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21  Local / 山寨币 / Re: [FRSC]美联储币正式发布 on: December 31, 2013, 06:24:54 PM
2013年12月23日 19:11  华尔街日报中文网

  1913年的12月23日,距离圣诞节仅有两天,时任美国总统的伍德罗?威尔逊(Woodrow Wilson)签署了《联邦储备法》(Federal Reserve Act)。法案寻求通过创设一个中央银行体系来收拾破产银行的“烂摊子”。但直至今日,整整一个世纪的风烟已经散尽,美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve, 简称:美联储)却逐渐演变成了金融浩劫的始作俑者,与其创设本意背道而驰。在其百岁诞辰之际,就让我们来回顾一下美联储的历史,或许可以令我们对现有问题产生更深刻的认识。

  当初创设美联储的目的是为了应对“1907年恐慌”(Panic of 1907)。那年10月,信托公司Knickerbocker Trust Company宣告破产,人们因而担忧其他银行也满足不了存款人的提款要求。为了终结疯狂的挤兑潮,大名鼎鼎的金融家约翰?皮尔庞特?摩根(J.P. Morgan)联合其他多名大金融家拿出自己的钱投入银行系统之中。

  不过,像银行这样拥有长期资产和短期负债的机构,总是面临流动性匮乏、易遭挤兑的风险。而且,如果下次再遇到类似恐慌时,没有摩根这样的人士出来力挽狂澜,那又该怎么办呢?为了应付这种恐慌,美国国会祭出终极武器,呼吁设立一个机构贷款者,帮助那些暂时手头拮据但仍然有偿付能力的银行渡过难关;在这之前,英国记者沃尔特?白芝浩(Walter Bagehot)提出了他那个著名的建议:危机期间,应该由中央银行来以高利率大量放贷,前提是有良好的抵押品。因此,《联邦储备法》这部新法案为“创设旨在提供弹性货币、开辟商业票据的再贴现途径、对美国国内银行业实施更有效监管以及其他目的的联邦储备银行做好了准备。”

  五十年后,国会给出了“其他目的”的解释。《1977年美联储改革法》(Federal Reserve Reform Act of 1977)赋予美联储一大重任,即促进就业、生产力的最大化,并保持物价稳定。这一变革反映出世人思维方式的时代性转变:随着凯恩斯主义(Keynesian)所倡导的财政政策日渐失宠,有一种观点逐渐流行开来,即货币政策能左右经济生产力、从而令国内生产总值(GDP)趋稳。

  在美联储“拯救世界”重担的问题上,历届美联储主席有着各自不同的理解。1951年-1970年间的联储掌门人威廉?马丁(William McChesney Martin)说,美联储的职责就是“在宴会开始时马上拿走酒杯”,换句话说,在资产泡沫迹象才露尖尖角时就立即启动加息。1979-1987年担任联储主席的保罗?沃尔克(Paul Volcker)所经历的焦头烂额恰恰体现出了其正确性――如果放任狂欢失控,第二天要打扫的将是一个何其 乱的“战场”。为驯服高达两位数的通胀怪兽,沃尔克不得不动用两位数的加息武器。

  然而,你能区分经济泡沫和经济奇迹吗?1987-2006年间执掌联储的艾伦?格林斯潘(Alan Greenspan)就不这么想。在格林斯潘看来,美联储所能做的,就是在宴会结束后拿出拖把,乖乖打扫狂欢之后的 乱战场;也就是在通货膨胀全面爆发后,再动用货币政策工具善后。在他的任期内,美联储几乎不曾出手管控资产价格、打压泡沫,而是在泡沫破裂后大手笔地注入流动性,从而引发了下一轮泡沫。

  格林斯潘的继任者贝南克(Ben Bernanke)也支持这一做法,他在2002年向全国企业经济学家协会(National Association for Business Economics)发表讲话时表示,在抑制资产泡沫方面,货币政策不是有效工具。2008年金融危机爆发时,贝南克向市场注入大量流动性,以减轻危机对银行资产负债表的冲击。正如白芝浩建议的那样,美联储慷慨放贷,但区别是利率极低,并接受可疑抵押品。



  8月15日,《伦敦电讯报》(London Telegraph)报道,英国零售额出人意料地大增,而美国失业率也降至六年低点。这通常是利好的宏观经济消息,但当天包括道琼斯指数、标准普尔500指数,法国CAC 40指数在内的全球主要股指大幅下挫。沉迷于美联储低息资金盛宴的市场感到恐惧,担心一旦美国经济改善,美联储就会撤走大家的酒杯,收缩定量宽松政策。



  不管怎样,贝南克让这场盛宴持续了下去,奉行比美联储以往任何一个时期都要宽松的货币政策。如何退出如此大规模的宽松措施而又不令市场产生动荡的难题最终将落到他的继任者珍妮特?耶伦(Janet Yellen)的身上。但眼下,美联储给了所有人又一杯美酒,来庆祝其百岁诞辰。
(作者:John Phelan。Phelan是英国研究机构Cobden Centre的一名研究员)
22  Local / 山寨币 / [FRSC]联储币将登美国交易网站,回复送2014币.QQ群:94479366;232672346;110979767... on: December 31, 2013, 06:12:46 PM



Two days before Christmas in 1913, Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act. The law sought to end bank failures by creating a central banking system. But a century later, the Federal Reserve has become an enabler of the financial havoc it was designed to prevent. A look at the Fed's history offers some insight into the problems.

Federal Reserve system coin(FRSC) 诞生在在美联储百年诞辰之际。这是一种针对金融系统功能的虚拟货币实验,这也是一个没有通货膨胀和货币贬值的世界,在此让我们感受联邦储备系统的真正含义。

Federal Reserve system coin (FRSC) was born in the Federal Reserve 100th birthday.This's a virtual currency experiment at the Financial system function, the world of a not without inflation and devaluation, let us feel the true meaning of the Federal Reserve system.

2013年12月18日,美联储宣布退出量化宽松政策(QE) ,自2014年1月起,每月的规模债券购买将减少100亿至到750亿美元。五年前,美联储打开了一个很多人都有被比喻为“印钞机”量化宽松的货币政


December 18, 2013, the Fed announced its withdrawal of quantitative easing (QE), its withdrawal from January 2014, the monthly scale bond purchases will be reduced from 10 billion to 75 billion U.S. Five years ago, the Fed opened a lot of people have been likened to "printing machine" QE monetary policy.


FRSC use scrypt algorithm,produce one blocks per minute, each block of the first year of a 20% reduction coins every 30 days,In the second year unchanged,third year decreased by 50% per year,the total mining time is infinite.








After saving configuration from the menu, you do not need to give cgminer any arguments and it will load your configuration.

Any configuration file may also contain a single "include" : "filename" to recursively include another configuration file.
Writing the configuration will save all settings from all files in the output.

Single pool:

cgminer -o -u username -p password

Multiple pools:

cgminer -o -u pool1username -p pool1password -o -u pool2usernmae -p pool2password

Single pool with a standard http proxy, regular desktop:

cgminer -o "http:proxy:port|" -u username -p password

Single pool with a socks5 proxy, regular desktop:

cgminer -o "socks5:proxy:port|" -u username -p password

Single pool with stratum protocol support:

cgminer -o stratum+tcp:// -u username -p password

The list of proxy types are:
 http:    standard http 1.1 proxy
 http0:   http 1.0 proxy
 socks4:  socks4 proxy
 socks5:  socks5 proxy
 socks4a: socks4a proxy
 socks5h: socks5 proxy using a hostname
23  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: [FRSC]Federal Reserve System Coin Officially Released on: December 31, 2013, 05:51:02 PM
Mine pool are some of the issues long ago,Now repaired.
24  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: [FRSC]Federal Reserve System Coin Officially Released on: December 31, 2013, 11:25:06 AM
As if we didn't already have enough altcoins...

But since even DogeCoin is now listed on some exchanges (WTF?), really doesn't matter Wink

The term "Federal Reserve" will likely get the operator in trouble.
As he should know, that's a private company likely owning all rights to their company brand "Federal Reserve".

Can't imagine a central bank taking it lightly when their company name is used for an Altcoin, should it ever take off...

I think the Fed should see us as a good joke...
25  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: [FRSC]Federal Reserve System Coin Officially Released on: December 31, 2013, 11:10:11 AM
That's quite possibly the least appealing name for an altcoin yet, heh.  Just waiting for someone to launch NSAcoin now.

FED is the central bank, has little to do with virtual coins, NSA... Smiley
26  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: [FRSC]Federal Reserve System coin Officially released on: December 30, 2013, 07:08:19 PM
The Fed Celebrates Its 100th Birthday

The institution created to end bank failures has morphed into an engine of financial and economic instability.
Two days before Christmas in 1913, Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act. The law sought to end bank failures by creating a central banking system. But a century later, the Federal Reserve has become an enabler of the financial havoc it was designed to prevent. A look at the Fed's history offers some insight into the problems.

The Federal Reserve was created in reaction to the Panic of 1907. The Knickerbocker Trust Company collapsed in October of that year, triggering fear that other banks wouldn't be able to honor depositors' demands for their money. To end spreading bank runs, famed financier J.P. Morgan and a consortium of leading moneymen put their own capital into the system.

Yet institutions with long-term assets and short-term liabilities—such as banks—are always at risk of becoming illiquid and prone to runs. And what if next time there wasn't a J.P. Morgan to intervene? In response to the panic, Congress called for an institutional lender of last resort to tide over solvent but temporarily illiquid banks, following the British journalist Walter Bagehot's famous advice that in a crisis a central bank should exist to "lend freely at a high rate, on good collateral." Thus the new law sought to "provide for the establishment of Federal Reserve banks, to furnish an elastic currency, to afford means of rediscounting commercial paper, to establish a more effective supervision of banking in the United States, and for other purposes."

Fifty years later, Congress clarified what it meant by "other purposes." The Federal Reserve Reform Act of 1977 gave the Fed a mandate to "promote maximum employment, production, and price stability." The change reflected the era's economic thinking: With Keynesian fiscal policy discredited, the latest fad was a belief that monetary policy could smooth fluctuations in GDP—playing God with economic productivity.

Fed chairmen interpreted this new power to save the world in different ways. William McChesney Martin, Fed chairman from 1951 to 1970, said the Fed's job is "to take away the punch bowl just as the party gets going." In other words, start raising interest rates at the earliest signs of an asset bubble. Paul Volcker, Fed chair from 1979 to 1987, who had to use double-digit interest rates to quell double-digit inflation, showed how messy the morning after could be if the party got out of hand.

But Alan Greenspan, at the helm from 1987 to 2006, didn't think you could distinguish artificial bubbles from the high spirits of economic growth. All the Fed could do, in Mr. Greenspan's assessment, was get out the monetary mop and clean up the party after broader inflation breaks out. During his tenure the Fed did little to rein in asset prices and prevent bubbles, but it took dramatic liquidity actions when bubbles burst—which then inflated the next bubble.

Mr. Greenspan's successor, Ben Bernanke, endorsed this method, saying in a 2002 speech before the National Association for Business economics that "monetary policy is not a useful tool" for preventing asset bubbles. And when the financial crisis erupted in 2008, Mr. Bernanke pumped liquidity into the market to mitigate the damage to banks' balance sheets. The Fed certainly lent freely, as Bagehot advised, but at token rates and against dubious collateral.

Yet saving the financial institutions wasn't enough. The Fed was also expected to boost the rest of the economy. So in November 2008 it launched its first of three rounds of "quantitative easing," purchasing billions of Treasurys and, later, mortgage-backed securities, in an effort to tinker with the long end of the yield curve.

As a result of this liquidity infusion—which the Fed last week cut to $75 billion a month—stock markets have nearly doubled since 2009 while the "real" economy has hobbled along with 2% growth. This perverse situation suggests that the stock market has joined government bonds and emerging markets as the latest inflating bubble.

On Aug. 15, the London Telegraph reported that British retail sales had risen unexpectedly sharply and that American unemployment had fallen to a six-year low. This would usually be promising macroeconomic news, but that day major indexes—the Dow Jones Industrial Index, the S&P 500, the CAC 40, among others—tumbled. Markets, hooked on the Fed's cheap liquidity cocktail, were terrified that an improving U.S. economy might see the punch bowl removed with a Fed "taper" of quantitative easing.

A day later, when the results of a U.S. consumer confidence survey came in "far worse than expected," stock markets rallied. Markets are supposed to be driven by the expectations of a stock's perceived profitability, not the pursuit of speculative gains caused by the manipulations of central bankers. Now the economy appears to be in a position where the interests of financial markets are precisely at odds with the interests of the rest of the economy.

Last week the Fed announced a "taper-lite": a small reduction in asset purchases, a backpedaling from the commitment to raise interest rates when unemployment falls to 6.5%, and no actual end to QE. Markets celebrated.

No matter. Mr. Bernanke has kept the party going, pursuing a more accommodating monetary policy than ever before in Fed history. His expected successor Janet Yellen will eventually have to face the tricky task of sneaking the punch bowl out of the party without starting a commotion. But for now the Fed is celebrating its centennial birthday by offering everyone another round.

Mr. Phelan is a fellow at the Cobden Centre in the U.K.
27  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / [FRSC] will trade in the U.S. market, reply wallet address, giving 2014 coin... on: December 30, 2013, 06:04:43 PM

Two days before Christmas in 1913, Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act. The law sought to end bank failures by creating a central banking system. But a century later, the Federal Reserve has become an enabler of the financial havoc it was designed to prevent. A look at the Fed's history offers some insight into the problems.

Federal Reserve system coin (FRSC) was born in the Federal Reserve 100th birthday.This's a virtual currency experiment at the Financial system function, the world of a not without inflation and devaluation, let us feel the true meaning of the Federal Reserve system.

December 18, 2013, the Fed announced its withdrawal of quantitative easing (QE), its withdrawal from January 2014, the monthly scale bond purchases will be reduced from 10 billion to 75 billion U.S. Five years ago, the Fed opened a lot of people have been likened to "printing machine" QE monetary policy.

FRSC use scrypt algorithm,produce one blocks per minute, each block of the first year of a 20% reduction coins every 30 days,In the second year unchanged,third year decreased by 50% per year,the total mining time is infinite.







After saving configuration from the menu, you do not need to give cgminer any arguments and it will load your configuration.

Any configuration file may also contain a single "include" : "filename" to recursively include another configuration file.
Writing the configuration will save all settings from all files in the output.

Single pool:

cgminer -o -u username -p password

Multiple pools:

cgminer -o -u pool1username -p pool1password -o -u pool2usernmae -p pool2password

Single pool with a standard http proxy, regular desktop:

cgminer -o "http:proxy:port|" -u username -p password

Single pool with a socks5 proxy, regular desktop:

cgminer -o "socks5:proxy:port|" -u username -p password

Single pool with stratum protocol support:

cgminer -o stratum+tcp:// -u username -p password

The list of proxy types are:
 http:    standard http 1.1 proxy
 http0:   http 1.0 proxy
 socks4:  socks4 proxy
 socks5:  socks5 proxy
 socks4a: socks4a proxy
 socks5h: socks5 proxy using a hostname
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