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21  Other / Meta / Re: Request: Disable JayJuanGee in the Wall Observer thread on: August 26, 2023, 09:18:14 PM
Like Cyndi Lauper said in one of her songs: "bitcoiners just want to have fun"  Cheesy

As people with "enough" money can give away for any cause they see fit, the same can be said about merit.

Let's be hones: some boards are harder to get merits than others, like Technical Discussions vs Meta. It is what it is...

We either accept it or talk about changing the rules with complicated scenarios that theymos might never implement: like doing for merit something similar to flags. Users can merit a post and their smerit decreases but the merited user actually receives the merit when at least 3 users merit the same post.

It may be a good idea, it may be stupid... but one thing is for sure: it's damn hard to come up with a fair algorithm that changes the game for everyone from that point on without any retroactive impact.

One of the last banned account I merited was for warning users that a certain ann thread had a wallet with malware. The irony is that the same user was banned for posting a malware infected wallet himself a few days later. It can happen to anyone. Doesn't seem fair to judge someone solely on this metric imho.
22  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Concursuri/tombole pe bitcointalk (sau pe aprope) on: August 18, 2023, 07:59:25 PM
Mamă ce concurs am ratat ..
Mersi de postare, dar nu îl mai pun pe prima pagină că s-a și terminat.

Am facut acum ceva timp un bot pe canalul de discord (neoficial) bitcointalk care posteaza de fiecare data cand apare un thread nou in scetiunea de collectibles. Deci daca sunt pe faza le vad usor.

Mai are cateva bug-uri vizuale dar nu mi-am mai facut curaj sa mai lucrez la el de ceva timp  Tongue
23  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Concursuri/tombole pe bitcointalk (sau pe aprope) on: August 17, 2023, 05:10:36 PM
[FREE RAFFLE] - Wallet Keep Key! The number of slots is limited

Alegi un slot si spui ce calitati ar trebui sa aibe un mixer.
Se poate castiga un hardware wallet de la keepkey.

Bafta !
24  Economy / Collectibles / Re: [FREE RAFFLE] - Wallet Keep Key! The number of slots is limited! on: August 17, 2023, 05:00:47 PM
E - Rizzrack

- to have a Tor option
- no registration required
- is not hosted in countries that are crazy with "cracking down on money lauderers, for the good of the people". See the us treasury vs tornado cash, dutch fido vs the tornado cash dev etc.
- put client privacy & anonymity first !
- does not have ridiculous fees
25  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Recomandare portofel dupa hackul Atomic Wallet on: July 23, 2023, 09:58:21 PM
Aparent Atomic Wallet a fost dat in judecata si exista un proces colectiv:

Nu stiu daca te poti alatura listei de pagubiti dar presupun ca merita sa te interesezi avand in vedere suma mentionata.

Multa bafta in continuare si imi pare rau pentru tine si toti cei care s-au increzut in acest wallet si au fost dezamagiti in felul asta...
26  Local / Market / Re: VAND MatchX M2 Pro Miner - MXC, DHX, BTC , Bitcoin Miner on: July 23, 2023, 09:47:55 PM
Pana la urma asta e miner sau un sistem de stake MXC ca sa primesti niste reward-uri in diverse monede ?
Ca daca ai health 20% nu mineaza mai nimic, deci iti trebuie MXC in portofel sa revi cat mai aproape de 100% ca sa faca ceva.

Zi sincer, in ultima perioada mai producea ceva ?
27  Other / Meta / Re: A concise 2FA/TOTP implementation (SMF patch) on: July 02, 2023, 08:57:31 PM
In all fairness was always a fan of adding a 2FA method that would require the user to sign a message from an address linked with the account.
Might be a PITA to do that if you access the forum on mobile but would still be cool and might be worth taking into account at some point Smiley
(No web3 metamask crap... but Bitcoin Core old school message signing)

Very nice of you PowerGlove to take the time to code this ! Really curious to see what you came up with and if/how soon it will be "merged to master" !
28  Other / Meta / Re: A concise 2FA/TOTP implementation (SMF patch) on: June 23, 2023, 08:50:09 PM
You coded a standalone totp for your implementation of 2fa ? You really know how to go the extra mile. Curiosity level peaked!
29  Other / Meta / Re: My password was changed on this forum on: June 21, 2023, 04:28:38 PM
Well, the OP used an address today when applying to join a signature campaign. He used an address he has used previously for joining signature campaigns: bc1qalv6lg6qt7g72jx35th694zzfa98gc6d9zm0w5

He should be able to sign this address otherwise he would not have applied to join another campaign with it today therefore in this particular instance would it really matter?

Today when I tried to login, my  old password was not working. Was my account hacked ? Do I need to worry about it.

I was able to reset password as email was not changed.

Can you sign a message using an address you posted a while ago ? You can use the below format  Grin

When I said a while ago I was reffering to before the other password and email changes in 2019. So yeah, would not be impressed if he could sign with the address you mentioned.
He doesn't have to sign, but would be nice to have.
30  Other / Meta / Re: My password was changed on this forum on: June 20, 2023, 09:35:27 PM
Today when I tried to login, my  old password was not working. Was my account hacked ? Do I need to worry about it.

I was able to reset password as email was not changed.

Can you sign a message using an address you posted a while ago ? You can use the below format  Grin

My account krishnaverma is OK and I have no more issues. The current date is <date>
<insert address here>
<insert signature here>

31  Local / Presa / Re: [2023-05-21] Autorizarea platformelor de schimb crypto în România, sub ameninț.. on: June 07, 2023, 07:37:55 PM
Daca nu ma insel deja sunt banci care initial au zis la fel, dar intre timp s-au sucit.

Am niste cunostiinte in sistemul bancar. Pe partea de programare, nu financiar... dar chiar si asa.
Si partea cea mai stresanta a lunii este raportarea catre BNR. Nu stiu exact ce raporteaza pentru ca nu m-a interesat niciodata. Dar parerea mea este ca daca vreo banca a avut vreo initiativa inspre crypto, cei din BNR i-au taiat elanul intr-un fel sau altul.

Bun, este in principal vorba de banci comerciale (care au simtit mirosul banilor) si cateva banci centrale care vor sa deschida drumul spre CBDC.

Fun fact: parerea unui bitcoiner suedez despre e-krona suedeza:

Oricum, chiar daca nu suntem de acord cu "cunostintele" crypto ale legislatorului roman, cu partea cu scrisoarea de la Bruxelles s-ar foarte putea sa ai dreptate (desi de la aia avusesem o bruma de asteptari, dar.. asta-i viata...)

Jucand cartea spalarii banilor, care are un sambure de adevar dar este exagerata peste proportii, prin toate filtrele de KYC si AML se ajunge la control.
Auzi neamule aici:

On Thursday, MEPs approved with 529 votes in favour to 29 against and 14 abstentions, the first piece of EU legislation for tracing transfers of crypto-assets like bitcoins and electronic money tokens. The text –which was provisionally agreed by Parliament and Council negotiators in June 2022- aims to ensure that crypto transfers, as is the case with any other financial operation, can always be traced and suspicious transactions blocked.

Ori nu inteleg eu ce vor sa faca ori nu inteleg ei cu pot face, dar nici europenii astia nu au toata tigla pe casa...
32  Local / Presa / Re: [2023-05-21] Autorizarea platformelor de schimb crypto în România, sub ameninț.. on: June 05, 2023, 10:37:22 PM
Na belea...

reprezentanții legali, administratorii, acționarii semnificativi sau asociații [...] nu au fost condamnați pe plan intern sau internațional, pentru infracțiuni de evaziune fiscală, privind regimul vamal, de spălare a banilor sau de finanțare a terorismului, precum și pentru cele prevăzute de art. 47 alin. (2) din Legea nr. 129/2019, pentru care nu a intervenit reabilitarea;

persoanele care dețin o funcție de conducere în cadrul entității și persoanele care sunt beneficiarii reali ai acesteia [...] dețin cunoștințele necesare în domeniul prevenirii și combaterii spălării banilor și finanțării terorismului și au o bună reputație profesională și morală

Cand se va da o ordonanta cu asa reguli si pentru gusterii de politicieni. Ca in ultimii 34 de ani am avut parte numai de baieti cu diplome in "scoala vietii" dar 4 clase pe foaia matricola.

Revenind la subiect: deci viitorul ATM-urilor crypto pare sumbru in Romania.

Na, concluzia mea este ca legislatorul nostru dovedeste din nou ca habar n-are in ce sfere traieste, dar legatura cu realitatea clar nu are. Asadar adoptia crypto in Ro, in loc de claritate, primeste inca un sut in dos si o piedica serioasa. Nu ca as fi avut asteptari...

Cu prima parte te contrazic ! Cred ca stie ce vorbeste si acel "sut in dos" este cu premeditare.
Isărescu: Bitcoin este o reacție de neîncredere față de băncile centrale. Nu este o criptomonedă. Este un criptoactiv speculativ

Acum nu stiu sigur daca bonancul care da acel sut este romanesc sau e facut la Bruxelles. Desi tind sa cred ca ai nostri sunt prea lenesi sa faca treburile aste dar mai vine cate o scrisoare de la Bruxelles si o pun repede in aplicare ca oricum nu le pasa de crypto. Ca doar este un "criptoactiv speculativ fara garantia statului"

33  Other / Meta / Re: OgNasty wrote a beauty! on: May 24, 2023, 06:15:57 PM
Too hard for new members... bla bla bla... annoying... bla bla bla...

If I had a satoshi every time I asked a user for a signed message to recover his account and got a reply with profile signature bbcode, handwritten signature (the artist in the corner of the painting kind), IDs and many more...

Pretty sure the majority of active bitcointalk users now a days don't know how to sign a message. You wonder why ? Because they use Metamask to login other platforms and they just click and "presto!"... it's done. They don't need to know!

It would be cool to have this alternative. Not as the only login option.

About the Bitcoin WEB3 topic not sure what to say. A few months ago might have said it would be cool if Bitcoin NFTs would be a thing. Now i'm not too sure about that.
34  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Cum vă imaginaţi că va arăta lumea Cripto peste 5 ani de zile? Dar 10? on: April 27, 2023, 04:43:57 PM
Asta ar fi mişto de văzut în realitate.  Vino la banca X, că ţi se confirmă tranzacţiile mai uşor.  Hai la noi, că nu băgăm prea mult minat ca să susţinem decentralizarea.  Cred că merge pe ambele părţi, dar pentru clientelă prima variantă sună mai bine.

Sincer as vrea minerii de azi sa fie bancherii de maine, nu invers.

Si cand se va intampla asta vor aparea din ce in ce mai multe "banci". Si intr-un final putem fi propria banca.

Si pe partea cealalta sa vina ETH, de exemplu ,cu smart contracts pentru imprumuturi cu titlu executor. Nu dai rata te executa, dar nici dobanda nu este bazata pe un indice fictiv usor manipulabil cand are guvernul nevoie sa creasca sau sa scada puterea de cumparare a populatiei.

Feels good to dream  Grin
35  Economy / Services / Re: I sell videos from a third world country; I receive BITCOIN on: April 18, 2023, 07:20:07 PM
This reminds me of a video I saw a while back:  Grin good luck !
36  Local / Offtopic / Re: Unde ar trebui să-mi vând Ethereum-ul? on: April 17, 2023, 10:02:36 PM
In primul rand felicitari si multa bafta in cazul in care accepti oferta !

Sincer nu cunosc personal dar din cate zice google un salariu mediu pentru inginer in automatizari ar fi de 7k EUR

Referitor la crypto se pare ca in Germania inca au 0 taxe pentru crypto cumparat de peste 1 an.
Totusi cred ca nu este asa simplu si conteaza resedinta fiscala etc. As recomanda sa vorbesti cu un contabil neamt despre treaba asta.

Job bine platit ai, ETH ai... sanatate sa ai ca restu se cumpara !
37  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Cum vă imaginaţi că va arăta lumea Cripto peste 5 ani de zile? Dar 10? on: April 17, 2023, 09:44:34 PM
La cate s-au intamplat in ultimii 3 ani (si nu ma refer la crypto) deja imi e frica sa ma gandesc pe termen lung  Cheesy

Dar daca ar fi sa imi dau cu presupusul: sectorul bancar se va duce incet incet la vale. Vor aparea mai multe INF-uri din zona IT. Am auzit ca Apple vor sa se alieze cu Goldman Sacks si sa ofere depozite la termen, sau ceva de genul. Revolut ofera imprumuturi. Si bancile asa cum le stim noi se vor stinge incet dar sigur.

Sincer orice incercare de CBDC va esua. Poate in China sa mearga oarecum. Acolo se impune cu pusca... sau chiar cu tancul uneori.

Si aceste IFN-uri din zone IT de care vorbeam cel putin par mai deschise catre zona crypto. Nu stiu daca va implementa Revolut crypto "pe bune". Om trai si om vedea.
De foarte multa vreme incoace mai totul depinde de trend-uri. A fost trend-ul cu ICO, dupa cu NFT-uri... eu cred ca va urma, in urmatorul an, AI (ChatGPT) Powered DAO. Unde niste baieti creeaza un token si lasa AI-ul sa gaseasca o utilitate, sa stabileasca pretul, sa vina cu idei, cu propuneri pentru votul shareholderilor etc  Grin

O adoptie la nivelul la care speram o vad in peste 20 de ani. Dar o vad ! (scuzati pesimismul)

Poate este o prostie ce zic acum dar ma gandeam ce s-ar intampla daca usor usor marele $ va pierde teren si se va duce la vale. Piata este foarte impanzita de stable coin pegged la dolar. Sunt curios ce se va intampla daca dolarul va scadea cu 50% peste noapte. O sa fie panica si sange sau cativa boti de arbitrage vor face profituri imense si a doua deja nu se mai observa nimic ?
38  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: ATENTIE! Bibox exchange fraudeaza userii! on: April 06, 2023, 10:37:01 PM
Prima reactie a fost la fel ca a lui PrivacyG "de unde gasiti toate ciudateniile de exchange-uri" si cred ca este o intrebare legitima:
De unde ai auzit de site-ul asta ? Prieteni, youtube, tiktok ? Pe bune, chiar as vrea sa stiu...
39  Other / Meta / Re: Adding [nbsp] (non-breaking space) to the BBCode parser (SMF patch) on: March 19, 2023, 02:42:00 PM
As a small aside, the BBCode parser is a goddamned mess and I'm not sure what the SMF peeps were smoking when they designed it, but it must have been some seriously next-level stuff.

While looking through the SMF source code a while back remember seeing some comments like "not sure why the below code is working" or smth like that. It was related either to BBCode parser or search function. To be fair in an older version though, close to the one the forum is using.

But I guess most software have some parts made by a guy that went AWOL at some point and nobody knew exactly how that code worked so just ran with it as much as they could Tongue (Windows is no exception)
40  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Trading Crossed/isolated mode on: February 26, 2023, 10:23:55 PM
Indeed, cross margin is more risky... but as Bitcoin_Arena said, it also matters what percentage of your fund you "play" with. If the guy you copy is using 1% of his funds and opens some risky 30x levarage positions he can sustain some losses and can set his stop-loss lower. If you use 30% of your funds for the same trade you will get liquidated as soon as that coins goes 3% in the wrong direction.

Lost my share to futures trading in my noobish days. It can go well or it can go bad. Just make sure you understand what you are doing before starting.

Good luck !
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