already released documents and analysis on this ... it seems strange ....

Direct Link:

32  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin expense problem on: January 25, 2018, 09:19:20 AM
Welcome to the forum r00. Sadly not enough merchants accept bitcoin, and let's face it the big majority of holders bought bitcoin for speculation purpose. That being said, I have myself used bitcoin for one of my favorite hobbies (sports betting), it is easy to find website accepting payments in digital currency. Some others like to use bitcoin to play poker.
But I guess you are looking for online shops: then I recommend the service "spendabit", it's a search engine for things you can buy in bitcoin.

Thanks for the welcome, you were the first to welcome me.
I also thank you for your advice and your directions.
In this regard, if it is a chance to make money over time, why retail traders do not start to adopt Bitcoin? What blocks them? Is it a lack of trust and security towards the Bitcoin itself?
33  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Bitcoin expense problem on: January 24, 2018, 11:44:57 AM
At the current stage of the Bitcoin development many things have been analyzed that look for a solution, such as scalability problems or transaction speed.
I apologize for the noobism but I would like to know this thing:

To date, if I bought Bitcoin, it, in what can I spend it?
Only to buy altcoin or participate in ICO? Or spend them in the few services that offer it? What is the current situation?

Thank you,
34  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / [ICO Analysis] RightMesh on: January 19, 2018, 11:05:54 AM

lately I've heard more and more people talk about RightMesh and its ambitious mission, and I like people's ambition.

However, when it comes to bridging the gap between the various worlds, especially in the less rich areas, I always have doubts.

RightMesh is a company in canada that wants to commit to implement on the phones of people without additional hardware or stuff varies a mesh network (accessible from the app) to break down the need for internet and telephone line to communicate with third parties. This should ensure secure communications to the remaining 56% of the global population, as stated by them in the official whitepaper.
Do you believe in the project? Do you think that in the long run it can make the difference?
35  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: The statements of ripple on: January 19, 2018, 10:42:53 AM
Scam I do not think it's a scam, let's remember that Ripple is a company established in the US, US citizens are still very limited, imagine if the SCA was really scammed or who is the time it takes to shut down the engines ... not even they would let him form the company.

36  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Future of Stellar on: January 19, 2018, 09:48:54 AM
I think it's a long-term investment, but like all things, you have to believe it all the way.
I've just bought XLM and I think I'll keep it at least until Q3 2018 to see or do less long, price fluctuations and long-term potential.
In the short term I do not know, however I do not expect to make cash with XLM today ...
37  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: The statements of ripple on: January 19, 2018, 09:19:02 AM
judging something from the cover seems excessive ahahaha maybe the logo looks like a spinner, however I was disappointed since the news came out on Chris Larsen, this has caused me a lot of perplexities, because if XRP (I do not think we do) come to the price of BTC it would become richer than Rockfeller's full family ... absurd
38  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / The statements of ripple on: January 19, 2018, 08:56:24 AM
Good morning community,
I state that I am new but not too much and, lately, I have heard more and more rumors, statements and definitions of Ripple - starting from whether it is right to catalog a Cryptocurrencies or that it is classified on CoinMarketCap or centralized.

Yesterday evening a FAQ was published on the official Ripple website and I really want to share some points with you:

3. How many financial institutions have adopted XRP?
As of January 2018, MoneyGram and Cuallix - two major payment providers - have publicly announced their use of XRP in payment flows through xRapid to provide liquidity solutions for their cross-border payments. Ripple has a growing pipeline of financial institutions that are also interested in using XRP in their payment flows.

This point, in my opinion, is very contradictory, as Ripple has always stated that 100+ financial institutions had approached Ripple, and yet only two percent use their software. Average a little low at the moment do not you believe? 2 out of 100

5. Is the XRP Ledger centralized?
This is a top misconception with the XRP Ledger. Centralization implies that a single entity controls the Ledger. While Ripple contributes to the open source code of the XRP Ledger, we do not own, control or administer the XRP Ledger. The XRP Ledger is decentralized. If Ripple ceased to exist, the XRP Ledger would continue to exist.

Ripple has an interest in supporting the XRP Ledger for several reasons, including contributing to the long-term strategy to encourage the use of XRP as a liquidity tool for financial institutions. Decentralization of the XRP Ledger is an ongoing process that started right at its inception. In May 2017, we publicly shared our decentralization strategy.

We have been working on the XRP Ledger, which we have expanded to 55 validators on July 2017. We also shared plans to add proof of validators to Unique Node Lists (UNLs), and announced over the course of 2017 and 2018, for every two attested third-party validating nodes that meet the objective criteria above, we will remove one validating node operated by Ripple, until no entity operates a majority of trusted nodes on the XRP Ledger.

We believe these efforts will increase the XRP Ledger's enterprise-grade resiliency and robustness, leading to XRP's continued adoption as the best digital asset for payments.

With this statement, what do you think of the centralization / decentralization of Ripple?

9. Can Ripple create more XRPs?
No. Ripple the company did not create XRP; 100 billion XRPs were created before the company was formed, and after the foundation of Ripple, the creators of XRP gave the company a significant amount of XRP.

Do you think we'll ever see 100 billion XRP around? they seem excessive

What do you think of following these statements?

In my humble opinion, it is in the hands of Ripple Inc. the future of XRP, in the sense, coordinates the adoption of it in the financial world and this means that the adoption of XRP depends on the very capacity of Ripple Inc. to have the their systems from third parties.

In addition, the current supply of XRP is too much, to ensure that the price also rises to $ 10 would mean that it equals or exceeds the Bitcoin MarketCap, and, at $ 10, Chris Larsen would become richer than Jeff Bezos, nothing to contrary to me personally, but are we sure that the other Big consent to this?

What do you think about?
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