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That is hard to explain when the economic market is very volatile. To avoid fraud, I think you should carefully study the project before investing to avoid risks.
In the future, Bitcoin is expected to be exclusive. However, that is just the forecast of investors. I just think Bitcoin controls the cryptocurrency market, not quite the whole world.
Is there any solution to invest in cryptocurrency not? The solution is highly profitable, I feel Bitcoin prices are pretty high although it's down but I can buy another coin. I need some advice.
Have a lot of money or at least shark, I think really rich people can be in the race of the boss in the cryptocurrency market. Those who do not have enough money are in the whale's whirlpool.
How can I determine the transparency of bounty programs in projects?
What is the minimum investment figure for a newcomer? How many tokens are needed to become influential?
I learned that the Blockchain technology is not currently owned, it is the progress of electronic science. Bitcoin also uses Blockchain technology, which also shows that Bitcoin is hard to concentrate.