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21  Bitcoin / Press / [2017-06-23]Analyst: Like Amazon, Bitcoin Offers a Lucrative Multi-Decade Invest on: June 23, 2017, 12:34:24 AM
Analyst: Like Amazon, Bitcoin Offers a Lucrative Multi-Decade Investment Opportunity
A financial analyst looked closely at the spikes in Amazon’s stock price and bitcoin recently. While detailing similarities between the two investments, he explains why bitcoin may be one of the most lucrative trading opportunities for decades.
Bitcoin is Most Lucrative

Education consultant and analyst Gordon Scott published an article on Wednesday explaining how “bitcoin looks a lot like an early Amazon,” referencing the massive spike in Amazon’s stock price that started in 1997. While citing bitcoin “holds real risks,” he believes “there is a real opportunity for traders right now”, adding that:

Bitcoin may be the most lucrative trading opportunity since internet stocks such as Inc. in the dot-com era.
Scott is the Managing Director of the Chartered Market Technician (CMT) program for the Market Technicians Association, a non-profit organization of professional technical analysts headquartered in New York City. Previously, he worked for IBM and TD Ameritrade and spent over 10 years as a trading coach and e-learning consultant.

Similarities to Amazon

Analyst: Like Amazon, Bitcoin Offers a Lucrative Multi-Decade Investment OpportunityAfter explaining the importance of blockchains and the tremendous impact they are likely to have on our society, Scott compared a few of bitcoin’s price spikes to that of the huge Amazon spike during the dot-com boom. He felt that the two spikes are similar because in each case investors are seeing a new technology that could change their world. “The latest run-up in the price of bitcoin is an indication that many more people are starting to believe these promises could actually be fulfilled,” Scott said.

Amazon went public in May 1997 at $18 per share in an initial public offering (IPO) which valued the company at around $438 million. Citing Amazon’s groundbreaking business model, Scott recalled that “investors were not able to fully and accurately quantify Amazon share value at first.” In 1997, people knew that Amazon had a great idea but they still could not fully give a proper valuation to its shares, he detailed, noting that “consequently, investors had to guess at the company’s value.”
read more:
22  Local / 挖矿 / Re: 给比特币矿工的公开信 on: May 22, 2017, 01:57:29 AM
23  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / Re: 韭菜们!最近战况如何!感觉牛市还没到头,怎么办? on: May 22, 2017, 01:54:38 AM
24  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / Re: 蜗牛的速度和宝马的费用,比特币优势的丧失恐促使投资者投向竞争币 on: May 22, 2017, 01:53:10 AM
比特币现在遇到的成长的烦恼, 以太如果以后发展好了一样会遇到。 
什么确认速度, 交易手续费的问题, 分叉不分叉的争议, 这是必须会经历的。
25  Local / 媒体 / 接受比特币支付还不够,欧洲大型零售商Alza新添了两台BTM on: May 22, 2017, 01:46:56 AM




创立于1994年, Inc的前身是Alzasoft,曾因电子和计算机技术而问明。目前Alza销售的产品包括家用电子产品、玩具、化妆品、杂志和体育用品。截止2014年,该公司的业务涉及欧洲26个国家。




Alza网络营销主管Jan Sadνlek表示:




作者:Kevin Helms
26  Local / 媒体 / 莱特币发布未来发展路线图:智能合约与原子级跨链交换为重点 on: May 22, 2017, 01:46:40 AM

tunnel-cars-e1495163224228 (2)





在被问道这个路线图的重点时,莱特币创始人与莱特币基金会常务董事李启威(Charlie Lee)进行了回应。








也就是说,“智能密码库(Smart Crypto-Vault)”是路线图中的一个让Lee特别兴奋的一部分。这种技术结合了MAST(Merkelized abstract syntax trees)和契约(Covenants)——限制加密货币支付的脚本组合。


由前比特币开发者Johnson Lau(莱特币激活Segwit之后他就投奔了莱特币),MAST同样改善了扩展性和提高了隐私性。据说,Lau在过去一段时间一直在尝试在比特币网络实施MAST,但由于对比特币政治分裂的沮丧,他加入了莱特币。



除了智能合约,莱特币创始人Charlie Lee还强调说打算“竭尽所能”加快闪电网络在莱特币的部署。上个月,有几个团队已经开始积极测试闪电网络这种最初为比特币设计的链下支付解决方案。






“这是一个缓慢的过程。大多数闪电网络项目团队并没有动机在另一种竞争币上进行测试。一旦他们知道闪电网络在 莱特币上运行良好,我们将研究我们是否能够实现一种原子级跨链交换。”




同时,与比特币Breadwallet钱包开发团队合作开发的LoafWallet将很快添加对Coinbase Buy Widget的支持。LoafWallet是一种简单支付验证(SPV)钱包,专为方便移动使用所设计。


另一种正在研究的升级是发布一种新版的Electrum-LTC桌面钱包。Electrum-LTC是一种SPV钱包,可用于Windows、Linux和OS X操作系统。







此外,莱特币已经制定了一份项目清单,包括Schnorr签名和保密交易。这两个项目都处于研发阶段,但是希望能够部署它们。Lee还表示他的团队正在关注一些潜在的扩容解决方案,“灵活上限(flex caps)”正在考虑中,正如其名,灵活上限是指灵活的区块大小上限。


作者:Amy Castor
27  Local / 媒体 / 企业以太坊联盟(EEA):一个能够改变以太坊格局的区块链挑战者 on: May 22, 2017, 01:46:15 AM
Wipro服务转型副总裁 Krishnakumar Menon说:




EEA创始董事会成员Jeremy Millar说:


微软区块链项目经理Marley Gray说:




EEA刚刚成立几个月,由30个创始成员共同推出,其中包括一些大型机构企业,涉及银行、科技、能源和信息行业,如芝加哥商业交易所、英特尔、ING、摩根大通和微软,还有一些新兴区块链创业公司,像BlockApps,ConsenSys和String Labs。






EEA董事会成员Jeremy Millar说:






以太坊创始人Vitalik Buterin说:


纽约梅隆银行区块链主管Alex Batlin说:

String Labs表示:




非董事会及其他创始成员包括AMI,Andui,BBVA,BP,brainbot technologiesCredit Suisse, BNP Paribas, BP, Chronicled, Cisco, Credit Suisse, Cryptape, Fubon Financial, ING, The Institutes, Monax*, String Labs, Telindus, Tendermint, Thomson Reuters, UBS, Vidroll和Wipro。带*的公司同样是超级账本项目的成员。

ING区块链高级项目经理Mariana Gomez de la Villa说:

Consensys创始人兼以太坊联合创始人Joseph Lubin说:







与此同时,这个新成立的EEA已经发布了一份愿景白皮书(Vision Paper):企业以太坊愿景(Enterprise Ethereum Vision)。在这份白皮书中,EEA讨论了很多有关可插入共识(Pluggable Consensus),治理,互操作性,以太坊协议更新,安全代码执行,存储和性能优化有关的话题。



企业以太坊联盟(EEA)vs. 超级账本项目



第三,超级账本Fabric(使用最广泛的超级账本项目)正在从基础开始创建企业级(私有)区块链。注意超级账本本身是一个项目集合(与Apache相似),将最终变得可以被整合和重复使用(Iroha, Sawtooth Lake, Cello, Composer, 和Dashboard)。EEA是围绕着以太坊平台成立的,而以太坊平台是作为一种公有无需许可区块链创建的。



如今越来越清楚的是未来我们将会看到很多用于各种用途的不同种类的区块链。根据Vitalik Buterin所说,“一链统众生”的概念——一种带有一种独一无二数字货币的独特区块链,可以被用于所有分布式账本应用——是过时的。”




上周,欧洲议会与欧洲委员会在布鲁塞尔针对未来的区块链监管召开了一次讨论会。在闭幕发言中,欧洲委员会通讯网络,内容与技术总局副局长Claire Bury引用以太坊为“更复杂的应用之一”。

她还继续强调了这种技术的挑战,引用了开发者Vlad Zamfir(Mavens of London顾问与以太坊社区领导成员)最近的推特文章——“以太坊并不安全或可扩展”。事实上,他说以太坊并不安全,不可扩展并且还是一种不成熟的实验技术,但是要比其他区块链平台安全。

Vlad Zamir说:

作者:Carlo R.W. De Meijer
28  Local / 媒体 / Bitstamp:比特币新用户数量不断攀升,交易所不堪重负 on: May 22, 2017, 01:45:43 AM





作者:William Suberg
29  Bitcoin / Press / [2017-05-22]Three Services That Aim to Create Bitcoin Professionals and Experts on: May 22, 2017, 01:42:55 AM
Bitcoin can be a very technical subject, and oftentimes people have to find various resources online to educate themselves. However, there are a few organizations that instruct cryptocurrency enthusiasts through training and curriculum in order to edify the growing field of bitcoin professionals.

Education and Professional Expertise Helps the Growing Bitcoin Economy Flourish

As the bitcoin economy grows, there are many people looking to learn about the bitcoin protocol and the growing cryptocurrency ecosystem. A leading-edge network of professionals that understand the technology is needed to bolster the innovative technology into the future. In 2017, there are few ways an individual can become a certified bitcoin professional to advance their knowledge and careers.

Three Online Academic Bitcoin Courses   

The Cryptocurrency Certification Consortium

Three Services That Aim to Create Bitcoin Professionals and ExpertsOne educational program called the Cryptocurrency Certification Consortium (C4) teaches students how to be certified bitcoin specialists. C4 has three types of courses that enable people to become either a Certified Bitcoin Professional (CBP), a Certified Bitcoin Expert, and a Certified Ethereum Developer.

A graduating CBP claims to give an individual a significant grasp at understanding the bitcoin protocol, transactions, and network operation. “CBPs are able to apply Bitcoin technology to their professional area of expertise and understand privacy aspects, double-spending, and other issues that relate to the currency,” explains the educational consortium. The cost to become a CBP involves two years of study at the cost of $95 for the course and a $30 renewal fee.

A CBX gives an individual “expert-level knowledge” about bitcoin, says the consortium. C4 also claims the certification gives a person the ability to develop blockchain applications as well. “CBXes understand how peers communicate on the Bitcoin network, how transactions are crafted at the byte level and how Bitcoin scripts can be written to customize the behavior of transactions,” C4 details. This course is three years long but is not yet available to students.

The consortium is backed by a board of directors which include Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Vitalik Buterin, and Michael Perklin. Furthermore, C4 has well-known advisers such as Ethereum co-founder Charles Hoskinson, Director of the Bitcoin Education Project, Peter Todd, Bitcoin Core Developer, and Steve Dakh, author of Kryptokit and Rushwallet.

Digital Currency Council

Three Services That Aim to Create Bitcoin Professionals and ExpertsThe Digital Currency Council (DCC) was created in 2014 in New York by David Berger, the school’s founder and CEO. DCC claims to have over 1500 members from 90 countries worldwide utilizing the organization’s digital currency training, and certification. The group calls itself an “association of professionals in the digital currency economy.”

The DCC Professional Certification Training Program is shorter than the two-year consortium course with only a seven-hour online program. However, the course is far more expensive costing $299 for students taking the final exam. The DCC advisory faculty covers the six sections called “core competencies” which include cryptocurrency technical underpinnings, monetary implications, practical use, bitcoin’s ecosystem, accounting, and legal subjects. DCC also offers a self-assessment test to see if you qualify for the certification training program. The school is also backed by Barry Silbert’s Digital Currency Group and the Silicon Valley accelerator 500 Startups.

“The DCC Certification, like other professional certifications, allows us to hold professionals who are advising clients to a higher standard, and provide a benchmark for evaluating skill and professional value,” Barry Silbert, CEO of the Digital Currency Group explains on the DCC website.

Coursera: Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies

Three Services That Aim to Create Bitcoin Professionals and ExpertsPrinceton’s Coursera computer science class called “Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies” is a free course from Princeton University. Assistant Professor Arvind Narayanan instructs the class on a variety of lessons that cover the innovative technology at a “technical level.” The next class begins on May 15 and begins to discuss cryptographic building blocks and introduces the concept of cryptocurrency.

“After this course, you’ll know everything you need to be able to separate fact from fiction when reading claims about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies,” explains the Princeton Coursera website. “You’ll have the conceptual foundations you need to engineer secure software that interacts with the Bitcoin network. And you’ll be able to integrate ideas from Bitcoin in your own projects.”

The Coursera class is eleven weeks long discussing subjects like decentralization, the mechanics of bitcoin, regulation, mining, altcoins, and more. Every week the course offers an interactive textbook, pre-recorded videos, quizzes, and projects. Furthermore, students can connect with other peers and converse about course material.

Furthering Bitcoin Careers and Creating Crypto-Professionals

There are other ‘certification style’ digital currency education programs online but do some research on the course and organization before registering. Teaching a broader audience of professionals is a good idea to continue progressing the new digital economy.

These types of certificate programs may even further an individual’s career, and it’s also possible to learn at home for free. Besides Coursera’s free course, there is a boatload of information on bitcoin and its technical aspects. However, people often enjoy a class setting and a certificate from an organization from accredited luminaries in the bitcoin space could go a long way.
30  Bitcoin / Press / [2017-05-22]Asian Trading, Falling Stocks Helps Push Bitcoin Prices Above $2,000 on: May 22, 2017, 01:42:08 AM
Rising demand for bitcoin by Chinese and Japanese investors combined with falling stocks and other factors pushed bitcoin prices past the historic $2,000 price mark Saturday.

Get exclusive analysis of bitcoin and learn from our trading tutorials. Join for just $39 now.
By Sunday morning, bitcoin reached $2,103.80, marking a $34.382 billion market capitalization, with more than $1 billion trading in a 24-hour period, according to
Japan accounted for approximately 55% of the trading, rising beyond the 40% the country’s traders accounted for on Thursday, according to CNBC, citing data from

Prices on the HongKong-basedd Bitfinex exchange also jumped, closing a gap with the price’s international rate, driven by an expectation that bitcoin will be easily converted to U.S. dollars.

Asian Trading Dominates

Trading markets in Japan, China and South Korea combined for over 45% of trading volumes. Because the Japanese yen holds the largest share of bitcoin trading, it pushes the prices higher.
Charles Hayer, CryptoCompare CEO, said arbitrage among the fiat pairs moves markets in line with leading markets, and the volumes on the JPY and KRW pairs dominate trading with a joint 48% market share.

Recently passed legislation in Japan also permits retailers to accept bitcoin legally.

The gap between Chinese and U.S. exchanges for bitcoin dropped from 20% to 5% in one week, according to Chris Burniske, lead analyst at ARK Invest in a tweet Saturday.

Investors Seek Safe Havens

The price hit $1,900 on Thursday on concerns about political scandals in the U.S. and Brazil causing stock prices to fall, causing investors to seek safer assets.

U.S. stocks fell after President Donald Trump allegedly asked former FBI director James Comey to drop the investigation into Michael Flynn, the former national security advisor. The S&P 500 tumbled Wednesday in its worst day since September.

Brazilian stocks fell after its president, Michel Temer, reportedly allowed bribes in order to silence a witness in a corruption case.

The major indices recovered well after Wednesday’s slump, although the previously leading NASDAQ lagged the other benchmarks, hinting on a change in the underlying trends. European and Asian equities followed the U.S. market lower, with Japanese stocks being hit hard by the renewed safe-haven demand for the yen. The late week bounce was weak in the Nikkei, the DAX, and the EUROSTOXX 50.

The Chinese market traded sideways during the global correction, but it failed to regain its previous losses, despite being among the stronger regions globally.

Another reflection of the safety concern was the 2% rise in gold futures, which settled at $1,253.60, according to CNBC.

Also read: Bitcoin approaches $2,000, boosted by global trading and improved scalability prospects

Other Factors Drive Bitcoin Demand

Cryptocurrency conferences in New York City this week as also raised interest in bitcoin, according to some analysts. New York City conferences this coming week include Consensus 2017, Token Summit 2017 and Coinsbank Blockchain Cruise.

Bitcoin has also benefited from an alleviation of the fear that a “hard fork” will be needed – dividing bitcoin into two currencies – to improve bitcoin transaction times. A successful deployment of an alternative scaling solution indicates the hard fork that would have resulted in two separate currencies in order to speed up bitcoin transactions may not be required.

Aurelien Menant, CEO at Gatecoin, a Hong Kong based cryptocurrency exchange, told CNBC that Litecoin’s alternative scaling solution bodes well for bitcoin. Menant previously said bitcoin prices should exceed $3,000 this year.

Bitcoin sentiment has certainly changed for the better since Monday, when its price fell to the low $1,700 range after the WannaCry ransomware hackers demanded $300 in bitcoin within three days to unlock victims’ files, with the fines doubling afterward, then preventing access completely after seven days.

The WannaCry attack could have actually worked in bitcoin’s favor, however. Companies began hoarding bitcoin to protect against future “ransomware” attacks, NBC news reported.

Citrix Systems estimated that approximately one-third of U.K. companies purchased digital currency in 2016 in order to “regain access to important intellectual property or business critical data.”
31  Bitcoin / Press / [2017-05-22]As Price Reaches Record Highs, is Bitcoin in a Capacity Crisis? on: May 22, 2017, 01:41:04 AM
Imagine you are slightly late for work, quickly getting a shower, brushing your teeth and all the rest, walking – in an almost running manner – to the tube station, to then find out there are 200,000 people waiting outside to get the train.

Get exclusive analysis of bitcoin and learn from our trading tutorials. Join for just $39 now.

What’s more, the train only handles 4,000 individuals and arrives every ten minutes, during which period new individuals arrive at a rate of 4 per second. Now, it’s ok, you’re busy, you can still be one of those 4,000 individuals and get to work if you pay a high enough fee.

So you check out the notice which says the current estimated fee is $1, but since others are seeing the same notice too and paying $1 too, the fee keeps going up every second, with these higher fees paid by the new individuals that come every second, pushing you down the queue.

Tough luck, you can’t make it to work today because your $1 bid is now as good as worthless to the super congested network. The next day you learn the lesson, so instead of bidding what the notice says, you bid 10% or 20% more, but you weren’t the only one who missed work yesterday, almost everyone else did too and they have this genius but obvious idea too, making you miss work again.

The next day you get angry and pay double the fee, but you’re not the only angry one. Now, sure, some in this lottery do get to make it to work, 4,000 every 10 minutes with 200,000 waiting, but a lot don’t, resulting in a bidding war which looks like below:
As can be seen, bitcoin’s fees have gone vertical, which is bad, but if you know you’d get through for x dollars then at least you can evaluate the proposition. Instead, you’re not only paying high fees, but you don’t even know whether you will get the service you paid for because of simple logics.

Let’s take, for example, a statement by Luke Dashjr, a Blockstream “open hash contractor,” who suggested everyone pay a $5 fee and you’ll get through. If we analyze this a bit further, we can start by asking why people are not paying $5 and one good reason is because then everyone would start paying $5 meaning newcomers would outbid them by paying $5.01.

Sure, one or two guys might currently “cheat” and jump the queue by paying $5, but as long as it’s a very tiny minority the rest let it go. If instead, it went to a point where say 1,000 of the 4,000 are paying $5, the other 3,000 will probably quickly start paying $5.01.

This clearly shows ordering transactions by fee is an unworkable idea which is why Satoshi Nakamoto ordered transactions by first seen in the bitcoin clients he/she released, a rule largely enforced by the bitcoin network until full capacity was reached.

The Easy Attack

Still, even the above problems, as bad as they are, might be bearable for desperate bitcoiners, but let’s imagine I’m a wealthy company, say Vusa, or Rapp Labs, or a wealthy guy who just doesn’t like bitcoin.

Just to be very clear, no one is suggesting either of them has behaved in any nefarious way, but say I’m a competitor to bitcoin or recently attracting much hype and attention due to gaining crazy high market cap in just days. You know what I could do with just $2 million?

I could send bitcoin down crashing as far as its sole purpose of moving bitcoins is concerned. That’s because bitcoin’s capacity is limited to around 250,000 transactions, but just to make it simple let’s say it can handle only 200,000 transactions a day.

At $1, it would cost me just $200,000 to take up that space, which is fine, everyone else could pay $1.50. But, at $10 per transaction it would cost me only $2 million to send everyone else at the back of the queue.

Now sure, you can pay $11 or $12, but even at a fee of $20 it would cost just $4 million, as good as nothing considering how much value may flood to the competitors and considering the shock bitcoin would receive if all the sudden everyone is asked to pay $25 per transaction.

There is no evidence to suggest this is happening at scale, but fees went up yesterday from around $1 to around $4 for a normal transaction. It could be ordinary demand, but it could also be someone or some entity which wants to send bitcoin crashing.

They have succeeded as far as bitcoin’s sole purpose of moving bitcoins around is concerned because around 200,000 bitcoins have been stuck for the past 24 hours while fees have gone parabolic pricing everyone out.

Another Obituary?

Bitcoin has only one job – to move data from a to b – and it is failing to do that simple task. A task which is not really rocket science as some claim because everyone and their cat have launched their own bitcoin like network which actually manages to continue performing their one task.

No wonder bitcoin’s market share has now fallen down to around 48%, nearly halved from just a few months ago, but its price has now doubled to more than $2,000 and its market cap keeps going up, so, who knows. Maybe $20 fees and days for one transaction are a good thing?

Or maybe it’s all just because of the recent advertising following allegations Trump’s Press Secretary and an aid to the French President Macron had used bitcoin, combined with the recent ransom global incident.

Or perhaps it’s only because bitcoin is the main gateway to other altcoins, although ethereum has started making inroads on that front due to its own tokens system and clones.

But maybe the market sees value in a limited coin you just buy and lock away in some paper wallet somewhere, forgetting about it, like actual gold and just as difficult as well as expensive to move around.

In which case, “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System,” as bitcoin’s white paper describes it, has failed, because the current bitcoin is not a cash system. Cash can be exchanged almost instantly with 0 fee and can be moved around fairly easily without getting stuck for days.

Which might be why the market is giving conflicting signals. On the one hand, it’s falling market share is probably because bitcoin investors and other market participants are looking for the real bitcoin, the cash system, which many think has just changed its name to ethereum while getting some cool new tech like smart contracts.

It may be that these newcomers think bitcoin is still the cash system rather than seemingly having changed into something else, or maybe they like this idea of gold but with very high fees or they’re in markets which have no choice, although even they could easily diversify.

Bitcoin is Dead, Long Live Bitcoin

So, to conclude, bitcoin is definitely in crisis because the real bitcoin as described in the whitepaper does not exist anymore. The real bitcoin uses the first seen rule for transactions, rather than ordering by fee. The real bitcoin never operates at full blocks. The real bitcoin has as good as no fees and confirms almost instantly.

What now is called bitcoin is an aberration, something completely different and planned to become even more different. Far more similar to ripple with its hubs and intermediary banks than to bitcoin.

The real bitcoin, the digital cash, the codable money, the global, inclusive, permissionless network, the innovative powerhouse which has grabbed the world’s imagination, that has changed its name and is now called ethereum.
32  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] MOBILEGO Crowdfund - Decentralized Solutions on Gamecredits Mobile Store on: May 15, 2017, 06:57:32 AM
hello Jack
please update
change full.member >> sr.member
33  Local / 媒体 / 微软:勒索病毒完全是美国国安局的锅 on: May 15, 2017, 03:09:23 AM
据《西雅图时报》报道,微软首席法务官Brad Smith在接受采访时表示,勒索病毒爆发完全是美国国安局(NSA)的锅,是他们私自握有黑客工具,并对系统漏洞隐瞒不报造成了这次大规模攻击事件。

对此,Brad Smith认为,勒索病毒事件为全世界政府敲响了警钟,大家需要考虑那些潜在未修复漏洞可能会对普通用户造成的影响。

Brad Smith倡议召开新的“数字日内瓦公约”会议,并明确政府机构向安全公司或者软件开发商报告漏洞的义务,而不是偷偷隐瞒漏洞。

来源: cnbeta网站
34  Local / 媒体 / “资深矿工”眼中的勒索病毒:为何赎金是比特币? on: May 15, 2017, 03:08:53 AM

从5月12日开始,一场网络病毒风暴席卷全球......从中国到英国、意大利、俄罗斯等诸多国家中招。防毒软件公司Avast Software报告称,至少7.5万部电脑被感染,已波及99个国家。重点是,“勒索病毒”所要的赎金是比特币,这点再度引发了各界的强烈关注。

“‘勒索病毒’发威并非首次,在我印象中就出现过几次,赎金也是比特币,只是最近比特币暴涨,且病毒涉及范围更广,因此关注度再度提升。”比特币资深“矿工”、上海区块链初创企业BitSe CEO钱德君对第一财经记者表示。

他回忆称:“此前一次,黑客也黑进了电脑系统,把数据完全锁定,要付出等值的比特币才能解密数据,否则就永远无法取回数据。”早在去年2月,海外就有“黑客瘫痪系统十日,美医院付40 比特币”等消息发布。









他称:“以金融业为例,这是一个强第三方信用的服务业,但比特币开启了‘潘多拉魔盒’,使得这种金融服务模式可以通过非中心化模式被颠覆。” 也正是因为“去中心化”,比特币交易几乎不存在手续费等中间费用,对于一次性大额交易量,为了加快交易速度,比特币对等网路节点(比特币矿工)会收取少量费用。







“其实说白了,挖矿是计算机Hash随机碰撞的过程,猜中了,你就得到了比特币。”曾参与过“挖矿”的钱德君解释称,“这涉及到哈希函数(Hash Function),给定一个输入x,它会算出相应的输出H(x)。由于正确的概率很小,就需要不停去试,这也需要电脑有很大的运算能力,直到得到正确答案,就可以把这个x写进block(区块)里,这就满足了整个技术规则要求。”














此前,国内发布了首个基于区块链技术的正品身份防伪识别和透明供应链管理平台VeChain(意为Verification Chain,中文名为“唯链”)。例如,唯链此前已与某知名奢侈品牌达成合作,给每个包设置唯一的晶片,并将生产和物流信息刻上区块链,几乎无造假的可能性。














来源:第一财经日报 作者:殷怡 周艾琳
35  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / Re: 比特价格又上调了。你们怎么看 on: May 15, 2017, 03:08:11 AM
36  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / Re: 比特币勒索病毒席卷全球!中英同时“沦陷”!大家小心! on: May 15, 2017, 03:06:08 AM
37  Local / 山寨币 / Re: 比特币勒索病毒,感觉买点比特币预备着吧 on: May 15, 2017, 03:00:18 AM
38  Local / 山寨币 / Re: 这个阶段投资新山寨币是否合适? on: May 15, 2017, 02:57:53 AM
39  Local / 媒体 / 瑞波币市值又一次取代以太坊当上老二:原因&趋势 on: May 15, 2017, 02:55:43 AM

40  Local / 媒体 / 更新:勒索病毒事件幕后黑客已收到19.11个比特币 on: May 15, 2017, 02:55:14 AM
Elliptic是一家调查涉及比特币非法活动并向美国和英国大多数主要执法机构提供服务的公司,该公司联合创始人汤姆·罗宾逊(Tom Robinson)表示,至少有三个比特币地址被确定与周五全球网络攻击事件使用的恶意软件相关联。




这次前所未有的网络攻击事件,使用称为WanaCrypt0r 2.0或WannaCry的恶意软件,利用了Windows操作系统中的一个漏洞。今年3月,针对这一漏洞,微软发布了一个安全补丁,但未安装这一补丁的计算机容易受到攻击。


英国内政部长安伯尔?鲁德(Amber Rudd)周六表示,政府部门还没有能够确认谁是这次网络攻击的幕后黑手。她说:“这项工作仍在进行中。我们不知道它是哪里发起的。我们知道它已影响了100多个国家,并不是仅仅针对NHS。”


5月15日 更新:





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