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Economic aspects are very fundamental, and because economic principles are very influential in almost all countries in the world then this is good to be used as the basis of knowledge for us to run business processes.
I believe that the economic situation will improve in the last quarter of this year. As long as the world political situation remains stable without the threat of violence that means there will be a negative influence from it.
Yes, Crypto help us, so we have more options for another extra income source. And we can learn a lot of new thing about cryptocurrency, asset management, macro economic, micrk economic thing, etc.
Yes, I'ts good, but always better time to go in. Depends on your personality. The way you invest will give different results.. YOu have to acknowledge, are you a risk taker or not?
Right now I'll just put my asset on Cryptocurrency. Because we know it's reliable, safe dan simple. Because, digital assets is good choice when we have good tools and infrastructure. But when your country don.t have that, Gold and Property would be good answer for you.
Well, it's a new concept.. a good one, but I don't find it anywhere yet, but for crypto-charity? why not?
Negara mengambil setiap tindakan berdasar keadaan situasi yang berkembang, contohnya saat suatu hal dianggap tidak aman untuk rakyatnya, maka negara mengambil langkah awal untuk tidak menerimanya. Hal ini dilakukan dengan tujuan melindungi rakyatnya. dan ini hal yang baik. Lalu saat dirasa hal tersebut aman, mereka akan mengubah kebijakan dan tidak menutup kemungkinan mereka akan bergerak di dalamnya karena melihat celah peluang yang besar.
Cryptocurrency in my opinion is a digital asset, just like gold but in digital version. When they (older generations) know of this concept, I believe many will switch to this digital platform. Now they see it not as a secure platform yet, and it is very human when they don't want to use this platform.
Saat ini infrastruktur teknologi komunikasi sudah sangat baik, dan bisa melayani hampir hingga seluruh pelosok daerah terpencil sekalipun. Karena sifat Cryptocurrency yang cenderung sangat simple dan aman, tidak seperti bank konvensional yang cenderung masih membutuhkan media fisik seperti gedung, ATM dsb. Makan menurut saya tidak lama lagi akan terjadi perubahan cara transaksi dari bank konvensional ke Cryptocurrency secara masif di setiap wilayah.
So, you like to learn languages. Chinese is a great start, I believe. Because we can find chinese people almost everywhere. We can find Chinatown in every counttry. And we'll get many advantages when we can get a little secret or enlightement from them.
Basically all types of investments have a risk magnitude respectively. For example real estate that we consider safe can be destroyed someone and we will lose our assets. For me to know and understand risk is the most important lesson before we choose what the most appropriate investment for our personal whether low-risk or high-risk are in our own hands.
Yes, Cryptocurrency is a new model of invesment. And now we have more options to save or invest our capitals. And that's a good thing I believe.
As we know now the trend has changed to better price movements and this is a good sign that it will benefit all of us. Good luck
Nothing is impossible the possibility is always there. When it is felt cryptocurrency is more reliable, flexible, effective and does not take up a lot of resources, then in the near future it could happen.
There's a lot of oportunity in this area. In less than a decade since Satoshi Nakamoto introduced Bitcoin to the world, a lot seems to have happened in the cryptocurrency space. And I think we have to take the advantages too.
There was a kind of 'Black Monday' in the US Stock Exchange. The Dow Jones Index fell 4.60 percent. A daily loss was the strongest drop in Wall Street history with 1,175 points. Panic sales jumped into the world, the Japanese Nike index dropped by 5.5 percent ...
I do not particularly like to give disastrous news, but the crisis is in the doorway ...! The American Stock Exchange has not experienced such a decline for a long time.
Is this situation the signals of the crisis or is this crisis going to be skipped in a short time?
We are all waiting with curiosity ....
Let's look at it from the other side, the decline in the value of the stock can actually be an opportunity. Because with the same capital value we can get more at this time that is made in mindset by experts.
Let's say you buy a $20,000 car and you have this car for 7 years. So $20,000/7 = $3000/year.
You will change all the 4 tyres every year plus fuel expenses every month plus maintainence/garage expenses for 7 years.
So your monthly expenses for a $20,000 car = $700/month (approx) and for $200,000 car = $4000/month (approx)
How about monthly parking fee? Fuel? Monthly service? Annual taxes? Yet another car bill/car payment? Yes, that's why i sold my car. And there is a new way to commutting nowadays.. it's called ride sharing. I prefer this, it's much simpler than owning a car.
The Ministry of Finance of Germany signed the Decree on recognition of bitcoin legal tender. The document specifies that purchases made for cryptocoins, are not taxed!What do you think about it?
I think Germany take a big positif step, just like another science tech (e.g: nano tech, quantum physic) they know that the cryptocurrency is another big thing in this era.
I see that many of you actually liked the concept of 20 % method wherein you allot 20% of your earnings to be saved as emergency fund. So I was thinking, if that 20% allotted will be invested in a time deposit kind of account, will it still be possible to earn as much or invest it in cryptocurrency? Or maybe just let the money sleep until such time you will need it? What will be a wise kove to do with the noney you have saved up?
Based on my experience and background (Bachelor of Economics) I think better if we use 10 : 90 law.. 10% for liquid saving (cash, gold) and 90% for non liquid investments. P.S that 10% liquid cash/saving is enough for your 3 month daily expenses.
Nah.. Akhirnya saya mendapatkan informasi yang selama ini saya cari-cari gan, terima kasih atas sharingnya. Sukses selalu ya gan he he