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21  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 29 U.S. Scientists Praise Iran Nuclear Deal on: August 10, 2015, 11:25:06 AM
Well that settles it ! Its a good deal because 29 scientist said so!
22  Other / Politics & Society / Re: McDonald's shoots down fears it is planning to replace cashiers with kiosks on: August 09, 2015, 06:44:17 PM

McDonald's is rolling out self-service kiosks in restaurants across the US that allow customers to order and pay for their food without ever having to interact with a human.

"At least half of the operators in my region are on the verge of collapse," one franchisee wrote in response to a recent survey by former Janney Capital Markets analyst Mark Kalinowski. "With minimum wage for fast food workers potentially increasing to incredibly high levels, we are facing a crisis situation."

Another franchisee wrote, "We are in uncharted waters. The minimum wage issue is a major threat to the survival of the operator community." The franchisee said McDonald's should be "putting every resource available" into finding labor savings, through technologies such as kiosks and automatic fry dispensers.

The price increases needed to offset any added labor costs "would cause a complete collapse in guest counts," the franchisee added. "I see no other options but the company paying to keep operators alive until they figure out how to reduce labor required by 30%."

My take - From a profit standpoint, it makes sense. I do feel bad for potential cashiers, but technology is going to do it's thing. While I'm all about higher pay for retail and fast food employees, I don't want to prevent companies from taking advantage of cost saving technology.
I think that it's just an excuse by the franchise owners; they are businessmen and are out to maximize profits. They don't provide the jobs because they feel charitable, instead they were waiting for the technology to improve to a point where they could replace humans with automation/robotics; just that the minimum wage issue timing gave them the lame excuse to make the switch.
23  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Trump slams Rosie O'Donnell in debate on: August 07, 2015, 06:24:37 PM
He tells the truth without BS , he has a spine and actually believes in the country. Yeah he wot be president just because of that. But I'm now gonna vote for him since I don't feel either side has anyone else worth my vote. If he didn't come along I was gonna vote for the red ranger.
24  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Kerry says Congress veto of Iran deal would be 'ultimate screwing of ayatollah' on: August 06, 2015, 05:26:08 PM
Congress is the target of Kerry’s feistiness, as is his close friend and staunch adversary, the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who is leading the charge against congressional ratification of the deal. In the course of a lengthy and freewheeling interview—which you will find published in full, below—Kerry warned that if Congress rejects the Iran deal, it will confirm the anti-U.S. suspicions harbored by the Iranian supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and eliminate any chance of a peaceful solution to the nuclear conundrum:

“The ayatollah constantly believed that we are untrustworthy, that you can’t negotiate with us, that we will screw them,” Kerry said. “This”—a congressional rejection—“will be the ultimate screwing.” He went on to argue that “the United States Congress will prove the ayatollah’s suspicion, and there’s no way he’s ever coming back. He will not come back to negotiate. Out of dignity, out of a suspicion that you can’t trust America. America is not going to negotiate in good faith. It didn’t negotiate in good faith now, would be his point.”

He's right of course. But then again, the war mongers could care less if their targets think the US to be an untrustworthy actor on the international stage. Not that others might infer the exact same thing from such a track record.

I don't think "hey, we are only untrustworthy with those we think are enemies" is going to cut it on the world stage.

this is yet another example of the abuse of contextual meaning by partisan hacks.
25  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What US Army Can Learn From Ukraine on: August 05, 2015, 05:51:30 PM
A Kiev Hijacker army officer who drunkenly ran an armored vehicle over pedestrians, killing an 8-year-old girl earlier this year has been awarded a state medal. The military claims that President Petro Poroshenko honored the soldier for his outstanding leadership prior to the tragic event.
26  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Obama announces stronger action on U. S. power plants on: August 04, 2015, 06:03:04 PM
Yes, it is about emission standards. They've gone up and up over the years, but electrostatic scrubber technology developed for coal-burning electricity plants in our cities have kept up and today it is difficult to find any city in the country with truly polluted air. Where you do find it, it's still usually due to inversion layers you find in natural "bowls" below mountain ranges, like in Phoenix and Los Angeles.

And, yes, there are severe pollution problems in some parts of China and India. China and India need to do something constructive to battle their own pollution problems, but how does Obama's campaign to bankrupt the coal industry and jack up utility rates for Americans help pollution problems in China and India?! The United Nations may love this big crackdown, but American utility ratepayers definitely will NOT....

In a way, Obama doing this will ensure a new supply of conservatives. Nothing makes a working mom vote republican faster than writing out a check for electricity that is twice what she was paying per month before especially when she was barely scraping by before. Little Johnny is gonna have to go to Disneyworld some other time.
27  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Obama Was Impressed By Lion-Killing on: August 04, 2015, 12:00:18 PM

Of course, Obama was talking about a tribal tradition of killing lions with spears while you are talking about a bored Dentist killing a half-tame park lion with modern weapons.

I've hunted all my life, and poachers like this jack-o** (*)(*)(*)(*) me off to no end.

We now return you to your Obamaphobia frenzy.

I could be wrong but I believe that Walter Palmer is a bow hunter.

Cecil the man eating kitty cat was killed by an arrow shot from a compound bow., not a rifle.
28  Other / Politics & Society / Re: DNC Chair can't tell difference between a Democrat and a socialist on: August 01, 2015, 04:39:40 PM
Little Debbie is incapable of thought unless it involves a talking point or a deflection.. I expect the same behavior from those who are going to rush to defend her.
29  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin on: July 29, 2015, 05:20:08 PM
LOL! Pain said WHO was a terrorist'Huh LOL......

And she's 'vindictive'......the crap you libs come up w/is amusing.

Oh how conveniently we forget...

Sarah Palin: Barack Obama 'palling around with terrorists'
John McCain’s campaign has accused Barack Obama of consorting with terrorists, the first shot in a calculated programme of character assassination designed to revive his flagging presidential prospects.

Obama Hatred At McCain-Palin Rallies: "Terrorist!" "Kill Him!" (VIDEO)

Palin never toned down the ugly rhetoric and instead instigated even more. She is a vindictive person by nature and it never showed more than when she lost the election. She was so bitter that she condemned and poked fun at the FLOTUS for encouraging kids to eat healthy. Only kindred spirits of Palin are able to support such a horrid woman.

Back on topic... this fantasy of a Trump/Palin ticket would be the best circus ever. The Carnival Barker and the Grifter...step right up..hurry...hurry!
30  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Trump: I’d ‘Love’ To Have Palin on: July 29, 2015, 05:04:35 PM

It wasn't Palin, it was McCain himself b/c he was up against this nice looking, much younger, vibrant 'charismatic' guy who came across like a rock star and had the right skin color. Anyone who had an IQ of a potted plant knew that McCain, a tired old warhorse, didn't stand a chance against Obama....and that was it in a nutshell. Palin didn't have anything to do w/his loss b/c the libs tho't it would be wunnerful if we had a black man in the WH and they didn't care if he didn't have the experience.......

So here we are, 7 yrs later and according to Obama and the libs, the mess we're in is still 'Bush's fault'......

And NO, I don't like McCain either, so not finding excuses for his loss. Just saying it as I saw the 08 campaign..........

The woman was a disaster. Trying to convince her base that her opponent was a terrorist was just one instance which displayed how utterly classless she was/is. Plain is a vindictive individual and I'm sure that if she and Trump spent a reasonable amount of up close and personal time together, they'd be at each other's throats
31  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Trump accused of rape on: July 28, 2015, 04:14:25 PM
This is a joke. His ex is a drunk. Bill Clinton survived far more serious allegations.
32  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Supreme Leader of Iran Tweets Photo of President Obama Pointing a Gun to his Hea on: July 27, 2015, 05:12:48 AM


If the poster of that caricature was an Iranian, as a sign of pride he shouldn't write the message in English but in Arabian language.

It's a fake.

You mean Farsi.
33  Other / Politics & Society / Re: More black babies aborted than born in New York City on: July 22, 2015, 05:11:00 PM

I agree with this sentiment, for very different reasons. It isn't that people are worth only what they can contribute to Capitalism and that those who cannot contribute enough are less worthy of a family, it's that those are harsh conditions. They aren't suitable for raising children.

But at the same time, the Black population needs to be maintained in order to resist white supremacy and to eventually topple the Capitalist system that forced them into a position as a lower class in the first place.

I had read somewhere that if not for post Roe abortions, the Black population of the US would be at 28% rather than 13%. So the revolution isn't doing a good job of keeping those numbers up.
34  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Marijuana helps broken bones heal faster, a new study has found. on: July 21, 2015, 03:55:48 PM

It can make you fail a drug test and lose your job.

It can make you not be a grouchy old man.
35  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Bakery That Refused to Make Cake for Lesbian Couple Raises Record-Breaking Donat on: July 19, 2015, 10:51:00 AM
If ten million people believe a stupid thing, it is still a stupid thing....and illegal. I know some people who are Christian that have no problem with catering to Gay events. To them, a sin is something between God and the alleged offender and they do not allow themselves to judge other people, which by the way, is true Christianity....not this cultish crapola being passed out the the evangelical fundamentalists and southern baptists.

I could care less how stupid you think it is... It's only been common among Christians for the last 1950+ years...

The First Amendment is law.....
36  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Bakery That Refused to Make Cake for Lesbian Couple Raises Record-Breaking Donat on: July 19, 2015, 10:36:48 AM

What evidence to do you have that "bigots" are cloaking themselves in Christianity?

Those who refuse to do some business with some of the public for reasons unrelated to the busines, have been hiding behind their bibles. Surely you have noticed this. They are screaming that the right to discriminate illegally against a minority is part of their "religious freedom."

You do realize the strong majority of practicing Christians and Muslims believe homosexuality is a sin and want nothing to do with it?

But the strong majority of practicing Christians find themselves able to tolerate it without any difficulty. And many of these Christinas (I don't know about Muslims) are coming to recognize that if something is inborn and cannot be altered, it's involuntary and can't be repented, so it's not a sin any more than blond hair is a sin.

It doesn't mean they're bigots - it means they want nothing to do with contributing to a sin or endorcing what they believe is a sin.... It's not that difficult to understand... In their mind asking them to bake a wedding cake would be about the same as asking them to sin, and if progressives were tolerant at all they would respect that... So as far as I'm concerned you have ZERO resepct for other individuals values...

But your claim of a "sin" rests on willful ignorance of the condition, and your conviction that your god will somehow damn you for tolerance is pretty arrogant. Most Christians realize this.

But isn't it an amazing coincidence that Christians can disagree with one another so violently, and STILL when they pray, their god NEVER corrects their opinion? How they continue to believe they're all praying at the same god is beyond me. Their god must have a nasty sense of humor, to tell the majority to tolerate and the minority NOT to tolerate. This god is a troublemaker.

Who the hell do you think you are rewriting religion?

You're basically saying only Christians who support gay marriage are "real Christians" and the rest are just cloaking their bigotry...

You got some nerve progressive.....

Do you completely ignore the last 1950 years where Christians didn't tolerate homosexuality PERIOD? since when did the messiah come back and set the record straight?
37  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Bakery That Refused to Make Cake for Lesbian Couple Raises Record-Breaking Donat on: July 19, 2015, 10:08:10 AM

Well, someone's brain is pretty limited. No, one can be a Christian and still not be a bigot, and the vast majority of Christians are not bigots. But you SHOULD be upset that bigots are using Christianity as their excuse, and tarnishing the faith in the process. Christ taught the very opposite of what these "Christians" are doing.

What evidence to do you have that "bigots" are cloaking themselves in Christianity?

You do realize the strong majority of practicing Christians and Muslims believe homosexuality is a sin and want nothing to do with it? it doesn't mean they're bigots - it means they want nothing to do with contributing to a sin or endorcing what they believe is a sin.... It's not that difficult to understand... In their mind asking them to bake a wedding cake would be about the same as asking them to sin, and if progressives were tolerant at all they would respect that... So as far as I'm concerned you have ZERO resepct for other individuals values...
38  Other / Politics & Society / Art Exhibit Of Michael Brown’s Lifeless Body Opens in Chicago on: July 18, 2015, 10:02:15 AM

In Chicago, a new art exhibit will feature a life-size installation of Michael Brown’s corpse lying face down on the floor surrounded by police caution tape.

The exhibit, according to WGN, at Gallery Guichard is called “Confronting Truths: Wake Up!” and includes the Brown work by New Orleans-based artist Ti-Rock Moore. Moore, a white woman, says the work represents “white privilege in America and how it negatively affects the black community now and has for generations.”

Read Here

White privilege didn't kill Brown, his upbringing and environment probably had more to do with it than anything else. All this is doing is stirring up emotions and instilling the thought that blacks are getting the short end of the stick and paying for it with their lives and it's all because of the white man.

This exhibit is tasteless, incendiary, and even Brown's parents are against it, although I don't know the exact reasons why.
39  Other / Politics & Society / Re: UCLA provides internship opportunities to illegal immigrants on: July 16, 2015, 05:45:51 PM
The UC system is filled with sanctuary universities.
40  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is a mini ICE AGE on the way? Scientists warn the sun will 'go to sleep' on: July 12, 2015, 05:15:33 PM
Don't worry. I'll save us. I drive almost 50k miles/year and set my thermostat nice and low in the Summer. I also have a stockpile of incandescent bulbs.

I also found some incandescent light bulbs on the shelves that the green police over looked and I now have a stockpile on incandescent bulbs.

Well. I'm going to log off now and take a 20 minute shower. It's starting getting pretty ripe in the liberal neighborhoods in California. Progressives, liberals seem not to be showering every day. Even Governor "Moonbeam" Jerry Brown brags about not taking showers.
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