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21  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: lolMiner 1.16: AMD Miner for Ethash / BEAM / GRIN / Ae / Tube / Equihash & more on: December 13, 2020, 09:28:18 AM
ssh into the rig

cd /opt/miners/lolminer
and should be the directory with the miner (if not do cd/opt/miners and the ls to see the miners)
the .json file is there for the config and you can edit the config file for it using nano.

you can run the command from jgonzi as it is just manually executing the miner.  You may have to do a disallow first to prevent ethos from trying to run it.

I tried without any good result. See the command sequence in the screenshot below:

as you can see there is no .json file in that folder. The .json file is placed here /var/run/ethos/lolminer_config.json. Inside there is only the lolminer.cfg. See screenshot below:

I think there is an issue with the miner for Ethos. It's like lolminer is generating the wrong command sequence. Basically ethos uses all its config files to generate the command string. It places the string inside this file: /tmp/minercmd

For example below you can see the string generated by phoenixminer. It works beautifully.

su - ethos -c "/usr/bin/screen -c /opt/ethos/etc/screenrc.phoenixminer -l -L -dmS phoenixminer /opt/miners/phoenixminer/PhoenixMiner   -proto 2  -amd -altinit -gser 0  -worker 733d0f  -log 0  -w$

When I select lolminer it generates the following string:

su - ethos -c "/usr/bin/screen -c /opt/ethos/etc/screenrc.lolminer -l -L -dmS lolminer /opt/miners/lolminer/lolMiner -profile=ETHOS -usercfg=/var/run/ethos/lolminer_config.json --coin BEAM "

Problem is that this string has the option "-profile=ETHOS" and when executed the miner interpretation is "-p rofile=ETHOS" and of course it doesn't find the pool...

So the main question here is: who is writing that file? How can I avoid to have that "-profile=ETHOS" inserted in the string?

About downloading lolminer and executing it like normal linux as suggested by jgonzi. I would like to keep my ethOS working as ethOS, otherwise maybe it's better to replace it with linux and bie bie ethOS.
22  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: lolMiner 1.16: AMD Miner for Ethash / BEAM / GRIN / Ae / Tube / Equihash & more on: December 12, 2020, 09:57:53 PM
OK I discover the command "gethelp". This command generates a log file.

I studied the log file and I have discovered that all the config file of ethos is used to generate this command:

# cat /tmp/minercmd


su - ethos -c "/usr/bin/screen -c /opt/ethos/etc/screenrc.lolminer -l -L -dmS lolminer /opt/miners/lolminer/lolMiner -profile=ETHOS -usercfg=/var/run/ethos/lolminer_config.json --coin BEAM "


I also checked the lolminer_config.json file. It is this one below:

    "DEFAULTS": {
        "DEVICES": "AMD",
        "APIPORT": 42079
    "ETHOS": {
        "COIN": "ZER",
        "POOLS": [
                "POOL": "",
                "PORT": "3333",
                "USER": "MY_ADDRESS.733d0f",
                "PASS": "x"


It looks like the problem is created by "-profile=ETHOS" in the miner command line above.

I hope this helps you to help me guys. Sorry for me being a such a monkey.

Can you try to write this line:
lolMiner -c BEAM -p -u MY_ADDRESS.733d0f  --pass x --apiport 42079 --devices AMD

If works we have done 1st step

if I give that command it says "command not found".
I guess EthOS is a linux but customized so it doesn't work this way. I tried to gave that command directly from the miners folder ( they are inside /opt/miners/) but it says the same thing. I guess the goal is to get that line in the /tmp/minercmd file it generates by himself. The big problem is that I don't know how to get rid of that "-profile=ETHOS". Basically lolminer considers the -p like the option for the pool address and "rofile=ETHOS" like the pool name...what the hell eheheh
23  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: lolMiner 1.16: AMD Miner for Ethash / BEAM / GRIN / Ae / Tube / Equihash & more on: December 12, 2020, 05:33:32 PM
OK I discover the command "gethelp". This command generates a log file.

I studied the log file and I have discovered that all the config file of ethos is used to generate this command:

# cat /tmp/minercmd


su - ethos -c "/usr/bin/screen -c /opt/ethos/etc/screenrc.lolminer -l -L -dmS lolminer /opt/miners/lolminer/lolMiner -profile=ETHOS -usercfg=/var/run/ethos/lolminer_config.json --coin BEAM "


I also checked the lolminer_config.json file. It is this one below:

    "DEFAULTS": {
        "DEVICES": "AMD",
        "APIPORT": 42079
    "ETHOS": {
        "COIN": "ZER",
        "POOLS": [
                "POOL": "",
                "PORT": "3333",
                "USER": "MY_ADDRESS.733d0f",
                "PASS": "x"


It looks like the problem is created by "-profile=ETHOS" in the miner command line above.

I hope this helps you to help me guys. Sorry for me being a such a monkey.
24  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: lolMiner 1.16: AMD Miner for Ethash / BEAM / GRIN / Ae / Tube / Equihash & more on: December 12, 2020, 03:49:21 PM

show miner

this command will show the output from the miner and let is see what error you are actually getting.

Please advise version of Ethos you are running.

And change line

stratumproxy enabled

This may be your issue. 

Miner is running EthOS 1.3.3. This is the screenshot of the error I am getting. Even with "stratumproxy enabled" I am always getting the same error.

What is confusing me is that before I put "--coin beam" and lolminer didn't recognize it. It gave me the "unknown coin" error. I changed it to "--coin BEAM" and it recognized it. It means this thing is reading the config file.
25  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: lolMiner 1.16: AMD Miner for Ethash / BEAM / GRIN / Ae / Tube / Equihash & more on: December 12, 2020, 12:54:04 PM

This is what I get from the miner:

Error: Your input to --pool "rofile=ETHOS" can not be split into a address and a port. Please use format <pool address>:<pool port>.

In my file it is not splitted...I don't get the error to be honest.

If you put 2 screenshot of you actually load file and the  error execution will help a lot to find the problem. Because it seems a config problem in the launch file

The config file is as follow. I have the remote file configuration so I can access to it from any place:

maxgputemp 80
stratumproxy miner
proxywallet MY_WALLET_ADDRESS.733d0f
globalminer lolminer
lolminer=flags --coin BEAM
flags --cl-global-work 8192 --farm-recheck 200
fan 733d0f 20 35 25 40 40 45
safevolt disabled
cor 733d0f 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150
mem 733d0f 2150 2050 2050 2050 2050 2050
vlt 733d0f 900 850 850 850 850 850

About error execution what do you mean? When I open the miner with "show miner" it says "Error: Your input to --pool "rofile=ETHOS" can not be split into a address and a port. Please use format <pool address>:<pool port>"

Let me know if I need to provide something else.

Please, the 2 screenshots... the miner is reading other file, and with this information is nearly impossible to help to find the problem. ..

Thanks for the quick response. I would like to help you with pictures but I don't get what screenshoots you are looking for. Is there a specific command output or log file you would like to see?
I mean how can I see what file lolminer Is reading?
26  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: lolMiner 1.16: AMD Miner for Ethash / BEAM / GRIN / Ae / Tube / Equihash & more on: December 12, 2020, 11:50:29 AM

This is what I get from the miner:

Error: Your input to --pool "rofile=ETHOS" can not be split into a address and a port. Please use format <pool address>:<pool port>.

In my file it is not splitted...I don't get the error to be honest.

If you put 2 screenshot of you actually load file and the  error execution will help a lot to find the problem. Because it seems a config problem in the launch file

The config file is as follow. I have the remote file configuration so I can access to it from any place:

maxgputemp 80
stratumproxy miner
proxywallet MY_WALLET_ADDRESS.733d0f
globalminer lolminer
lolminer=flags --coin BEAM
flags --cl-global-work 8192 --farm-recheck 200
fan 733d0f 20 35 25 40 40 45
safevolt disabled
cor 733d0f 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150
mem 733d0f 2150 2050 2050 2050 2050 2050
vlt 733d0f 900 850 850 850 850 850

About error execution what do you mean? When I open the miner with "show miner" it says "Error: Your input to --pool "rofile=ETHOS" can not be split into a address and a port. Please use format <pool address>:<pool port>"

Let me know if I need to provide something else.
27  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: lolMiner 1.16: AMD Miner for Ethash / BEAM / GRIN / Ae / Tube / Equihash & more on: December 12, 2020, 05:19:05 AM
Hello guys,

I am having issues with lolminer setup in ethos. Below my configuration file:

maxgputemp 85
stratumproxy miner
proxywallet my_adress.733d0f
flags --cl-global-work 8192 --farm-recheck 200
fan 733d0f 25 35 30 45 35 28
globalminer lolminer
safevolt disabled
cor 733d0f 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150
mem 733d0f 2150 2050 2050 2050 2050 2050
vlt 733d0f 900 850 850 850 850 850

Miner loads properly, it connects to the pool but it disconnect immediately after. Any suggest?

You will need to set the flags for lol mine (command line options)

lolminer=flags —beam

i put this after the globalminer lolminer line
anything you need to set by command line option goes on the lolminer=flags (no spaces for that first part).

OK many thanks for your reply. So going back to my config file I need to have something like this right?

maxgputemp 85
stratumproxy miner
proxywallet my_adress.733d0f
fan 733d0f 25 35 30 45 35 28
globalminer lolminer
lolminer=flags --beam --cl-global-work 8192 --farm-recheck 200
safevolt disabled
cor 733d0f 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150
mem 733d0f 2150 2050 2050 2050 2050 2050
vlt 733d0f 900 850 850 850 850 850

lolminer=flags —coin beam
flag —cl-global-work 8192 —farm-recheck 200

Adjust those 2 lines and should be good.

This is what I get from the miner:

Error: Your input to --pool "rofile=ETHOS" can not be split into a address and a port. Please use format <pool address>:<pool port>.

In my file it is not splitted...I don't get the error to be honest.
28  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: lolMiner 1.16: AMD Miner for Ethash / BEAM / GRIN / Ae / Tube / Equihash & more on: December 12, 2020, 04:44:39 AM
Hello guys,

I am having issues with lolminer setup in ethos. Below my configuration file:

maxgputemp 85
stratumproxy miner
proxywallet my_adress.733d0f
flags --cl-global-work 8192 --farm-recheck 200
fan 733d0f 25 35 30 45 35 28
globalminer lolminer
safevolt disabled
cor 733d0f 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150
mem 733d0f 2150 2050 2050 2050 2050 2050
vlt 733d0f 900 850 850 850 850 850

Miner loads properly, it connects to the pool but it disconnect immediately after. Any suggest?

You will need to set the flags for lol mine (command line options)

lolminer=flags —beam

i put this after the globalminer lolminer line
anything you need to set by command line option goes on the lolminer=flags (no spaces for that first part).

OK many thanks for your reply. So going back to my config file I need to have something like this right?

maxgputemp 85
stratumproxy miner
proxywallet my_adress.733d0f
fan 733d0f 25 35 30 45 35 28
globalminer lolminer
lolminer=flags --beam --cl-global-work 8192 --farm-recheck 200
safevolt disabled
cor 733d0f 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150
mem 733d0f 2150 2050 2050 2050 2050 2050
vlt 733d0f 900 850 850 850 850 850
29  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: lolMiner 1.16: AMD Miner for Ethash / BEAM / GRIN / Ae / Tube / Equihash & more on: December 02, 2020, 09:12:33 AM
Hello guys,

I am having issues with lolminer setup in ethos. Below my configuration file:

maxgputemp 85
stratumproxy miner
proxywallet my_adress.733d0f
flags --cl-global-work 8192 --farm-recheck 200
fan 733d0f 25 35 30 45 35 28
globalminer lolminer
safevolt disabled
cor 733d0f 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150
mem 733d0f 2150 2050 2050 2050 2050 2050
vlt 733d0f 900 850 850 850 850 850

Miner loads properly, it connects to the pool but it disconnect immediately after. Any suggest?
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