Guys, do not worry, there are 2 ways: 1)Bitcoin will back today to 7000 and start uptrend from that 2)Sad but bitcoin will go 2-3k in longterm Nothing to add 3. bitcoin prices will reach $ 25k by the end of the year. I am not amusing you guys, but that's my hopea
today the economy becomes second only to technology or weapons, nowadays western countries compete to increase their weapons sophistication.
blockchain technology is not just about bitcoin, but if talking about improving the economy I think bitcoin is the most appropriate answer.
it depends on which direction you see it. there are several factors that affect demand and supply, such as legality and news.
I've heard this news many times, but until now I've seen everything all right. facebook campaign running as usual.
Why not ? what's wrong with cryptocurrency? I think Muslim countries will accept cryptocurrency, as long as it is not against the teachings of Islam.
in my opinion there is no relation whatsoever between rising oil prices with bitcoin prices, they have no relation to each other.
Jejaring sosial setahu saya ada auto add apa itu aman apa tidak ya gan atau diperbolehkan atau tidak ya gan ? Masih pemula saya masalah jejaring sosial seperti fb dan lain lain akun juga jarang dipake gan
Tetapi jika kita memakai akun pribadi teman-teman kita akan merasa risih dengan postingan kita, dan akun pribadi saya rasa untuk hal yang pribadi. Kalau saya pribadi bermain bounty bukan dengan akun pribadi gan.. iya benar gan awal ngebounty fb pakai akun pribadi banyak teman ane yg inbox menanyakan apa maksudnya nyepam begitu dan akhirnya ane buat akun lagi khusus untuk ikut bounty fb. kalau di daerah ane sudah menjadi hal biasa ya gan, soalnya disini bitcoin sudah tersebar luas. jadi gak masalah pakai fb pribadi.
Situasi saat ini saya rasa mending jual aja gan karena saya yakin akhir bulan juni ini akan turun drastis, setelah turun sekali lagi baru langsung harga bitcoin dan altcoin akan melejit tinggi... Jadi lebih baik jual dulu sekarang nanti buyback saat diakhir bulan, tetapi kalau mau sabar hold juga gpp sih, firasat saya bitcoin bakalan drop sampai ke rate 6000 an lagi...
kayaknya sudah telat kalau mau jual sekarang gan soalnya harga bitcoin sedang turun, dan mungkin saja beberapa hari kedepan pasar akan kembali hijau.
harga bitcoin di thn 2019 di perkirakan akan menembus angka 200 jutaan, semoga aja habis lebaran ada tanda tanda kenaikan harga
kira-kira apa dasar perkiraannya akan menembus angka 200 jutaan? dan apa tanda-tandanya kalau harga akan naik? karena harga btc naik ada sebab dan alasannya bukan cuma omongan doang aja harga naik. untuk saat ini belum ada tanda tanda harga bitcoin akan melonjak gan, saat ini harga stabil di kisaran 105 juta. mungkin bulan september nanti baru terlihat harga bitcoin akan naik tingi.
I agree with you. but is this a form of promotion to make the bitcoin price increase?
I am very confident at the end of the year bitcoin prices will reach $ 20k, usually bitcoin prices will rise by the end of the year. this has happened in the last few years.
this coin will not die, if this coin is dead you will see many other coins that die first. do not you see when the price of this coin drops and all other coin prices also go down?
$ 1 million bitcoin price? I see this as a joke, but I hope it will happen. You will see many rich people after that.
I see bitcoin prices have returned above $ 7500, I hope this will continue until bitcoin prices reach $ 8k.
there may be a slight decrease after this, but in the next spike the bitcoin price will reach $ 9k. I hope in this month bitcoin price will reach $ 10k. no problem, everyone has hope. but here we see, it seems that the bitcoin price movement does not allow it to reach $ 10k in this month.
there are two things you should look into in this case. comfort and how many results you get. You will not be able to focus on both, which one will be a side job.
I do not believe in anything like that. many experts say if the year 2018 bitcoin prices will be very high, but until now there is no sign if the price of bitcoin will rise.
I also do not believe on that, first of all everyone knows that no one can exactly knows what will really happen may it be this year or even in incoming years. One thing i am sure about is that bitcoin will not disappear because people were now interested and willing learn about it and i guess it would last even if i die, im sure bitcoin will still be there. they just say what they think will happen in the future against bitcoin. of course we all here can also say it, the higher the confidence to bitcoin then it will make high price predictions as well.
I really agree with that, I already feel the benefits of bitcoin in my family's economy. I can help a little improve my family's economy.
selamat malem gan... menurut saya tidak akan sampa satu milyar rupiah dan bahkan tidak bisa lebih dari itu, karena ada banyak coin-coin crypto baru maka investor akan melirik coin yang lebih murah dan bisa mendapatkan untung yang sama. dan akan berpengaruh sama pegerakan bitcoin yang melambat.
kalau untuk tahun ini jangankan 1m gan sudah melebihi rekor yang lama saja sudah bagus (diatas 350jt) tahun ini lebih banyak berita yang menyebabkan harga bitcoin lemah om watergold tidak menyebutkan kapan waktunya gan, itu berarti harga bitcoin tidak akan pernah mencapai harga 1 M. kalau tahun ini mah emang gak mungkin nyampe 1 M gan
peringatan nih buat yang main begituan, lebih baik main save aja. hanya gara gara menginginkan hasil yang cepat dan besar namun resiko yang di tanggung juga besar.