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2001  Local / Off-topic (Hrvatski) / Metode pasivne zarade - opcije i testiranje istih on: July 08, 2020, 02:23:51 PM
Pošto je dosta ljudi zainteresirano za pasivnu zaradu, sto od ulaganja, sto od stakeinga i savinga, odlučio sam napraviti niz testova te vam donijeti opcije koje sam probao, i moja mišljenja i testiranja istih.
Nisam pobornik HYIP i Ponzi/Piramida/Matrix shema, nego jednostavno ulaganje bez ikakvih "caka" ili "requirementa".

Redoslijed kojim ću ih tu staviti nije sa svrhom, nego kako ih se sjetim. Probati ću odvojiti u sekcije, jer možda neki ne žele ulagat u određene tipove (princip, vjera, veganstvo, etc...)
I naravno, investicije su u BTC, no i u nekim altcoinima.

Real estate / nekretnine

1. - već sam pisao o ovom projektu, i testiram ga već jedno 3 mjeseca, pa ću iznijeti i neke brojeve;
- dnevna isplata provizije (doduše trenutno zbog velikog fee-a na ETH networku, isplaćuju kumulativno svaka 3 dana
- period ulaganja : dugoročno (može i kratkoročno, ali je poanta da se ubire vrhnje godinama)
- moj trenutni ulog: $2,108.36
- prihod: $1.99 svaka 3 dana, tj 0.66 centi dnevno (isplaćuju u USDC)
- vrijednost nekretnina se appraisa jednom godišnje, znaci tokeni koji predstavljaju nekretninu mogu jednom godišnje skočiti ili pasti u vrijednosti

Zamolba: Ukoliko se odlučite na ovu investiciju, pmajte me da vam dam ref kod. Čak ću vam i tih 2% vratit od prve kupnje

Gambling / online kasina

1. Bitvest - svima dobro poznata online kockarnica, nema threada gdje nema bar jedan njihov signature
- dajete iznos BTC-a (ili ETH-a) da sluzi kao house pool, sto znaci da svaka pobjeda/gubitak korisnika se dodaje/uzima vama proporcionalno količini novaca u house poolu
- moj period ulaganja: 6 tjedana
- moj ulog: 0.025 BTC
- prihodi: neko vrijeme sam bio 15k satoshija u plusu, no onda je odjednom palo na -40k satoshija. Kada se popelo na -23k satoshija povukao sam ulog efektivno sa gubitkom od 23k satoshija
- moje osobno mišljenje: možda se isplati na dugoročno, ali s obzirom da tamo svaki dan podjele par miliona inhouse tokena s kojima se može kockati, većina ekipe kocka s tim, pa nema puno fluktuacije. Znalo je proči i po 5 dana da se balance nije pomaknuo

2. Bustadice - također jedna legenda signature kampanja
- dajete iznos BTC-a (ili ETH-a) da sluzi kao house pool, sto znaci da svaka pobjeda/gubitak korisnika se dodaje/uzima vama proporcionalno količini novaca u house poolu
- za razliku od Bitvesta i Yolodice koji cu kasnije spomenuti, imaju tzv dilution fee od 2%. To je iznos koji vam odmah uzmu i raspodjele drugim ulagačima
- moj period ulaganja: 6 tjedana
- moj ulog: 0.025 BTC
- prihodi: ako se ne računa dilusion fee, onda sam 35k satoshija u plusu, no posto mi je dilusion fee bio 50k sat, trenutno sam 14k satoshi u minusu. Ali s obzirom da ima konstantni rast, još uvijek imam otvoren ulog. Držat ću ga bar dok ne budem na nuli Nakon sto sam se popeo do -8k, taman da cu pokrit dilusion fee, roknulo nazad na -43k satoshija :S
- moje osobno mišljenje: za duži period bi moglo biti ok, za kraci nikako zbog dilusion fee-a

3. Yolodice - još jedna malo manje poznata kockarnica (u odnosu na prve dvije)
- dajete iznos BTC-a (ili ETH-a) da sluzi kao house pool, sto znaci da svaka pobjeda/gubitak korisnika se dodaje/uzima vama proporcionalno količini novaca u house poolu
- nudi ulaganje u BTC, LTC i DOGE
- moj period ulaganje: 6 tjedana
- moj ulog: 0.025 BTC, 2 LTC i 10 000 DOGE
- moji prihodi: 23k satoshija u gubitku, 0.05 LTC u plusu, 436 DOGE u gubitku
- moje osobno mišljenje: s obzirom da nema dilusion fee-a, može se aktivno pratiti stanje i vaditi van ulog kad god ste u plusu

Staking / saving

1. Staking/saving na Binance
- oko ove metode će uvijek biti kontroverze, jer mnogo ljudi ne vjeruje mjenjačnicama i ne žele držati novce tamo. I to je u redu, no za one "hrabrije" ili "luđe" Binance nudi par opcija zarade
- za Staking je potrebno samo imati minimalni iznos u svom Binance walletu, i oni svaki dan pripisuju određenu svotu
- za Savings je potrebno lockati određenu svotu na određeni period. Imaju flexible saving gdje se asset može povuci van bilo kada ali je manja kamata, i fixed saving koji se zaključava na 7/14/30 dana i ima nešto veću kamatu
- generalno ROI je maleni, u prosjeku od 0.5% do 2% godišnje, za fleksibilni savings, a za fiksni tipa pola posto vise, no ako vjerujete Binancu i samo vam tokeni stoje gore, zašto ne.
- osobno imam gore nesto ADA, BNB i XLM i prosječno dobijem između 8 i 18 centi dnevno, ovisno o cijeni tokena u tom trenu

- isto kao i Binance, ovisi da li vjerujete web based walletu sa svojim cryptom. Ja osobno koristim od negdje 2013 godine bez ikakvih problema i nedoumica
- nude opciju stakinga BTC-a (4.5% pa) i ETH-a (5% pa), sa mogućnosti dužih i kraćih perioda lockova. Ja osobno koristim kratke intervale od 7 dana, isključivo iz razloga da ako moram novce izvadit da mi ne propadne sva kamata
- moj ulog: 0.425 BTC-a i 5 ETH
- moj period ulaganja: intervali od 7 dana
- moji prihodi: 0.00035793 BTC i 0.00333377 ETH
- moje osobno mišljenje: ukoliko vjerujete i samo vam tamo stoji neki asset stoji, zašto ne

3. TRX na Ledgeru
- moj ulog: 34080 TRX, 100% bandwith voting za Binance
- moj period ulaganja: dok ne odlučim prodati
- moji prihodi: između 5 i 7 TRX dnevno
- moje osobno mišljenje: ukoliko imate ledger i višak TRX, svakako. Stake-ani TRX se dodjeljuje svakih nekoliko sati, i nakon 3 dana se može povući. Sve je lokalno i na Ledgeru pa nema nikakve opasnosti

- jako stari, i najpopularniji bitcoin faucet, nudi uslugu stejkanja BTC-a. Godišnja kamata im je 4.08% i isplaćuju dnevno
- prednost je sto nakon sto depositate vise od $100 u BTC-u, miče se CAPTCHA sa faucet dijela, pa se može fino automatizirati da svakih sat vremena kapne nešto satosija
- ima i jednu negativnu stranu, a to je da nudi dice game, i nerijetko se ekipa zaigra i izgubi tamo sav profit ili čak cijelu osnovicu
- moja mišljenje: u kombinaciji sa nekim botom/appom koji radi auto faucet spin, moglo bi biti isplativo, jer kad se nakupi RP-a, mogu se uključiti bonusi

n+1. Compound dappp

Ovaj post nije finalni, jer još nekoliko stvari testiram, pa ću updateat kako sakupim relevantan info.
Nadam se da će nekima pomoći u odluci o ulaganju i/ili stakeanju asseta

TODO: Sažet čitabu u tablicu, i napravit eng verziju istog
2002  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: 60M$ Worth Bitcoins Moved to ETH on: July 08, 2020, 10:58:29 AM

everyone talks about this 2.0 but there are no even news getting closer to this.

It could just be some speculation.
Think about it, $60m  converted to ETH from BTC, ppl start to talk

1) Maybe that guys knows something we don't
2) Maybe he's just trying to push some bullish behaviour and cause FOMO
2003  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: What PayPal's Entry Into Crypto Means For Users on: July 08, 2020, 08:50:35 AM
I just hope they will implement it correctly, unlike some services like Revolut, where you just "buy" the price, not the actual bitcoin.
For anyone who doesn't know, when you buy bitcoin on revolut, you can't move it to another wallet, you can just sell it. So it's like trading the price value rather than the actual BTC itself
2004  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: What PayPal's Entry Into Crypto Means For Users on: July 07, 2020, 10:15:04 PM
They noticed that they started losing alot of users to Revolut and similar platforms, and are trying to catch the train.
Up until few months ago, if paypal detected any crypto dealings, they would block your account permanently. But now when they see loses, they're eager to catch up
2005  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / Re: Kingcasino is The another scam project in 2020? on: July 07, 2020, 10:13:05 PM
Yeah it's the same old story with these smaller exchanges... you pay them good money as they promise good results, and they fake them.
And when results come in, they say "sorry the users must have changed their mind" or "we had technical difficulties"
And the contract usually states no refund policy
2006  Economy / Gambling / Re: ** is closing soon - withdraw your funds now** on: July 07, 2020, 10:10:30 PM
The owner got caught cheating players a while ago and was run off the forum, but it seems he has some integrity after all.

What about all that "provably fair" thing every online casino is bragging about? Does it count for anything anymore or is it just a "promotional tool" they all use?
2007  Other / Meta / Re: Wall of fame / shame. Shit posts so bad that they are actually funny on: July 07, 2020, 09:15:15 PM
Nah, that's google translate at it's finest. Probably from russian or something similar.
See, google will usually translate the words, but not the context. And context in some languages is important, as it defines the meaning of the sentence

Could be a word spinner too. I'm seen this bounty/abundance nonsense many times in plagiarized texts. Or it could be double English-Russian-English translation, which is essentially a form of word spinning.

Yeah i would bet it's that. Seen it done far too many times in the past.
2008  Economy / Goods / Re: Starting up Beef Jerky Company on: July 07, 2020, 06:10:05 AM
Yeah no worries, i understand. It's more of a wishfull thinking on my part.
Besides, due to Covid situation, your package wouldn't probably leave the US borders.

I tried to return an ebay item few weeks ago to a seller, and my local post office told me US is locked down, nothing gets in or out. At least from EU
2009  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: List of (un)known methods scammers user to scam users with honorable mention on: July 06, 2020, 06:51:28 PM

I've ran many businesses and chargebacks are just a cost of doing business. Majority of business is done with credit cards, its just how the real world operates. Your generally fine selling btc for paypal if you charge a premium to offset any losses you might have.

Ok, lets say you want to sell 1 BTC using paypal. How much of a premium would you want for that?

Depends on the platform, if it is something like paxful where you can sort of get a good idea on who is trustworthy maybe 15% or so. Assume 1 out of 10 trades will go bad.

The thing is with paypal you get a huge amount of customers that otherwise wouldn't be able to buy crypto.

I doubt anyone is willing to buy BTC with 15% premium. But that's just me.
My experience tells me that if they say to any price, it's either a very rich buyer (in this case, he has other options) or a scammer just waiting to trigger that chargeback
2010  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: List of (un)known methods scammers user to scam users with honorable mention on: July 06, 2020, 06:06:21 PM

I've ran many businesses and chargebacks are just a cost of doing business. Majority of business is done with credit cards, its just how the real world operates. Your generally fine selling btc for paypal if you charge a premium to offset any losses you might have.

Ok, lets say you want to sell 1 BTC using paypal. How much of a premium would you want for that?
2011  Local / Off-topic (Hrvatski) / Re: Politika u Hrvatskoj on: July 06, 2020, 02:07:05 PM
Evo jedna prigodna koja objasnjava mentalitet u HR
2012  Other / Meta / Re: Wall of fame / shame. Shit posts so bad that they are actually funny on: July 06, 2020, 09:01:13 AM
I had to read this one 3 times to understand that he's talking about bounties


Undertakings - projects
abundance - bounty
abundance trackers - bounty hunters

Damn autocorrect... I mean, autotranslate! Smiley

I got dizzy after reading his post. Actually, I may not understand it very well without the legend Grin so thanks to you btcltsdigger.

Hmm I wonder if he really used auto translate or not because I find the coherence of his post intact. What I think he did is that he just used metaphors (sort of lol). The only problem is that it was way too far from what he really meant.

Ps: just my own point of view, I'm not sure with it either.

Nah, that's google translate at it's finest. Probably from russian or something similar.
See, google will usually translate the words, but not the context. And context in some languages is important, as it defines the meaning of the sentence
2013  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Budućnost Ethereuma i ostalih altcoina on: July 06, 2020, 08:39:58 AM
Broj 4 i broj 8 su također MLM/Piramide/Matrice ilio kako ih vec hoces zvati Cheesy

Prve dve su ako se ne varam, onaj crikus sa hackerima
2014  Economy / Investor-based games / Re: Ex Bond LTD - on: July 06, 2020, 08:33:58 AM
it's weird, you say HYIP is risky but still promoting it...
many victims have been deceived by schemes like this, the Ponzi scheme is very dangerous and only benefits the first party to register. You are very compatible with the 12 red flags. Tongue

He's promoting in hopes some unlucky fool falls for it.
I doubt he himself participates. This is basically a gray area where he's allowed to promote his scams.
2015  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: [Expose] Bank-Of-Tron Hype! on: July 06, 2020, 08:32:37 AM
6.7% dividend every second? Sign me up Cheesy
Minimum is 10 TRX which is like 15 cents. You should have atleast tried it and get some more bullshit from the website/team.
2016  Economy / Gambling / Re: ▄■▀■▄ 🌟🌟 💰WIN BY 🔶PLAY 📈INVEST ☕SOCIAL➡🔺PLINKO🎲DICE🎰SLOT🔲KENO on: July 06, 2020, 05:24:24 AM
Well ok, 6 weeks might not be a good indicator, but it was a timeframe i decided i should use as a test.
I've seen people report results after 4 weeks, even 2 weeks, so i decided 6 weeks should be long enough.

Anyway, my decision isn't meant as a negative overview of the casino, rather my own judgement
2017  Economy / Gambling / Re: 🔶 🔶 play&invest, ETH Number Hunt Competition just started! on: July 05, 2020, 06:52:30 AM
Well after 6 weeks of inveszting on yolodice, i'm calling it quits.
Out of all 3 investments ($250 in BTC, 2 LTC and 10k doge), i'm only in positive with LTC, about 0.02 LTC.
Rest is negative. So yeah... not saying it's scam or anything, just there's better investment options
2018  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Grupa za trading strategije on: July 04, 2020, 05:36:02 PM
Cisto da napomenem, testiram jedan nacin zarade na cryptu, pa kad uhvatim neke podatke, napravit cu review.
Sustav je u closed beti, i na srecu dobio sam pristup, pa se nadam dobrim rezultatima.

2019  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / Re: Bounty managers can do better on: July 04, 2020, 07:30:56 AM
The vast majority of bounty managers charge peanuts for their work, they don't actually have the time to do good work—at least not if they want to be adequately rewarded for it.

It would be better if there was a single group of trustworthy bounty managers that split the work between one another, but it seems that the only bounty managers left are the absolute scrubs that don't give a damn about bounty hunters and take whatever jobs they can, so long as they get paid.

It's up to the bounty hunters to do their own due diligence and only work with managers that are proven to be able to land high-quality clients and get results. Don't bother with newbies, they don't know what they're doing and you'll just end up wasting time.

This is also an issue of a globalized market.
Whatever price you set, as low as possible to even break even after you do all the work, there's always gonna be an indian or a pakistani who'll do the same gruntwork for half the price.
That's just a reality of it.  And most new projects don't know the forum, don't know the ups and downs, and are guided by mostly price.

I've had a few cases where i struck a deal with project for X, only to be told by project team few days later that "some indian" guy will do the same for fraction of what i asked, and they will go with him.
That indian guy may or may not the job good, but if he doesn't, it'll leave a sour taste in the project team's mouth and they will scrap the bounty as a whole.
2020  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: July 03, 2020, 10:08:55 PM
Jos kad bi mi stigla, mozda bi ju i probao. Evo vec 2. tjedna nista od nje, a kao stize kroz par dana unutar EU

Doci ce, znam osobno ljude koji su ceki 3-4 tjedna i dobili uredno
Steka im logistika, neznam zasto i kako ali eto, tako je Smiley
Ali dizajn kartice ce te oduseviti to sam siguran, a nadajmo se da ce se odblokorati asap

Ma sve mi je to li-la
Da, koristit cu ju za investiranje, jer mogu investirati za 2% manje (zbog cashbacka) al da cu se sramotit na kiosku kad mi ju odbije banka, necu. Za to imam Revolut
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