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21  Other / Off-topic / Re: the disaster that you fear most? on: October 03, 2018, 08:01:08 PM
I don't really fear so much mother nature because nowadays things like earthquakes are very unlikely to kill you. Instead, the man is who I really fear the most, it's constant search for power and revenge.
22  Local / Hardware y Minería / Re: Minar con videoconsolas? on: October 02, 2018, 08:34:02 PM
No me parecería raro que alguno que otro friki lo haya intentado antes Grin pero solo por el hecho de decir que está minando con una videoconsola
y no exactamente porque sea rentable en absoluto, porque en realidad no es para nada rentable además de todas las limitaciones de refrigeración
que te han estado explicando antes
23  Other / Serious discussion / Re: We need new ideologies on: October 02, 2018, 08:23:53 PM
You are envisioning something that the first futurists saw, at the moment in which the industrial revolution emerged, some futurists like Oscar Wilde proposed that we would reach a point in tech developement that all basic needs and manual work were fulfilled and done by the machines, freeing the human and letting him focus on only making more "elevated" work such as art, philosophy and more tech developement.

I would say that a technocracy would be the ideology by which the world must be ruled.
Letting important decisions of any field to the best minds in that field and not to a bunch of incompetents driven only by their self benefit agenda.
24  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Announcing BPIP - The Bitcointalk Public Information Project! on: October 02, 2018, 06:58:28 PM
This may become a sort of bitcointalk forum wayback machine, as this forum have a long history and has been pretty much since bitcoin started.
I Can imagine if bitcoin/crypto finally disrupts into the mainstream culture this may be useful for someone who wants to investigate which has been the roots of this technology and the community that has been with it from the start!
25  Local / Español (Spanish) / Re: El Petro la mayor Innovacion jamas antes vista. on: October 02, 2018, 06:49:30 PM
Muchas gracias por ese gracioso análisis del whitepaper del petro... Así que es una moneda que es finita y al mismo tiempo infinita Grin
Conozco a este gobierno y esas cosas tienden a hacerlas cuando quieren aprovecharse de la ignorancia técnológica popular, escudándose en medidas "legítimas", como es la emisión de ese whitepaper.

Da tristeza cómo lanzan por la borda (a punta de malas decisiones y búsqueda de beneficio personal) lo que podía ser una estrategia verdaderamente buena para ayudar a Venezuela a anteponerse a la devaluación del bolívar y los bloqueos económicos. A esta altura ya ni vale la pena hablar mal del gobierno, pues se debe dar por sentado el nivel de corrupción que existe en todo lo que hacen e intentan por Venezuela.
26  Other / Politics & Society / Re: IQ tests for internet users would make the internet safe (and this board empty) on: October 02, 2018, 02:56:31 AM
IQ tests aren't objective at all, it was proven many times before. Many people, who are actually really smart in life can't do IQ tests very well, it's just that they abstract thinking developed differently, or not so much at all. On the other hand you can pick whatever person is shitposting on the internet, and he will probably show you an average IQ score.

This is true, I think that IQ tests are a little outdated because tons of discoveries in psichology fields afirming there is no only one kind of intelligence but many
(As Linguistic, spatial, logical, musical and interpersonal intelligence) and each one would require different approach in order to be tested on individuals.

So it's harder than that, an IQ test filter would be just unfair Tongue
27  Local / Español (Spanish) / Re: Maduro y el Petro on: October 02, 2018, 02:48:05 AM
hola chicos una pregunta para los que son de venezuela como aquellos que siguen al petro, segun tengo entendido estos dias maduro o su equipo iba a dar detalles sobre que blockchain iba a estar asentado el petro,  alguno sabe al final si se dejo claro si usaran una blockchain propia o usaran la nem o ethereum? , lo ideal seria que usen la ethereum pero bueno aun no encuentro informacion sobre esto.


Hola hermano, toda la información que se dio al respecto hoy fue la siguiente:

No veo nada, pero en el pasado escuché que iba a ser basado en la cadena de bloques de NEM y hoy vi en su whitepaper una pequeña infografía en la que figura los logos de Ethereum y Bitcoin (página 4) Pero sin especificar en ningún lugar de ese whitepaper esa información. También leí que realmente era un Fork de Dash

Aparte de eso y de cualquier otra especulación acerca de esta moneda, la prueba de fuego de el susodicho "anclaje" de los sueldos mínimos a el precio del petróleo será cuando nos demos cuenta si el sueldo del venezolano aumentará, ya que hoy en día el barril de petróleo se encuentra a $66, por lo que el sueldo mínimo de los venezolanos debería ser la mitad ($33 dólares) cosa que no veo aún  Roll Eyes
28  Local / Altcoins (criptomonedas alternativas) / Re: El Petro aun una alternativa ? on: October 02, 2018, 02:38:04 AM
Pues hoy el gobierno informó que oficialmente El Petro iba a ser la nueva moneda comercial de Venezuela,
pretenden que el petróleo de Venezuela sea vendido en Petros, también otras actividades comerciales como inmuebles, los hoteles, los pasajes aéreos internacionales, la gasolina para la aviación y los impuestos de salida en aeropuertos para ser pagadas en Petro.

Ya veremos en los próximos días cómo se desenvuelve este lento proceso  Roll Eyes
29  Local / Esquina Libre / Re: Gramática en Ingles. on: October 02, 2018, 02:00:25 AM
En efecto, una vez que tienes las bases lo mejor para continuar mejorando es practicarlo, y lo que haces es excelente, escuchar y leer todo lo que puedas en inglés es La mejor manera de incrementar y mejorar tu comprensión y vocabulario, lo que necesitas hacer es buscar oportunidades de conversarlo ya que “practice makes perfect”.
Si encontrar personas que lo hable se te complica, lo segundo mejor es la lectura en voz alta, eso también ayuda muchísimo, ya que no es lo mismo leer en silencio, cuando leemos en La mente usualmente tenemos excelente pronunciación, jejeje. Y mi favorita, cantar, si te gusta la música, entonces consigue las letras de canciones que gusten y cántalas, observa las variaciones en pronunciación que muchos artistas manejan, y eso también te va a ayudar a tener mejor comprensión del idioma hablado.
Espero sinceramente te sean de ayuda estos consejos, y sigo a tus órdenes.

Muchas gracias por tus recomendaciones también! Empezaré a aplicar más tu consejo de leer en voz alta, ya que diría que más del 95% de las cosas que leo, las leo en mi propia mente. También pronto ingresaré a una academia de Inglés con profesores nativos de USA, mi foco ahora va a ser la pronunciación, ya que como dices tú "Practica makes perfect"

De nuevo gracias por la invitación y en incentivo!
30  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The technological singularity on: October 01, 2018, 08:35:33 PM
I would guess closer to 50 years from now myself, maybe 2070.  Mostly because science has no idea where consciousness comes from.  A programmer can create a neural-net that acts like a brain, but, how do you give it a consciousness and free will?

Your consciousness is not the brain itself, but rather "the watcher" or "the decider", aka "the man behind the curtain"... how do you give such an aspect to a computer?

Some people think that once a neural network becomes large enough it could become self-aware spontaneously.  If this happened it could be a lot sooner than 50 years.  Though, I don't see how you could even tell it was self-aware unless it had the ability to reprogram itself.

A self-aware AI with the ability to reprogram itself would evolve faster than people could keep up with it.  Soon we would not understand it's code, even if it allowed us to view it.  This sounds like the "singularity" you refer to.  You can't put that genie back in the bottle once it is out...

You are touching directly the important point here, the theme of consciousness and how far we are from creating not artificial intelligence (because it has been already created) but artificial CONSCIOUSNESS, which basically means: A mechanism that is able to reflect on it's own condition and capable of learning and re-organizing itself to overcome its obstacles.

That's the real phylosophycal deal in this field, which has been explored by Phillip K. Dick in his novel called "Do androids dream of electrical sheeps?" and in a Ridley Scott movie called "Blade Runner" which is an adaptation of the mentioned novel.

I like the position that Ben Goertzel (Probably the greatest IA developer in history) takes: He sees consciousness not as a consequence of a complex interconnected web of neurons but as the most fundamental 'substance' by which all of reality is made.
For he, it doesn't depends on if a robot has consciousness or not, because he believes that everything we see, touch and experience is just an expression of (the fundamental) consciousness, just in different degrees and shapes. So everything we can perceive is made of the same consciousness and because of that, EVERYTHING has consciousness. (If you want to listen him talking about this specific topic watch this video at minute 9:12

It may sound crazy from a materialistic/traditional science point of view, but even the most advanced scientific understanding that we have nowadays (which is Quantum Mechanics) may prove that there are evidence of it being totally possible.
31  Other / Off-topic / Re: Which Cryptocurrency will we use in the Future?✅ on: October 01, 2018, 01:44:55 PM
I see bitcoin more like a value storing currency. In the future, if there's real implementation of Crypto in day to day commerce, bitcoin makes it a little difficult because its high fees and long waits for transactions to be processed. I think a crypto needs to overcome these two issues in order to penetrate in the future mainstream commerce culture
32  Other / Off-topic / Re: [ASK] How to overcome feeling lazy? on: October 01, 2018, 05:24:36 AM
I feel lazy whenever I loose focus from my goals. When I was 19 in 2014, I really faced myself for the first time and asked myself: What do I really want to do with the limited time I'll be on this planet? From then, I've passed some years trying to figure out what are those really important things for me and wrote those down in paper. Now, when I feel lazy, I keep seeing that paper and it motivates me for taking action on what I want
33  Other / Off-topic / Re: Are you ready for the 5G Revolution? on: October 01, 2018, 05:15:14 AM
What I really want to see, is a total descentralization of the internet, to stop needing big companies and providers to serve as gatekeepers between us. That would be a fundamental twist in privacy and freedom from any imposition governments/internet providers puts on us.
34  Other / Serious discussion / Re: Someone emailed me my linked in password today and asking for Bitcoins? on: September 30, 2018, 10:46:07 PM
Good for you that anyone will see your nasty sexual behaviors Grin jk.
All I can recommend you is to use KeePass as it offers you generate passwords that are pretty much impossible to decypher with bruteforce method,
also it keeps all passwords encrypted and you won't need to remember any of those because it stores every password you have.
I was seeing one case very similar to this one, used the block explorer to watch the transactions done with that account and sadly, there were some people who fell in that scam.
35  Local / Esquina Libre / Re: Gramática en Ingles. on: September 30, 2018, 07:07:47 AM
No les pasa que a veces es difícil saber como expresar algo en Ingles aunque entienden lo que la frase dice.

He sido maestra de Ingles por 20 años y es cierto lo que dicen que la mejor manera de aprender es enseñando, así que me pongo a su disposición si es que tiene alguna duda de Ingles a la hora de traducir, con la idea de que nos ayudemos mutuamente, colaboramos y hagamos llegar la información de manera más clara a aquellos que no entienden el idioma Ingles.

Bienvenida sea tu propuesta! Ya hace unos días hubo un post en el que invitaban a unirse a un foro aparte de bitcointalk para aprender Inglés, no tengo el link ahora pero sé que lo vi. Por ahora me parece que sería bueno que nos pudieras dar algunos consejos prácticos para aprender mejor el inglés.

Yo personalmente me considero una persona que sabe expresarse bien en inglés de forma ESCRITA. Hablarlo me cuesta un poco, me trabo en algunas palabras, pero sé que es cuestión de que no lo practico mucho, lo que más me ha ayudado a aprender lo que sé de inglés es LEYENDO. Leo todo lo que puedo en inglés sobre temas de mi interés, en vez de investigar en español, lo hago en inglés, y comunmente consigo mejores fuentes de información en inglés que en español.
Tengo mi sistema operativo en inglés y escucho audiolibros, o charlas de crecimiento personal en inglés y me va bastante bien! Ya entiendo la gran parte de las cosas que escucho en inglés!
36  Local / Esquina Libre / Re: Las cripomendas y las bancas descentralizadas on: September 30, 2018, 07:00:32 AM
Entiendo tu punto, pero creo que quienes darían el paso a crear ese sistema bancario descentralizado serían los mismos bancos, recordando que ellos son los que tienen toda la infraestructura legal y capacidad de impresión de billetes.
A menos que proceda de un proyecto ajeno a los intereses de la banca centralizada, y que consiga asociar cada billete a sus monedas. Lo cual no es tan fácil, claro que es posible pero no lo veo como algo que vaya a ocurrir pronto. Es mi humilde opinión.
37  Other / Off-topic / Re: how to protect yourself from emf and radio waves on: September 30, 2018, 06:14:00 AM
How are you so sure that your blurry vision might be caused by radio waves? There is a lot of radio waves along all the planet, specially in the cities, they pass through bodies withouth causing practically any side-effect. I couldn't imagine the level of exposition one person needs to these waves to start feeling problems.
I'm pretty sure your smartphone waves may be more lethal than radio waves!
38  Other / Off-topic / Re: Life motivation on: September 30, 2018, 06:04:51 AM
I've discovered that my only life motivation is spirituality itself, my relationship with what "god" means to me.
It's like something that may knock on your door at some point in your life, and you decide if you'll follow the intuitions it gives you about life.
Because as far as you know yourself, you'll know the other. We're all one.
39  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why are suicide rates rising? on: September 30, 2018, 05:04:44 AM
Suicide rates are rising because I think that people are become inhumane. I believe that interactions among human beings, be it - as a family, friend, classmates, workmates, neighbors, and etc, must be in good terms and what makes it in good terms is the humanity, and I think that is now being underrated today. People nowadays tend to hate each other, to not care for each other, we are becoming cruel without wven noticing what really is the situation of others. Furthermore, suicide rates are incrrasing due to lack of communication, understanding, tolerance, and acceptance. And with all of those negativity around, it is more easy to see things that's against the light.

applause, I think you are right sir. In these times, the human has been disconecting more and more from it's true nature. We used to be more colective, tend to care more for each other and even try to understand more the other people. But the human consciousness has evolved lately into a more egoistic, individualistic view of the world. And even when there is a little piece of egoism in the actions we make, on how we make it, we'll be still experiencing fears which in other times would be supported more from other people. I'm a lonely person and sometimes I fear rejection and I really believe it's something that is preventing me from really moving forward in my life, it keeps me from telling other people what I feel, thinking that in the end I am the only responsible for my own life, but I really feel exhausted from acting like that. That's why I've been feeling sporadic depression but actually I've never thought about suiciding myself.
40  Local / Esquina Libre / Re: Las cripomendas y las bancas descentralizadas on: September 29, 2018, 08:49:25 PM
Creo que resulta hasta cierto punto contra-intuitivo que los bancos apliquen tecnologías descentralizadas. Vamos, que la gran parte de la fama que las criptomonedas han alcanzado deviene directamente de su independencia de agencias o entidades centralizadas (exactamente como los bancos).

Digo que me resulta contra-intuitivo ya que ésta tecnología prácticamente se inventó para sortear las limitaciones económicas impuestas por las entidades centralizadas (véanse bancos y gobiernos) y que ahora ellos quieran implementar la tecnología que en un principio surgió para evitar el montón de impuestos/burocracia y limitantes que ellos imponen
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