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201  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: Sejauh Mana Uang Digital Dapat Mempengaruhi Mata Uang Fiat Di Era Teknologi!!! on: February 21, 2022, 02:50:59 PM
Atas dasar inilah perubahan aturan baku bukan merupakan suatu hal yang mudah.
Ibarat orang Indonesia sudah biasa makan nasi lalu disuruh ubah kebiasaan makan roti, apakah bisa?. tentu bisa tapi lama, banyak hal yang harus dibiasakan misalnya cara makan dan waktunya. Ane percaya rakyat Indonesia bisa kalau dipaksakan. apa lagi ini menyangkut masalah uang dan kebutuhan pokok. selain itu perilaku dan kebiasaan orang Indonesia masih ada yang sangat tradisional semisal, menukar barang dengan barang, beras dengan minyak goreng, dan lain-lain.
Memang sulit untuk menggantikan kebiasaan yang telah terjadi begitu lama, apalagi menyangkut dengan aturan keuangan dunia, tetapi bukankah semua hal bisa terjadi, jika suatu saat mata uang ini dianggap tidak lagi sejalan dengan konsep pengembangan negara, memang kecil kemungkinan ini terjadi, tetapi tidak ada salahnya ini kita jadikan sebagai diskusi menarik.

Uang digital tidak bertujuan untuk menggantikan uang fiat. Uang digital adalah uang fiat/kartal yang didigitalkan. Mungkin maksudnya uang kripto? Boleh-boleh saja manusia bereksperimen untuk menggantikan uang kartal sekarang ini, NAMUN lihat apa yang terjadi di Venezuela El Salvador maksudnya... ancur...
benar mas, saya juga bertanya dalam hati, sepertinya op salah sangka dalam hal mata uang fiat dan mata uang digital. jika membahas tentang mata uang digital maka saya 100% yakin mayoritas manusia bakal beralih ke sana, karena selain lebih efisien, juga lebih aman. mata uang kripto dan mata uang digital adalah 2 opsi pembayaran yang bakal tersedia secara mayoritas di seluruh dunia, nantinya.
Postingan ente berkebalikan dengan apa yg mu enrico katakan dimana dia menggambarkan keadaan suatu negara yg semakin tidak stabil akibat crypto, sedangkan ente mengharapkan negara mengadopsi crypto lebih jauh, di sini ane lihat ada rasa optimis di tengah kegalauan.
202  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: Sejauh Mana Uang Digital Dapat Mempengaruhi Mata Uang Fiat Di Era Teknologi!!! on: February 21, 2022, 02:47:29 PM
Apa pendapat kalian mengenai masalah ini?
Uang digital tidak bertujuan untuk menggantikan uang fiat. Uang digital adalah uang fiat/kartal yang didigitalkan. Mungkin maksudnya uang kripto? Boleh-boleh saja manusia bereksperimen untuk menggantikan uang kartal sekarang ini, NAMUN lihat apa yang terjadi di Venezuela El Salvador maksudnya... ancur...
benar mas, saya juga bertanya dalam hati, sepertinya op salah sangka dalam hal mata uang fiat dan mata uang digital. jika membahas tentang mata uang digital maka saya 100% yakin mayoritas manusia bakal beralih ke sana, karena selain lebih efisien, juga lebih aman. mata uang kripto dan mata uang digital adalah 2 opsi pembayaran yang bakal tersedia secara mayoritas di seluruh dunia, nantinya.
Jika ketersediaan keduanya dalam mayoritas di seluruh dunia, hampir dipastikan ini akan menjadi suatu hal yang baru, tetapi menurut saya keduanya tidak perlu dihilangkan salah satunya, karena jika keduanya dapat berjalan secara bersamaan, kenapa harus ada yang hilang.
203  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: Sejauh Mana Uang Digital Dapat Mempengaruhi Mata Uang Fiat Di Era Teknologi!!! on: February 21, 2022, 02:44:46 PM
Secara global perkembangan mata uang digital (crypto) sangat cepat, namun harus digaris bawahi aset crypto bukan sebagai alat pembayaran yang sah terutama di Indonesia, tapi tepatnya mata uang digital (crypto) sebagai aset investasi. Uang fiat adalah mata uang yang resmi dikeluarkan oleh bank sentral, Sedangkan uang digital tidak diatur oleh bank sentral atau pemerintah. Meski keduanya memiliki kesamaan dalam peran dan penggunaan, sama-sama dapat digunakan sebagai alat tukar untuk suatu transaksi. Uang fiat akan tetap ada karena keberadaannya di atur oleh undang-undang.

Kenyataannya memang demikian, tetapi dalam kasus jangka panjang, kita tidak dapat memastikan apakah ini akan tetap sama atau malah akan ada perubahan, aturan dapat diubah jika terjadi kesepakatan dengan pihak-pihak tertentu, yang mengawasi masalah keuangan, eksekutif dan legislatif.
Walau ini tidak mudah dilakukan, mengingat untuk merubah semua itu bukanlah suatu hal yang mudah
204  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: Sejauh Mana Uang Digital Dapat Mempengaruhi Mata Uang Fiat Di Era Teknologi!!! on: February 21, 2022, 02:41:53 PM
Pertama, perhatikan tanda baca. Kalau sekiranya perlu titik, ya dikasih titik (bukan dengan tanda koma). Pada paragraf pertama, saya kira ada beberapa bagian yang sebaiknya dikasih tanda titik.

Yang kedua, saya perhatikan di paragraf pertama, ada beberapa informasi yang seperti diambil dari sumber tertentu. Seperti persentase 75% untuk pengembangan cryptocurrency atau persentase 90% untuk basis pendukung. Sama halnya dengan yang ditanyakan Om Enrico di atas, persentase-persentase ini diperoleh dari mana? Kalau dikutip dari sumber tertentu, harap cantumkan sumber referensinya di bawah threadnya.

Pengembangan cryptocurrency sudah hampir mencapai 75% dalam kehidupan sekarang, dan kemungkinan dapat mengambil alih mata uang fiat
Kata siapa? Asumsi sendiri?
IMO, sekalipun di masa depan mata uang digital digunakan secara masif, saya tetap yakin bahwa mata uang fiat/logam (physical money) tetap diperlukan. Tidak semua hal bisa dicover oleh mata uang digital, pada case-case tertentu penggunaan physical money lebih effisien. Selain itu, saya kira mata uang digital dibuat bukan untuk menggantikan mata uang fiat, tapi lebih cenderung untuk melengkapinya.

Ini hanya analisa saya, setelah melihat penggunaan mata uang digital yang semakin meningkat, makanya tidak ada referensi atau link yang saya sertakan, karena memang ini murni asumsi saya setelah melihat kondisi yang terjadi sekarang, sehingga membuat analisa apakah hal ini terjadi atau tidak.
205  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: Sejauh Mana Uang Digital Dapat Mempengaruhi Mata Uang Fiat Di Era Teknologi!!! on: February 21, 2022, 02:39:31 PM
Pengembangan cryptocurrency sudah hampir mencapai 75% dalam kehidupan sekarang
saya kira sulit untuk mengubah suatu yang baku dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun kedepan, menurut saya ini masih sangat spekulatif, walaupun kita melihat basis pendukung hampir 90 % setuju.
Ini angkanya dapet dari mana gan? Bola kristal?

Apa pendapat kalian mengenai masalah ini?
Uang digital tidak bertujuan untuk menggantikan uang fiat. Uang digital adalah uang fiat/kartal yang didigitalkan. Mungkin maksudnya uang kripto? Boleh-boleh saja manusia bereksperimen untuk menggantikan uang kartal sekarang ini, NAMUN lihat apa yang terjadi di Venezuela El Salvador maksudnya... ancur...

Saya masih heran mengapa setiap analisa yang dibuat harus ada referensi, padahal kita bisa melihat perbandingan dari berbagai macam sumber, sehingga keluar presentasi yang kita sampaikan, apakah referensi itu tidak cukup dengan analisa yang kita buat, kecuali kita meng copy paste analisa orang itu baru harus atau wajib disertakan link/referensi.

Saya sendiri juga tidak begitu yakin bahwa mata uang fiat akan ditinggalkan, namun bicara basis penggunaan yang hampir 90% mengingatkan hal itu, saya juga tidak mengerti apa yang mereka harapkan, karena konsep pengembangan crypto bukan lah bertujuan menggantikan mata uang fiat yang saya tau.
206  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: Sejauh Mana Uang Digital Dapat Mempengaruhi Mata Uang Fiat Di Era Teknologi!!! on: February 21, 2022, 02:33:40 PM
Hari ini dunia diatur oleh mata uang dolar dalam segala hal, baik politik, sosial, ekonomi dan bisnis besar yang ada diseluruh dunia, prospek budaya yang mempengaruhi dunia untuk tidak terlibat dalam aturan Penukaran yang sudah baku, artinya ini telah terjadi dalam kurun waktu yang cukup lama, bahkan mata uang fiat mampu mempertahankan diri sebagai suatu kebutuhan bagi seluruh umat manusia.
Dalam aturan apa Dunia sudah diatur oleh mata uang dolar ? jika anda menemukan setiap hal harga ataupun pekerjaan yang di kurs dengan mata uang dolar itu adalah sebagai contoh supaya mudah dipahami dan juga mudah dikalkulasikan oleh semua orang yang ada di dunia meskipun setiap negara punya mata uang masing-masing. Jadi saya pikir hal itu bukanlah sebuah aturan.

Atas dasar inilah perubahan aturan baku bukan merupakan suatu hal yang mudah.

Apa pendapat kalian mengenai masalah ini?
sejauhmana peluang mata uang fiat yang dimiliki oleh mata uang digital?
Seharusnya pertanyaan ini dibalik. Tapi tidak masalah saya akan menjawab pertanyaan yang ada dalam judul anda sekarang;
Kalau anda bertanya tentang pengaruh Mata uang digital, maka jawabannya jelas ada pengaruhnya karena sekarang sudah banyak hal dan layanan yang tersedia untuk semua hal dimana hal tersebut bisa anda gunakan lewat mata uang digital dengan kurs mata uang negara masing-masing.

Dan untuk mata uang fiat saya pikir akan tetap ada seutuhnya untuk menjadi opsi lama yang tidak perlu untuk dihilangkan karena secara umum dalam semua negara dan semua kalangan masyarakat pasti masih membutuhkan layanan melalui mata uang fiat sesuai dengan kebutuhan masing-masing.

Jadi meskipun ada pengaruh untuk keduanya, namun keduanya tidak akan menjadi bentrok dalam hal penggunaannya didalam masyarakat.
Tidak hanya dalam hal pekerjaan namun dalam situasi ekonomi saat perdagangan sudah mengadopsi penggunaan mata uang Dolar hampir puluhan tahun bahkan dalam hal sistem pinjaman uang ke bank IMF juga menggunakan mata uang dolar. Sulit untuk meruntuhkan dominasi mata uang fiat terutama dengan mata uang dolar, namun akhir - akhir ini Indonesia sudah mencapai kesepakatan kerja sama dengan Tiongkok untuk bisa menggunakan mata uang IDR dan juga Yuan untuk alat tukar saat proses impor dan ekpor komodity, hal ini untuk menaikkan nilai mata uang rupiah ke depannya.

Perjanjian Indonesia dengan Tiongkok merupakan politik yang dimainkan, cina khususnya ingin meruntuhkan dominasi Amerika Serikat dalam penguasaan dunia, saat ini yang mampu bersaing dengan AS hanyalah cina, selebihnya belum ada yang berani secara terang-terangan melawan mereka.
207  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: Sejauh Mana Uang Digital Dapat Mempengaruhi Mata Uang Fiat Di Era Teknologi!!! on: February 21, 2022, 02:31:07 PM
Hari ini dunia diatur oleh mata uang dolar dalam segala hal, baik politik, sosial, ekonomi dan bisnis besar yang ada diseluruh dunia, prospek budaya yang mempengaruhi dunia untuk tidak terlibat dalam aturan Penukaran yang sudah baku, artinya ini telah terjadi dalam kurun waktu yang cukup lama, bahkan mata uang fiat mampu mempertahankan diri sebagai suatu kebutuhan bagi seluruh umat manusia.
Dalam aturan apa Dunia sudah diatur oleh mata uang dolar ? jika anda menemukan setiap hal harga ataupun pekerjaan yang di kurs dengan mata uang dolar itu adalah sebagai contoh supaya mudah dipahami dan juga mudah dikalkulasikan oleh semua orang yang ada di dunia meskipun setiap negara punya mata uang masing-masing. Jadi saya pikir hal itu bukanlah sebuah aturan.

Meskipun perjanjian Bretton Woods telah ditinggalkan, akan tetapi dominasi Dollar Amerika di sistem finansial global masih belum runtuh. Untuk saat ini Cadangan Devisa dalam bentuk Dollar masih mendominasi dengan nilai sekitar 59.15% ( Dominasi ini muncul karena adanya kepercayaan Global, jadi bisa runtuh kapan saja (tidak ada yang namanya kekal), buktinya dalam 20 tahun terakhir porsi cadangan devisa dalam bentuk dollar terus-terusan mengalami penurunan.

Dollar Amerika tidak memiliki kontrol penuh terhadap perekonomian Global, tapi tidak bisa dipungkiri jika Dollar Amerika bisa memberikan pengaruh yang besar di perekonomian Global.
Sekarang Dollar AS merupakan uang terkuat dalam perjalanan ekonomi, politik dan budaya, mereka telah menciptakan ketergantungan dengan banyak negara untuk menggunakan dollar dalam pembelian apapun.

Saya teringat kembali pada zaman dahulu, dimana uang kertas belum ada, banyak negara yang masih menggunakan uang logam berupa emas dan perak, lalu perkembangan zaman semakin bergeser, sehingga mata uang kertas muncul secara tidak terduga, siklus ini bukan tidak mungkin kembali terjadi, mengingat banyak pengamatan dunia yang mengatakan hanya uang logam emas dan perak yang susah terjadi resisi, walau kita tidak mengetahui dengan pasti kapan itu akan terjadi,
208  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: Sejauh Mana Uang Digital Dapat Mempengaruhi Mata Uang Fiat Di Era Teknologi!!! on: February 21, 2022, 02:24:26 PM
Hari ini dunia diatur oleh mata uang dolar dalam segala hal, baik politik, sosial, ekonomi dan bisnis besar yang ada diseluruh dunia, prospek budaya yang mempengaruhi dunia untuk tidak terlibat dalam aturan Penukaran yang sudah baku, artinya ini telah terjadi dalam kurun waktu yang cukup lama, bahkan mata uang fiat mampu mempertahankan diri sebagai suatu kebutuhan bagi seluruh umat manusia.
Dalam aturan apa Dunia sudah diatur oleh mata uang dolar ? jika anda menemukan setiap hal harga ataupun pekerjaan yang di kurs dengan mata uang dolar itu adalah sebagai contoh supaya mudah dipahami dan juga mudah dikalkulasikan oleh semua orang yang ada di dunia meskipun setiap negara punya mata uang masing-masing. Jadi saya pikir hal itu bukanlah sebuah aturan.
Secara umum memang tidak ada aturan khusus dollar diatur dunia, tetapi kapitalisasi negara maju terus menciptakan ketergantungan mata uang dollar bagi seluruh dunia yang ada, contohnya ketika kita mulai masuk ke negara tersebut, maka uang selain dollar tidak akan pernah berlaku dalam pembelian apapun, begitu juga dengan pembelian Alsintan perang, pihak mereka tidak akan pernah mau di bayar dengan mata uang lain selain dollar, yang saya tau mereka menciptakan dollar sebagai alat untuk menguasai dunia.
Atas dasar inilah perubahan aturan baku bukan merupakan suatu hal yang mudah.

Apa pendapat kalian mengenai masalah ini?
sejauhmana peluang mata uang fiat yang dimiliki oleh mata uang digital?

Seharusnya pertanyaan ini dibalik. Tapi tidak masalah saya akan menjawab pertanyaan yang ada dalam judul anda sekarang;
Kalau anda bertanya tentang pengaruh Mata uang digital, maka jawabannya jelas ada pengaruhnya karena sekarang sudah banyak hal dan layanan yang tersedia untuk semua hal dimana hal tersebut bisa anda gunakan lewat mata uang digital dengan kurs mata uang negara masing-masing.

Dan untuk mata uang fiat saya pikir akan tetap ada seutuhnya untuk menjadi opsi lama yang tidak perlu untuk dihilangkan karena secara umum dalam semua negara dan semua kalangan masyarakat pasti masih membutuhkan layanan melalui mata uang fiat sesuai dengan kebutuhan masing-masing.

Jadi meskipun ada pengaruh untuk keduanya, namun keduanya tidak akan menjadi bentrok dalam hal penggunaannya didalam masyarakat.
Memang benar mata uang fiat tidak akan pernah hilang, tetapi kemungkinan mata uang digital semakin dominan sangatlah terbuka, bisa jadi dalam 5 atau 10 tahun kedepan, kita dapat membeli barang seperti mobil dengan satu coin tertentu, karena pengaruh zaman yang semakin maju membuka ruang untuk apapun bisa terjadi
209  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Seberapa Besar Dampak Kampanye Tanda Tangan dan Media Sosial Bagi Projek!!! on: February 21, 2022, 02:13:20 PM
Hallo teman.

Saya ingin tau apa yang pengembangan harapankan dari kampanye tanda tangan (SIGNATURE), bukankah flatform ini sangat terbatas untuk dijangkau oleh orang, bahkan tidak semua negara aktif dalam forum tersebut, jikapun aktif hanya kisaran 45-50% saja.

Yang saya pahami target pencapaian dari hasil pemasaran yang dilakukan di kampanye tanda tangan (SIGNATURE) jika kita masuk dan mengklik web resmi mereka, disitu baru orang akan membaca konsep pengembangan proyek yang sedang berjalan.

Namun dapat dipastikan hal itu tidak mencapai 50% orang yang mau masuk dan mempelajarinya, berbeda dengan kampanye media sosial, yang mempromosikan sesuatu pada Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, Yutube, Reddit dan lain-lain.
Karena media sosial ini hampir umumnya digunakan oleh semua negara yang ada didunia.

Belum lagi masuk kedalam hadiah buruan, beda alokasi dan hadiah yang didapatkan, dari program kampanye tanda tangan (SIGNATURE) dengan media sosial yang saya sebutkan diatas, menurut kalian seberapa dampak kampanye tersebut dalam pencapaian target yang dilakukan oleh suatu proyek, baik kampanye tanda tangan (SIGNATURE) atau media sosial?
210  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: Profitable coin for 2022 on: February 21, 2022, 05:00:28 AM
seems to have to look for coins/tokens that have the support of influential public figures and investors, such as Tesla, Elon, and others. with just one tweet about the coin/token, a few minutes later the price will go up, this is awesome.  Grin Grin Grin
how much it works, try to do a little research if this is hype or actually happen to other coins, I'm not sure this can be done to other coins, the concept of coin development can't always be influenced by the hype, just rely on one last tweet the coin will strengthen, if this really happened, then other developers would follow the pattern, but in reality there is no such thing.
211  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: Profitable coin for 2022 on: February 20, 2022, 07:41:57 AM
Talking about profits, it can't be separated from what kind of investment we apply, BNB and Ethereum can generate a lot of profit, if we have large capital to invest, but if we have little capital, the coins that are suitable to invest are altcoins, but we must be able to identify potential altcoins, investment patterns are very dependent on capital, strategies and ways to recognize good coins, if we don't have these three things, then the investment will not produce big profits.
Of course, if you have little capital, you cannot get rich by investing in coins like Ethereum or BNB. But when you invest in different coins to make a lot of money, you take more risks. What matters is how much money you earn as a percentage.
If you have a high profit as a percentage, you have made a successful investment Smiley

You are right but it sounds that you're also in a hurry to get rich, take it slow. There is nothing wrong with a little capital because many successful investors now have also started that way and there's no need to buy the whole coin like bitcoin as we can buy even just a fraction, little by little and soon that will worth something bigger. ETH and BNB can be a profitable investment too and can really give you competitive returns. What matters is that we have studied it well and made an almost perfect plan in-order to succeed in our investments.
everyone is hunting to become richer, but slowly is the right step to prepare everything, investment can't be forced as you wish, but rather prepare capital, strategy and identify potential coins for us to invest, so don't leave it to do all that, even though everyone wants to look rich, it takes concrete steps to prepare for investment, in this way people can get wealth as they wish, and must be balanced with the capital we have.
212  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Time to reinvest into Altcoins? on: February 19, 2022, 05:43:40 AM
Bitcoin has made good progress in last two days, we all know that altcoins will follow the same path and some Altcoins like Binance have already started to surge so I feel this would be the right moment to invest into Altcoins like ADA, Solana and ICP which are ready to explode any moments, what's your take on this? Things will be in our favour of we choose the altcoin's wisely and better to invest now rather doing r when it reaches the peak.

But my only worry is what if it's one more bulltrap.
There is a level where bitcoin conditions go up but it doesn't affect altcoins in general, usually if bitcoin is progressing, ethereum, BNB, ADA and Solana will also follow that path, but not always this scheme works according to bitcoin's increase, attract to follow or buy ADA and Solana , but I have doubts about ICP going forward, because actually ICP has not seen the potential like the two coins I mentioned.
Bitcoin's condition is not fully followed by the coins you mentioned, sometimes they are followed by the hype themselves or there are other processes that resulted in them to strengthen, I like Ethereum, BNB, there, Solana and ICP, the five coins have a good potential for long and long Short term, it's just that the ongoing market is in a correction, so it doesn't make a big change now, there are times when we wait until this recovery is back on the normal path.
In the case of this year, there is no connection with the strengthening of the coin based on the hype, but more to the strengthening of the bitcoin, but this is more to the large 5 coins as you mentioned, believe it or not we can see on the market, the correction that occurs against coins does not make Rise based on the hype, but follow the hype that applies to Bitcoin, I prefer BNB, Solana and there, because these three coins are more potential than others.
Try to open a bigger horizon, there are many other potential coins, besides BNB and Solana, these two coins do have a good level of stability, but in a correction condition neither can produce anything, when you are interested in investing, there are steps that need to be taken pay attention, for example in the long term, this must be directly related to coins that have long-term prospects, then how do you implement it in the short term, shouldn't these two directions still be filled with investments.
If in the short term we can't use the maximum investment we make, then the long term is a solution to avoid bad things that will happen, even if forced short-term investments in market conditions like this will look futile, almost 80% of coins it's still in the correction stage, that's why the two-way investment model sometimes doesn't always work, it's better to buy BNB and Solana and wait for the market to return to normal.
it is difficult to predict when the market will return to normal, circumstances like this make people invest in coins that have a higher potential rate, but in the case of the big 5 coins, I think they can be bought at any time, considering that such coins have no rate. the risk of loss is so great, BNB is a coin that is worth buying at any time, but solana really depends on what market conditions are in, the two directions you mean are not a guarantee for every existing coin.
The point is that investment must be able to see opportunities, coins in the top 5 or not, as long as they have good potential in the future it is worth buying, sometimes we ignore coins in the top 100 coinmarketcap, even though there are still many of these coins can provide big profits for us, only because of correction we ignore and think it has no potential, even though in normal conditions there are lots of coins that make big profits, therefore think bigger, so as not to get hung up on coins in the big 5.
yes, that's right, sometimes we focus too much on the big 5 coins, even though there are many other coins that can generate much bigger profits, but because many people mention that so we don't take this opportunity, under normal conditions coins that are in the top 100 also have good potential, so we must be able to look at these opportunities carefully, so that our investments do not only focus on the top 5.
most people choose coins in the top 5 because it's not that big of a risk, not for any other reason in my opinion, try to pay attention to why people didn't choose NFT which was hype yesterday, because people know it's only temporary and quite risky, that's why people prefer coins in Top 5, even though other coins also have good potential, if they can be seen and invested at the right time.
213  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: Profitable coin for 2022 on: February 18, 2022, 07:27:28 AM
Everyone thinks holding Ethereum and BNB is a good idea. In my opinion, these are the most reliable coins, but they are not the ones that will make the most profit. Their prices are already high, so they cannot rise too much in terms of profit.
We can make more profitable investments by choosing slightly lesser known altcoins Smiley
Talking about profits, it can't be separated from what kind of investment we apply, BNB and Ethereum can generate a lot of profit, if we have large capital to invest, but if we have little capital, the coins that are suitable to invest are altcoins, but we must be able to identify potential altcoins, investment patterns are very dependent on capital, strategies and ways to recognize good coins, if we don't have these three things, then the investment will not produce big profits.

Of course, if you have little capital, you cannot get rich by investing in coins like Ethereum or BNB. But when you invest in different coins to make a lot of money, you take more risks. What matters is how much money you earn as a percentage.
If you have a high profit as a percentage, you have made a successful investment Smiley
That's why seeing potential coins that are not too expensive is very necessary, if ethereum and BNB cannot be bought in large quantities, it doesn't matter why the risk comes, as long as we are able to maintain the value of the investment, and when market conditions return to normal, then there must be a strengthening of the investment that generates big profits, stay calm and try to see other potential and cheap coins, so you can make maximum profits
214  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Sejauh Mana Uang Digital Dapat Mempengaruhi Mata Uang Fiat Di Era Teknologi!!! on: February 17, 2022, 06:21:14 AM
Pengembangan cryptocurrency sudah hampir mencapai 75% dalam kehidupan sekarang, dan kemungkinan dapat mengambil alih mata uang fiat, namun kita juga memahami bahwa mata uang fiat bukanlah prodak baru dalam tantan negara, artinya akan sulit untuk mengubah, banyak hukum dan aturan yang harus diubah jika mata uang fiat dihapuskan, para pengatur mata uang dunia juga tidak akan tinggal diam untuk masalah besar ini, saya kira sulit untuk mengubah suatu yang baku dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun kedepan, menurut saya ini masih sangat spekulatif, walaupun kita melihat basis pendukung hampir 90 % setuju.

Hari ini dunia diatur oleh mata uang dolar dalam segala hal, baik politik, sosial, ekonomi dan bisnis besar yang ada diseluruh dunia, prospek budaya yang mempengaruhi dunia untuk tidak terlibat dalam aturan Penukaran yang sudah baku, artinya ini telah terjadi dalam kurun waktu yang cukup lama, bahkan mata uang fiat mampu mempertahankan diri sebagai suatu kebutuhan bagi seluruh umat manusia.

Atas dasar inilah perubahan aturan baku bukan merupakan suatu hal yang mudah.

Apa pendapat kalian mengenai masalah ini?
sejauhmana peluang mata uang fiat yang dimiliki oleh mata uang digital?
215  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: Profitable coin for 2022 on: February 17, 2022, 05:34:58 AM
No one says what restrictions Ethereum and BNB can achieve, everyone will never be satisfied with the little investment they make, it's just that a lot of people can't recognize a potential coin worth investing in and maybe myself included, the little money we have if the investment pattern is correct and the coin we choose can strengthen, then the investment will definitely generate big profits, but the question for us today, which coin is able to provide this opportunity?
If you are asking about what coins can provide a lot of profit opportunities, then my answer at this point is BNB and Matic. You just need to buy it as much as you can and don't need to be greedy because of the little money you have, because that little money can also be useful and become big when you use it in the right way or on the right coin, so that's my advice, how your feedback now ?
BNB is my choice for now, but not yet on Matic, because what I see the current conditions do not show a bullish point that will affect the matic developing, maybe in the long term I agree with your choice, but in the short term it hasn't given any results for Metic, regardless how you rate the coin will develop, but for now I prefer BNB over metic

Of course BNB is much better than the Matic, but that doesn't mean the Matic isn't worth buying. Because after all, Matic is also a potential project,
so if we have a large enough capital we can invest in both. But maybe the percentage of buying BNB is more than buying Matic. If our capital is
limited, it is better to invest in BNB only. Because BNB does have a more promising performance and also BNB has a pretty solid development team.
Indeed, the possibility of BNB making a profit this year is much greater than Matic.

We should invest both, if we have sufficient capital capacity, but if we don't have too much capital, I think buying BNB is the right step, because after all BNB has more potential than Matic, in current market conditions people usually prefer potential coins, considering the risk posed is not too big, let alone talking about the little capital we have, so that the investment that is carried out continues to grow even in small amounts.
216  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Time to reinvest into Altcoins? on: February 16, 2022, 04:38:42 AM
Bitcoin has made good progress in last two days, we all know that altcoins will follow the same path and some Altcoins like Binance have already started to surge so I feel this would be the right moment to invest into Altcoins like ADA, Solana and ICP which are ready to explode any moments, what's your take on this? Things will be in our favour of we choose the altcoin's wisely and better to invest now rather doing r when it reaches the peak.

But my only worry is what if it's one more bulltrap.
There is a level where bitcoin conditions go up but it doesn't affect altcoins in general, usually if bitcoin is progressing, ethereum, BNB, ADA and Solana will also follow that path, but not always this scheme works according to bitcoin's increase, attract to follow or buy ADA and Solana , but I have doubts about ICP going forward, because actually ICP has not seen the potential like the two coins I mentioned.
Bitcoin's condition is not fully followed by the coins you mentioned, sometimes they are followed by the hype themselves or there are other processes that resulted in them to strengthen, I like Ethereum, BNB, there, Solana and ICP, the five coins have a good potential for long and long Short term, it's just that the ongoing market is in a correction, so it doesn't make a big change now, there are times when we wait until this recovery is back on the normal path.
In the case of this year, there is no connection with the strengthening of the coin based on the hype, but more to the strengthening of the bitcoin, but this is more to the large 5 coins as you mentioned, believe it or not we can see on the market, the correction that occurs against coins does not make Rise based on the hype, but follow the hype that applies to Bitcoin, I prefer BNB, Solana and there, because these three coins are more potential than others.
Try to open a bigger horizon, there are many other potential coins, besides BNB and Solana, these two coins do have a good level of stability, but in a correction condition neither can produce anything, when you are interested in investing, there are steps that need to be taken pay attention, for example in the long term, this must be directly related to coins that have long-term prospects, then how do you implement it in the short term, shouldn't these two directions still be filled with investments.
If in the short term we can't use the maximum investment we make, then the long term is a solution to avoid bad things that will happen, even if forced short-term investments in market conditions like this will look futile, almost 80% of coins it's still in the correction stage, that's why the two-way investment model sometimes doesn't always work, it's better to buy BNB and Solana and wait for the market to return to normal.
it is difficult to predict when the market will return to normal, circumstances like this make people invest in coins that have a higher potential rate, but in the case of the big 5 coins, I think they can be bought at any time, considering that such coins have no rate. the risk of loss is so great, BNB is a coin that is worth buying at any time, but solana really depends on what market conditions are in, the two directions you mean are not a guarantee for every existing coin.
The point is that investment must be able to see opportunities, coins in the top 5 or not, as long as they have good potential in the future it is worth buying, sometimes we ignore coins in the top 100 coinmarketcap, even though there are still many of these coins can provide big profits for us, only because of correction we ignore and think it has no potential, even though in normal conditions there are lots of coins that make big profits, therefore think bigger, so as not to get hung up on coins in the big 5.
217  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: Dogecoin 🐕‍🦺 1$ possible in 2022 or not? on: February 14, 2022, 04:27:36 AM
I hope Doge can reach $1 soon, if this is achieved of course I will get a big profit and it will have a positive impact on the market which will skyrocket, but we have to be realistic if we look at market conditions that are still red for almost 3 months, if the market is difficult to recover the price is likely Doge will drop again under 10 cents.
Even if the market conditions are normal or green, I doubt dogecoin will be able to reach $1, from the beginning of development dogecoin was only able to make a shock price at 10K, and even then it was not so long in the market, after that dogecoin returned to its current price, even greater hype that affecting Dogecoin up to 10K, but going forward it is difficult for Dogecoin to reach $1.
218  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Time to reinvest into Altcoins? on: February 13, 2022, 06:12:46 AM
Bitcoin has made good progress in last two days, we all know that altcoins will follow the same path and some Altcoins like Binance have already started to surge so I feel this would be the right moment to invest into Altcoins like ADA, Solana and ICP which are ready to explode any moments, what's your take on this? Things will be in our favour of we choose the altcoin's wisely and better to invest now rather doing r when it reaches the peak.

But my only worry is what if it's one more bulltrap.
There is a level where bitcoin conditions go up but it doesn't affect altcoins in general, usually if bitcoin is progressing, ethereum, BNB, ADA and Solana will also follow that path, but not always this scheme works according to bitcoin's increase, attract to follow or buy ADA and Solana , but I have doubts about ICP going forward, because actually ICP has not seen the potential like the two coins I mentioned.
Bitcoin's condition is not fully followed by the coins you mentioned, sometimes they are followed by the hype themselves or there are other processes that resulted in them to strengthen, I like Ethereum, BNB, there, Solana and ICP, the five coins have a good potential for long and long Short term, it's just that the ongoing market is in a correction, so it doesn't make a big change now, there are times when we wait until this recovery is back on the normal path.
In the case of this year, there is no connection with the strengthening of the coin based on the hype, but more to the strengthening of the bitcoin, but this is more to the large 5 coins as you mentioned, believe it or not we can see on the market, the correction that occurs against coins does not make Rise based on the hype, but follow the hype that applies to Bitcoin, I prefer BNB, Solana and there, because these three coins are more potential than others.
Try to open a bigger horizon, there are many other potential coins, besides BNB and Solana, these two coins do have a good level of stability, but in a correction condition neither can produce anything, when you are interested in investing, there are steps that need to be taken pay attention, for example in the long term, this must be directly related to coins that have long-term prospects, then how do you implement it in the short term, shouldn't these two directions still be filled with investments.
If in the short term we can't use the maximum investment we make, then the long term is a solution to avoid bad things that will happen, even if forced short-term investments in market conditions like this will look futile, almost 80% of coins it's still in the correction stage, that's why the two-way investment model sometimes doesn't always work, it's better to buy BNB and Solana and wait for the market to return to normal.
219  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: Dogecoin 🐕‍🦺 1$ possible in 2022 or not? on: February 12, 2022, 06:52:43 AM
When Dogecoin lounch, Dogecoin was a common cryptocurrency But over the trailing 14-month stretch, Dogecoin has rallied approximately 5,000%. And it was up considerably more when it hit its all-time high of nearly $0.74 per coin in May 2021.

With a veritable mountain of support behind Dogecoin, enthusiasts and holders believe it could hit $1 per token.

In terms of catalysts, there's probably none bigger than having the world's richest person in your corner. Tesla CEO Elon Musk owns only three cryptocurrencies. One of those happens to be Dogecoin. Musk is no stranger to promoting Dogecoin on social media platforms like Twitter, or posting obscure memes implying that Shiba Inu dogs are "going to the moon." what do you think about dogecoin?

Dogecoin's journey from the beginning until now continues to grow, where there was no initial support that made Dogecoin stagnant at that time, but when the hype influenced this coin to develop at a higher price, Elon Musk was the figure behind the coin's success, but after the hype ended Dogecoin doesn't seem to be a priority anymore by Elon Musk, what we need to understand is, Elon Musk's figure only surprised me once, after that he died the coin and switched to another coin, that's the pattern of investors in making coins valuable or declining.
220  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Time to reinvest into Altcoins? on: February 11, 2022, 05:06:50 AM
Bitcoin has made good progress in last two days, we all know that altcoins will follow the same path and some Altcoins like Binance have already started to surge so I feel this would be the right moment to invest into Altcoins like ADA, Solana and ICP which are ready to explode any moments, what's your take on this? Things will be in our favour of we choose the altcoin's wisely and better to invest now rather doing r when it reaches the peak.

But my only worry is what if it's one more bulltrap.
There is a level where bitcoin conditions go up but it doesn't affect altcoins in general, usually if bitcoin is progressing, ethereum, BNB, ADA and Solana will also follow that path, but not always this scheme works according to bitcoin's increase, attract to follow or buy ADA and Solana , but I have doubts about ICP going forward, because actually ICP has not seen the potential like the two coins I mentioned.
Bitcoin's condition is not fully followed by the coins you mentioned, sometimes they are followed by the hype themselves or there are other processes that resulted in them to strengthen, I like Ethereum, BNB, there, Solana and ICP, the five coins have a good potential for long and long Short term, it's just that the ongoing market is in a correction, so it doesn't make a big change now, there are times when we wait until this recovery is back on the normal path.
In the case of this year, there is no connection with the strengthening of the coin based on the hype, but more to the strengthening of the bitcoin, but this is more to the large 5 coins as you mentioned, believe it or not we can see on the market, the correction that occurs against coins does not make Rise based on the hype, but follow the hype that applies to Bitcoin, I prefer BNB, Solana and there, because these three coins are more potential than others.
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