Nächstes Treffen: Samstag, 17. Februar 2018, 18:30 Uhr Resilience in Bitcoin, Proof-of-Work, Energy Consumption The Munich Security Conference is on, and like last year we cooperate with the https://pirate-secon.org/ counter-conference, being kindly hosted on location. As always, our meetup takes place in the evening and is free to attend, but you're welcome to get tickets (€25,-) for the full conference that runs for the whole weekend. The theme of the conference is "Resilience". Resilience is also one of the fundamental prerequisites for Bitcoin to function. No one party or interest group must be able to take over the system. We will be looking into how this is achieved, and perhaps what can be learned from it in a broader context. Proof-of-work consensus aka Mining is certainly one of the cornerstones that enables the *Security* of the network. Lately though, articles have been making the rounds that Bitcoin requires as much energy as countries like Denmark, and that one Bitcoin transaction consumes as much energy as a family home in a week. Is that true? Is Bitcoin sustainable in a world afflicted with climate change, struggling to achieve CO2 neutrality? We will be trying to shed some light on this issue. Probably we'll have a pretty open-ended discussion round. Target Audience: Everyone interested in the political, societal, and environmental aspects of Bitcoin and related technologies. [...] https://www.meetup.com/Bitcoin-Munich/events/jjjrbnyxdbcc/
Bitcoin Stammtisch MünchenNächstes Treffen: Mittwoch, 07. Februar 2018Wirtshaus am Bavariapark, Theresienhöhe 15, ab 18 Uhr https://www.meetup.com/Bitcoin-Munich/events/mrtbsnyxdbkb/U4/U5 Schwanthalerhöhe, exit Alte Kongresshalle // Vor Ort am besten dann nach dem "Bitcoin"-Tisch fragen. // On location you'd best ask for the "Bitcoin" table.
yup. plus unregelmäßig (aber mindestens einmal im monat) an wechselnden orten zusätzliche treffen mit vorträgen, workshops etc. siehe anderer thread oder meetup seite.
Nächstes Treffen: Freitag, 19. Januar 2018, 18:30 Uhr Gaming the Blockchain: Spells Of Genesis, Beyond The Void This time we'll take a look at the use case of games utilizing blockchains. We're excited to welcome the people behind "Spells of Genesis" and "Beyond the Void", so we'll have opportunity to learn about (and try!) these games, hear about the challenges, and discuss how the blockchain can be "gamed" for viable business models in the game development industry, with insights hopefully transferable to other areas as well. Target Audience: Everyone wanting to learn about blockchains in a playful way, and game developers wanting to evaluate opportunities this technology might bring to the table. [...] https://www.meetup.com/Bitcoin-Munich/events/jjjrbnyxcbwb/
Bitcoin Stammtisch MünchenNächstes Treffen: Mittwoch, 03. Januar 2018Wirtshaus am Bavariapark, Theresienhöhe 15, ab 18 Uhr https://www.meetup.com/Bitcoin-Munich/events/mrtbsnyxcbfb/U4/U5 Schwanthalerhöhe, exit Alte Kongresshalle // Vor Ort am besten dann nach dem "Bitcoin"-Tisch fragen. // On location you'd best ask for the "Bitcoin" table.
Nächstes Treffen: Dienstag, 19. Dezember 2017, 18:30 Uhr The History of Money, Lending, and Banking, and its Future in the Crypto-Age We're very happy to welcome Joshua Scigala from the gold-for-bitcoin exchange vaultoro.com ( https://www.vaultoro.com/), Kersten Schütze from the crypto-lending platform ethlend.io ( https://about.ethlend.io/), and developer and monetary systems thinker Martin Kreidenweis. We'll take this opportunity to look at the history of money and banking, and to think about what we can learn from it for a potential future of "Hyperbitcoinization ( http://nakamotoinstitute.org/mempool/hyperbitcoinization/)" or the like in which crypto-currencies widely succeed. How did money originate? How did people in the past save, lend, and invest? And how will we do online banking without actual banks in the near future (or even, today)? We'll have in-depth talks and presentations full of information that cover many angles and viewpoints, so prepare also for an interesting discussion round! Such a full program means we're going to start at 18:30! Target Audience: Everyone interested in different viewpoints about the nature of money in general, and of course of crypto-currencies in particular. No all-to-deep technical knowledge required. [...] https://www.meetup.com/Bitcoin-Munich/events/jjjrbnywqbbc/
Bitcoin Stammtisch MünchenNächstes Treffen: Mittwoch, 06. Dezember 2017Wirtshaus am Bavariapark, Theresienhöhe 15, ab 18 Uhr https://www.meetup.com/Bitcoin-Munich/events/243713483/U4/U5 Schwanthalerhöhe, exit Alte Kongresshalle // Vor Ort am besten dann nach dem "Bitcoin"-Tisch fragen. // On location you'd best ask for the "Bitcoin" table.
Es ist wirklich alles vertreten, von 17 bis 90. Die größte Dichte ist schätzungsweise etwa bei 30-45 Jahren.
Bitcoin Stammtisch MünchenNächstes Treffen: Mittwoch, 01. November 2017Wirtshaus am Bavariapark, Theresienhöhe 15, ab 18 Uhr https://www.meetup.com/Bitcoin-Munich/events/mrtbsnywpbcbU4/U5 Schwanthalerhöhe, exit Alte Kongresshalle // Vor Ort am besten dann nach dem "Bitcoin"-Tisch fragen. // On location you'd best ask for the "Bitcoin" table.
verlinkt auf unserer meetup-seite. https://www.meetup.com/Bitcoin-Munich/mit dem hinweis, dass wir das original sind, weil immer mehr bitcoin gruppen hochschießen, die allerdings nur irgendwelche mlms und cloud mining scams an den mann bringen wollen.
ist wohl unsere schuld, den thread haben wir in letzter zeit rausgekramt und relativ prominent verlinkt als unseren historischen ursprung.
Nächstes Treffen: Donnerstag, 12. Oktober 2017, 19 Uhr Zcash, Monero, Mimblewimble: How to make blockchains untraceable TUM Auditorium 0602 "Theresianum" Arcisstraße 21, 80333 München FU2/U8 Theresienstraße. Exit East into Theresienstraße. Cross Luisenstr., and after 100 meters head into the building to the right (side entry). Auditorium 0602 "Theresianum" on the ground floor. We're happy to welcome Paige Peterson, community manager for Zcash, Justin Smith who's working with Monero, plus 1-2 more guests tba. https://www.meetup.com/Bitcoin-Munich/events/243273410/
Bitcoin Stammtisch MünchenNächstes Treffen: Mittwoch, 04. Oktober 2017Wirtshaus am Bavariapark, Theresienhöhe 15, ab 18 Uhr https://www.meetup.com/Bitcoin-Munich/events/240661377/U4/U5 Schwanthalerhöhe, exit Alte Kongresshalle // Vor Ort am besten dann nach dem "Bitcoin"-Tisch fragen. // On location you'd best ask for the "Bitcoin" table.
Nächstes Treffen: Dienstag, 19. September 2017, 19 Uhr The Great Altcoin Debate (also ICOs) + Austrian Economics + Bitcoin Trading WERK1 (Event Space, upstairs top floor) Grafinger Str. 6, 81671 München From the Ostbahnhof train station exit South West into Friedenstraße. Head left into Grafinger Straße, then right into the Kultfabrik/Werksviertel area. Follow the Püreelinie. Building at next side road. Upstairs 2nd floor. http://werk1.com/location/ https://www.meetup.com/Bitcoin-Munich/events/242301271/We welcome Tone Vays and Aaron Koenig in Munich — two legends of the space that we're extremely happy to have on this date! Our guests will give talks about their main fields of activity. We'll learn about the Austrian School of Economics, which has seen a significant revival with the emergence of Bitcoin, and about certain intricacies of Bitcoin trading, its price history and the actual impact on the global economy it may already have. And while Tone and Aaron share very similar political views as big proponents of economic and social liberty, they have very different opinions on the sense or nonsense of various altcoins. So let's seize this opportunity and dig a little bit deeper here in the second part of the evening. Both speakers are independently travelling through Europe for conferences and meetups, but nowhere else they'll be confronted with each other like here in Munich. Target Audience: The first part with our guests' talks may appeal to a general audience, serving as good overviews about the economics and trading aspects of crypto-currencies. The second part with the discussion may require some acquired familiarity with the space. [...]
München ist auch vertreten mit mindestens 2-3 Leuten.
Bitcoin Stammtisch MünchenNächstes Treffen: Mittwoch, 06. September 2017Wirtshaus am Bavariapark, Theresienhöhe 15, ab 18 Uhr http://www.meetup.com/Bitcoin-MunichU4/U5 Schwanthalerhöhe, exit Alte Kongresshalle // Vor Ort am besten dann nach dem "Bitcoin"-Tisch fragen. // On location you'd best ask for the "Bitcoin" table.