ssh into the rig
cd /opt/miners/lolminer
and should be the directory with the miner (if not do cd/opt/miners and the ls to see the miners)
the .json file is there for the config and you can edit the config file for it using nano.
you can run the command from jgonzi as it is just manually executing the miner. You may have to do a disallow first to prevent ethos from trying to run it.
cd /opt/miners/lolminer
and should be the directory with the miner (if not do cd/opt/miners and the ls to see the miners)
the .json file is there for the config and you can edit the config file for it using nano.
you can run the command from jgonzi as it is just manually executing the miner. You may have to do a disallow first to prevent ethos from trying to run it.
I tried without any good result. See the command sequence in the screenshot below:
as you can see there is no .json file in that folder. The .json file is placed here /var/run/ethos/lolminer_config.json. Inside there is only the lolminer.cfg. See screenshot below:
I think there is an issue with the miner for Ethos. It's like lolminer is generating the wrong command sequence. Basically ethos uses all its config files to generate the command string. It places the string inside this file: /tmp/minercmd
For example below you can see the string generated by phoenixminer. It works beautifully.
su - ethos -c "/usr/bin/screen -c /opt/ethos/etc/screenrc.phoenixminer -l -L -dmS phoenixminer /opt/miners/phoenixminer/PhoenixMiner -proto 2 -amd -altinit -gser 0 -worker 733d0f -log 0 -w$
When I select lolminer it generates the following string:
su - ethos -c "/usr/bin/screen -c /opt/ethos/etc/screenrc.lolminer -l -L -dmS lolminer /opt/miners/lolminer/lolMiner -profile=ETHOS -usercfg=/var/run/ethos/lolminer_config.json --coin BEAM "
Problem is that this string has the option "-profile=ETHOS" and when executed the miner interpretation is "-p rofile=ETHOS" and of course it doesn't find the pool...
So the main question here is: who is writing that file? How can I avoid to have that "-profile=ETHOS" inserted in the string?
About downloading lolminer and executing it like normal linux as suggested by jgonzi. I would like to keep my ethOS working as ethOS, otherwise maybe it's better to replace it with linux and bie bie ethOS.